1 Chronicles 14:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 And it shall be, when thou shalt hear H8085 a sound H6963 of going H6807 in the tops H7218 of the mulberry trees, H1057 that then thou shalt go out H3318 to battle: H4421 for God H430 is gone forth H3318 before H6440 thee to smite H5221 the host H4264 of the Philistines. H6430

Cross Reference

Leviticus 26:36 STRONG

And upon them that are left H7604 alive of you I will send H935 a faintness H4816 into their hearts H3824 in the lands H776 of their enemies; H341 and the sound H6963 of a shaken H5086 leaf H5929 shall chase H7291 them; and they shall flee, H5127 as fleeing H4499 from a sword; H2719 and they shall fall H5307 when none pursueth. H7291

Judges 4:14 STRONG

And Deborah H1683 said H559 unto Barak, H1301 Up; H6965 for this is the day H3117 in which the LORD H3068 hath delivered H5414 Sisera H5516 into thine hand: H3027 is not the LORD H3068 gone out H3318 before H6440 thee? So Barak H1301 went down H3381 from mount H2022 Tabor, H8396 and ten H6235 thousand H505 men H376 after H310 him.

Judges 7:9 STRONG

And it came to pass the same night, H3915 that the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, Arise, H6965 get thee down H3381 unto the host; H4264 for I have delivered H5414 it into thine hand. H3027

Judges 7:15 STRONG

And it was so, when Gideon H1439 heard H8085 the telling H4557 of the dream, H2472 and the interpretation H7667 thereof, that he worshipped, H7812 and returned H7725 into the host H4264 of Israel, H3478 and said, H559 Arise; H6965 for the LORD H3068 hath delivered H5414 into your hand H3027 the host H4264 of Midian. H4080

1 Samuel 14:9-22 STRONG

If they say H559 thus unto us, Tarry H1826 until we come H5060 to you; then we will stand still H5975 in our place, and will not go up H5927 unto them. But if they say H559 thus, Come up H5927 unto us; then we will go up: H5927 for the LORD H3068 hath delivered H5414 them into our hand: H3027 and this shall be a sign H226 unto us. And both H8147 of them discovered H1540 themselves unto the garrison H4673 of the Philistines: H6430 and the Philistines H6430 said, H559 Behold, the Hebrews H5680 come forth H3318 out of the holes H2356 where they had hid H2244 themselves. And the men H582 of the garrison H4675 answered H6030 Jonathan H3129 and his armourbearer, H5375 H3627 and said, H559 Come up H5927 to us, and we will shew H3045 you a thing. H1697 And Jonathan H3129 said H559 unto his armourbearer, H5375 H3627 Come up H5927 after H310 me: for the LORD H3068 hath delivered H5414 them into the hand H3027 of Israel. H3478 And Jonathan H3129 climbed up H5927 upon his hands H3027 and upon his feet, H7272 and his armourbearer H5375 H3627 after H310 him: and they fell H5307 before H6440 Jonathan; H3129 and his armourbearer H5375 H3627 slew H4191 after H310 him. And that first H7223 slaughter, H4347 which Jonathan H3129 and his armourbearer H5375 H3627 made, H5221 was about twenty H6242 men, H376 within as it were an half H2677 acre H4618 of land, H7704 which a yoke H6776 of oxen might plow. And there was trembling H2731 in the host, H4264 in the field, H7704 and among all the people: H5971 the garrison, H4673 and the spoilers, H7843 they also trembled, H2729 and the earth H776 quaked: H7264 so it was a very great H430 trembling. H2731 And the watchmen H6822 of Saul H7586 in Gibeah H1390 of Benjamin H1144 looked; H7200 and, behold, the multitude H1995 melted away, H4127 and they went H3212 on beating down H1986 one another. Then said H559 Saul H7586 unto the people H5971 that were with him, Number H6485 now, and see H7200 who is gone H1980 from us. And when they had numbered, H6485 behold, Jonathan H3129 and his armourbearer H5375 H3627 were not there. And Saul H7586 said H559 unto Ahiah, H281 Bring hither H5066 the ark H727 of God. H430 For the ark H727 of God H430 was at that time H3117 with the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 And it came to pass, while Saul H7586 talked H1696 unto the priest, H3548 that the noise H1995 that was in the host H4264 of the Philistines H6430 went H3212 on H1980 and increased: H7227 and Saul H7586 said H559 unto the priest, H3548 Withdraw H622 thine hand. H3027 And Saul H7586 and all the people H5971 that were with him assembled H2199 themselves, and they came H935 to the battle: H4421 and, behold, every man's H376 sword H2719 was against his fellow, H7453 and there was a very H3966 great H1419 discomfiture. H4103 Moreover the Hebrews H5680 that were with the Philistines H6430 before H865 that time, H8032 which went up H5927 with them into the camp H4264 from the country round about, H5439 even they also turned to be with the Israelites H3478 that were with Saul H7586 and Jonathan. H3129 Likewise all the men H376 of Israel H3478 which had hid H2244 themselves in mount H2022 Ephraim, H669 when they heard H8085 that the Philistines H6430 fled, H5127 even they also followed hard H1692 after H310 them in the battle. H4421

2 Kings 7:6 STRONG

For the Lord H136 had made the host H4264 of the Syrians H758 to hear H8085 a noise H6963 of chariots, H7393 and a noise H6963 of horses, H5483 even the noise H6963 of a great H1419 host: H2428 and they said H559 one H376 to another, H251 Lo, the king H4428 of Israel H3478 hath hired H7936 against us the kings H4428 of the Hittites, H2850 and the kings H4428 of the Egyptians, H4714 to come H935 upon us.

2 Kings 19:7 STRONG

Behold, I will send H5414 a blast H7307 upon him, and he shall hear H8085 a rumour, H8052 and shall return H7725 to his own land; H776 and I will cause him to fall H5307 by the sword H2719 in his own land. H776

Isaiah 13:4 STRONG

The noise H6963 of a multitude H1995 in the mountains, H2022 like as H1823 of a great H7227 people; H5971 a tumultuous H7588 noise H6963 of the kingdoms H4467 of nations H1471 gathered together: H622 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 mustereth H6485 the host H6635 of the battle. H4421

Isaiah 45:1-2 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 to his anointed, H4899 to Cyrus, H3566 whose right hand H3225 I have holden, H2388 to subdue H7286 nations H1471 before H6440 him; and I will loose H6605 the loins H4975 of kings, H4428 to open H6605 before H6440 him the two leaved gates; H1817 and the gates H8179 shall not be shut; H5462 I will go H3212 before H6440 thee, and make H3474 the crooked places H1921 straight: H3474 H3474 I will break in pieces H7665 the gates H1817 of brass, H5154 and cut in sunder H1438 the bars H1280 of iron: H1270

Micah 2:12-13 STRONG

I will surely H622 assemble, H622 O Jacob, H3290 all of thee; I will surely H6908 gather H6908 the remnant H7611 of Israel; H3478 I will put H7760 them together H3162 as the sheep H6629 of Bozrah, H1223 H1224 as the flock H5739 in the midst H8432 of their fold: H1699 they shall make great noise H1949 by reason of the multitude of men. H120 The breaker H6555 is come up H5927 before H6440 them: they have broken up, H6555 and have passed through H5674 the gate, H8179 and are gone out H3318 by it: and their king H4428 shall pass H5674 before H6440 them, and the LORD H3068 on the head H7218 of them.

Acts 2:2 STRONG

And G2532 suddenly G869 there came G1096 a sound G2279 from G1537 heaven G3772 as G5618 of a rushing G5342 mighty G972 wind, G4157 and G2532 it filled G4137 all G3650 the house G3624 where G3757 they were G2258 sitting. G2521

Philippians 2:12-13 STRONG

Wherefore, G5620 my G3450 beloved, G27 as G2531 ye have G5219 always G3842 obeyed, G5219 not G3361 as G5613 in G1722 my G3450 presence G3952 only, G3440 but G235 now G3568 much G4183 more G3123 in G1722 my G3450 absence, G666 work out G2716 your own G1438 salvation G4991 with G3326 fear G5401 and G2532 trembling. G5156 For G1063 it is G2076 God G2316 which G3588 worketh G1754 in G1722 you G5213 both G2532 to will G2309 and G2532 to do G1754 of G5228 his good pleasure. G2107

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 14

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 14 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 14

In this chapter we have,

  • I. David's kingdom established (v. 1, 2).
  • II. His family built up (v. 3-7).
  • III. His enemies, the Philistines, routed in two campaigns (v. 8-17).

This is repeated here from 2 Sa. 5:11, etc.

1Ch 14:1-7

We may observe here,

  • 1. There is no man that has such a sufficiency in himself but he has need of his neighbours and has reason to be thankful for their help: David had a very large kingdom, Hiram a very little one; yet David could not build himself a house to his mind unless Hiram furnished him with both workmen and materials, v. 1. This is a reason why we should despise none, but, as we have opportunity, be obliging to all.
  • 2. It is a great satisfaction to a wise man to be settled, and to a good man to see the special providences of God in his settlement. The people had made David king; but he could not be easy, nor think himself happy, till he perceived that the Lord had confirmed him king over Israel, v. 2. "Who shall unfix me if God hath fixed me?'
  • 3. We must look upon all our advancements as designed for our usefulness. David's kingdom was lifted up on high, not for his own sake, that he might look great, but because of his people Israel, that he might be a guide and protector to them. We are blessed in order that we may be blessings. See Gen. 12:2. We are not born, nor do we live, for ourselves.
  • 4. It is difficult to thrive without growing secure and indulgent to the flesh. It was David's infirmity that when he settled in his kingdom he took more wives (v. 3), yet the numerous issue he had added to his honour and strength. Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord. We had an account of David's children, not only in Samuel, but in this book (ch. 3:1, etc.) and now here again; for it was their honour to have such a father.

1Ch 14:8-17

This narrative of David's triumph over the Philistines is much the same with that, 2 Sa. 5:17, etc.

  • 1. Let the attack which the Philistines made upon David forbid us to be secure in any settlement or advancement, and engage us to expect molestation in this world. When we are most easy something or other may come to be a terror or vexation to us. Christ's kingdom will thus be insulted by the serpent's seed, especially when it makes any advances.
  • 2. Let David's enquiry of God, once and again, upon occasion of the Philistines' invading him, direct us in all our ways to acknowledge God-in distress to fly to him, when we are wronged to appeal to him, and, when we know not what to do, to ask counsel at his oracles, to put ourselves under his direction, and to beg of him to show us the right way.
  • 3. Let David's success encourage us to resist our spiritual enemies, in observance of divine directions and dependence on divine strength. Resist the devil, and he shall flee as the Philistines did before David.
  • 4. Let the sound of the going in the tops of the mulberry trees direct us to attend God's motions both in his providence and in the influences of his Spirit. When we perceive God to go before us let us gird up our loins, gird on our armour, and follow him.
  • 5. Let David's burning the gods of the Philistines, when they fell into his hands, teach us a holy indignation against idolatry and all the remains of it.
  • 6. Let David's thankful acknowledgment of the hand of God in his successes direct us to bring all our sacrifices of praise to God's altar. Not unto us, O Lord! not unto us, but to thy name give glory.
  • 7. Let the reputation which David obtained, not only in his kingdom, but among his neighbours, be looked upon as a type and figure of the exalted honour of the Son of David (v. 17): The fame of David went out into all lands; he was generally talked of, and admired by all people, and the Lord brought the fear of him upon all nations. All looked upon him as a formidable enemy and a desirable ally. Thus has God highly exalted our Redeemer, and given him a name above every name.