Worthy.Bible » BBE » Psalms » Chapter 66 » Verse 11

Psalms 66:11 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

11 You let us be put in prison; chains were put on our legs.

Cross Reference

Lamentations 1:13 BBE

From on high he has sent fire into my bones, and it has overcome them: his net is stretched out for my feet, I am turned back by him; he has made me waste and feeble all the day.

Deuteronomy 33:11 BBE

Let your blessing, O Lord, be on his substance, may the work of his hands be pleasing to you: may those who take up arms against him and all who have hate for him, be wounded through the heart, never to be lifted up again.

Job 19:6 BBE

Be certain that it is God who has done me wrong, and has taken me in his net.

Lamentations 3:2-66 BBE

By him I have been made to go in the dark where there is no light. Truly against me his hand has been turned again and again all the day. My flesh and my skin have been used up by him and my bones broken. He has put up a wall against me, shutting me in with bitter sorrow. He has kept me in dark places, like those who have been long dead. He has put a wall round me, so that I am not able to go out; he has made great the weight of my chain. Even when I send up a cry for help, he keeps my prayer shut out. He has put up a wall of cut stones about my ways, he has made my roads twisted. He is like a bear waiting for me, like a lion in secret places. By him my ways have been turned on one side and I have been pulled in bits; he has made me waste. With his bow bent, he has made me the mark for his arrows. He has let loose his arrows into the inmost parts of my body. I have become the sport of all the peoples; I am their song all the day. He has made my life nothing but pain, he has given me the bitter root in full measure. By him my teeth have been broken with crushed stones, and I am bent low in the dust. My soul is sent far away from peace, I have no more memory of good. And I said, My strength is cut off, and my hope from the Lord. Keep in mind my trouble and my wandering, the bitter root and the poison. My soul still keeps the memory of them; and is bent down in me. This I keep in mind, and because of this I have hope. It is through the Lord's love that we have not come to destruction, because his mercies have no limit. They are new every morning; great is your good faith. I said to myself, The Lord is my heritage; and because of this I will have hope in him. The Lord is good to those who are waiting for him, to the soul which is looking for him. It is good to go on hoping and quietly waiting for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man to undergo the yoke when he is young. Let him be seated by himself, saying nothing, because he has put it on him. Let him put his mouth in the dust, if by chance there may be hope. Let his face be turned to him who gives him blows; let him be full of shame. For the Lord does not give a man up for ever. For though he sends grief, still he will have pity in the full measure of his love. For he has no pleasure in troubling and causing grief to the children of men. In a man's crushing under his feet all the prisoners of the earth, In his turning away the right of a man before the face of the Most High. In his doing wrong to a man in his cause, the Lord has no pleasure. Who is able to say a thing, and give effect to it, if it has not been ordered by the Lord? Do not evil and good come from the mouth of the Most High? What protest may a living man make, even a man about the punishment of his sin? Let us make search and put our ways to the test, turning again to the Lord; Lifting up our hearts with our hands to God in the heavens. We have done wrong and gone against your law; we have not had your forgiveness. Covering yourself with wrath you have gone after us, cutting us off without pity; Covering yourself with a cloud, so that prayer may not get through. You have made us like waste and that for which there is no use, among the peoples. The mouths of all our haters are open wide against us. Fear and deep waters have come on us, wasting and destruction. Rivers of water are running down from my eyes, for the destruction of the daughter of my people. My eyes are streaming without stopping, they have no rest, Till the Lord's eye is turned on me, till he sees my trouble from heaven. The Lord is unkind to my soul, more than all the daughters of my town. They who are against me without cause have gone hard after me as if I was a bird; They have put an end to my life in the prison, stoning me with stones. Waters were flowing over my head; I said, I am cut off. I was making prayer to your name, O Lord, out of the lowest prison. My voice came to you; let not your ear be shut to my breathing, to my cry. You came near in the day when I made my prayer to you: you said, Have no fear. O Lord, you have taken up the cause of my soul, you have made my life safe. O Lord, you have seen my wrong; be judge in my cause. You have seen all the evil rewards they have sent on me, and all their designs against me. Their bitter words have come to your ears, O Lord, and all their designs against me; The lips of those who came up against me, and their thoughts against me all the day. Take note of them when they are seated, and when they get up; I am their song. You will give them their reward, O Lord, answering to the work of their hands. You will let their hearts be covered over with your curse on them. You will go after them in wrath, and put an end to them from under the heavens of the Lord.

Ezekiel 12:13 BBE

And my net will be stretched out on him, and he will be taken in my cords: and I will take him to Babylon to the land of the Chaldaeans; but he will not see it, and there death will come to him.

Hosea 7:12 BBE

When they go, my net will be stretched out over them; I will take them like the birds of heaven, I will give them punishment, I will take them away in the net for their sin.

Matthew 6:13 BBE

And let us not be put to the test, but keep us safe from the Evil One.

Commentary on Psalms 66 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 66:1-20. The writer invites all men to unite in praise, cites some striking occasions for it, promises special acts of thanksgiving, and celebrates God's great mercy.

1. Make … noise—or, "Shout."

2. his name—as in Ps 29:2.

make his praise glorious—literally, "place honor, His praise," or, "as to His praise"; that is, let His praise be such as will glorify Him, or, be honorable to Him.

3, 4. A specimen of the praise.

How terrible—(Compare Ps 65:8).

submit—(Compare Margin), show a forced subjection (Ps 18:44), produced by terror.

5, 6. The terrible works illustrated in Israel's history (Ex 14:21). By this example let rebels be admonished.

7. behold the nations—watch their conduct.

8, 9. Here is, perhaps, cited a case of recent deliverance.

9. holdeth … in life—literally, "putteth our soul in life"; that is, out of danger (Ps 30:3; 49:15).

to be moved—(Compare Ps 10:6; 55:22).

10-12. Out of severe trials, God had brought them to safety (compare Isa 48:10; 1Pe 1:7).

11. affliction—literally, "pressure," or, as in Ps 55:3, "oppression," which, laid on the

loins—the seat of strength (De 33:11), enfeebles the frame.

12. men to ride over our heads—made us to pass.

through fire, &c.—figures describing prostration and critical dangers (compare Isa 43:2; Eze 36:12).

wealthy—literally, "overflowing," or, "irrigated," and hence fertile.

13-15. These full and varied offerings constitute the payment of vows (Le 22:18-23).

15. I will offer—literally, "make to ascend," alluding to the smoke of burnt offering, which explains the use of "incense."

incense—elsewhere always denoting the fumes of aromatics.

16-20. With these he unites his public thanks, inviting those who fear God (Ps 60:4; 61:5, His true worshippers) to hear. He vindicates his sincerity, inasmuch as God would not hear hypocrites, but had heard him.

17. he was extolled with my tongue—literally, "exaltation (was) under my tongue," as a place of deposit, whence it proceeded; that is, honoring God was habitual.

18. If I regard iniquity in my heart—literally, "see iniquity with pleasure."