Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 2 » Verse 7

1 Kings 2:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 But shew H6213 kindness H2617 unto the sons H1121 of Barzillai H1271 the Gileadite, H1569 and let them be of those that eat H398 at thy table: H7979 for so they came H7126 to me when I fled H1272 because H6440 of Absalom H53 thy brother. H251

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 9:7 STRONG

And David H1732 said H559 unto him, Fear H3372 not: for I will surely H6213 shew H6213 thee kindness H2617 for Jonathan H3083 thy father's H1 sake, and will restore H7725 thee all the land H7704 of Saul H7586 thy father; H1 and thou shalt eat H398 bread H3899 at my table H7979 continually. H8548

2 Samuel 9:10 STRONG

Thou therefore, and thy sons, H1121 and thy servants, H5650 shall till H5647 the land H127 for him, and thou shalt bring H935 in the fruits, that thy master's H113 son H1121 may have food H3899 to eat: H398 but Mephibosheth H4648 thy master's H113 son H1121 shall eat H398 bread H3899 alway H8548 at my table. H7979 Now Ziba H6717 had fifteen H2568 H6240 sons H1121 and twenty H6242 servants. H5650

2 Samuel 17:27-29 STRONG

And it came to pass, when David H1732 was come H935 to Mahanaim, H4266 that Shobi H7629 the son H1121 of Nahash H5176 of Rabbah H7237 of the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 and Machir H4353 the son H1121 of Ammiel H5988 of Lodebar, H3810 and Barzillai H1271 the Gileadite H1569 of Rogelim, H7274 Brought H5066 beds, H4904 and basons, H5592 and earthen H3335 vessels, H3627 and wheat, H2406 and barley, H8184 and flour, H7058 and parched H7039 corn, and beans, H6321 and lentiles, H5742 and parched H7039 pulse, And honey, H1706 and butter, H2529 and sheep, H6629 and cheese H8194 of kine, H1241 for David, H1732 and for the people H5971 that were with him, to eat: H398 for they said, H559 The people H5971 is hungry, H7457 and weary, H5889 and thirsty, H6771 in the wilderness. H4057

2 Samuel 15:13-15 STRONG

And there came H935 a messenger H5046 to David, H1732 saying, H559 The hearts H3820 of the men H376 of Israel H3478 are after H310 Absalom. H53 And David H1732 said H559 unto all his servants H5650 that were with him at Jerusalem, H3389 Arise, H6965 and let us flee; H1272 for we shall not else escape H6413 from H6440 Absalom: H53 make speed H4116 to depart, H3212 lest he overtake H5381 us suddenly, H4116 and bring H5080 evil H7451 upon us, and smite H5221 the city H5892 with the edge H6310 of the sword. H2719 And the king's H4428 servants H5650 said H559 unto the king, H4428 Behold, thy servants H5650 are ready to do whatsoever my lord H113 the king H4428 shall appoint. H977

2 Samuel 19:28 STRONG

For all of my father's H1 house H1004 were but H3808 dead H4194 men H582 before my lord H113 the king: H4428 yet didst thou set H7896 thy servant H5650 among them that did eat H398 at thine own table. H7979 What right H6666 therefore have H3426 I yet to cry H2199 any more unto the king? H4428

2 Samuel 19:31-40 STRONG

And Barzillai H1271 the Gileadite H1569 came down H3381 from Rogelim, H7274 and went over H5674 Jordan H3383 with the king, H4428 to conduct H7971 him over Jordan. H3383 Now Barzillai H1271 was a very H3966 aged H2204 man, even fourscore H8084 years H8141 old: H1121 and he had provided the king H4428 of sustenance H3557 while he lay H7871 at Mahanaim; H4266 for he was a very H3966 great H1419 man. H376 And the king H4428 said H559 unto Barzillai, H1271 Come thou over H5674 with me, and I will feed H3557 thee with me in Jerusalem. H3389 And Barzillai H1271 said H559 unto the king, H4428 How long H3117 have I to live, H8141 H2416 that I should go up H5927 with the king H4428 unto Jerusalem? H3389 I am this day H3117 fourscore H8084 years H8141 old: H1121 and can I discern H3045 between good H2896 and evil? H7451 can thy servant H5650 taste H2938 what H834 I eat H398 or what H834 I drink? H8354 can I hear H8085 any more the voice H6963 of singing men H7891 and singing women? H7891 wherefore then should thy servant H5650 be yet a burden H4853 unto my lord H113 the king? H4428 Thy servant H5650 will go H5674 a little way H4592 over H5674 Jordan H3383 with the king: H4428 and why should the king H4428 recompense H1580 it me with such a reward? H1578 Let thy servant, H5650 I pray thee, turn back again, H7725 that I may die H4191 in mine own city, H5892 and be buried by the grave H6913 of my father H1 and of my mother. H517 But behold thy servant H5650 Chimham; H3643 let him go over H5674 with my lord H113 the king; H4428 and do H6213 to him what shall seem good H2896 H5869 unto thee. And the king H4428 answered, H559 Chimham H3643 shall go H5674 over with me, and I will do H6213 to him that which shall seem good H2896 H5869 unto thee: and whatsoever thou shalt require H977 of me, that will I do H6213 for thee. And all the people H5971 went over H5674 Jordan. H3383 And when the king H4428 was come over, H5674 the king H4428 kissed H5401 Barzillai, H1271 and blessed H1288 him; and he returned H7725 unto his own place. H4725 Then the king H4428 went on H5674 to Gilgal, H1537 and Chimham H3643 went on H5674 with him: and all the people H5971 of Judah H3063 conducted H5674 H5674 the king, H4428 and also half H2677 the people H5971 of Israel. H3478

Proverbs 27:10 STRONG

Thine own friend, H7453 and thy father's H1 friend, H7453 forsake H5800 not; neither go H935 into thy brother's H251 house H1004 in the day H3117 of thy calamity: H343 for better H2896 is a neighbour H7934 that is near H7138 than a brother H251 far off. H7350

Luke 12:37 STRONG

Blessed G3107 are those G1565 servants, G1401 whom G3739 the lord G2962 when he cometh G2064 shall find G2147 watching: G1127 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 that G3754 he shall gird himself, G4024 and G2532 make G347 them G846 to sit down to meat, G347 and G2532 will come forth G3928 and serve G1247 them. G846

Luke 22:28-30 STRONG

G1161 Ye G5210 are G2075 they which have continued G1265 with G3326 me G1700 in G1722 my G3450 temptations. G3986 And I G2504 appoint G1303 unto you G5213 a kingdom, G932 as G2531 my G3450 Father G3962 hath appointed G1303 unto me; G3427 That G2443 ye may eat G2068 and G2532 drink G4095 at G1909 my G3450 table G5132 in G1722 my G3450 kingdom, G932 and G2532 sit G2523 on G1909 thrones G2362 judging G2919 the twelve G1427 tribes G5443 of Israel. G2474

Revelation 3:20-21 STRONG

Behold, G2400 I stand G2476 at G1909 the door, G2374 and G2532 knock: G2925 if G1437 any man G5100 hear G191 my G3450 voice, G5456 and G2532 open G455 the door, G2374 I will come in G1525 to G4314 him, G846 and G2532 will sup G1172 with G3326 him, G846 and G2532 he G846 with G3326 me. G1700 To him G846 that overcometh G3528 will I grant G1325 to sit G2523 with G3326 me G1700 in G1722 my G3450 throne, G2362 even G2504 as G5613 I also G2504 overcame, G3528 and G2532 am set down G2523 with G3326 my G3450 Father G3962 in G1722 his G846 throne. G2362

Commentary on 1 Kings 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 2:1-11. David Dies.

1. David … charged Solomon his son—The charge recorded here was given to Solomon just before his death and is different from the farewell address delivered in public some time before (1Ch 28:2-9). It is introduced with great solemnity.

2. I go the way of all the earth—a beautiful and impressive periphrasis for death.

be thou strong, … show thyself a man—This counsel is similar to the apostolic direction (1Co 16:13) and refers to the fortitude or strength of mind that was required to discharge the onerous functions of king.

3. keep the charge of the Lord thy God—that is, the divine law in all its ceremonial as well as moral requirements. But particular reference was intended to its political institutions, as it was only by strictly maintaining the conduct that became the Hebrew monarch (De 17:10-20), that he would secure the blessing of peace and prosperity to his reign (see on De 4:5; De 29:10).

4. there shall not fail thee … a man on the throne of Israel—a reference to the promise made to David of the sovereignty being vested perpetually in his lineage (2Sa 7:11-16), which was confirmed to Solomon afterwards (see 1Ki 9:5), and repeated with reference to its spiritual meaning long after (Jer 33:17).

5, 6. thou knowest also what Joab … did—The insolent and imperious conduct of that general had not only been deeply offensive to the feelings (2Sa 18:5-15; 19:5-7), but calculated to bring reproach on the character, to injure the prospects, and endanger the throne of David. Passing over the injuries committed directly against himself, David dwelt with strong feelings on the base assassination of Abner and Amasa.

shed the blood of war in peace, &c.—The obvious meaning is, that in peace he acted towards them as if they had been in a state of warfare; but perhaps these graphic expressions might be designed to impress Solomon's mind more strongly with a sense of the malice, treachery, and cruelty by which those murders were characterized.

6. Do … according to thy wisdom—Joab's immense popularity with the army required that any proceedings instituted against him should be taken with great prudence and deliberation.

8. thou hast with thee Shimei—Though David promised him a pardon, which being enforced by the presence of a thousand followers, could not have been well refused, he warned his son against Shimei as a turbulent and dangerous character. It must not be supposed that in these dying instructions David was evincing a fierce, vindictive spirit. He is rather to be considered as acting in the character of a king and magistrate, in noticing crimes which he had not been in a condition to punish, and pointing out persons of whom Solomon would be under a necessity to rid himself as dangerous to the state. The grateful mention of Barzillai's kindness [1Ki 2:7] was, however, a personal feeling that does honor to the warmth of his heart; and his silence as to Mephibosheth, the son of his beloved Jonathan, would imply the previous death of that prince.

9. for thou art a wise man—Solomon had given early indications of wisdom before his miraculous endowment with the heavenly gift (see 1Ki 3:11), and his own sagacity would dictate the course that should be followed in any new offense that Shimei might commit.

10. So David slept with his fathers—about six months after the coronation of Solomon (compare 2Sa 5:5 with 1Ch 29:27). The interval was spent in developing his ideas and plans for the future glory of the kingdom and providing for the permanent worship of God (see on 1Ch 22:1, and following).

was buried in the city of David—Sepulchres were not allowed within the precincts of cities. Jerusalem, however, formed an exception; and yet, even there, the privilege was reserved chiefly for the royal family (Ac 2:29). Tradition says that the bones of David repose on Mount Zion, and the minaret of a small mosque points out the spot which tradition has fixed. His was a noble, a wondrous, and a humbling history. He was a good man, yet his life was deformed by various crimes of a very gross character. But there were many bright and noble traits in his character; he was an earnest lover of the divine law; his reign was signalized by many important services that contributed to the glory of God and the exaltation of His kingdom; and his name, as the sweet Psalmist of Israel, will be held in honor to the latest age of the Church.

1Ki 2:12-24. Solomon Succeeds Him.

12. Then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father—His ascension to the royal dignity was made under the happiest auspices. Having been born after his father became monarch of the whole kingdom, his claim, according to the notions of Oriental people, was preferable to that of all, even his elder brothers. The Hebrew kingdom enjoyed internal prosperity; it was respected and renowned abroad, and Solomon well knew how to improve these advantages.

13-18. Adonijah … came to Bath-sheba—Her question to him betrays an apprehension which his recent conduct might well warrant; but his pious acknowledgment of the divine will seemed apparently to indicate so entire an acquiescence in the settlement of the succession [1Ki 2:15], that, in her womanly simplicity, she perceived not the deep cunning and evil design that was concealed under his request and readily undertook to promote his wishes.

19, 20. Bath-sheba … went unto King Solomon—The filial reverence and the particular act of respect, which Solomon rendered, were quite in accordance with the sentiments and customs of the East. The right hand is the place of honor; and as it expressly said to have been assigned to "the king's mother," it is necessary to remark that, when a husband dies, his widow acquires a higher dignity and power, as a mother over her son, than she ever possessed before. Besides, the dignity of "king's mother" is a state office, to which certain revenues are attached. The holder has a separate palace or court, as well as possesses great influence in public affairs; and as the dignity is held for life, it sometimes happens, in consequence of deaths, that the person enjoying it may not be related to the reigning sovereign by natural maternity. Bath-sheba had evidently been invested with this honorable office.

22. why dost thou ask Abishag … ask for him the kingdom also—(See on 2Sa 16:5; also see on 2Sa 12:8). Solomon's indignation was roused; he in a moment penetrated the artful scheme, and from his associating the names of Abiathar and Joab, he seems to have suspected or known that those deep schemers had been the prompters of Adonijah.

23-25. God do so to me, and more also—the common form of introducing a solemn oath.

if Adonijah have not spoken this word against his own life—Whether there was a treasonable design to conceal under this request or not, the act, according to Eastern notions, was criminal, and of dangerous consequence to the state. There is no ground of censure upon Solomon for cruelty or precipitation in this instance. He had pardoned Adonijah's former conspiracy; but this new attempt was rebellion against the viceroy appointed by the divine King and called for condign punishment. The office of executioner was among the Hebrews, as in other ancient countries of the East, performed unceremoniously and privately—often without any previous warning—by the captain of the guard, or one of his officers (Mt 14:10).

26, 27. unto Abiathar the priest said the king—This functionary, as the counsellor or accomplice of Adonijah, had deserved to share his fate. But partly from regard to his priestly dignity, and partly from his long associations with the late king, Solomon pronounced on him the mitigated sentence of banishment to his country estate at Anathoth, and thereby, as God's vicegerent, deprived him of his office and its emoluments. The sacred writer notices the remarkable fulfilment, Abiathar's degradation from the high priesthood (see on 1Ki 4:4), of the doom denounced against the house of Eli (1Sa 2:30).

1Ki 2:28-45. Joab Slain.

28. Then tidings came to Joab—The execution of these sentences respectively on Adonijah and Abiathar prepared Joab for his fate. Death, due to his great crimes (Nu 35:33), would long ago have been inflicted, had not his power and popularity with the army been too formidable for the old king. He now fled to the altar, which, though a recognized asylum, afforded no sanctuary to the rebel and murderer (Ex 21:14). And, as he refused to leave it, he seems to have cherished some faint hope that a religious scruple would have been felt at the thought of violating the sanctity of the place by bloodshed. Benaiah, not liking to assume any responsibility, referred the matter to Solomon, who determined that the law should take its course (De 19:13).

33. Their blood shall … return upon the head of Joab, &c.—A reference is here made to the curse publicly and solemnly pronounced by King David (2Sa 3:28, 29).

1Ki 2:34-46. Shimei Put to Death.

34. Benaiah … went up, and fell upon him—According to the terms of the statute (Ex 21:14), and the practice in similar cases (2Ki 11:15), the criminal was to be dragged from the altar and slain elsewhere. But the truth is, that the sanctity of the altar was violated as much by the violence used in forcing the criminal from the place as in shedding his blood there; the express command of God authorized the former and therefore by implication permitted the latter.

was buried in his own house—or family vault, at his property in the wilderness of Judah. His interment was included in the king's order, as enjoined in the divine law (De 21:23).

36. the king sent and called for Shimei—He was probably residing at Bahurim, his native place. But, as he was a suspicious character, Solomon condemned him henceforth to live in Jerusalem, on the penalty of death, for going without the gates. He submitted to this confinement for three years, when, violating his oath, he was arrested and put to death by Solomon for perjury, aggravated by his former crime of high treason against David [1Ki 2:42-44].

46. the kingdom was established in the hand of Solomon—Now, by the death of Shimei, all the leaders of the rival factions had been cut off.