1 Chronicles 28:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 And he said H559 unto me, Solomon H8010 thy son, H1121 he shall build H1129 my house H1004 and my courts: H2691 for I have chosen H977 him to be my son, H1121 and I will be his father. H1

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 7:13-14 STRONG

He shall build H1129 an house H1004 for my name, H8034 and I will stablish H3559 the throne H3678 of his kingdom H4467 for H5704 ever. H5769 I will be his father, H1 and he shall be my son. H1121 If he commit iniquity, H5753 I will chasten H3198 him with the rod H7626 of men, H582 and with the stripes H5061 of the children H1121 of men: H120

1 Chronicles 22:9-10 STRONG

Behold, a son H1121 shall be born H3205 to thee, who shall be a man H376 of rest; H4496 and I will give him rest H5117 from all his enemies H341 round about: H5439 for his name H8034 shall be Solomon, H8010 and I will give H5414 peace H7965 and quietness H8253 unto Israel H3478 in his days. H3117 He shall build H1129 an house H1004 for my name; H8034 and he shall be my son, H1121 and I will be his father; H1 and I will establish H3559 the throne H3678 of his kingdom H4438 over Israel H3478 for H5704 ever. H5769

1 Chronicles 17:11-14 STRONG

And it shall come to pass, when thy days H3117 be expired H4390 that thou must go H3212 to be with thy fathers, H1 that I will raise up H6965 thy seed H2233 after H310 thee, which shall be of thy sons; H1121 and I will establish H3559 his kingdom. H4438 He shall build H1129 me an house, H1004 and I will stablish H3559 his throne H3678 for H5704 ever. H5769 I will be his father, H1 and he shall be my son: H1121 and I will not take H5493 my mercy H2617 away H5493 from him, as I took H5493 it from him that was before H6440 thee: But I will settle H5975 him in mine house H1004 and in my kingdom H4438 for ever: H5769 and his throne H3678 shall be established H3559 for H5704 evermore. H5769

2 Chronicles 1:9 STRONG

Now, O LORD H3068 God, H430 let thy promise H1697 unto David H1732 my father H1 be established: H539 for thou hast made me king H4427 over a people H5971 like the dust H6083 of the earth H776 in multitude. H7227

Zechariah 6:12-13 STRONG

And speak H559 unto him, saying, H559 Thus speaketh H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 saying, H559 Behold the man H376 whose name H8034 is The BRANCH; H6780 and he shall grow up H6779 out of his place, and he shall build H1129 the temple H1964 of the LORD: H3068 Even he shall build H1129 the temple H1964 of the LORD; H3068 and he shall bear H5375 the glory, H1935 and shall sit H3427 and rule H4910 upon his throne; H3678 and he shall be a priest H3548 upon his throne: H3678 and the counsel H6098 of peace H7965 shall be between them both. H8147

Hebrews 3:3 STRONG

For G1063 this G3778 man was counted worthy G515 of more G4119 glory G1391 than G3844 Moses, G3475 inasmuch as G2596 G3745 he who hath builded G2680 the house G3624 hath more G4119 honour G5092 than G2192 the house. G846

Hebrews 3:6 STRONG

But G1161 Christ G5547 as G5613 a son G5207 over G1909 his own G846 house; G3624 whose G3739 house G3624 are G2070 we, G2249 if G1437 G4007 we hold fast G2722 the confidence G3954 and G2532 the rejoicing G2745 of the hope G1680 firm G949 unto G3360 the end. G5056

Hebrews 4:5 STRONG

And G2532 in G1722 this G5129 place again, G3825 If G1487 they shall enter G1525 into G1519 my G3450 rest. G2663

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 28 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ch 28:1-8. David Exhorts the People to Fear God.

1. David assembled all the princes of Israel—that is, the representatives of the people, the leading men of the kingdom, who are enumerated in this verse according to their respective rank or degree of authority.

princes of the tribes—(1Ch 27:16-22). Those patriarchal chiefs are mentioned first as being the highest in rank—a sort of hereditary noblesse.

the captains of the companies—the twelve generals mentioned (1Ch 27:1-15).

the stewards, &c.—(1Ch 27:25-31).

the officers—Hebrew, "eunuchs," or attendants on the court (1Sa 8:15; 1Ki 22:9; 2Ki 22:18); and besides Joab, the commander-in-chief of the army, the heroes who had no particular office (1Ch 11:10-12:40; 2Sa 23:8-39). This assembly, a very mixed and general one, as appears from the parties invited, was more numerous and entirely different from that mentioned (1Ch 23:2).

2. Hear me, my brethren, and my people—This was the style of address becoming a constitutional king of Israel (De 17:20; 1Sa 30:23; 2Sa 5:1).

I had in mine heart—I proposed, or designed.

to build an house of rest—a solid and permanent temple.

for the footstool of our God—God seated between the cherubim, at the two extremities of the ark, might be said to be enthroned in His glory, and the coverlet of the ark to be His footstool.

and had made ready for the building—The immense treasures which David had amassed and the elaborate preparations he had made, would have been amply sufficient for the erection of the temple of which he presented the model to Solomon.

3. thou hast been a man of war, and hast shed blood—The church or spiritual state of the world, of which the temple at Jerusalem was to be a type, would be presided over by One who was to be pre-eminently the Prince of Peace, and therefore would be represented not so fitly by David, whose mission had been a preparatory one of battle and conquest, as by his son, who should reign in unbroken peace.

4, 5. he hath chosen Solomon—The spirit of David's statement is this:—It was not my ambition, my valor, or my merit that led to the enthronement of myself and family; it was the grace of God which chose the tribe, the family, the person—myself in the first instance, and now Solomon, to whom, as the Lord's anointed, you are all bound to submit. Like that of Christ, of whom he was a type, the appointment of Solomon to the kingdom above all his brethren was frequently pre-intimated (1Ch 17:12; 22:9; 2Sa 7:12-14; 12:24, 25; 1Ki 1:13).

7. I will establish his kingdom for ever, if he be constant to do my commandments—The same condition is set before Solomon by God (1Ki 3:14; 9:4).

8. Now … in the sight of all Israel, … keep and seek for all the commandments of the Lord, &c.—This solemn and earnest exhortation to those present, and to all Israel through their representatives, to continue faithful in observing the divine law as essential to their national prosperity and permanence, is similar to that of Moses (De 30:15-20).

1Ch 28:9-20. He Encourages Solomon to Build the Temple.

9, 10. And thou, Solomon my son—The royal speaker now turns to Solomon, and in a most impressive manner presses upon him the importance of sincere and practical piety.

know thou—He did not mean head knowledge, for Solomon possessed that already, but that experimental acquaintance with God which is only to be obtained by loving and serving Him.

11. Then David gave to Solomon … the pattern—He now put into the hands of his son and successor the plan or model of the temple, with the elevations, measurements, apartments, and chief articles of furniture, all of which were designed according to the pattern given him by divine revelation (1Ch 28:19).

12. the pattern of all that he had by the spirit—rather, "with him in spirit"; that is, was floating in his mind.

15, 16. the candlesticks of silver—Solomon made them all of gold—in this and a few minor particulars departing from the letter of his father's instructions, where he had the means of executing them in a more splendid style. There was only one candlestick and one table in the tabernacle, but ten in the temple.

18, 19. the chariot of the cherubim—The expanded wings of the cherubim formed what was figuratively styled the throne of God, and as they were emblematical of rapid motion, the throne or seat was spoken of as a chariot (Ps 18:10; 99:1). It is quite clear that in all these directions David was not guided by his own taste, or by a desire for taking any existing model of architecture, but solely by a regard to the express revelation of the divine will. In a vision, or trance, the whole edifice, with its appurtenances, had been placed before his eyes so vividly and permanently, that he had been able to take a sketch of them in the models delivered to Solomon.

20. Be strong and of good courage—The address begun in 1Ch 28:9 is resumed and concluded in the same strain.

21. behold, the courses of the priests and Levites—They were, most probably, represented in this assembly though they are not named.

also the princes and all the people—that is, as well the skilful, expert, and zealous artisan, as the workman who needs to be directed in all his labors.