Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 31 » Verse 9

Isaiah 31:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And he shall pass over H5674 to his strong hold H5553 for fear, H4032 and his princes H8269 shall be afraid H2865 of the ensign, H5251 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 whose fire H217 is in Zion, H6726 and his furnace H8574 in Jerusalem. H3389

Cross Reference

Isaiah 29:6 STRONG

Thou shalt be visited H6485 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 with thunder, H7482 and with earthquake, H7494 and great H1419 noise, H6963 with storm H5492 and tempest, H5591 and the flame H3851 of devouring H398 fire. H784

Leviticus 6:13 STRONG

The fire H784 shall ever H8548 be burning H3344 upon the altar; H4196 it shall never go out. H3518

Deuteronomy 32:31 STRONG

For their rock H6697 is not as our Rock, H6697 even our enemies H341 themselves being judges. H6414

Deuteronomy 32:37 STRONG

And he shall say, H559 Where are their gods, H430 their rock H6697 in whom they trusted, H2620

Isaiah 4:4 STRONG

When the Lord H136 shall have washed away H7364 the filth H6675 of the daughters H1323 of Zion, H6726 and shall have purged H1740 the blood H1818 of Jerusalem H3389 from the midst H7130 thereof by the spirit H7307 of judgment, H4941 and by the spirit H7307 of burning. H1197

Isaiah 10:17 STRONG

And the light H216 of Israel H3478 shall be for a fire, H784 and his Holy One H6918 for a flame: H3852 and it shall burn H1197 and devour H398 his thorns H7898 and his briers H8068 in one H259 day; H3117

Isaiah 18:3 STRONG

All ye inhabitants H3427 of the world, H8398 and dwellers H7931 on the earth, H776 see H7200 ye, when he lifteth up H5375 an ensign H5251 on the mountains; H2022 and when he bloweth H8628 a trumpet, H7782 hear H8085 ye.

Zechariah 2:5 STRONG

For I, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 will be unto her a wall H2346 of fire H784 round about, H5439 and will be the glory H3519 in the midst H8432 of her.

Malachi 4:1 STRONG

For, behold, the day H3117 cometh, H935 that shall burn H1197 as an oven; H8574 and all the proud, H2086 yea, and all that do H6213 wickedly, H7564 shall be stubble: H7179 and the day H3117 that cometh H935 shall burn them up, H3857 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 that it shall leave H5800 them neither root H8328 nor branch. H6057

Isaiah 11:10 STRONG

And in that day H3117 there shall be a root H8328 of Jesse, H3448 which shall stand H5975 for an ensign H5251 of the people; H5971 to it shall the Gentiles H1471 seek: H1875 and his rest H4496 shall be glorious. H3519

Isaiah 30:33 STRONG

For Tophet H8613 is ordained H6186 of old; H865 yea, for the king H4428 it is prepared; H3559 he hath made it deep H6009 and large: H7337 the pile H4071 thereof is fire H784 and much H7235 wood; H6086 the breath H5397 of the LORD, H3068 like a stream H5158 of brimstone, H1614 doth kindle H1197 it.

Ezekiel 22:18-22 STRONG

Son H1121 of man, H120 the house H1004 of Israel H3478 is to me become dross: H5509 all they are brass, H5178 and tin, H913 and iron, H1270 and lead, H5777 in the midst H8432 of the furnace; H3564 they are even the dross H5509 of silver. H3701 Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because ye are all become dross, H5509 behold, therefore I will gather H6908 you into the midst H8432 of Jerusalem. H3389 As they gather H6910 silver, H3701 and brass, H5178 and iron, H1270 and lead, H5777 and tin, H913 into the midst H8432 of the furnace, H3564 to blow H5301 the fire H784 upon it, to melt H5413 it; so will I gather H6908 you in mine anger H639 and in my fury, H2534 and I will leave H3240 you there, and melt H5413 you. Yea, I will gather H3664 you, and blow H5301 upon you in the fire H784 of my wrath, H5678 and ye shall be melted H5413 in the midst H8432 thereof. As silver H3701 is melted H2046 in the midst H8432 of the furnace, H3564 so shall ye be melted H5413 in the midst H8432 thereof; and ye shall know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 have poured out H8210 my fury H2534 upon you.

Commentary on Isaiah 31 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 31:1-9. The Chief Strength of the Egyptian Armies Lay in Their Cavalry.

1. and stay on horses, and trust in chariots—In their level and fertile plains horses could easily be used and fed (Ex 14:9; 1Ki 10:28). In hilly Palestine horses were not so easily had or available. The Jews were therefore the more eager to get Egyptian chariots as allies against the Assyrian cavalry. In Assyrian sculptures chariots are represented drawn by three horses, and with three men in them (see Isa 36:9; Ps 20:7; Da 9:13).

2. he also is wise—as well as the Egyptian priests, so famed for wisdom (Ac 7:22), but who are "fools" before Him (Isa 19:11). He not only devises, but executes what He devises without "calling back His words" (Nu 23:19).

home—the whole race.

help—the Egyptian succor sought by the Jews.

3. not spirit—not of divine power (Ps 56:4; 146:3, 5; Zec 4:6).

he that helpeth—Egypt.


4. (Isa 42:13; Ho 11:10).

roaring on—"growling over" his prey.

abase himself—be disheartened or frightened.

5. As in the image of "the lion," the point of comparison is the fearless might of Jehovah; so in that of the birds, it is His solicitous affection (De 32:11; Ps 91:4; Mt 23:37).

flying—Rather, "which defend" their young with their wings; "to fly" is a secondary meaning of the Hebrew word [Maurer]. "Hovering over" to protect their young [G. V. Smith].

passing over—as the destroying angel passing over, so as to spare the blood-marked houses of the Israelites on the first passover (Ex 12:13, 23, 27). He passed, or leaped forward [Lowth], to destroy the enemy and to spare His people.

6. The power and love of Jehovah, just mentioned, are the strongest incentives for returning to Him (Eze 16:62, 63; Ho 6:1).

ye … Israel—The change of person marks that when they return to the Lord, He will address them in more direct terms of communion in the second person; so long as they were revolters, God speaks of them, as more at a distance, in the third person, rather than to them.

7. In the day of trial the idols will be found to render no help and will therefore be cast away. Compare as to the future restoration and conversion of Israel simultaneously with the interposition of Jehovah in its defense, Zec 12:9-14; 13:1, 2.

for a sin—that is, whereby especially you contracted guilt (1Ki 12:30).

8. Assyrian—Sennacherib, representative of some powerful head of the ungodly in the latter ages [Horsley].

sword, not of … mighty … mean man—but by the unseen sword of God.

flee—Sennacherib alone fled homewards after his army had been destroyed (Isa 37:37).

young men—the flower of his army.

discomfited—rather, "shall be subject to slavery"; literally, "shall be liable to tribute," that is, personal service (De 20:11; Jos 9:21) [Maurer]. Or, not so well, "shall melt away" [Rosenmuller].

9. Rather, "shall pass beyond his strongholds"; he Shall not stop to take refuge in it through fear (Jud 20:47; Jer 48:28) [Gesenius].

ensign—the banner of Jehovah protecting the Jews [Maurer].

fire … furnace—"light" and "fire," namely, of Jehovah's altar at Jerusalem (Isa 29:1). Perhaps "furnace," as distinguished from "fire," may mean that His dwelling-place (His hearth) was at Jerusalem (compare Isa 4:5); or else the fiery furnace awaiting all the enemies who should attack Jerusalem.