Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 13 » Verse 2

Isaiah 13:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 Lift ye up H5375 a banner H5251 upon the high H8192 mountain, H2022 exalt H7311 the voice H6963 unto them, shake H5130 the hand, H3027 that they may go H935 into the gates H6607 of the nobles. H5081

Cross Reference

Isaiah 5:26 STRONG

And he will lift up H5375 an ensign H5251 to the nations H1471 from far, H7350 and will hiss H8319 unto them from the end H7097 of the earth: H776 and, behold, they shall come H935 with speed H4120 swiftly: H7031

Jeremiah 50:2 STRONG

Declare H5046 ye among the nations, H1471 and publish, H8085 and set up H5375 a standard; H5251 publish, H8085 and conceal H3582 not: say, H559 Babylon H894 is taken, H3920 Bel H1078 is confounded, H3001 Merodach H4781 is broken in pieces; H2865 her idols H6091 are confounded, H3001 her images H1544 are broken in pieces. H2865

Jeremiah 51:58 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 The broad H7342 walls H2346 of Babylon H894 shall be utterly H6209 broken, H6209 and her high H1364 gates H8179 shall be burned H3341 with fire; H784 and the people H5971 shall labour H3021 in vain, H7385 and the folk H3816 in H1767 the fire, H784 and they shall be weary. H3286

Isaiah 45:1-3 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 to his anointed, H4899 to Cyrus, H3566 whose right hand H3225 I have holden, H2388 to subdue H7286 nations H1471 before H6440 him; and I will loose H6605 the loins H4975 of kings, H4428 to open H6605 before H6440 him the two leaved gates; H1817 and the gates H8179 shall not be shut; H5462 I will go H3212 before H6440 thee, and make H3474 the crooked places H1921 straight: H3474 H3474 I will break in pieces H7665 the gates H1817 of brass, H5154 and cut in sunder H1438 the bars H1280 of iron: H1270 And I will give H5414 thee the treasures H214 of darkness, H2822 and hidden riches H4301 of secret places, H4565 that thou mayest know H3045 that I, the LORD, H3068 which call H7121 thee by thy name, H8034 am the God H430 of Israel. H3478

Jeremiah 51:25 STRONG

Behold, I am against thee, O destroying H4889 mountain, H2022 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 which destroyest H7843 all the earth: H776 and I will stretch out H5186 mine hand H3027 upon thee, and roll thee down H1556 from the rocks, H5553 and will make H5414 thee a burnt H8316 mountain. H2022

Isaiah 10:32 STRONG

As yet shall he remain H5975 at Nob H5011 that day: H3117 he shall shake H5130 his hand H3027 against the mount H2022 of the daughter H1323 H1004 of Zion, H6726 the hill H1389 of Jerusalem. H3389

Isaiah 18:3 STRONG

All ye inhabitants H3427 of the world, H8398 and dwellers H7931 on the earth, H776 see H7200 ye, when he lifteth up H5375 an ensign H5251 on the mountains; H2022 and when he bloweth H8628 a trumpet, H7782 hear H8085 ye.

Isaiah 11:12 STRONG

And he shall set up H5375 an ensign H5251 for the nations, H1471 and shall assemble H622 the outcasts H1760 of Israel, H3478 and gather together H6908 the dispersed H5310 of Judah H3063 from the four H702 corners H3671 of the earth. H776

Isaiah 11:15 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 shall utterly destroy H2763 the tongue H3956 of the Egyptian H4714 sea; H3220 and with his mighty H5868 wind H7307 shall he shake H5130 his hand H3027 over the river, H5104 and shall smite H5221 it in the seven H7651 streams, H5158 and make men go over H1869 dryshod. H5275

Jeremiah 51:27-28 STRONG

Set ye up H5375 a standard H5251 in the land, H776 blow H8628 the trumpet H7782 among the nations, H1471 prepare H6942 the nations H1471 against her, call together H8085 against her the kingdoms H4467 of Ararat, H780 Minni, H4508 and Ashchenaz; H813 appoint H6485 a captain H2951 against her; cause the horses H5483 to come up H5927 as the rough H5569 caterpillers. H3218 Prepare H6942 against her the nations H1471 with the kings H4428 of the Medes, H4074 the captains H6346 thereof, and all the rulers H5461 thereof, and all the land H776 of his dominion. H4475

Commentary on Isaiah 13 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 13:1-22. The Thirteenth through Twenty-third Chapters Contain Prophecies as to Foreign Nations.The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Twenty-seventh Chapters as to Babylon and Assyria.

The predictions as to foreign nations are for the sake of the covenant people, to preserve them from despair, or reliance on human confederacies, and to strengthen their faith in God: also in order to extirpate narrow-minded nationality: God is Jehovah to Israel, not for Israel's sake alone, but that He may be thereby Elohim to the nations. These prophecies are in their right chronological place, in the beginning of Hezekiah's reign; then the nations of Western Asia, on the Tigris and Euphrates, first assumed a most menacing aspect.

1. burden—weighty or mournful prophecy [Grotius]. Otherwise, simply, the prophetical declaration, from a Hebrew root to put forth with the voice anything, as in Nu 23:7 [Maurer].

of Babylon—concerning Babylon.

2. Lift … banner—(Isa 5:26; 11:10).

the high mountain—rather, "a bare (literally, "bald," that is, without trees) mountain"; from it the banner could be seen afar off, so as to rally together the peoples against Babylon.

unto them—unto the Medes (Isa 13:17), the assailants of Babylon. It is remarkable that Isaiah does not foretell here the Jews' captivity in Babylon, but presupposes that event, and throws himself beyond, predicting another event still more future, the overthrow of the city of Israel's oppressors. It was now one hundred seventy-four years before the event.

shake … hand—beckon with the hand—wave the hand to direct the nations to march against Babylon.

nobles—Babylonian. Rather, in a bad sense, tyrants; as in Isa 14:5, "rulers" in parallelism to "the wicked"; and Job 21:28 [Maurer].

3. sanctified ones—the Median and Persian soldiers solemnly set apart by Me for the destruction of Babylon, not inwardly "sanctified," but designated to fulfil God's holy purpose (Jer 51:27, 28; Joe 3:9, 11; where the Hebrew for prepare war is "sanctify" war).

for mine anger—to execute it.

rejoice in my highness—"Those who are made to triumph for My honor" [Horsley]. The heathen Medes could not be said to "rejoice in God's highness" Maurer translates, "My haughtily exulting ones" (Zep 3:11); a special characteristic of the Persians [Herodotus,1.88]. They rejoiced in their own highness, but it was His that they were unconsciously glorifying.

4. the mountains—namely, which separate Media and Assyria, and on one of which the banner to rally the hosts is supposed to be reared.

tumultuous noise—The Babylonians are vividly depicted as hearing some unwonted sound like the din of a host; they try to distinguish the sounds, but can only perceive a tumultuous noise.

nations—Medes, Persians, and Armenians composed Cyrus' army.

5. They—namely, "Jehovah," and the armies which are "the weapons of His indignation."

far country—Media and Persia, stretching to the far north and east.

end of heaven—the far east (Ps 19:6).

destroy—rather, "to seize" [Horsley].

6. day of the Lord—day of His vengeance on Babylon (Isa 2:12). Type of the future "day of wrath" (Re 6:17).

destruction—literally, "a devastating tempest."

from the Almighty—not from mere man; therefore irresistible. "Almighty," Hebrew, Shaddai.

7. faint … melt—So Jer 50:43; compare Jos 7:5. Babylon was taken by surprise on the night of Belshazzar's impious feast (Da 5:30). Hence the sudden fainting and melting of hearts.

8. pangs—The Hebrew means also a "messenger." Horsley, therefore, with the Septuagint translates, "The heralds (who bring word of the unexpected invasion) are terrified." Maurer agrees with English Version, literally, "they shall take hold of pangs and sorrows."

woman … travaileth—(1Th 5:3).

amazed—the stupid, bewildered gaze of consternation.

faces … flames—"their visages have the livid hue of flame" [Horsley]; with anguish and indignation.

9. cruel—not strictly, but unsparingly just; opposed to mercy. Also answering to the cruelty (in the strict sense) of Babylon towards others (Isa 14:17) now about to be visited on itself.

the land—"the earth" [Horsley]. The language of Isa 13:9-13 can only primarily and partially apply to Babylon; fully and exhaustively, the judgments to come, hereafter, on the whole earth. Compare Isa 13:10 with Mt 24:29; Re 8:12. The sins of Babylon, arrogancy (Isa 13:11; Isa 14:11; 47:7, 8), cruelty, false worship (Jer 50:38), persecution of the people of God (Isa 47:6), are peculiarly characteristic of the Antichristian world of the latter days (Da 11:32-37; Re 17:3, 6; 18:6, 7, 9-14, 24).

10. stars, &c.—figuratively for anarchy, distress, and revolutions of kingdoms (Isa 34:4; Joe 2:10; Eze 32:7, 8; Am 8:9; Re 6:12-14). There may be a literal fulfilment finally, shadowed forth under this imagery (Re 21:1).

constellations—Hebrew, "a fool," or "impious one"; applied to the constellation Orion, which was represented as an impious giant (Nimrod deified, the founder of Babylon) chained to the sky. See on Job 38:31.

11. world—the impious of the world (compare Isa 11:4).

arrogancy—Babylon's besetting sin (Da 4:22, 30).

the terrible—rather, tyrants [Horsley].

12. man … precious—I will so cut off Babylon's defenders, that a single man shall be as rare and precious as the finest gold.

13. Image for mighty revolutions (Isa 24:19; 34:4; Hab 3:6, 10; Hag 2:6, 7; Re 20:11).

14. it—Babylon.

roe—gazelle; the most timid and easily startled.

no man taketh up—sheep defenseless, without a shepherd (Zec 13:7).

every man … to his own people—The "mingled peoples" of foreign lands shall flee out of her (Jer 50:16, 28, 37; 51:9).

15. found—in the city.

joined—"intercepted" [Maurer]. "Every one that has withdrawn himself," namely, to hide in the houses [Gesenius].

16. (Ps 137:8, 9).

17. Medes—(Isa 21:2; Jer 51:11, 28). At that time they were subject to Assyria; subsequently Arbaces, satrap of Media, revolted against the effeminate Sardanapalus, king of Assyria, destroyed Nineveh, and became king of Media, in the ninth century B.C.

not regard silver—In vain will one try to buy his life from them for a ransom. The heathen Xenophon (Cyropædia, 5,1,10) represents Cyrus as attributing this characteristic to the Medes, disregard of riches. A curious confirmation of this prophecy.

18. bows—in the use of which the Persians were particularly skilled.

19. glory of kingdoms—(Isa 14:4; 47:5; Jer 51:41).

beauty of … excellency—Hebrew, "the glory of the pride" of the Chaldees; it was their glory and boast.

as … Gomorrah—as utterly (Jer 49:18; 50:40; Am 4:11). Taken by Cyrus, by clearing out the canal made for emptying the superfluous waters of the Euphrates, and directing the river into this new channel, so that he was able to enter the city by the old bed in the night.

20. Literally fulfilled.

neither … Arabian pitch tent—Not only shall it not be a permanent residence, but not even a temporary resting-place. The Arabs, through dread of evil spirits, and believing the ghost of Nimrod to haunt it, will not pass the night there (compare Isa 13:21).

neither … shepherds—The region was once most fertile; but owing to the Euphrates being now no longer kept within its former channels, it has become a stagnant marsh, unfit for flocks; and on the wastes of its ruins (bricks and cement) no grass grows.

21. wild beasts—Hebrew, tsiyim, animals dwelling in arid wastes. Wild cats, remarkable for their howl [Bochart].

doleful creatures—"howling beasts," literally, "howlings" [Maurer].

owls—rather, "ostriches"; a timorous creature, delighting in solitary deserts and making a hideous noise [Bochart].

satyrs—sylvan demi-gods—half man, half goat—believed by the Arabs to haunt these ruins; probably animals of the goat-ape species [Vitringa]. Devil-worshippers, who dance amid the ruins on a certain night [J. Wolff].

22. wild beasts of the islands—rather, "jackals"; called by the Arabs "sons of howling"; an animal midway between a fox and a wolf [Bochart and Maurer].

cry—rather, "answer," "respond" to each other, as wolves do at night, producing a most dismal effect.

dragons—serpents of various species, which hiss and utter dolorous sounds. Fable gave them wings, because they stand with much of the body elevated and then dart swiftly. Maurer understands here another species of jackal.

her time … near—though one hundred seventy-four years distant, yet "near" to Isaiah, who is supposed to be speaking to the Jews as if now captives in Babylon (Isa 14:1, 2).