Worthy.Bible » BBE » Psalms » Chapter 57 » Verse 5

Psalms 57:5 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

5 O God, be lifted up higher than the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.

Cross Reference

Habakkuk 2:14 BBE

For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the sea is covered by the waters.

Isaiah 6:3 BBE

And one said in a loud voice to another, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of armies: all the earth is full of his glory.

Psalms 72:19 BBE

Praise to the glory of his noble name for ever; let all the earth be full of his glory. So be it, So be it.

Psalms 57:11 BBE

Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth.

Numbers 14:21 BBE

But truly, as I am living, and as all the earth will be full of the glory of the Lord;

Psalms 113:4-6 BBE

The Lord is high over all nations, and his glory is higher than the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, who is seated on high, Looking down on the heavens, and on the earth?

Psalms 108:4-5 BBE

For your mercy is higher than the heavens: and your unchanging faith than the clouds. Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.

Habakkuk 3:3 BBE

God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah. The heavens were covered with his glory, and the earth was full of his praise.

Psalms 148:13 BBE

Let them give glory to the name of the Lord: for his name only is to be praised: his kingdom is over the earth and the heaven.

Psalms 8:1 BBE

<To the chief music-maker on the Gittith. A Psalm. Of David.> O Lord, our Lord, whose glory is higher than the heavens, how noble is your name in all the earth!

Psalms 21:13 BBE

Be lifted up, O Lord, in your strength; so will we make songs in praise of your power.

Isaiah 2:11 BBE

The high looks of man will be put to shame, and the pride of men will be made low, and only the Lord will be lifted up in that day.

Matthew 6:9-10 BBE

Let this then be your prayer: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. Let your kingdom come. Let your pleasure be done, as in heaven, so on earth.

Isaiah 12:4 BBE

And in that day you will say, Give praise to the Lord, let his name be honoured, give word of his doings among the peoples, say that his name is lifted up.

Isaiah 37:20 BBE

But now, O Lord our God, give us salvation from his hand, so that it may be clear to all the kingdoms of the earth that you, and you only, are the Lord.

Isaiah 2:17 BBE

And the high looks of man will be put to shame, and the pride of men will be made low: and only the Lord will be lifted up in that day.

1 Chronicles 29:1 BBE

And David the king said to all the people, Solomon my son, the only one who has been marked out by God, is still young and untested, and the work is great, for this great house is not for man, but for the Lord God.

Commentary on Psalms 57 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 57:1-11. Altaschith—or, "Destroy not." This is perhaps an enigmatical allusion to the critical circumstances connected with the history, for which compare 1Sa 22:1; 26:1-3. In Moses' prayer (De 9:26) it is a prominent petition deprecating God's anger against the people. This explanation suits the fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth also. Asaph uses it for the seventy-fifth, in the scope of which there is allusion to some emergency. Michtam—(See on Ps 16:1, title). To an earnest cry for divine aid, the Psalmist adds, as often, the language of praise, in the assured hope of a favorable hearing.

1. my soul—or self, or life, which is threatened.

shadow of thy wings—(Ps 17:8; 36:7).

calamities—literally, "mischiefs" (Ps 52:2; 55:10).

2. performeth—or, completes what He has begun.

3. from … swallow me up—that pants in rage after me (Ps 56:2).

mercy and … truth—(Ps 25:10; 36:5), as messengers (Ps 43:3) sent to deliver him.

4. The mingled figures of wild beasts (Ps 10:9; 17:12) and weapons of war (Ps 11:2) heighten the picture of danger.

whose … tongue—or slanders.

5. This doxology illustrates his view of the connection of his deliverance with God's glory.

6. (Compare Ps 7:15; 9:15, 16).

7. I will … praise—both with voice and instrument.

8. Hence—he addresses his glory, or tongue (Ps 16:9; 30:12), and his psaltery, or lute, and harp.

I myself … early—literally, "I will awaken dawn," poetically expressing his zeal and diligence.

9, 10. As His mercy and truth, so shall His praise, fill the universe.