Worthy.Bible » BBE » Jonah » Chapter 2 » Verse 3-5

Jonah 2:3-5 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

3 In my trouble I was crying to the Lord, and he gave me an answer; out of the deepest underworld I sent up a cry, and you gave ear to my voice.

4 For you have put me down into the deep, into the heart of the sea; and the river was round about me; all your waves and your rolling waters went over me.

5 And I said, I have been sent away from before your eyes; how may I ever again see your holy Temple?

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jonah 2

Commentary on Jonah 2 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

“Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God out of the fish's belly.”