Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 12 » Verse 5

Isaiah 12:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Sing H2167 unto the LORD; H3068 for he hath done H6213 excellent things: H1348 this is known H3045 H3045 in all the earth. H776

Cross Reference

Exodus 15:1 STRONG

Then sang H7891 Moses H4872 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 this song H7892 unto the LORD, H3068 and spake, H559 saying, H559 I will sing H7891 unto the LORD, H3068 for he hath triumphed H1342 gloriously: H1342 the horse H5483 and his rider H7392 hath he thrown H7411 into the sea. H3220

Psalms 98:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm.]] H4210 O sing H7891 unto the LORD H3068 a new H2319 song; H7892 for he hath done H6213 marvellous things: H6381 his right hand, H3225 and his holy H6944 arm, H2220 hath gotten him the victory. H3467

Exodus 15:21 STRONG

And Miriam H4813 answered H6030 them, Sing H7891 ye to the LORD, H3068 for he hath triumphed H1342 gloriously; H1342 the horse H5483 and his rider H7392 hath he thrown H7411 into the sea. H3220

Psalms 68:32-35 STRONG

Sing H7891 unto God, H430 ye kingdoms H4467 of the earth; H776 O sing praises H2167 unto the Lord; H136 Selah: H5542 To him that rideth H7392 upon the heavens H8064 of heavens, H8064 which were of old; H6924 lo, he doth send out H5414 his voice, H6963 and that a mighty H5797 voice. H6963 Ascribe H5414 ye strength H5797 unto God: H430 his excellency H1346 is over Israel, H3478 and his strength H5797 is in the clouds. H7834 O God, H430 thou art terrible H3372 out of thy holy places: H4720 the God H410 of Israel H3478 is he that giveth H5414 strength H5797 and power H8592 unto his people. H5971 Blessed H1288 be God. H430

Psalms 72:19 STRONG

And blessed H1288 be his glorious H3519 name H8034 for ever: H5769 and let the whole earth H776 be filled H4390 with his glory; H3519 Amen, H543 and Amen. H543

Psalms 105:2 STRONG

Sing H7891 unto him, sing psalms H2167 unto him: talk H7878 ye of all his wondrous works. H6381

Isaiah 40:9 STRONG

O Zion, H6726 that bringest good tidings, H1319 get thee up H5927 into the high H1364 mountain; H2022 O Jerusalem, H3389 that bringest good tidings, H1319 lift up H7311 thy voice H6963 with strength; H3581 lift it up, H7311 be not afraid; H3372 say H559 unto the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 Behold your God! H430

Habakkuk 2:14 STRONG

For the earth H776 shall be filled H4390 with the knowledge H3045 of the glory H3519 of the LORD, H3068 as the waters H4325 cover H3680 the sea. H3220

Revelation 11:15-17 STRONG

And G2532 the seventh G1442 angel G32 sounded; G4537 and G2532 there were G1096 great G3173 voices G5456 in G1722 heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 The kingdoms G932 of this world G2889 are become G1096 the kingdoms of our G2257 Lord, G2962 and G2532 of his G846 Christ; G5547 and G2532 he shall reign G936 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165 And G2532 the four G5064 and G2532 twenty G1501 elders, G4245 which G3588 sat G2521 before G1799 God G2316 on G1909 their G846 seats, G2362 fell G4098 upon G1909 their G846 faces, G4383 and G2532 worshipped G4352 God, G2316 Saying, G3004 We give G2168 thee G4671 thanks, G2168 O Lord G2962 God G2316 Almighty, G3841 which G3588 art, G5607 and G2532 wast, G2258 and G2532 art to come; G2064 G3801 because G3754 thou hast taken to thee G2983 thy G4675 great G3173 power, G1411 and G2532 hast reigned. G936

Revelation 15:3 STRONG

And G2532 they sing G103 the song G5603 of Moses G3475 the servant G1401 of God, G2316 and G2532 the song G5603 of the Lamb, G721 saying, G3004 Great G3173 and G2532 marvellous G2298 are thy G4675 works, G2041 Lord G2962 God G2316 Almighty; G3841 just G1342 and G2532 true G228 are thy G4675 ways, G3598 thou King G935 of saints. G40

Revelation 19:1-3 STRONG

And G2532 after G3326 these things G5023 I heard G191 a great G3173 voice G5456 of much G4183 people G3793 in G1722 heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 Alleluia; G239 Salvation, G4991 and G2532 glory, G1391 and G2532 honour, G5092 and G2532 power, G1411 unto the Lord G2962 our G2257 God: G2316 For G3754 true G228 and G2532 righteous G1342 are his G846 judgments: G2920 for G3754 he hath judged G2919 the great G3173 whore, G4204 which G3748 did corrupt G5351 the earth G1093 with G1722 her G846 fornication, G4202 and G2532 hath avenged G1556 the blood G129 of his G846 servants G1401 at G1537 her G846 hand. G5495 And G2532 again G1208 they said, G2046 Alleluia. G239 And G2532 her G846 smoke G2586 rose up G305 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165

Commentary on Isaiah 12 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 12:1-6. Thanksgiving Hymn of the Restored and Converted Jews.

Just as Miriam, after the deliverance of the Red Sea (Isa 11:16), celebrated it with an ode of praise (Ex 15:1-19).

2. Lord JehovahJah, Jehovah. The repetition of the name denotes emphasis, and the unchangeableness of God's character.

strength … song … salvation—derived from Ex 15:2; Ps 118:14. The idea of salvation was peculiarly associated with the feast of tabernacles (see Isa 12:3). Hence the cry "Hosanna," "Save, we beseech thee," that accompanied Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on that day (the fifteenth of the seventh month) (Mt 21:9; compare with Ps 118:25, 26); the earnest of the perfected "salvation" which He shall bring to His people at His glorious second appearance at Jerusalem (Heb 9:28). "He shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation." Compare Re 21:3, "The tabernacle of God is with men." Compare Lu 9:33, "three tabernacles: one for thee," &c. (the transfiguration being a pledge of the future kingdom), (Ps 118:15; Zec 14:16). As the Jew was reminded by the feast of tabernacles of his wanderings in tents in the wilderness, so the Jew-Gentile Church to come shall call to mind, with thanksgiving, the various past ways whereby God has at last brought them to the heavenly "city of habitation" (Ps 107:7).

3. draw water … salvation—an expressive image in a hot country. On the last day of the feast of tabernacles the Jews used to bring water in a golden pitcher from the fountain of Siloam, and pour it, mingled with wine, on the sacrifice on the altar, with great rejoicing. This is the allusion in Jesus' words on "the last day of the feast" (Joh 7:2, 37-39). The pouring out of water indicated repentance (1Sa 7:6; compare, as to the Jews' repentance hereafter, Zec 12:10). There shall be a latter outpouring of the Spirit like the former one on pentecost (Joe 2:23).

wells—not mere streams, which may run dry, but ever-flowing fountains (Joh 4:14; 7:38), "Out of his belly (that is, in and from himself)—living water" (Isa 42:18; Ps 84:6; Zec 13:1; Re 7:17).

4. make mention—Hebrew, "cause it to be remembered."

5. Sing, &c.—alluding to Ex 15:21.

6. inhabitant of Zion—Hebrew, "inhabitress"; so "daughter of Zion," that is, Zion and its people.

in the midst of thee—of Jerusalem literally (Jer 3:17; Eze 48:35; Zep 3:15, 17; Zec 2:10).