Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 4 » Verse 20

1 Kings 4:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 Judah H3063 and Israel H3478 were many, H7227 as the sand H2344 which is by the sea H3220 in multitude, H7230 eating H398 and drinking, H8354 and making merry. H8056

Cross Reference

Genesis 22:17 STRONG

That in blessing H1288 I will bless H1288 thee, and in multiplying H7235 I will multiply H7235 thy seed H2233 as the stars H3556 of the heaven, H8064 and as the sand H2344 which is upon the sea H3220 shore; H8193 and thy seed H2233 shall possess H3423 the gate H8179 of his enemies; H341

1 Kings 3:8 STRONG

And thy servant H5650 is in the midst H8432 of thy people H5971 which thou hast chosen, H977 a great H7227 people, H5971 that cannot be numbered H4487 nor counted H5608 for multitude. H7230

Genesis 32:12 STRONG

And thou saidst, H559 I will surely H3190 do thee good, H3190 and make H7760 thy seed H2233 as the sand H2344 of the sea, H3220 which cannot be numbered H5608 for multitude. H7230

Genesis 13:16 STRONG

And I will make H7760 thy seed H2233 as the dust H6083 of the earth: H776 so that H834 if a man H376 can H3201 number H4487 the dust H6083 of the earth, H776 then shall thy seed H2233 also be numbered. H4487

Genesis 15:5 STRONG

And he brought him forth H3318 abroad, H2351 and said, H559 Look H5027 now toward heaven, H8064 and tell H5608 the stars, H3556 if thou be able H3201 to number H5608 them: and he said H559 unto him, So H3541 shall thy seed H2233 be.

1 Samuel 30:16 STRONG

And when he had brought him down, H3381 behold, they were spread abroad H5203 upon all H6440 the earth, H776 eating H398 and drinking, H8354 and dancing, H2287 because of all the great H1419 spoil H7998 that they had taken H3947 out of the land H776 of the Philistines, H6430 and out of the land H776 of Judah. H3063

1 Chronicles 12:39 STRONG

And there they were with David H1732 three H7969 days, H3117 eating H398 and drinking: H8354 for their brethren H251 had prepared H3559 for them.

Job 1:18 STRONG

While he was yet speaking, H1696 there came H935 also another, and said, H559 Thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 were eating H398 and drinking H8354 wine H3196 in their eldest H1060 brother's H251 house: H1004

Psalms 72:3-7 STRONG

The mountains H2022 shall bring H5375 peace H7965 to the people, H5971 and the little hills, H1389 by righteousness. H6666 He shall judge H8199 the poor H6041 of the people, H5971 he shall save H3467 the children H1121 of the needy, H34 and shall break in pieces H1792 the oppressor. H6231 They shall fear H3372 thee as long as H5973 the sun H8121 and moon H3394 endure, H6440 throughout all H1755 generations. H1755 He shall come down H3381 like rain H4306 upon the mown H1488 grass: as showers H7241 that water H2222 the earth. H776 In his days H3117 shall the righteous H6662 flourish; H6524 and abundance H7230 of peace H7965 so long as the moon H3394 endureth.

Proverbs 14:28 STRONG

In the multitude H7230 of people H5971 is the king's H4428 honour: H1927 but in the want H657 of people H3816 is the destruction H4288 of the prince. H7333

Ecclesiastes 2:24 STRONG

There is nothing better H2896 for a man, H120 than that he should eat H398 and drink, H8354 and that he should make his soul H5315 enjoy H7200 good H2896 in his labour. H5999 This H2090 also I saw, H7200 that it was from the hand H3027 of God. H430

Isaiah 22:13 STRONG

And behold joy H8342 and gladness, H8057 slaying H2026 oxen, H1241 and killing H7819 sheep, H6629 eating H398 flesh, H1320 and drinking H8354 wine: H3196 let us eat H398 and drink; H8354 for to morrow H4279 we shall die. H4191

Micah 4:4 STRONG

But they shall sit H3427 every man H376 under his vine H1612 and under his fig tree; H8384 and none shall make them afraid: H2729 for the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 hath spoken H1696 it.

Zechariah 3:10 STRONG

In that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 shall ye call H7121 every man H376 his neighbour H7453 under the vine H1612 and under the fig tree. H8384

Zechariah 9:15 STRONG

The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall defend H1598 them; and they shall devour, H398 and subdue H3533 with sling H7050 stones; H68 and they shall drink, H8354 and make a noise H1993 as through wine; H3196 and they shall be filled H4390 like bowls, H4219 and as the corners H2106 of the altar. H4196

Acts 2:46 STRONG

And G5037 they, continuing G4342 daily G2596 G2250 with one accord G3661 in G1722 the temple, G2411 and G5037 breaking G2806 bread G740 from G2596 house to house, G3624 did eat G3335 their meat G5160 with G1722 gladness G20 and G2532 singleness G858 of heart, G2588

Commentary on 1 Kings 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 4:1-6. Solomon's Princes.

1. So King Solomon was king over all Israel—This chapter contains a general description of the state and glory of the Hebrew kingdom during the more flourishing or later years of his reign.

2. these were the princes—or chief officers, as is evident from two of them marrying Solomon's daughters.

Azariah the son of Zadok the priest—rather, "the prince," as the Hebrew word frequently signifies (Ge 41:45; Ex 2:16; 2Sa 8:18); so that from the precedency given to his person in the list, he seems to have been prime minister, the highest in office next the king.

3. scribes—that is, secretaries of state. Under David, there had been only one [2Sa 8:17; 20:25]. The employment of three functionaries in this department indicates either improved regulations by the division of labor, or a great increase of business, occasioned by the growing prosperity of the kingdom, or a more extensive correspondence with foreign countries.

recorder—that is, historiographer, or annalist—an office of great importance in Oriental courts, and the duties of which consisted in chronicling the occurrences of every day.

4. Benaiah … was over the host—formerly captain of the guard. He had succeeded Joab as commander of the forces.

Zadok and Abiathar were the priests—Only the first discharged the sacred functions; the latter had been banished to his country seat and retained nothing more than the name of high priest.

5. over the officers—that is, the provincial governors enumerated in 1Ki 4:17-19.

principal officer, and the king's friend—perhaps president of the privy council, and Solomon's confidential friend or favorite. This high functionary had probably been reared along with Solomon. That he should heap those honors on the sons of Nathan was most natural, considering the close intimacy of the father with the late king, and the deep obligations under which Solomon personally lay to the prophet.

6. Ahishar was over the household—steward or chamberlain of the palace.

Adoniram—or Adoram (2Sa 20:24; 1Ki 12:18), or Hadoram (2Ch 10:18),

was over the tribute—not the collection of money or goods, but the levy of compulsory laborers (compare 1Ki 5:13, 14).

1Ki 4:7-21. His Twelve Officers.

7. Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel—The royal revenues were raised according to the ancient, and still, in many parts, existing usage of the East, not in money payments, but in the produce of the soil. There would be always a considerable difficulty in the collection and transmission of these tithes (1Sa 8:15). Therefore, to facilitate the work, Solomon appointed twelve officers, who had each the charge of a tribe or particular district of country, from which, in monthly rotation, the supplies for the maintenance of the king's household were drawn, having first been deposited in "the store cities" which were erected for their reception (1Ki 9:19; 2Ch 8:4, 6).

8. The son of Hur—or, as the Margin has it, Benhur, Bendekar. In the rural parts of Syria, and among the Arabs, it is still common to designate persons not by their own names, but as the sons of their fathers.

21. Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the river—All the petty kingdoms between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean were tributary to him. Similar is the statement in 1Ki 4:24.

22, 23. Solomon's provision for one day—not for the king's table only, but for all connected with the court, including, besides the royal establishment, those of his royal consorts, his principal officers, his bodyguards, his foreign visitors, &c. The quantity of fine floor used is estimated at two hundred forty bushels; that of meal or common flour at four hundred eighty. The number of cattle required for consumption, besides poultry and several kinds of game (which were abundant on the mountains) did not exceed in proportion what is needed in other courts of the East.

24. from Tiphsah—that is, Thapsacus, a large and flourishing town on the west bank of the Euphrates, the name of which was derived from a celebrated ford near it, the lowest on that river.

even to Azzah—that is, Gaza, on the southwestern extremity, not far from the Mediterranean.

25. every man under his vine and … fig tree—This is a common and beautiful metaphor for peace and security (Mic 4:4; Zec 3:10), founded on the practice, still common in modern Syria, of training these fruit trees up the walls and stairs of houses, so as to make a shady arbor, beneath which the people sit and relax.

26. forty thousand stalls—for the royal mews (see on 2Ch 9:25).

28. Barley … and straw—Straw is not used for litter, but barley mixed with chopped straw is the usual fodder of horses.

dromedaries—one-humped camels, distinguished for their great fleetness.

1Ki 4:29-34. His Wisdom.

29. God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart—that is, high powers of mind, great capacity for receieving, as well as aptitude for communicating knowledge.

30. Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country—that is, the Arabians, Chaldeans, and Persians (Ge 25:6).

all the wisdom of Egypt—Egypt was renowned as the seat of learning and sciences, and the existing monuments, which so clearly describe the ancient state of society and the arts, show the high culture of the Egyptian people.

31. wiser than all men—that is, all his contemporaries, either at home or abroad.

than Ethan—or Jeduthun, of the family of Merari (1Ch 6:44).

Heman—(1Ch 15:17-19)—the chief of the temple musicians and the king's seers (1Ch 25:5); the other two are not known.

the sons of Mahol—either another name for Zerah (1Ch 2:6); or taking it as a common noun, signifying a dance, a chorus, "the sons of Mahol" signify persons eminently skilled in poetry and music.

32. he spake three thousand proverbs—embodying his moral sentiments and sage observations on human life and character.

songs … a thousand and five—Psalm 72, 127, 132, and the Song of Songs are his.

33. he spake of trees, from the cedar … to the hyssop—all plants, from the greatest to the least. The Spirit of God has seen fit to preserve comparatively few memorials of the fruits of his gigantic mind. The greater part of those here ascribed to him have long since fallen a prey to the ravages of time, or perished in the Babylonish captivity, probably because they were not inspired.