Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Hosea » Chapter 14 » Verse 3

Hosea 14:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 Asshur H804 shall not save H3467 us; we will not ride H7392 upon horses: H5483 neither will we say H559 any more to the work H4639 of our hands, H3027 Ye are our gods: H430 for in thee the fatherless H3490 findeth mercy. H7355

Cross Reference

Psalms 68:5 STRONG

A father H1 of the fatherless, H3490 and a judge H1781 of the widows, H490 is God H430 in his holy H6944 habitation. H4583

Psalms 10:14 STRONG

Thou hast seen H7200 it; for thou beholdest H5027 mischief H5999 and spite, H3708 to requite H5414 it with thy hand: H3027 the poor H2489 committeth H5800 himself unto thee; thou art the helper H5826 of the fatherless. H3490

Psalms 33:17 STRONG

An horse H5483 is a vain thing H8267 for safety: H8668 neither shall he deliver H4422 any by his great H7230 strength. H2428

Hosea 14:8 STRONG

Ephraim H669 shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? H6091 I have heard H6030 him, and observed H7789 him: I am like a green H7488 fir tree. H1265 From me is thy fruit H6529 found. H4672

Hosea 5:13 STRONG

When Ephraim H669 saw H7200 his sickness, H2483 and Judah H3063 saw his wound, H4205 then went H3212 Ephraim H669 to the Assyrian, H804 and sent H7971 to king H4428 Jareb: H3377 H7378 yet could H3201 he not heal H7495 you, nor cure H1455 you of your wound. H4205

Hosea 2:17 STRONG

For I will take away H5493 the names H8034 of Baalim H1168 out of her mouth, H6310 and they shall no more be remembered H2142 by their name. H8034

Isaiah 31:1 STRONG

Woe H1945 to them that go down H3381 to Egypt H4714 for help; H5833 and stay H8172 on horses, H5483 and trust H982 in chariots, H7393 because they are many; H7227 and in horsemen, H6571 because they are very H3966 strong; H6105 but they look H8159 not unto the Holy One H6918 of Israel, H3478 neither seek H1875 the LORD! H3068

Isaiah 30:16 STRONG

But ye said, H559 No; for we will flee H5127 upon horses; H5483 therefore shall ye flee: H5127 and, We will ride H7392 upon the swift; H7031 therefore shall they that pursue H7291 you be swift. H7043

Ezekiel 43:7-9 STRONG

And he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 the place H4725 of my throne, H3678 and the place H4725 of the soles H3709 of my feet, H7272 where I will dwell H7931 in the midst H8432 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 for ever, H5769 and my holy H6944 name, H8034 shall the house H1004 of Israel H3478 no more defile, H2930 neither they, nor their kings, H4428 by their whoredom, H2184 nor by the carcases H6297 of their kings H4428 in their high places. H1116 In their setting H5414 of their threshold H5592 by my thresholds, H5592 and their post H4201 by H681 my posts, H4201 and the wall H7023 between me and them, they have even defiled H2930 my holy H6944 name H8034 by their abominations H8441 that they have committed: H6213 wherefore I have consumed H3615 them in mine anger. H639 Now let them put away H7368 their whoredom, H2184 and the carcases H6297 of their kings, H4428 far H7368 from me, and I will dwell H7931 in the midst H8432 of them for ever. H5769

John 14:18 STRONG

I will G863 not G3756 leave G863 you G5209 comfortless: G3737 I will come G2064 to G4314 you. G5209

Zechariah 13:2 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 that I will cut off H3772 the names H8034 of the idols H6091 out of the land, H776 and they shall no more be remembered: H2142 and also I will cause the prophets H5030 and the unclean H2932 spirit H7307 to pass H5674 out of the land. H776

Micah 5:10-14 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that I will cut off H3772 thy horses H5483 out of the midst H7130 of thee, and I will destroy H6 thy chariots: H4818 And I will cut off H3772 the cities H6145 H5892 of thy land, H776 and throw down H2040 all thy strong holds: H4013 And I will cut off H3772 witchcrafts H3785 out of thine hand; H3027 and thou shalt have no more soothsayers: H6049 Thy graven images H6456 also will I cut off, H3772 and thy standing images H4676 out of the midst H7130 of thee; and thou shalt no more worship H7812 the work H4639 of thine hands. H3027 And I will pluck up H5428 thy groves H842 out of the midst H7130 of thee: so will I destroy H8045 thy cities. H6145 H5892

Hosea 12:1 STRONG

Ephraim H669 feedeth H7462 on wind, H7307 and followeth H7291 after the east wind: H6921 he daily H3117 increaseth H7235 lies H3577 and desolation; H7701 and they do make H3772 a covenant H1285 with the Assyrians, H804 and oil H8081 is carried H2986 into Egypt. H4714

Hosea 8:9 STRONG

For they are gone up H5927 to Assyria, H804 a wild ass H6501 alone H909 by himself: Ephraim H669 hath hired H8566 lovers. H158

Hosea 8:6 STRONG

For from Israel H3478 was it also: the workman H2796 made H6213 it; therefore it is not God: H430 but the calf H5695 of Samaria H8111 shall be broken in pieces. H7616

Hosea 7:11 STRONG

Ephraim H669 also is like a silly H6601 dove H3123 without heart: H3820 they call H7121 to Egypt, H4714 they go H1980 to Assyria. H804

Exodus 22:22-24 STRONG

Ye shall not afflict H6031 any widow, H490 or fatherless child. H3490 If H518 thou afflict H6031 them in any wise, H6031 and they cry H6817 at all H6817 unto me, I will surely H8085 hear H8085 their cry; H6818 And my wrath H639 shall wax hot, H2734 and I will kill H2026 you with the sword; H2719 and your wives H802 shall be widows, H490 and your children H1121 fatherless. H3490

Ezekiel 37:23 STRONG

Neither shall they defile H2930 themselves any more with their idols, H1544 nor with their detestable things, H8251 nor with any of their transgressions: H6588 but I will save H3467 them out of all their dwellingplaces, H4186 wherein they have sinned, H2398 and will cleanse H2891 them: so shall they be my people, H5971 and I will be their God. H430

Ezekiel 36:25 STRONG

Then will I sprinkle H2236 clean H2889 water H4325 upon you, and ye shall be clean: H2891 from all your filthiness, H2932 and from all your idols, H1544 will I cleanse H2891 you.

Jeremiah 31:18-22 STRONG

I have surely H8085 heard H8085 Ephraim H669 bemoaning H5110 himself thus; Thou hast chastised H3256 me, and I was chastised, H3256 as a bullock H5695 unaccustomed H3808 H3925 to the yoke: turn H7725 thou me, and I shall be turned; H7725 for thou art the LORD H3068 my God. H430 Surely after H310 that I was turned, H7725 I repented; H5162 and after H310 that I was instructed, H3045 I smote H5606 upon my thigh: H3409 I was ashamed, H954 yea, even confounded, H3637 because I did bear H5375 the reproach H2781 of my youth. H5271 Is Ephraim H669 my dear H3357 son? H1121 is he a pleasant H8191 child? H3206 for since H1767 I spake H1696 against him, I do earnestly H2142 remember H2142 him still: therefore my bowels H4578 are troubled H1993 for him; I will surely H7355 have mercy H7355 upon him, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Set thee up H5324 waymarks, H6725 make H7760 thee high heaps: H8564 set H7896 thine heart H3820 toward the highway, H4546 even the way H1870 which thou wentest: H1980 turn again, H7725 O virgin H1330 of Israel, H3478 turn again H7725 to these thy cities. H5892 How long wilt thou go about, H2559 O thou backsliding H7728 daughter? H1323 for the LORD H3068 hath created H1254 a new thing H2319 in the earth, H776 A woman H5347 shall compass H5437 a man. H1397

Isaiah 36:8 STRONG

Now therefore give pledges, H6148 I pray thee, to my master H113 the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and I will give H5414 thee two thousand H505 horses, H5483 if thou be able H3201 on thy part to set H5414 riders H7392 upon them.

Isaiah 31:3 STRONG

Now the Egyptians H4714 are men, H120 and not God; H410 and their horses H5483 flesh, H1320 and not spirit. H7307 When the LORD H3068 shall stretch out H5186 his hand, H3027 both he that helpeth H5826 shall fall, H3782 and he that is holpen H5826 shall fall down, H5307 and they all shall fail H3615 together. H3162

Isaiah 30:2 STRONG

That walk H1980 to go down H3381 into Egypt, H4714 and have not asked H7592 at my mouth; H6310 to strengthen H5810 themselves in the strength H4581 of Pharaoh, H6547 and to trust H2620 in the shadow H6738 of Egypt! H4714

Isaiah 27:9 STRONG

By this H2063 therefore shall the iniquity H5771 of Jacob H3290 be purged; H3722 and this is all the fruit H6529 to take away H5493 his sin; H2403 when he maketh H7760 all the stones H68 of the altar H4196 as chalkstones H1615 that are beaten in sunder, H5310 the groves H842 and images H2553 shall not stand up. H6965

Isaiah 2:20 STRONG

In that day H3117 a man H120 shall cast H7993 his idols H457 of silver, H3701 and his idols H457 of gold, H2091 which they made each one for himself H6213 to worship, H7812 to the moles H2661 H6512 and to the bats; H5847

Isaiah 1:29 STRONG

For they shall be ashamed H954 of the oaks H352 which ye have desired, H2530 and ye shall be confounded H2659 for the gardens H1593 that ye have chosen. H977

Proverbs 23:10-11 STRONG

Remove H5253 not the old H5769 landmark; H1366 and enter H935 not into the fields H7704 of the fatherless: H3490 For their redeemer H1350 is mighty; H2389 he shall plead H7378 their cause H7379 with thee.

Psalms 146:9 STRONG

The LORD H3068 preserveth H8104 the strangers; H1616 he relieveth H5749 the fatherless H3490 and widow: H490 but the way H1870 of the wicked H7563 he turneth upside down. H5791

Psalms 146:3 STRONG

Put not your trust H982 in princes, H5081 nor in the son H1121 of man, H120 in whom there is no help. H8668

Psalms 20:7-8 STRONG

Some trust in chariots, H7393 and some in horses: H5483 but we will remember H2142 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 our God. H430 They are brought down H3766 and fallen: H5307 but we are risen, H6965 and stand upright. H5749

2 Chronicles 16:7 STRONG

And at that time H6256 Hanani H2607 the seer H7200 came H935 to Asa H609 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 and said H559 unto him, Because thou hast relied H8172 on the king H4428 of Syria, H758 and not relied H8172 on the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 therefore is the host H2428 of the king H4428 of Syria H758 escaped H4422 out of thine hand. H3027

Deuteronomy 17:16 STRONG

But he shall not multiply H7235 horses H5483 to himself, nor cause the people H5971 to return H7725 to Egypt, H4714 to the end that he should multiply H7235 horses: H5483 forasmuch as the LORD H3068 hath said H559 unto you, Ye shall henceforth H3254 return H7725 no more that way. H1870

Commentary on Hosea 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ho 14:1-9. God's Promise of Blessing, on Their Repentance: Their Abandonment of Idolatry Foretold: The Conclusion of the Whole, the Just Shall Walk in God's Ways, but the Transgressor Shall Fall Therein.

1. fallen by thine iniquity—(Ho 5:5; 13:9).

2. Take with you words—instead of sacrifices, namely, the words of penitence here put in your mouths by God. "Words," in Hebrew, mean "realities," there being the same term for "words" and "things"; so God implies, He will not accept empty professions (Ps 78:36; Isa 29:13). He does not ask costly sacrifices, but words of heartfelt penitence.

receive us graciously—literally "(for) good."

calves of our lips—that is, instead of sacrifices of calves, which we cannot offer to Thee in exile, we present the praises of our lips. Thus the exile, wherein the temple service ceased, prepared the way for the gospel time when the types of the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament being realized in Christ's perfect sacrifice once for all, "the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips" (Heb 13:14) takes their place in the New Testament.

3. Three besetting sins of Israel are here renounced, trust in Assyria, application to Egypt for its cavalry (forbidden, De 17:16; compare Ho 7:11; 11:5; 12:1; 2Ki 17:4; Ps 33:17; Isa 30:2, 16; 31:1), and idolatry.

fatherless—descriptive of the destitute state of Israel, when severed from God, their true Father. We shall henceforth trust in none but Thee, the only Father of the fatherless, and Helper of the destitute (Ps 10:14; 68:5); our nation has experienced Thee such in our helpless state in Egypt, and now in a like state again our only hope is Thy goodness.

4. God's gracious reply to their self-condemning prayer.

backsliding—apostasy: not merely occasional backslidings. God can heal the most desperate sinfulness [Calvin].

freely—with a gratuitous, unmerited, and abundant love (Eze 16:60-63). So as to the spiritual Israel (Joh 15:16; Ro 3:24; 5:8; 1Jo 4:10).

5. as the dew—which falls copiously in the East, taking the place of the more frequent rains in other regions. God will not be "as the early dew that goeth away," but constant (Ho 6:3, 4; Job 29:19; Pr 19:12).

the lily—No plant is more productive than the lily, one root often producing fifty bulbs [Pliny, Natural History, 21.5]. The common lily is white, consisting of six leaves opening like bells. The royal lily grows to the height of three or four feet; Mt 6:29 alludes to the beauty of its flowers.

roots as Lebanon—that is, as the trees of Lebanon (especially the cedars), which cast down their roots as deeply as is their height upwards; so that they are immovable [Jerome], (Isa 10:34). Spiritual growth consists most in the growth of the root which is out of sight.

6. branches—shoots, or suckers.

beauty … as the olive—which never loses its verdure. One plant is not enough to express the graces of God's elect people. The lily depicts its lovely growth; but as it wants duration and firmness, the deeply rooted cedars of Lebanon are added; these, however, are fruitless, therefore the fruitful, peace-bearing, fragrant, ever green olive is added.

smell as Lebanon—which exhaled from it the fragrance of odoriferous trees and flowers. So Israel's name shall be in good savor with all (Ge 27:27; So 4:11).

7. They that used to dwell under Israel's shadow (but who shall have been forced to leave it), shall return, that is, be restored (Eze 35:9). Others take "His shadow" to mean Jehovah's (compare Ps 17:8; 91:1; Isa 4:6), which Ho 14:1, 2 ("return unto the Lord," &c.) favor. But the "his" in Ho 14:6 refers to Israel, and therefore must refer to the same here.

revive as … corn—As the corn long buried in the earth springs up, with an abundant produce, so shall they revive from their calamities, with a great increase of offspring (compare Joh 12:24).

scent thereof—that is, Israel's fame. Compare Ho 14:6, "His smell as Lebanon"; So 1:3: "Thy name is as ointment poured forth." The Septuagint favors the Margin, "memorial."

as the wine of Lebanon—which was most celebrated for its aroma, flavor, and medicinal restorative properties.

8. Ephraim shall say—being brought to penitence by God's goodness, and confessing and abhorring his past madness.

I have heard … and observed him—I Jehovah have answered and regarded him with favor; the opposite of God's "hiding His face from" one (De 31:17). It is the experience of God's favor, in contrast to God's wrath heretofore, that leads Ephraim to abhor his past idolatry. Jehovah heard and answered: whereas the idols, as Ephraim now sees, could not hear, much less answer.

I am … a green fir—or cypress; ever green, winter and summer alike; the leaves not falling off in winter.

From me is thy fruit found—"From Me," as the root. Thou needest go no farther than Me for the supply of all thy wants; not merely the protection implied by the shadow of the cypress, but that which the cypress has not, namely, fruit, all spiritual and temporal blessings. It may be also implied, that whatever spiritual graces Ephraim seeks for or may have, are not of themselves, but of God (Ps 1:3; Joh 15:4, 5, 8; Jas 1:17). God's promises to us are more our security for mortifying sin than our promises to God (Isa 27:9).

9. Epilogue, summing up the whole previous teaching. Here alone Hosea uses the term "righteous," so rare were such characters in his day. There is enough of saving truth clear in God's Word to guide those humbly seeking salvation, and enough of difficulties to confound those who curiously seek them out, rather than practically seek salvation.

fall—stumble and are offended at difficulties opposed to their prejudices and lusts, or above their self-wise understanding (compare Pr 10:29; Mic 2:7; Mt 11:19; Lu 2:34; Joh 7:17; 1Pe 2:7, 8). To him who sincerely seeks the agenda, God will make plain the credenda. Christ is the foundation-stone to some: a stone of stumbling and rock of offense to others. The same sun softens wax and hardens clay. But their fall is the most fatal who fall in the ways of God, split on the Rock of ages, and suck poison out of the Balm of Gilead.