Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 11 » Verse 6

Exodus 11:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 And there shall be H1961 a great H1419 cry H6818 throughout all the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 such as there was none H3808 like it, nor H3808 shall be like it any more. H3254

Cross Reference

Exodus 12:30 STRONG

And Pharaoh H6547 rose up H6965 in the night, H3915 he, and all his servants, H5650 and all the Egyptians; H4714 and there was a great H1419 cry H6818 in Egypt; H4714 for there was not a house H1004 where there was not one dead. H4191

Amos 5:17 STRONG

And in all vineyards H3754 shall be wailing: H4553 for I will pass H5674 through H7130 thee, saith H559 the LORD. H3068

Exodus 3:7 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said, H559 I have surely H7200 seen H7200 the affliction H6040 of my people H5971 which are in Egypt, H4714 and have heard H8085 their cry H6818 by reason H6440 of their taskmasters; H5065 for I know H3045 their sorrows; H4341

Proverbs 21:13 STRONG

Whoso stoppeth H331 his ears H241 at the cry H2201 of the poor, H1800 he also shall cry H7121 himself, but shall not be heard. H6030

Isaiah 15:4-5 STRONG

And Heshbon H2809 shall cry, H2199 and Elealeh: H500 their voice H6963 shall be heard H8085 even unto Jahaz: H3096 therefore the armed soldiers H2502 of Moab H4124 shall cry out; H7321 his life H5315 shall be grievous H3415 unto him. My heart H3820 shall cry out H2199 for Moab; H4124 his fugitives H1280 shall flee unto Zoar, H6820 an heifer H5697 of three years old: H7992 for by the mounting up H4608 of Luhith H3872 with weeping H1065 shall they go it up; H5927 for in the way H1870 of Horonaim H2773 they shall raise up H5782 a cry H2201 of destruction. H7667

Isaiah 15:8 STRONG

For the cry H2201 is gone round about H5362 the borders H1366 of Moab; H4124 the howling H3215 thereof unto Eglaim, H97 and the howling H3215 thereof unto Beerelim. H879

Jeremiah 31:15 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 A voice H6963 was heard H8085 in Ramah, H7414 lamentation, H5092 and bitter H8563 weeping; H1065 Rahel H7354 weeping H1058 for her children H1121 refused H3985 to be comforted H5162 for her children, H1121 because they were not.

Lamentations 3:8 STRONG

Also when I cry H2199 and shout, H7768 he shutteth out H5640 my prayer. H8605

Zephaniah 1:10 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that there shall be the noise H6963 of a cry H6818 from the fish H1709 gate, H8179 and an howling H3215 from the second, H4932 and a great H1419 crashing H7667 from the hills. H1389

Luke 13:28 STRONG

There G1563 shall be G2071 weeping G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth, G3599 when G3752 ye shall see G3700 Abraham, G11 and G2532 Isaac, G2464 and G2532 Jacob, G2384 and G2532 all G3956 the prophets, G4396 in G1722 the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 and G1161 you G5209 yourselves thrust G1544 out. G1854

Revelation 6:16-17 STRONG

And G2532 said G3004 to the mountains G3735 and G2532 rocks, G4073 Fall G4098 on G1909 us, G2248 and G2532 hide G2928 us G2248 from G575 the face G4383 of him that sitteth G2521 on G1909 the throne, G2362 and G2532 from G575 the wrath G3709 of the Lamb: G721 For G3754 the great G3173 day G2250 of his G846 wrath G3709 is come; G2064 and G2532 who G5101 shall be able G1410 to stand? G2476

Revelation 18:18-19 STRONG

And G2532 cried G2896 when they saw G3708 the smoke G2586 of her G846 burning, G4451 saying, G3004 What G5101 city is like G3664 unto this great G3173 city! G4172 And G2532 they cast G906 dust G5522 on G1909 their G846 heads, G2776 and G2532 cried, G2896 weeping G2799 and G2532 wailing, G3996 saying, G3004 Alas, G3759 alas, G3759 that great G3173 city, G4172 wherein G1722 G3739 were made rich G4147 all G3956 that had G2192 ships G4143 in G1722 the sea G2281 by reason of G1537 her G846 costliness! G5094 for G3754 in one G3391 hour G5610 is she made desolate. G2049

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 11

Commentary on Exodus 11 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

Proclamation of the Tenth Plague; or the Decisive Blow. - Exodus 11:1-3. The announcement made by Jehovah to Moses, which is recorded here, occurred before the last interview between Moses and Pharaoh (Exodus 10:24-29); but it is introduced by the historian in this place, as serving to explain the confidence with which Moses answered Pharaoh (Exodus 10:29). This is evident from Exodus 11:4-8, where Moses is said to have foretold to the king, before leaving his presence, the last plague and all its consequences. ויּאמר therefore, in Exodus 11:1, is to be taken in a pluperfect sense: “ had said; ” and may be grammatically accounted for from the old Semitic style of historical writing referred to in the commentary on Genesis 2:18-22, as Genesis 2:1 and Genesis 2:2 contain the foundation for the announcement in Genesis 2:4-8. So far as the facts are concerned, Genesis 2:1-3 point back to Exodus 3:19-22. One stroke more ( נגע ) would Jehovah bring upon Pharaoh and Egypt, and then the king would let the Israelites go, or rather drive them out. כּלה כּשׁלּחו , “ when he lets you go altogether ( כּלה adverbial as in Genesis 18:21), he will even drive you away .”

Verse 2-3

In this way Jehovah would overcome the resistance of Pharaoh; and even more than that, for Moses was to tell the people to ask the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold, for Jehovah would make them willing to give. The renown acquired by Moses through his miracles in Egypt would also contribute to this. (For the discussion of this subject, see Exodus 3:21-22.) The communication of these instructions to the people is not expressly mentioned; but it is referred to in Exodus 12:35-36, as having taken place.

Verses 4-8

Moses' address to Pharaoh forms the continuation of his brief answer in Exodus 10:29. At midnight Jehovah would go out through the midst of Egypt. This midnight could not be “the one following the day on which Moses was summoned to Pharaoh after the darkness,” as Baumgarten supposes; for it was not till after this conversation with the king that Moses received the divine directions as to the Passover, and they must have been communicated to the people at least four days before the feast of the Passover and their departure from Egypt (Exodus 12:3). What midnight is meant, cannot be determined. So much is certain, however, that the last decisive blow did not take place in the night following the cessation of the ninth plague; but the institution of the Passover, the directions of Moses to the people respecting the things which they were to ask for from the Egyptians, and the preparations for the feast of the Passover and the exodus, all came between. The “ going out ” of Jehovah from His heavenly seat denotes His direct interposition in, and judicial action upon, the world of men. The last blow upon Pharaoh was to be carried out by Jehovah Himself, whereas the other plagues had been brought by Moses and Aaron. מצרים בּתוך “ in (through) the midst of Egypt: ” the judgment of God would pass from the centre of the kingdom, the king's throne, over the whole land. “ Every first-born shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh, that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the first-born of the maid that is behind the mill, ” i.e., the meanest slave (cf. Exodus 12:29, where the captive in the dungeon is substituted for the maid, prisoners being often employed in this hard labour, Judges 16:21; Isaiah 47:2), “ and all the first-born of cattle .” This stroke was to fall upon both man and beast as a punishment for Pharaoh's conduct in detaining the Israelites and their cattle; but only upon the first-born, for God did not wish to destroy the Egyptians and their cattle altogether, but simply to show them that He had the power to do this. The first-born represented the whole race, of which it was the strength and bloom (Genesis 49:3). But against the whole of the people of Israel “ not a dog shall point its tongue ” (Exodus 11:7). The dog points its tongue to growl and bite. The thought expressed in this proverb, which occurs again in Joshua 10:21 and Judith 11:19, was that Israel would not suffer the slightest injury, either in the case of “man or beast.” By this complete preservation, whilst Egypt was given up to death, Israel would discover that Jehovah had completed the separation between them and the Egyptians. The effect of this stroke upon the Egyptians would be “ a great cry, ” having no parallel before or after (cf. Exodus 10:14); and the consequence of this cry would be, that the servants of Pharaoh would come to Moses and entreat them to go out with all the people. “ At thy feet, ” i.e., in thy train (vid., Deuteronomy 11:6; Judges 8:5). With this announcement Moses departed from Pharaoh in great wrath. Moses' wrath was occasioned by the king's threat (Exodus 10:28), and pointed to the wrath of Jehovah , which Pharaoh would soon experience. As the more than human patience which Moses had displayed towards Pharaoh manifested to him the long-suffering and patience of his God, in whose name and by whose authority he acted, so the wrath of the departing servant of God was to show to the hardened king, that the time of grace was at an end, and the wrath of God was about to burst upon him.

Verse 9-10

In Exodus 11:9 and Exodus 11:10 the account of Moses' negotiations with Pharaoh, which commenced at Exodus 7:8, is brought to a close. What God predicted to His messengers immediately before sending them to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:3), and to Moses before his call (Exodus 4:21), had now come to pass. And this was the pledge that the still further announcement of Jehovah in Exodus 7:4 and Exodus 4:23, which had already been made known to the hardened king (Exodus 11:4.), would be carried out. As these verses have a terminal character, the vav consecutive in ויּאמר denotes the order of thought and not of time, and the two verses are to be rendered thus: “As Jehovah had said to Moses, Pharaoh will not hearken unto you, that My wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt, Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh; and Jehovah hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he did not let the children of Israel go out of his land.”