Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 4 » Verse 12

2 Kings 4:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 And he said H559 to Gehazi H1522 his servant, H5288 Call H7121 this Shunammite. H7767 And when he had called H7121 her, she stood H5975 before H6440 him.

Cross Reference

2 Kings 8:4-5 STRONG

And the king H4428 talked H1696 with Gehazi H1522 the servant H5288 of the man H376 of God, H430 saying, H559 Tell H5608 me, I pray thee, all the great things H1419 that Elisha H477 hath done. H6213 And it came to pass, as he was telling H5608 the king H4428 how he had restored H2421 a dead body H4191 to life, H2421 that, behold, the woman, H802 whose son H1121 he had restored to life, H2421 cried H6817 to the king H4428 for her house H1004 and for her land. H7704 And Gehazi H1522 said, H559 My lord, H113 O king, H4428 this is the woman, H802 and this is her son, H1121 whom Elisha H477 restored to life. H2421

2 Kings 4:29-31 STRONG

Then he said H559 to Gehazi, H1522 Gird up H2296 thy loins, H4975 and take H3947 my staff H4938 in thine hand, H3027 and go thy way: H3212 if thou meet H4672 any man, H376 salute H1288 him not; and if any H376 salute H1288 thee, answer him not again: H6030 and lay H7760 my staff H4938 upon the face H6440 of the child. H5288 And the mother H517 of the child H5288 said, H559 As the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 and as thy soul H5315 liveth, H2416 I will not leave H5800 thee. And he arose, H6965 and followed H3212 H310 her. And Gehazi H1522 passed on H5674 before H6440 them, and laid H7760 the staff H4938 upon the face H6440 of the child; H5288 but there was neither voice, H6963 nor hearing. H7182 Wherefore he went again H7725 to meet H7125 him, and told H5046 him, saying, H559 The child H5288 is not awaked. H6974

2 Kings 5:20-27 STRONG

But Gehazi, H1522 the servant H5288 of Elisha H477 the man H376 of God, H430 said, H559 Behold, my master H113 hath spared H2820 Naaman H5283 this Syrian, H761 in not receiving H3947 at his hands H3027 that which he brought: H935 but, as the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 I will run H7323 after H310 him, and take H3947 somewhat H3972 of him. So Gehazi H1522 followed H7291 after H310 Naaman. H5283 And when Naaman H5283 saw H7200 him running H7323 after H310 him, he lighted down H5307 from the chariot H4818 to meet H7125 him, and said, H559 Is all well? H7965 And he said, H559 All is well. H7965 My master H113 hath sent H7971 me, saying, H559 Behold, even now there be come H935 to me from mount H2022 Ephraim H669 two H8147 young men H5288 of the sons H1121 of the prophets: H5030 give H5414 them, I pray thee, a talent H3603 of silver, H3701 and two H8147 changes H2487 of garments. H899 And Naaman H5283 said, H559 Be content, H2974 take H3947 two talents. H3603 And he urged H6555 him, and bound H6696 two H8147 talents H3603 of silver H3701 in two H8147 bags, H2754 with two H8147 changes H2487 of garments, H899 and laid H5414 them upon two H8147 of his servants; H5288 and they bare H5375 them before H6440 him. And when he came H935 to the tower, H6076 he took H3947 them from their hand, H3027 and bestowed H6485 them in the house: H1004 and he let the men H582 go, H7971 and they departed. H3212 But he went in, H935 and stood H5975 before his master. H113 And Elisha H477 said H559 unto him, Whence H370 comest thou, Gehazi? H1522 And he said, H559 Thy servant H5650 went H1980 no whither. H575 And he said H559 unto him, Went H1980 not mine heart H3820 with thee, when the man H376 turned H2015 again from his chariot H4818 to meet H7125 thee? Is it a time H6256 to receive H3947 money, H3701 and to receive H3947 garments, H899 and oliveyards, H2132 and vineyards, H3754 and sheep, H6629 and oxen, H1241 and menservants, H5650 and maidservants? H8198 The leprosy H6883 therefore of Naaman H5283 shall cleave H1692 unto thee, and unto thy seed H2233 for ever. H5769 And he went out H3318 from his presence H6440 a leper H6879 as white as snow. H7950

1 Kings 18:43 STRONG

And said H559 to his servant, H5288 Go up H5927 now, look H5027 toward H1870 the sea. H3220 And he went up, H5927 and looked, H5027 and said, H559 There is nothing. H3972 And he said, H559 Go again H7725 seven H7651 times. H6471

1 Kings 19:3 STRONG

And when he saw H7200 that, he arose, H6965 and went H3212 for his life, H5315 and came H935 to Beersheba, H884 which belongeth to Judah, H3063 and left H3240 his servant H5288 there.

2 Kings 3:11 STRONG

But Jehoshaphat H3092 said, H559 Is there not here a prophet H5030 of the LORD, H3068 that we may enquire H1875 of the LORD H3068 by him? And one H259 of the king H4428 of Israel's H3478 servants H5650 answered H6030 and said, H559 Here is Elisha H477 the son H1121 of Shaphat, H8202 which poured H3332 water H4325 on the hands H3027 of Elijah. H452

Acts 13:5 STRONG

And G2532 when they were G1096 at G1722 Salamis, G4529 they preached G2605 the word G3056 of God G2316 in G1722 the synagogues G4864 of the Jews: G2453 and G1161 they had G2192 also G2532 John G2491 to their minister. G5257

Commentary on 2 Kings 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 4:1-7. Elisha Augments the Widow's Oil.

1. there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets—They were allowed to marry as well as the priests and Levites. Her husband, not enjoying the lucrative profits of business, had nothing but a professional income, which, in that irreligious age, would be precarious and very scanty, so that he was not in a condition to provide for his family.

the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen—By the enactment of the law, a creditor was entitled to claim the person and children of the insolvent debtor, and compel them to serve him as bondmen till the year of jubilee should set them free.

2-4. a pot—or cruet of oil. This comprising her whole stock of domestic utensils, he directs her to borrow empty vessels not a few; then, secluding herself with her children, [the widow] was to pour oil from her cruse into the borrowed vessels, and, selling the oil, discharge the debt, and then maintain herself and family with the remainder.

6. the oil stayed—that is, ceased to multiply; the benevolent object for which the miracle had been wrought having been accomplished.

2Ki 4:8-17. Promises a Son to the Shunammite.

8. Elisha passed to Shunem—now Sulam, in the plain of Esdraelon, at the southwestern base of Little Hermon. The prophet, in his journey, was often entertained here by one of its pious and opulent inhabitants.

10. Let us make a little chamber—not build, but prepare it. She meant a room in the oleah, the porch, or gateway (2Sa 18:33; 1Ki 17:19), attached to the front of the house, leading into the court and inner apartments. The front of the house, excepting the door, is a dead wall, and hence this room is called a chamber in the wall. It is usually appropriated to the use of strangers, or lodgers for a night, and, from its seclusion, convenient for study or retirement.

13-16. what is to be done for thee?—Wishing to testify his gratitude for the hospitable attentions of this family, he announced to her the birth of a son "about this time next year." The interest and importance of such an intelligence can only be estimated by considering that Oriental women, and Jewish in particular, connect ideas of disgrace with barrenness, and cherish a more ardent desire for children than women in any other part of the world (Ge 18:10-15).

2Ki 4:18-37. Raises Her Dead Son.

19. My head, my head!—The cries of the boy, the part affected, and the season of the year, make it probable that he had been overtaken by a stroke of the sun. Pain, stupor, and inflammatory fever are the symptoms of the disease, which is often fatal.

22. she called unto her husband—Her heroic concealment of the death from her husband is not the least interesting feature of the story.

24. Drive, and go forward—It is usual for women to ride on asses, accompanied by a servant, who walks behind and drives the beast with his stick, goading the animal at the speed required by his mistress. The Shunammite had to ride a journey of five or six hours to the top of Carmel.

26-28. And she answered, It is well—Her answer was purposely brief and vague to Gehazi, for she reserved a full disclosure of her loss for the ear of the prophet himself. She had met Gehazi at the foot of the hill, and she stopped not in her ascent till she had disburdened her heavy-laden spirit at Elisha's feet. The violent paroxysm of grief into which she fell on approaching him, appeared to Gehazi an act of disrespect to his master; he was preparing to remove her when the prophet's observant eye perceived that she was overwhelmed with some unknown cause of distress. How great is a mother's love! how wondrous are the works of Providence! The Shunammite had not sought a son from the prophet—her child was, in every respect, the free gift of God. Was she then allowed to rejoice in the possession for a little, only to be pierced with sorrow by seeing the corpse of the cherished boy? Perish, doubt and unbelief! This event happened that "the works of God should be made manifest" in His prophet, "and for the glory of God."

29-31. take my staff … and lay … upon the face of the child—The staff was probably an official rod of a certain form and size. Necromancers used to send their staff with orders to the messengers to let it come in contact with nothing by the way that might dissipate or destroy the virtue imparted to it. Some have thought that Elisha himself entertained similar ideas, and was under an impression that the actual application of his staff would serve as well as the touch of his hand. But this is an imputation dishonorable to the character of the prophet. He wished to teach the Shunammite, who obviously placed too great dependence upon him, a memorable lesson to look to God. By sending his servant forward to lay his staff on the child, he raised [the Shunammite's] expectations, but, at the same time, taught her that his own help was unavailing—"there was neither voice, nor hearing." The command, to salute no man by the way, showed the urgency of the mission, not simply as requiring the avoidance of the tedious and unnecessary greetings so common in the East (Lu 10:1), but the exercise of faith and prayer. The act of Gehazi was allowed to fail, in order to free the Shunammite, and the people of Israel at large, of the superstitious notion of supposing a miraculous virtue resided in any person, or in any rod, and to prove that it was only through earnest prayer and faith in the power of God and for His glory that this and every miracle was to be performed.

34. lay upon the child, &c.—(see 1Ki 17:21; Ac 20:10). Although this contact with a dead body would communicate ceremonial uncleanness, yet, in performing the great moral duties of piety and benevolence, positive laws were sometimes dispensed with, particularly by the prophets.

35. the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes—These were the first acts of restored respiration, and they are described as successive steps. Miracles were for the most part performed instantaneously; but sometimes, also, they were advanced progressively towards completion (1Ki 18:44, 45; Mr 8:24, 25).

2Ki 4:38-41. Purifies Deadly Pottage.

38. there was a dearth in the land—(see on 2Ki 8:1).

the sons of the prophets were sitting before him—When receiving instruction, the scholars sat under their masters. This refers to their being domiciled under the same roof (compare 2Ki 6:1).

Set on the great pot—As it is most likely that the Jewish would resemble the Egyptian "great pot," it is seen by the monumental paintings to have been a large goblet, with two long legs, which stood over the fire on the floor. The seethed pottage consisted of meat cut into small pieces, mixed with rice or meal and vegetables.

39. went out into the field to gather herbs—Wild herbs are very extensively used by the people in the East, even by those who possess their own vegetable gardens. The fields are daily searched for mallow, asparagus, and other wild plants.

wild vine—literally, "the vine of the field," supposed to be the colocynth, a cucumber, which, in its leaves, tendrils, and fruit, bears a strong resemblance to the wild vine. The "gourds," or fruit, are of the color and size of an orange bitter to the taste, causing colic, and exciting the nerves, eaten freely they would occasion such a derangement of the stomach and bowels as to be followed by death. The meal which Elisha poured into the pot was a symbolic sign that the noxious quality of the herbs was removed.

lap full—The hyke, or large cloak, is thrown loosely over the left shoulder and fastened under the right arm, so as to form a lap or apron.

2Ki 4:42-44. Satisfies a Hundred Men with Twenty Loaves.

43. They shall eat, and shall leave thereof—This was not a miracle of Elisha, but only a prediction of one by the word of the Lord. Thus it differed widely from those of Christ (Mt 15:37; Mr 8:8; Lu 9:17; Joh 6:12).