1 Corinthians 14:36 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

36 What? G2228 came G1831 the word G3056 of God G2316 out G1831 from G575 you? G5216 or G2228 came it G2658 unto G1519 you G5209 only? G3441

Cross Reference

Isaiah 2:3 STRONG

And many H7227 people H5971 shall go H1980 and say, H559 Come H3212 ye, and let us go up H5927 to the mountain H2022 of the LORD, H3068 to the house H1004 of the God H430 of Jacob; H3290 and he will teach H3384 us of his ways, H1870 and we will walk H3212 in his paths: H734 for out of Zion H6726 shall go forth H3318 the law, H8451 and the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 from Jerusalem. H3389

Micah 4:1-2 STRONG

But in the last H319 days H3117 it shall come to pass, that the mountain H2022 of the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 shall be established H3559 in the top H7218 of the mountains, H2022 and it shall be exalted H5375 above the hills; H1389 and people H5971 shall flow H5102 unto it. And many H7227 nations H1471 shall come, H1980 and say, H559 Come, H3212 and let us go up H5927 to the mountain H2022 of the LORD, H3068 and to the house H1004 of the God H430 of Jacob; H3290 and he will teach H3384 us of his ways, H1870 and we will walk H3212 in his paths: H734 for the law H8451 shall go forth H3318 of Zion, H6726 and the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 from Jerusalem. H3389

Zechariah 14:8 STRONG

And it shall be in that day, H3117 that living H2416 waters H4325 shall go out H3318 from Jerusalem; H3389 half H2677 of them toward the former H6931 sea, H3220 and half H2677 of them toward the hinder H314 sea: H3220 in summer H7019 and in winter H2779 shall it be.

Acts 13:1-3 STRONG

Now G1161 there were G2258 in G2596 the church G1577 that was G5607 at G1722 Antioch G490 certain G5100 prophets G4396 and G2532 teachers; G1320 as G5037 Barnabas, G921 and G2532 Simeon G4826 that was called G2564 Niger, G3526 and G2532 Lucius G3066 of Cyrene, G2956 and G5037 Manaen, G3127 which had been brought up G4939 with Herod G2264 the tetrarch, G5076 and G2532 Saul. G4569 As G1161 they G846 ministered G3008 to the Lord, G2962 and G2532 fasted, G3522 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 said, G2036 G1211 Separate G873 me G3427 G5037 Barnabas G921 and G2532 Saul G4569 for G1519 the work G2041 whereunto G3739 I have called G4341 them. G846 And G5119 when they had fasted G3522 and G2532 prayed, G4336 and G2532 laid G2007 their hands G5495 on G2007 them, G846 they sent them away. G630

Acts 15:35-36 STRONG

Paul G3972 also G1161 and G2532 Barnabas G921 continued G1304 in G1722 Antioch, G490 teaching G1321 and G2532 preaching G2097 the word G3056 of the Lord, G2962 with G3326 many G4183 others G2087 also. G2532 And G1161 some G5100 days G2250 after G3326 Paul G3972 said G2036 unto G4314 Barnabas, G921 G1211 Let us go again G1994 and visit G1980 our G2257 brethren G80 in G2596 every G3956 city G4172 where G1722 G3739 we have preached G2605 the word G3056 of the Lord, G2962 and see how G4459 they do. G2192

Acts 16:9-10 STRONG

And G2532 a vision G3705 appeared G3700 to Paul G3972 in G1223 the night; G3571 There stood G2258 G2476 a man G5100 G435 of Macedonia, G3110 and prayed G3870 him, G846 G2532 saying, G3004 Come over G1224 into G1519 Macedonia, G3109 and help G997 us. G2254 And G1161 after G5613 he had seen G1492 the vision, G3705 immediately G2112 we endeavoured G2212 to go G1831 into G1519 Macedonia, G3109 assuredly gathering G4822 that G3754 the Lord G2962 had called G4341 us G2248 for to preach the gospel G2097 unto them. G846

Acts 17:1 STRONG

Now G1161 when they had passed through G1353 Amphipolis G295 and G2532 Apollonia, G624 they came G2064 to G1519 Thessalonica, G2332 where G3699 was G2258 a synagogue G4864 of the Jews: G2453

Acts 17:10-11 STRONG

And G1161 the brethren G80 immediately G2112 sent away G1599 G5037 Paul G3972 and G2532 Silas G4609 by G1223 night G3571 unto G1519 Berea: G960 who G3748 coming G3854 thither went G549 into G1519 the synagogue G4864 of the Jews. G2453 G1161 These G3778 were G2258 more noble G2104 than those in G1722 Thessalonica, G2332 in that they G3748 received G1209 the word G3056 with G3326 all G3956 readiness of mind, G4288 and searched G350 the scriptures G1124 daily, G2250 G2596 whether G1487 those things G5023 were G2192 so. G3779

Acts 17:15 STRONG

And G1161 they that conducted G2525 Paul G3972 brought G71 him G846 unto G2193 Athens: G116 and G2532 receiving G2983 a commandment G1785 unto G4314 Silas G4609 and G2532 Timotheus G5095 for to G2443 come G2064 to G4314 him G846 with all speed, G5613 G5033 they departed. G1826

Acts 18:1-17 STRONG

G1161 After G3326 these things G5023 Paul G3972 departed G5563 from G1537 Athens, G116 and came G2064 to G1519 Corinth; G2882 And G2532 found G2147 a certain G5100 Jew G2453 named G3686 Aquila, G207 born G1085 in Pontus, G4193 lately G4373 come G2064 from G575 Italy, G2482 with G2532 his G846 wife G1135 Priscilla; G4252 (because that G1223 Claudius G2804 had commanded G1299 all G3956 Jews G2453 to depart G5563 from G1537 Rome:) G4516 and came G4334 unto them. G846 And G2532 because G1223 he was G1511 of the same craft, G3673 he abode G3306 with G3844 them, G846 and G2532 wrought: G2038 for G1063 by their occupation G5078 they were G2258 tentmakers. G4635 And G1161 he reasoned G1256 in G1722 the synagogue G4864 G2596 every G3956 sabbath, G4521 and G5037 persuaded G3982 the Jews G2453 and G2532 the Greeks. G1672 And G1161 when G5613 G5037 Silas G4609 and G2532 Timotheus G5095 were come G2718 from G575 Macedonia, G3109 Paul G3972 was pressed G4912 in the spirit, G4151 and testified G1263 to the Jews G2453 that Jesus G2424 was Christ. G5547 And G1161 when they opposed G498 themselves, G846 and G2532 blasphemed, G987 he shook G1621 his raiment, G2440 and said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 Your G5216 blood G129 be upon G1909 your G5216 own heads; G2776 I G1473 am clean: G2513 from G575 henceforth G3568 I will go G4198 unto G1519 the Gentiles. G1484 And G2532 he departed G3327 thence, G1564 and entered G2064 into G1519 a certain G5100 man's house, G3614 named G3686 Justus, G2459 one that worshipped G4576 God, G2316 whose G3739 house G3614 joined hard G4927 G2258 to the synagogue. G4864 And G1161 Crispus, G2921 the chief ruler of the synagogue, G752 believed G4100 on the Lord G2962 with G4862 all G3650 his G846 house; G3624 and G2532 many G4183 of the Corinthians G2881 hearing G191 believed, G4100 and G2532 were baptized. G907 Then G1161 spake G2036 the Lord G2962 to Paul G3972 in G1223 the night G3571 by G1722 a vision, G3705 Be G5399 not G3361 afraid, G5399 but G235 speak, G2980 and G2532 hold G4623 not G3361 thy peace: G4623 For G1360 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 thee, G4675 and G2532 no man G3762 shall set on G2007 thee G4671 to hurt G2559 thee: G4571 for G1360 I G3427 have G2076 much G4183 people G2992 in G1722 this G5026 city. G4172 And G5037 he continued G2523 there a year G1763 and G2532 six G1803 months, G3376 teaching G1321 the word G3056 of God G2316 among G1722 them. G846 And G1161 when Gallio G1058 was the deputy G445 of Achaia, G882 the Jews G2453 made insurrection G2721 with one accord against G3661 Paul, G3972 and G2532 brought G71 him G846 to G1909 the judgment seat, G968 Saying, G3004 G3754 This G3778 fellow persuadeth G374 men G444 to worship G4576 God G2316 contrary G3844 to the law. G3551 And G1161 when Paul G3972 was now about G3195 to open G455 his mouth, G4750 Gallio G1058 said G2036 unto G4314 the Jews, G2453 If G1487 G3303 G3767 it were G2258 a G5100 matter of wrong G92 or G2228 wicked G4190 lewdness, G4467 O G5599 ye Jews, G2453 reason G2596 G3056 would G302 that I should bear G430 with you: G5216 But G1161 if G1487 it be G2076 a question G2213 of G4012 words G3056 and G2532 names, G3686 and G2532 of G2596 your G5209 law, G3551 look ye G3700 G846 to it; for G1063 I G1473 will be G1014 G1511 no G3756 judge G2923 of such G5130 matters. And G2532 he drave G556 them G846 from G575 the judgment seat. G968 Then G1161 all G3956 the Greeks G1672 took G1949 Sosthenes, G4988 the chief ruler of the synagogue, G752 and beat G5180 him before G1715 the judgment seat. G968 And G2532 Gallio G1058 cared G3199 for none G3762 of those things. G5130

1 Corinthians 4:7 STRONG

For G1063 who G5101 maketh G1252 thee G4571 to differ G1252 from another? and G1161 what G5101 hast thou G2192 that G3739 thou didst G2983 not G3756 receive? G2983 G1161 now if G1499 thou didst receive G2983 it, why G5101 dost thou glory, G2744 as G5613 if thou hadst G2983 not G3361 received G2983 it?

2 Corinthians 10:13-16 STRONG

But G1161 we G2249 will G2744 not G3780 boast G2744 of things without G1519 our measure, G280 but G235 according G2596 to the measure G3358 of the rule G2583 which G3739 God G2316 hath distributed G3307 to us, G2254 a measure G3358 to reach G2185 even G2532 unto G891 you. G5216 For G1063 we stretch G5239 not G3756 ourselves G1438 beyond G5239 our measure, as G5613 though we reached G2185 not G3361 unto G1519 you: G5209 for G1063 we are come G5348 as far as G891 to you G5216 also G2532 in G1722 preaching the gospel G2098 of Christ: G5547 Not G3756 boasting G2744 of things without G1519 our measure, G280 that is, of G1722 other men's G245 labours; G2873 but G1161 having G2192 hope, G1680 when your G5216 faith G4102 is increased, G837 that we shall be enlarged G3170 by G1722 you G5213 according G2596 to our G2257 rule G2583 abundantly, G1519 G4050 To preach the gospel G2097 in G1519 the regions beyond G5238 you, G5216 and not G3756 to boast G2744 in G1722 another man's G245 line G2583 of G1519 things made ready to our hand. G2092

1 Thessalonians 1:8 STRONG

For G1063 from G575 you G5216 sounded out G1837 the word G3056 of the Lord G2962 not G3756 only G3440 in G1722 Macedonia G3109 and G2532 Achaia, G882 but G235 also G2532 in G1722 every G3956 place G5117 your G5216 faith G4102 to G4314 God-ward G2316 is spread abroad; G1831 so G5620 that we G2248 need G5532 not G3361 G2192 to speak G2980 any thing. G5100

Commentary on 1 Corinthians 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Co 14:1-25. Superiority of Prophecy over Tongues.

1. Follow after charity—as your first and chief aim, seeing that it is "the greatest" (1Co 13:13).

and desire—Translate, "Yet (as a secondary aim) desire zealously (see on 1Co 12:31) spiritual gifts."

but rather—"but chiefly that ye may prophesy" (speak and exhort under inspiration) (Pr 29:18; Ac 13:1; 1Th 5:20), whether as to future events, that is, strict prophecy, or explaining obscure parts of Scripture, especially the prophetical Scriptures or illustrating and setting forth questions of Christian doctrine and practice. Our modern preaching is the successor of prophecy, but without the inspiration. Desire zealously this (prophecy) more than any other spiritual gift; or in preference to "tongues" (1Co 14:2, &c.) [Bengel].

2. speaketh … unto God—who alone understands all languages.

no man understandeth—generally speaking; the few who have the gift of interpreting tongues are the exception.

in the spirit—as opposed to "the understanding" (1Co 14:14).

mysteries—unintelligible to the hearers, exciting their wonder, rather than instructing them. Corinth, being a mart resorted to by merchants from Asia, Africa, and Europe, would give scope amidst its mixed population for the exercise of the gift of tongues; but its legitimate use was in an audience understanding the tongue of the speaker, not, as the Corinthians abused it, in mere display.

3. But—on the other hand.

edification—of which the two principal species given are "exhortation" to remove sluggishness, "comfort" or consolation to remove sadness [Bengel]. Omit "to."

4. edifieth himself—as he understands the meaning of what the particular "tongue" expresses; but "the church," that is, the congregation, does not.

5. Translate, "Now I wish you all to speak with tongues (so far am I from thus speaking through having any objection to tongues), but rather IN ORDER THAT (as my ulterior and higher wish for you) ye should prophesy." Tongues must therefore mean languages, not ecstatic, unintelligible rhapsodie (as Neander fancied): for Paul could never "wish" for the latter in their behalf.

greater—because more useful.

except he interpret—the unknown tongue which he speaks, "that the Church may receive edifying (building up)."

6. Translate, "But now"; seeing there is no edification without interpretation.

revelation … prophesying—corresponding one to the other; "revelation" being the supernatural unveiling of divine truths to man, "prophesying" the enunciation to men of such revelations. So "knowledge" corresponds to "doctrine," which is the gift of teaching to others our knowledge. As the former pair refers to specially revealed mysteries, so the latter pair refers to the general obvious truths of salvation, brought from the common storehouse of believers.

7. Translate, "And things without life-giving sound, whether pipe or harp, YET (notwithstanding their giving sound) if they give not a distinction in the tones (that is, notes) how?" &c.

what is piped or harped—that is, what tune is played on the pipe or harp.

8. Translate, "For if also," an additional step in the argument.

uncertain sound—having no definite meaning: whereas it ought to be so marked that one succession of notes on the trumpet should summon the soldiers to attack; another, to retreat; another, to some other evolution.

9. So … ye—who have life; as opposed to "things without life" (1Co 14:7).

by the tongue—the language which ye speak in.

ye shall speak—Ye will be speaking into the air, that is, in vain (1Co 9:26).

10. it may be—that is, perhaps, speaking by conjecture. "It may chance" (1Co 15:37).

so many—as may be enumerated by investigators of such matters. Compare "so much," used generally for a definite number left undefined (Ac 5:8; also 2Sa 12:8).

kinds of voices—kinds of articulate speech.

without signification—without articulate voice (that is, distinct meaning). None is without its own voice, or mode of speech, distinct from the rest.

11. Therefore—seeing that none is without meaning.

a barbarian—a foreigner (Ac 28:2). Not in the depreciatory sense as the term is now used, but one speaking a foreign language.

12. zealous—emulously desirous.

spiritual gifts—literally, "spirits"; that is, emanations from the one Spirit.

seek that ye may excel to—Translate, "Seek them, that ye may abound in them to the edifying," &c.

13. Explain, "Let him who speaketh with a tongue [unknown] in his prayer (or, when praying) strive that he may interpret" [Alford]. This explanation of "pray" is needed by its logical connection with "prayer in an unknown tongue" (1Co 14:14). Though his words be unintelligible to his hearers, let him in them pray that he may obtain the gift of interpreting, which will make them "edifying" to "the church" (1Co 14:12).

14. spirit—my higher being, the passive object of the Holy Spirit's operations, and the instrument of prayer in the unknown tongue, distinguished from the "understanding," the active instrument of thought and reasoning; which in this case must be "unfruitful" in edifying others, since the vehicle of expression is unintelligible to them. On the distinction of soul or mind and spirit, see Eph 4:23; Heb 4:12.

15. What is it then?—What is my determination thereupon?

and—rather as Greek, "but"; I will not only pray with my spirit, which (1Co 14:14) might leave the understanding unedified, BUT with the understanding also [Alford and Ellicott].

pray with the understanding also—and, by inference, I will keep silence altogether if I cannot pray with the understanding (so as to make myself understood by others). A prescient warning, mutatis mutandis, against the Roman and Greek practice of keeping liturgies in dead languages, which long since have become unintelligible to the masses; though their forefathers spoke them at a time when those liturgies were framed for general use.

16. Else … thou—He changes from the first person, as he had just expressed his own resolution, "I will pray with the understanding," whatever "thou" doest.

bless—the highest kind of prayer.

occupieth the room of the unlearned—one who, whatever other gifts he may possess, yet, as wanting the gift of interpretation, is reduced by the speaking in an unknown tongue to the position of one unlearned, or "a private person."

say Amen—Prayer is not a vicarious duty done by others for us; as in Rome's liturgies and masses. We must join with the leader of the prayers and praises of the congregation, and say aloud our responsive "Amen" in assent, as was the usage of the Jewish (De 27:15-26; Ne 8:6) and Christian primitive churches [Justin Martyr, Apology, 2. 97].

17. givest thanks—The prayers of the synagogue were called "eulogies," because to each prayer was joined a thanksgiving. Hence the prayers of the Christian Church also were called blessings and giving of thanks. This illustrates Col 4:2; 1Th 5:17, 18. So the Kaddisch and Keduscha, the synagogue formulæ of "hallowing" the divine "name" and of prayer for the "coming of God's kingdom," answer to the Church's Lord's Prayer, repeated often and made the foundation on which the other prayers are built [Tertullian, Prayer].

18. tongues—The oldest manuscripts have the singular, "in a tongue [foreign]."

19. I had rather—The Greek verb more literally expresses this meaning, "I WISH to speak five words with my understanding (rather) than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue"; even the two thousandth part of ten thousand. The Greek for "I would rather," would be a different verb. Paul would NOT wish at all to speak "ten thousand words in an unknown tongue."

20. Brethren—an appellation calculated to conciliate their favorable reception of his exhortation.

children in understanding—as preference of gifts abused to nonedification would make you (compare 1Co 3:1; Mt 10:16; Ro 16:19; Eph 4:14). The Greek for "understanding" expresses the will of one's spirit, Ro 8:6 (it is not found elsewhere); as the "heart" is the will of the "soul." The same Greek is used for "minded" in Ro 8:6.

men—full-grown. Be childlike, not childish.

21. In the law—as the whole Old Testament is called, being all of it the law of God. Compare the citation of the Psalms as the "law," Joh 10:34. Here the quotation is from Isa 28:11, 12, where God virtually says of Israel, This people hear Me not, though I speak to. them in the language with which they are familiar; I will therefore speak to them in other tongues, namely, those of the foes whom I will send against them; but even then they will not hearken to Me; which Paul thus applies, Ye see that it is a penalty to be associated with men of a strange tongue, yet ye impose this on the Church [Grotius]; they who speak in foreign tongues are like "children" just "weaned from the milk" (Isa 28:9), "with stammering lips" speaking unintelligibly to the hearers, appearing ridiculous (Isa 28:14), or as babbling drunkards (Ac 2:13), or madmen (1Co 14:23).

22. Thus from Isaiah it appears, reasons Paul, that "tongues" (unknown and uninterpreted) are not a sign mainly intended for believers (though at the conversion of Cornelius and the Gentiles with him, tongues were vouchsafed to him and them to confirm their faith), but mainly to be a condemnation to those, the majority, who, like Israel in Isaiah's day, reject the sign and the accompanying message. Compare "yet … will they not hear Me" (1Co 14:21). "Sign" is often used for a condemnatory sign (Eze 4:3, 4; Mt 12:39-42). Since they will not understand, they shall not understand.

prophesying … not for them that believe not, but … believe—that is, prophesying has no effect on them that are radically and obstinately like Israel (Isa 28:11, 12), unbelievers, but on them that are either in receptivity or in fact believers; it makes believers of those not wilfully unbelievers (1Co 14:24, 25; Ro 10:17), and spiritually nourishes those that already believe.

23. whole … all … tongues—The more there are assembled, and the more that speak in unknown tongues, the more will the impression be conveyed to strangers "coming in" from curiosity ("unbelievers"), or even from a better motive ("unlearned"), that the whole body of worshippers is a mob of fanatical "madmen"; and that "the Church is like the company of builders of Babel after the confusion of tongues, or like the cause tried between two deaf men before a deaf judge, celebrated in the Greek epigram" [Grotius].

unlearned—having some degree of faith, but not gifts [Bengel].

24. all—one by one (1Co 14:31).

prophesy—speak the truth by the Spirit intelligibly, and not in unintelligible tongues.

one—"anyone." Here singular; implying that this effect, namely, conviction by all, would be produced on anyone, who might happen to enter. In 1Co 14:23 the plural is used; "unlearned or unbelievers"; implying that however many there might be, not one would profit by the tongues; yea, their being many would confirm them in rejecting the sign, as many unbelieving men together strengthen one another in unbelief; individuals are more easily won [Bengel].

convinced—convicted in conscience; said of the "one that believeth not" (Joh 16:8, 9).

judged—His secret character is opened out. "Is searched into" [Alford]. Said of the "one unlearned" (compare 1Co 2:15).

25. And thus—omitted in the oldest manuscripts and versions.

secrets of his heart made manifest—He sees his own inner character opened out by the sword of the Spirit (Heb 4:12; Jas 1:23), the word of God, in the hand of him who prophesieth. Compare the same effect produced on Nebuchadnezzar (Da 2:30 and end of Da 2:47). No argument is stronger for the truth of religion than its manifestation of men to themselves in their true character. Hence hearers even now often think the preacher must have aimed his sermon particularly at them.

and so—convicted at last, judged, and manifested to himself. Compare the effect on the woman of Samaria produced by Jesus' unfolding of her character to herself (Joh 4:19, 29).

and report—to his friends at home, as the woman of Samaria did. Rather, as the Greek is, "He will worship God, announcing," that is, openly avowing then and there, "that God is in you of a truth," and by implication that the God who is in you is of a truth the God.

1Co 14:26-40. Rules for the Exercise of Gifts in the Congregation.

26. How is it then?—rather, "What then is the true rule to be observed as to the use of gifts?" Compare 1Co 14:15, where the same Greek occurs.

a psalm—extemporary, inspired by the Spirit, as that of Mary, Zechariah, Simeon, and Anna (Lu 1:46-55, 67-79; 2:34-38).

a doctrine—to impart and set forth to the congregation.

a tongue … a revelation—The oldest manuscripts transpose the order: "revelation … tongue"; "interpretation" properly following "tongue" (1Co 14:13).

Let all things be done unto edifying—The general rule under which this particular case fails; an answer to the question at the beginning of this verse. Each is bound to obey the ordinances of his church not adverse to Scripture. See Article XXXIV, Church of England Prayer Book.

27. let it be by two—at each time, in one assembly; not more than two or three might speak with tongues at each meeting.

by course—in turns.

let one interpret—one who has the gift of interpreting tongues; and not more than one.

28. let him—the speaker in unknown tongues.

speak to himself, and to God—(compare 1Co 14:2, 4)—privately and not in the hearing of others.

29. two or three—at one meeting (he does not add "at the most," as in 1Co 14:27, lest he should seem to "quench prophesyings," the most edifying of gifts), and these "one by one," in turn (1Co 14:27, "by course," and 1Co 14:31). Paul gives here similar rules to the prophets, as previously to those speaking in unknown tongues.

judge—by their power of "discerning spirits" (1Co 12:10), whether the person prophesying was really speaking under the influence of the Spirit (compare 1Co 12:3; 1Jo 4:13).

30. If any thing—Translate, "But if any thing."

another that sitteth by—a hearer.

let the first hold his peace—Let him who heretofore spoke, and who came to the assembly furnished with a previous ordinary (in those times) revelation from God (1Co 14:26), give place to him who at the assembly is moved to prophesy by a sudden revelation from the Spirit.

31. For ye may—rather, "For ye can [if ye will] all prophesy one by one," giving way to one another. The "for" justifies the precept (1Co 14:30), "let the first hold his peace."

32. And—following up the assertion in 1Co 14:31, "Ye can (if ye will) prophesy one by one," that is, restrain yourselves from speaking all together; "and the spirits of the prophets," that is, their own spirits, acted on by the Holy Spirit, are not so hurried away by His influence, as to cease to be under their own control; they can if they will hear others, and not demand that they alone should be heard uttering communications from God.

33. In all the churches of the saints God is a God of peace; let Him not among you be supposed to be a God of confusion [Alford]. Compare the same argument in 1Co 11:16. Lachmann and others put a full stop at "peace," and connect the following words thus: "As in all churches of the saints, let your women keep silence in your churches."

34. (1Ti 2:11, 12). For women to speak in public would be an act of independence, as if they were not subject to their husbands (compare 1Co 11:3; Eph 5:22; Tit 2:5; 1Pe 3:1). For "under obedience," translate, "in subjection" or "submission," as the Greek is translated (Eph 5:21, 22, 24).

the law—a term applied to the whole Old Testament; here, Ge 3:16.

35. Anticipation of an objection. Women may say, "But if we do not understand something, may we not 'ask' a question publicly so as to 'learn'? Nay, replies Paul, if you want information, 'ask' not in public, but 'at home'; ask not other men, but 'your own particular (so the Greek) husbands.'"


36. What!—Greek, "Or." Are you about to obey me? Or, if you set up your judgment above that of other churches. I wish to know, do you pretend that your church is the first church FROM which the gospel word came, that you should give the law to all others? Or are you the only persons In, fro whom it has come?

37. prophet—the species.

spiritual—the genus: spiritually endowed. The followers of Apollos prided themselves as "spiritual" (1Co 3:1-3; compare Ga 6:1). Here one capable of discerning spirits is specially meant.

things that I write … commandments of the Lord—a direct assertion of inspiration. Paul's words as an apostle are Christ's words. Paul appeals not merely to one or two, but to a body of men, for the reality of three facts about which no body of men could possibly be mistaken: (1) that his having converted them was not due to mere eloquence, but to the "demonstration of the Spirit and of power"; (2) that part of this demonstration consisted in the communication of miraculous power, which they were then exercising so generally as to require to be corrected in the irregular employment of it; (3) that among these miraculous gifts was one which enabled the "prophet" or "spiritual person" to decide whether Paul's Epistle was Scripture or not. He could not have written so, unless the facts were notoriously true: for he takes them for granted, as consciously known by the whole body of men whom he addresses [Hinds, On Inspiration].

38. if any man be ignorant—wilfully; not wishing to recognize these ordinances and my apostolic authority in enjoining them.

let him be ignorant—I leave him to his ignorance: it will be at his own peril; I feel it a waste of words to speak anything further to convince him. An argument likely to have weight with the Corinthians, who admired "knowledge" so much.

39. covet—earnestly desire. Stronger than "forbid not"; marking how much higher he esteemed "prophecy" than "tongues."

40. Let, &c.—The oldest manuscripts read, "But let," &c. This verse is connected with 1Co 14:39, "But (while desiring prophecy, and not forbidding tongues) let all things be done decently." "Church government is the best security for Christian liberty" [J. Newton]. (Compare 1Co 14:23, 26-33).