Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 27 » Verse 9

1 Samuel 27:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And David H1732 smote H5221 the land, H776 and left neither man H376 nor woman H802 alive, H2421 and took away H3947 the sheep, H6629 and the oxen, H1241 and the asses, H2543 and the camels, H1581 and the apparel, H899 and returned, H7725 and came H935 to Achish. H397

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 15:3 STRONG

Now go H3212 and smite H5221 Amalek, H6002 and utterly destroy H2763 all that they have, and spare H2550 them not; but slay H4191 both man H376 and woman, H802 infant H5768 and suckling, H3243 ox H7794 and sheep, H7716 camel H1581 and ass. H2543

Genesis 16:7 STRONG

And the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 found her H4672 by a fountain H5869 of water H4325 in the wilderness, H4057 by the fountain H5869 in the way H1870 to Shur. H7793

Genesis 25:18 STRONG

And they dwelt H7931 from Havilah H2341 unto Shur, H7793 that is before H6440 Egypt, H4714 as thou goest H935 toward Assyria: H804 and he died H5307 in the presence H6440 of all his brethren. H251

Exodus 15:22 STRONG

So Moses H4872 brought H5265 Israel H3478 from the Red H5488 sea, H3220 and they went out H3318 into the wilderness H4057 of Shur; H7793 and they went H3212 three H7969 days H3117 in the wilderness, H4057 and found H4672 no water. H4325

Deuteronomy 25:17-19 STRONG

Remember H2142 what Amalek H6002 did H6213 unto thee by the way, H1870 when ye were come forth H3318 out of Egypt; H4714 How he met H7136 thee by the way, H1870 and smote the hindmost H2179 of thee, even all that were feeble H2826 behind H310 thee, when thou wast faint H5889 and weary; H3023 and he feared H3373 not God. H430 Therefore it shall be, when the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath given thee rest H5117 from all thine enemies H341 round about, H5439 in the land H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee for an inheritance H5159 to possess H3423 it, that thou shalt blot out H4229 the remembrance H2143 of Amalek H6002 from under heaven; H8064 thou shalt not forget H7911 it.

Joshua 6:21 STRONG

And they utterly destroyed H2763 all that was in the city, H5892 both man H376 and woman, H802 young H5288 and old, H2205 and ox, H7794 and sheep, H7716 and ass, H2543 with the edge H6310 of the sword. H2719

1 Samuel 15:7 STRONG

And Saul H7586 smote H5221 the Amalekites H6002 from Havilah H2341 until thou comest H935 to Shur, H7793 that is over against H6440 Egypt. H4714

Commentary on 1 Samuel 27 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Sa 27:1-4. Saul Hearing That David Was Fled to Gath, Seeks No More for Him.

1. David said in his heart, … there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines—This resolution of David's was, in every respect, wrong: (1) It was removing him from the place where the divine oracle intimated him to remain (1Sa 22:5); (2) It was rushing into the idolatrous land, for driving him into which he had denounced an imprecation on his enemies (1Sa 26:19); (3) It was a withdrawal of his counsel and aid from God's people. It was a movement, however, overruled by Providence to detach him from his country and to let the disasters impending over Saul and his followers be brought on by the Philistines.

2, 3. Achish, the son of Maoch, king of Gath—The popular description of this king's family creates a presumption that he was a different king from the reigning sovereign on David's first visit to Gath. Whether David had received a special invitation from him or a mere permission to enter his territories, cannot be determined. It is probable that the former was the case. From the universal notoriety given to the feud between Saul and David, which had now become irreconcilable, it might appear to Achish good policy to harbor him as a guest, and so the better pave the way for the hostile measures against Israel which the Philistines were at this time meditating.

1Sa 27:5-12. David Begs Ziklag of Achish.

5. let them give me a place in some town in the country—It was a prudent arrangement on the part of David; for it would prevent him being an object of jealous suspicion, or of mischievous plots among the Philistines. It would place his followers more beyond the risk of contamination by the idolatries of the court and capital; and it would give him an opportunity of making reprisals on the freebooting tribes that infested the common border of Israel and the Philistines.

6. Ziklag—Though originally assigned to Judah (Jos 15:31), and subsequently to Simeon (Jos 19:5), this town had never been possessed by the Israelites. It belonged to the Philistines, who gave it to David.

8. David … went up, and invaded the Geshurites—(See Jos 13:2).

and the Gezrites—or the Gerizi [Gesenius], (Jos 12:12), some Arab horde which had once encamped there.

and the Amalekites—Part of the district occupied by them lay on the south of the land of Israel (Jud 5:14; 12:15).

10. Achish said, Whither have ye made a road to-day?—that is, raid, a hostile excursion for seizing cattle and other booty.

David said, Against the south of Judah, and against the south of the Jerahmeelites—Jerahmeel was the great-grandson of Judah, and his posterity occupied the southern portion of that tribal domain.

the south of the Kenites—the posterity of Jethro, who occupied the south of Judah (Jud 1:16; Nu 24:21). The deceit practised upon his royal host and the indiscriminate slaughter committed, lest any one should escape to tell the tale, exhibit an unfavorable view of this part of David's history.