Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 5 » Verse 8

1 Kings 5:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 And Hiram H2438 sent H7971 to Solomon, H8010 saying, H559 I have considered H8085 the things which thou sentest H7971 to me for: and I will do H6213 all thy desire H2656 concerning timber H6086 of cedar, H730 and concerning timber H6086 of fir. H1265

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 6:5 STRONG

And David H1732 and all the house H1004 of Israel H3478 played H7832 before H6440 the LORD H3068 on all manner of instruments made of fir H1265 wood, H6086 even on harps, H3658 and on psalteries, H5035 and on timbrels, H8596 and on cornets, H4517 and on cymbals. H6767

1 Kings 6:15 STRONG

And he built H1129 the walls H7023 of the house H1004 within H1004 with boards H6763 of cedar, H730 both the floor H7172 of the house, H1004 and the walls H7023 of the cieling: H5604 and he covered H6823 them on the inside H1004 with wood, H6086 and covered H6823 the floor H7172 of the house H1004 with planks H6763 of fir. H1265

1 Kings 6:34 STRONG

And the two H8147 doors H1817 were of fir H1265 tree: H6086 the two H8147 leaves H6763 of the one H259 door H1817 were folding, H1550 and the two H8147 leaves H7050 of the other H8145 door H1817 were folding. H1550

2 Chronicles 3:5 STRONG

And the greater H1419 house H1004 he cieled H2645 with fir H1265 tree, H6086 which he overlaid H2645 with fine H2896 gold, H2091 and set H5927 thereon palm trees H8561 and chains. H8333

Commentary on 1 Kings 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 5:1-6. Hiram Sends to Congratulate Solomon.

1. Hiram … sent his servants unto Solomon—the grandson of David's contemporary [Kitto]; or the same Hiram [Winer and others]. The friendly relations which the king of Tyre had cultivated with David are here seen renewed with his son and successor, by a message of condolence as well as of congratulation on his accession to the throne of Israel. The alliance between the two nations had been mutually beneficial by the encouragement of useful traffic. Israel, being agricultural, furnished corn and oil, while the Tyrians, who were a commercial people, gave in exchange their Phœnician manufactures, as well as the produce of foreign lands. A special treaty was now entered into in furtherance of that undertaking which was the great work of Solomon's splendid and peaceful reign.

6. command thou that they hew me cedar trees out of Lebanon—Nowhere else could Solomon have procured materials for the woodwork of his contemplated building. The forests of Lebanon, adjoining the seas in Solomon's time, belonged to the Phœnicians, and the timber being a lucrative branch of their exports, immense numbers of workmen were constantly employed in the felling of trees as well as the transportation and preparation of the wood. Hiram stipulated to furnish Solomon with as large a quantity of cedars and cypresses as he might require and it was a great additional obligation that he engaged to render the important service of having it brought down, probably by the Dog river, to the seaside, and conveyed along the coast in floats; that is, the logs being bound together, to the harbor of Joppa (2Ch 2:16), whence they could easily find the means of transport to Jerusalem.

my servants shall be with thy servants—The operations were to be on so extensive a scale that the Tyrians alone would be insufficient. A division of labor was necessary, and while the former would do the work that required skilful artisans, Solomon engaged to supply the laborers.

1Ki 5:7-12. Furnishes Timber to Build the Temple.

7. Blessed be the Lord—This language is no decisive evidence that Hiram was a worshipper of the true God, as he might use it only on the polytheistic principle of acknowledging Jehovah as the God of the Hebrews (see on 2Ch 2:11).

8. Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I have considered the things … and I will do—The contract was drawn out formally in a written document (2Ch 2:11), which, according to Josephus, was preserved both in the Jewish and Tyrian records.

10. fir trees—rather, the cypress.

11. food to his household—This was an annual supply for the palace, different from that mentioned in 2Ch 2:10, which was for the workmen in the forests.

1Ki 5:13-18. Solomon's Workmen and Laborers.

13. Solomon raised a levy out of all Israel—The renewed notice of Solomon's divine gift of wisdom (1Ki 5:12) is evidently introduced to prepare for this record of the strong but prudent measures he took towards the accomplishment of his work. So great a stretch of arbitrary power as is implied in this compulsory levy would have raised great discontent, if not opposition, had not his wise arrangement of letting the laborers remain at home two months out of three, added to the sacredness of the work, reconciled the people to this forced labor. The carrying of burdens and the irksome work of excavating the quarries was assigned to the remnant of the Canaanites (1Ki 9:20; 2Ch 8:7-9) and war prisoners made by David—amounting to 153,600. The employment of persons of that condition in Eastern countries for carrying on any public work, would make this part of the arrangements the less thought of.

17. brought great stones—The stone of Lebanon is "hard, calcareous, whitish and sonorous, like free stone" [Shaw]. The same white and beautiful stone can be obtained in every part of Syria and Palestine.

hewed stones—or neatly polished, as the Hebrew word signifies (Ex 20:25). Both Jewish and Tyrian builders were employed in hewing these great stones.

18. and the stone squarers—The Margin, which renders it "the Giblites" (Jos 13:5), has long been considered a preferable translation. This marginal translation also must yield to another which has lately been proposed, by a slight change in the Hebrew text, and which would be rendered thus: "Solomon's builders, and Hiram's builders, did hew them and bevel them" [Thenius]. These great bevelled or grooved stones, measuring some twenty, others thirty feet in length, and from five to six feet in breadth, are still seen in the substructures about the ancient site of the temple; and, in the judgment of the most competent observers, were those originally employed "to lay the foundation of the house."