1 Thessalonians 2:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 So G3779 being affectionately desirous G2442 of you, G5216 we were willing G2106 to have imparted G3330 unto you, G5213 not G3756 the gospel G2098 of God G2316 only, G3440 but G235 also G2532 our own G1438 souls, G5590 because G1360 ye were G1096 dear G27 unto us. G2254

Cross Reference

2 Corinthians 12:15 STRONG

And G1161 I G1473 will very gladly G2236 spend G1159 and G2532 be spent G1550 for G5228 you; G5590 G5216 though G1499 the more abundantly G4056 I love G25 you, G5209 the less G2276 I be loved. G25

1 John 3:16 STRONG

Hereby G1722 G5129 perceive we G1097 the love G26 of God, because G3754 he G1565 laid down G5087 his G846 life G5590 for G5228 us: G2257 and G2532 we G2249 ought G3784 to lay down G5087 our lives G5590 for G5228 the brethren. G80

Philippians 2:17 STRONG

Yea, G235 and if G1499 I be offered G4689 upon G1909 the sacrifice G2378 and G2532 service G3009 of your G5216 faith, G4102 I joy, G5463 and G2532 rejoice with G4796 you G5213 all. G3956

Romans 1:11-12 STRONG

For G1063 I long G1971 to see G1492 you, G5209 that G2443 I may impart G3330 unto you G5213 some G5100 spiritual G4152 gift, G5486 to the end G1519 ye G5209 may be established; G4741 That G1161 G5124 is, G2076 that I may be comforted together G4837 with G1722 you G5213 by G1223 G1722 the mutual G240 faith G4102 both G5037 of you G5216 and G2532 me. G1700

Philippians 2:25-26 STRONG

Yet G1161 I supposed G2233 it necessary G316 to send G3992 to G4314 you G5209 Epaphroditus, G1891 my G3450 brother, G80 and G2532 companion in labour, G4904 and G2532 fellowsoldier, G4961 but G1161 your G5216 messenger, G652 and G2532 he that ministered G3011 to my G3450 wants. G5532 For G1894 he G2258 longed after G1971 you G5209 all, G3956 and G2532 was full of heaviness, G85 because G1360 that ye had heard G191 that G3754 he had been sick. G770

Hebrews 13:17 STRONG

Obey G3982 them that have the rule G2233 over you, G5216 and G2532 submit yourselves: G5226 for G1063 they G846 watch G69 for G5228 your G5216 souls, G5590 as G5613 they that must give G591 account, G3056 that G2443 they may do G4160 it G5124 with G3326 joy, G5479 and G2532 not G3361 with grief: G4727 for G1063 that G5124 is unprofitable G255 for you. G5213

Philemon 1:1 STRONG

Paul, G3972 a prisoner G1198 of Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and G2532 Timothy G5095 our brother, G80 unto Philemon G5371 our G2257 dearly beloved, G27 and G2532 fellowlabourer, G4904

Colossians 4:12 STRONG

Epaphras, G1889 who is one of G1537 you, G5216 a servant G1401 of Christ, G5547 saluteth G782 you, G5209 always G3842 labouring fervently G75 for G5228 you G5216 in G1722 prayers, G4335 that G2443 ye may stand G2476 perfect G5046 and G2532 complete G4137 in G1722 all G3956 the will G2307 of God. G2316

Colossians 1:28 STRONG

Whom G3739 we G2249 preach, G2605 warning G3560 every G3956 man, G444 and G2532 teaching G1321 every G3956 man G444 in G1722 all G3956 wisdom; G4678 that G2443 we may present G3936 every G3956 man G444 perfect G5046 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus: G2424

Colossians 1:7 STRONG

As G2531 ye G3129 also G2532 learned G3129 of G575 Epaphras G1889 our G2257 dear G27 fellowservant, G4889 who G3739 is G2076 for G5228 you G5216 a faithful G4103 minister G1249 of Christ; G5547

Philippians 4:1 STRONG

Therefore, G5620 my G3450 brethren G80 dearly beloved G27 and G2532 longed for, G1973 my G3450 joy G5479 and G2532 crown, G4735 so G3779 stand fast G4739 in G1722 the Lord, G2962 my dearly beloved. G27

Philippians 2:20 STRONG

For G1063 I have G2192 no man G3762 likeminded, G2473 who G3748 will naturally G1104 care G3309 for your G5216 state. G4012

Philippians 1:8 STRONG

For G1063 God G2316 is G2076 my G3450 record, G3144 how G5613 greatly I long after G1971 you G5209 all G3956 in G1722 the bowels G4698 of Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

Galatians 4:19 STRONG

My G3450 little children, G5040 of whom G3739 I travail in birth G5605 again G3825 until G891 G3757 Christ G5547 be formed G3445 in G1722 you, G5213

2 Corinthians 6:11-13 STRONG

O ye Corinthians, G2881 our G2257 mouth G4750 is open G455 unto G4314 you, G5209 our G2257 heart G2588 is enlarged. G4115 Ye are G4729 not G3756 straitened G4729 in G1722 us, G2254 but G1161 ye are straitened G4729 in G1722 your own G5216 bowels. G4698 Now G1161 for a recompence G489 in the same, G846 (I speak G3004 as G5613 unto my children,) G5043 be G4115 ye G5210 also G2532 enlarged. G4115

2 Corinthians 6:1 STRONG

We G3870 then, G1161 as workers together G4903 with him, beseech G3870 you also G2532 that ye G5209 receive G1209 not G3361 the grace G5485 of God G2316 in G1519 vain. G2756

Romans 15:29 STRONG

And G1161 I am sure G1492 that, G3754 when I come G2064 unto G4314 you, G5209 I shall come G2064 in G1722 the fulness G4138 of the blessing G2129 of the gospel G2098 of Christ. G5547

Romans 10:1 STRONG

Brethren, G80 my G1699 heart's G2588 desire G2107 and G2532 prayer G1162 to G4314 God G2316 for G5228 Israel G2474 is, G2076 that G3303 G1519 they might be saved. G4991

Romans 9:1-3 STRONG

I say G3004 the truth G225 in G1722 Christ, G5547 I lie G5574 not, G3756 my G3450 conscience G4893 also bearing G4828 me G3427 witness G4828 in G1722 the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 That G3754 I G3427 have G2076 great G3173 heaviness G3077 and G2532 continual G88 sorrow in G3601 my G3450 heart. G2588 For G1063 I G1473 could wish G2172 that myself G846 were G1511 accursed G331 from G575 Christ G5547 for G5228 my G3450 brethren, G80 my G3450 kinsmen G4773 according G2596 to the flesh: G4561

Jeremiah 13:15-17 STRONG

Hear H8085 ye, and give ear; H238 be not proud: H1361 for the LORD H3068 hath spoken. H1696 Give H5414 glory H3519 to the LORD H3068 your God, H430 before he cause darkness, H2821 and before your feet H7272 stumble H5062 upon the dark H5399 mountains, H2022 and, while ye look H6960 for light, H216 he turn H7760 it into the shadow of death, H6757 and make H7896 H7896 it gross darkness. H6205 But if ye will not hear H8085 it, my soul H5315 shall weep H1058 in secret places H4565 for H6440 your pride; H1466 and mine eye H5869 shall weep H1830 sore, H1830 and run down H3381 with tears, H1832 because the LORD'S H3068 flock H5739 is carried away captive. H7617

Luke 7:2 STRONG

And G1161 a certain G5100 centurion's G1543 servant, G1401 who G3739 was G2258 dear G1784 unto him, G846 was G2192 sick, G2560 and ready G3195 to die. G5053

Acts 20:23-24 STRONG

Save G4133 that G3754 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 witnesseth G1263 in every G2596 city, G4172 saying G3004 that G3754 bonds G1199 and G2532 afflictions G2347 abide G3306 me. G3165 But G235 none G3762 of these things G3056 move me, G4160 neither G3761 count I G2192 my G3450 life G5590 dear G5093 unto myself, G1683 so G5613 that I might finish G5048 my G3450 course G1408 with G3326 joy, G5479 and G2532 the ministry, G1248 which G3739 I have received G2983 of G3844 the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 to testify G1263 the gospel G2098 of the grace G5485 of God. G2316

Commentary on 1 Thessalonians 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Th 2:1-20. His Manner of Preaching, and Theirs of Receiving, the Gospel; His Desire to Have Revisited Them Frustrated by Satan.

1. For—confirming 1Th 1:9. He discusses the manner of his fellow missionaries' preaching among them (1Th 1:5, and former part of 1Th 2:9) at 1Th 2:1-12; and the Thessalonians' reception of the word (compare 1Th 1:6, 7, and latter part of 1Th 2:9) at 1Th 2:13-16.

yourselves—Not only do strangers report it, but you know it to be true [Alford] "yourselves."

not in vain—Greek, "not vain," that is, it was full of "power" (1Th 1:5). The Greek for "was," expresses rather "hath been and is," implying the permanent and continuing character of his preaching.

2. even after that we had suffered before—at Philippi (Ac 16:11-40): a circumstance which would have deterred mere natural, unspiritual men from further preaching.

shamefully entreated—ignominiously scourged (Ac 16:22, 23).

bold—(Ac 4:29; Eph 6:20).

in our God—The ground of our boldness in speaking was the realization of God as "OUR God."

with much contention—that is, literally, as of competitors in a contest: striving earnestness (Col 1:29; 2:1). But here outward conflict with persecutors, rather than inward and mental, was what the missionaries had to endure (Ac 17:5, 6; Php 1:30).

3. For—The ground of his "boldness" (1Th 2:2), his freedom from all "deceit, uncleanness, and guile"; guile, before God, deceit (Greek, "imposture"), towards men (compare 2Co 1:12; 2:17; Eph 4:14); uncleanness, in relation to one's self (impure motives of carnal self-gratification in gain, 1Th 2:5), or lust; such as actuated false teachers of the Gentiles (Php 1:16; 2Pe 2:10, 14; Jude 8; Re 2:14, 15). So Simon Magus and Cerinthus taught [Estius].

exhortation—The Greek means "consolation" as well as "exhortation." The same Gospel which exhorts comforts. Its first lesson to each is that of peace in believing amidst outward and inward sorrows. It comforts them that mourn (compare 1Th 2:11; Isa 61:2, 3; 2Co 1:3, 4).

of—springing from—having its source in—deceit, &c.

4. as—according as; even as.

allowed—Greek, "We have been approved on trial," "deemed fit." This word corresponds to "God which trieth our hearts" below. This approval as to sincerity depends solely on the grace and mercy of God (Ac 9:15; 1Co 7:25; 2Co 3:5; 1Ti 1:11, 12).

not as pleasing—not as persons who seek to please men; characteristic of false teachers (Ga 1:10).

5. used we flattering words—literally, "become (that is, have we been found) in (the use of) language of flattery"; the resource of those who try to "please men."

as ye know—"Ye know" as to whether I flattered you; as to "covetousness," God, the Judge of the heart, alone can be "my witness."

cloak of—that is, any specious guise under which I might cloak "covetousness."

6. Literally, "Nor of men (have we been found, 1Th 2:5) seeking glory." The "of" here represents a different Greek word from "of" in the clause "of you … of others." Alford makes the former (Greek, "ex") express the abstract ground of the glory; the latter (apo) the concrete object from which it was to come. The former means "originating from"; the latter means "on the part of." Many teach heretical novelties, though not for fain, yet for "glory." Paul and his associates were free even from this motive [Grotius], (Joh 5:44).

we might have been burdensome—that is, by claiming maintenance (1Th 2:9; 2Co 11:9; 12:16; 2Th 3:8). As, however, "glory" precedes, as well as "covetousness," the reference cannot be restricted to the latter, though I think it is not excluded. Translate, "when we might have borne heavily upon you," by pressing you with the weight of self-glorifying authority, and with the burden of our sustenance. Thus the antithesis is appropriate in the words following, "But we were gentle (the opposite of pressing weightily) among you" (1Th 2:7). On weight being connected with authority, compare Note, see on 2Co 10:10, "His letters are weighty" (1Co 4:21). Alford's translation, which excludes reference to his right of claiming maintenance ("when we might have stood on our dignity"), seems to me disproved by 1Th 2:9, which uses the same Greek word unequivocally for "chargeable." Twice he received supplies from Philippi while at Thessalonica (Php 4:16).

as the apostles—that is, as being apostles.

7. we were—Greek, "we were made" by God's grace.

gentle—Greek, "mild in bearing with the faults of others" [Tittmann]; one, too, who is gentle (though firm) in reproving the erroneous opinions of others (2Ti 2:24). Some of the oldest manuscripts read, "we became little children" (compare Mt 18:3, 4). Others support the English Version reading, which forms a better antithesis to 1Th 2:6, 7, and harmonizes better with what follows; for he would hardly, in the same sentence, compare himself both to the "infants" or "little children," and to "a nurse," or rather, "suckling mother." Gentleness is the fitting characteristic of a nurse.

among you—Greek, "in the midst of you," that is, in our intercourse with you being as one of yourselves.

nurse—a suckling mother.

her—Greek, "her own children" (compare 1Th 2:11). So Ga 4:19.

8. So—to be joined to "we were willing"; "As a nurse cherisheth … so we were willing," &c. [Alford]. But Bengel, "So," that is, seeing that we have such affection for you.

being affectionately desirous—The oldest reading in the Greek implies, literally, to connect one's self with another; to be closely attached to another.

willing—The Greek is stronger, "we were well content"; "we would gladly have imparted," &c. "even our own lives" (so the Greek for "souls" ought to be translated); as we showed in the sufferings we endured in giving you the Gospel (Ac 17:1-34). As a nursing mother is ready to impart not only her milk to them, but her life for them, so we not only imparted gladly the spiritual milk of the word to you, but risked our own lives for your spiritual nourishment, imitating Him who laid down His life for His friends, the greatest proof of love (Joh 15:13).

ye were—Greek, "ye were become," as having become our spiritual children.

dear—Greek, "dearly beloved."

9. labour and travail—The Greek for "labor" means hardship in bearing; that for "travail," hardship in doing; the former, toil with the utmost solicitude; the latter, the being wearied with fatigue [Grotius]. Zanchius refers the former to spiritual (see 1Th 3:5), the latter to manual labor. I would translate, "weariness (so the Greek is translated, 2Co 11:27) and travail" (hard labor, toil).

for—omitted in the oldest manuscripts.

labouring—Greek, "working," namely, at tent-making (Ac 18:3).

night and day—The Jews reckoned the day from sunset to sunset, so that "night" is put before "day" (compare Ac 20:31). Their labors with their hands for a scanty livelihood had to be engaged in not only by day, but by night also, in the intervals between spiritual labors.

because we would not be chargeable—Greek, "with a view to not burdening any of you" (2Co 11:9, 10).

preached unto you—Greek, "unto and among you." Though but "three Sabbaths" are mentioned, Ac 17:2, these refer merely to the time of his preaching to the Jews in the synagogue. When rejected by them as a body, after having converted a few Jews, he turned to the Gentiles; of these (whom he preached to in a place distinct from the synagogue) "a great multitude believed" (Ac 17:4, where the oldest manuscripts read, "of the devout [proselytes] and Greeks a great multitude"); then after he had, by labors continued among the Gentiles for some time, gathered in many converts, the Jews, provoked by his success, assaulted Jason's house, and drove him away. His receiving "once and again" supplies from Philippi, implies a longer stay at Thessalonica than three weeks (Php 4:16).

10. Ye are witnesses—as to our outward conduct.

God—as to our inner motives.

holily—towards God.

justly—towards men.

unblamably—in relation to ourselves.

behaved ourselves—Greek, "were made to be," namely, by God.

among you that believe—rather, "before (that is, in the eyes of) you that believe"; whatever we may have seemed in the eyes of the unbelieving. As 1Th 2:9 refers to their outward occupation in the world; so 1Th 2:10, to their character among believers.

11. exhorted and comforted—Exhortation leads one to do a thing willingly; consolation, to do it joyfully [Bengel], (1Th 5:14). Even in the former term, "exhorted," the Greek includes the additional idea of comforting and advocating one's cause: "encouragingly exhorted." Appropriate in this case, as the Thessalonians were in sorrow, both through persecutions, and also through deaths of friends (1Th 4:13).

charged—"conjured solemnly," literally, "testifying"; appealing solemnly to you before God.

every one of you—in private (Ac 20:20), as well as publicly. The minister, if he would be useful, must not deal merely in generalities, but must individualize and particularize.

as a father—with mild gravity. The Greek is, "his own children."

12. worthy of God—"worthy of the Lord" (Col 1:10); "worthily of the saints" (Ro 16:2, Greek): "… of the Gospel" (Php 1:27) "… of the vocation wherewith ye are called" (Eph 4:1). Inconsistency would cause God's name to be "blasphemed among the Gentiles" (Ro 2:24). The Greek article is emphatical, "Worthy of THE God who is calling you."

hath called—So one of the oldest manuscripts and Vulgate. Other oldest manuscripts, "Who calleth us."

his kingdom—to be set up at the Lord's coming.

glory—that ye may share His glory (Joh 17:22; Col 3:4).

13. For this cause—Seeing ye have had such teachers (1Th 2:10-12) [Bengel], "we also (as well as 'all that believe' in Macedonia and Achaia) thank God without ceasing ('always' … 'in our prayers,' 1Th 1:2), that when ye received the word of God which ye heard from us (literally, 'God's word of hearing from us,' Ro 10:16, 17), ye accepted it not as the word of men, but, even as it is truly, the word of God." Alford omits the "as" of English Version. But the "as" is required by the clause, "even as it is truly." "Ye accepted it, not (as) the word of men (which it might have been supposed to be), but (as) the word of God, even as it really is." The Greek for the first "received," implies simply the hearing of it; the Greek of the second is "accepted," or "welcomed" it. The proper object of faith, it hence appears, is the word of God, at first oral, then for security against error, written (Joh 20:30, 31; Ro 15:4; Ga 4:30). Also, that faith is the work of divine grace, is implied by Paul's thanksgiving.

effectually worketh also in you that believe—"Also," besides your accepting it with your hearts, it evidences itself in your lives. It shows its energy in its practical effects on you; for instance, working in you patient endurance in trial (1Th 2:14; compare Ga 3:5; 5:6).

14. followers—Greek, "imitators." Divine working is most of all seen and felt in affliction.

in Judea—The churches of Judea were naturally the patterns to other churches, as having been the first founded, and that on the very scene of Christ's own ministry. Reference to them is specially appropriate here, as the Thessalonians, with Paul and Silas, had experienced from Jews in their city persecutions (Ac 17:5-9) similar to those which "the churches in Judea" experienced from Jews in that country.

in Christ Jesus—not merely "in God"; for the synagogues of the Jews (one of which the Thessalonians were familiar with, Ac 17:1) were also in God. But the Christian churches alone were not only in God, as the Jews in contrast to the Thessalonian idolaters were, but also in Christ, which the Jews were not.

of your own countrymen—including primarily the Jews settled at Thessalonica, from whom the persecution originated, and also the Gentiles there, instigated by the Jews; thus, "fellow countrymen" (the Greek term, according to Herodian, implies, not the enduring relation of fellow citizenship, but sameness of country for the time being), including naturalized Jews and native Thessalonians, stand in contrast to the pure "Jews" in Judea (Mt 10:36). It is an undesigned coincidence, that Paul at this time was suffering persecutions of the Jews at Corinth, whence he writes (Ac 18:5, 6, 12); naturally his letter would the more vividly dwell on Jewish bitterness against Christians.

even as they—(Heb 10:32-34). There was a likeness in respect to the nation from which both suffered, namely, Jews, and those their own countrymen; in the cause for which, and in the evils which, they suffered, and also in the steadfast manner in which they suffered them. Such sameness of fruits, afflictions, and experimental characteristics of believers, in all places and at all times, is a subsidiary evidence of the truth of the Gospel.

15. the Lord Jesus—rather as Greek, "Jesus THE Lord." This enhances the glaring enormity of their sin, that in killing Jesus they killed the Lord (Compare Ac 3:14, 15).

their own—omitted in the oldest manuscripts.

prophets—(Mt 21:33-41; 23:31-37; Lu 13:33).

persecuted us—rather as Greek (see Margin), "By persecution drove us out" (Lu 11:49).

please not God—that is, they do not make it their aim to please God. He implies that with all their boast of being God's peculiar people, they all the while are "no pleasers of God," as certainly as, by the universal voice of the world, which even they themselves cannot contradict, they are declared to be perversely "contrary to all men." Josephus [Against Apion, 2.14], represents one calling them "Atheists and Misanthropes, the dullest of barbarians"; and Tacitus [Histories, 5.5], "They have a hostile hatred of all other men." However, the contrariety to all men here meant is, in that they "forbid us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved" (1Th 2:16).

16. Forbidding—Greek, "Hindering us from speaking," &c.

to fill up their sins alway—Tending thus "to the filling up (the full measure of, Ge 15:16; Da 8:23; Mt 23:32) their sins at all times," that is, now as at all former times. Their hindrance of the Gospel preaching to the Gentiles was the last measure added to their continually accumulating iniquity, which made them fully ripe for vengeance.

for—Greek, "but." "But," they shall proceed no further, for (2Ti 3:8) "the" divine "wrath has (so the Greek) come upon (overtaken unexpectedly; the past tense expressing the speedy certainty of the divinely destined stroke) them to the uttermost"; not merely partial wrath, but wrath to its full extent, "even to the finishing stroke" [Edmunds]. The past tense implies that the fullest visitation of wrath was already begun. Already in A.D. 48, a tumult had occurred at the Passover in Jerusalem, when about thirty thousand (according to some) were slain; a foretaste of the whole vengeance which speedily followed (Lu 19:43, 44; 21:24).

17. But we—resumed from 1Th 2:13; in contrast to the Jews, 1Th 2:15, 16.

taken—rather as Greek, "severed (violently, Ac 17:7-10) from you," as parents bereft of their children. So "I will not leave you comfortless," Greek, "orphanized" (Joh 14:18).

for a short time—literally, "for the space of an hour." "When we had been severed from you but a very short time (perhaps alluding to the suddenness of his unexpected departure), we the more abundantly (the shorter was our separation; for the desire of meeting again is the more vivid, the more recent has been the parting) endeavored," &c. (Compare 2Ti 1:4). He does not hereby, as many explain, anticipate a short separation from them, which would be a false anticipation; for he did not soon revisit them. The Greek past participle also forbids their view.

18. Wherefore—The oldest manuscripts read, "Because," or "Inasmuch as."

we would—Greek, "we wished to come"; we intended to come.

even I Paul—My fellow missionaries as well as myself wished to come; I can answer for myself that I intended it more than once. His slightly distinguishing himself here from his fellow missionaries, whom throughout this Epistle he associates with himself in the plural, accords with the fact that Silvanus and Timothy stayed at Berea when Paul went on to Athens; where subsequently Timothy joined him, and was thence sent by Paul alone to Thessalonica (1Th 3:1).

Satan hindered us—On a different occasion "the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Jesus" (so the oldest manuscripts read), Ac 16:6, 7, forbad or hindered them in a missionary design; here it is Satan, acting perhaps by wicked men, some of whom had already driven him out of Thessalonica (Ac 17:13, 14; compare Joh 13:27), or else by some more direct "messenger of Satan—a thorn in the flesh" (2Co 12:7; compare 2Co 11:14). In any event, the Holy Ghost and the providence of God overruled Satan's opposition to further His own purpose. We cannot, in each case, define whence hindrances in good undertakings arise; Paul in this case, by inspiration, was enabled to say; the hindrance was from Satan. Grotius thinks Satan's mode of hindering Paul's journey to Thessalonica was by instigating the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers to cavil, which entailed on Paul the necessity of replying, and so detained him; but he seems to have left Athens leisurely (Ac 17:33, 34; 18:1). The Greek for "hindered" is literally, "to cut a trench between one's self and an advancing foe, to prevent his progress"; so Satan opposing the progress of the missionaries.

19. For—giving the reason for his earnest desire to see them.

Are not even ye in the presence of … Christ—"Christ" is omitted in the oldest manuscripts. Are not even ye (namely, among others; the "even" or "also," implies that not they alone will be his crown) our hope, joy, and crown of rejoicing before Jesus, when He shall come (2Co 1:14; Php 2:16; 4:1)? The "hope" here meant is his hope (in a lower sense), that these his converts might be found in Christ at His advent (1Th 3:13). Paul's chief "hope" was Jesus Christ (1Ti 1:1).

20. Emphatical repetition with increased force. Who but ye and our other converts are our hope, &c., hereafter, at Christ's coming? For it is ye who ARE now our glory and joy.