Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 46 » Verse 1

Isaiah 46:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Bel H1078 boweth down, H3766 Nebo H5015 stoopeth, H7164 their idols H6091 were upon the beasts, H2416 and upon the cattle: H929 your carriages H5385 were heavy loaden; H6006 they are a burden H4853 to the weary H5889 beast.

Cross Reference

Isaiah 21:9 STRONG

And, behold, here cometh H935 a chariot H7393 of men, H376 with a couple H6776 of horsemen. H6571 And he answered H6030 and said, H559 Babylon H894 is fallen, H5307 is fallen; H5307 and all the graven images H6456 of her gods H430 he hath broken H7665 unto the ground. H776

Jeremiah 50:2 STRONG

Declare H5046 ye among the nations, H1471 and publish, H8085 and set up H5375 a standard; H5251 publish, H8085 and conceal H3582 not: say, H559 Babylon H894 is taken, H3920 Bel H1078 is confounded, H3001 Merodach H4781 is broken in pieces; H2865 her idols H6091 are confounded, H3001 her images H1544 are broken in pieces. H2865

Jeremiah 51:44 STRONG

And I will punish H6485 Bel H1078 in Babylon, H894 and I will bring forth H3318 out of his mouth H6310 that which he hath swallowed up: H1105 and the nations H1471 shall not flow together H5102 any more unto him: yea, the wall H2346 of Babylon H894 shall fall. H5307

Exodus 12:12 STRONG

For I will pass H5674 through the land H776 of Egypt H4714 this night, H3915 and will smite H5221 all the firstborn H1060 in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 both man H120 and beast; H929 and against all the gods H430 of Egypt H4714 I will execute H6213 judgment: H8201 I am the LORD. H3068

1 Samuel 5:3 STRONG

And when they of Ashdod H796 arose early H7925 on the morrow, H4283 behold, Dagon H1712 was fallen H5307 upon his face H6440 to the earth H776 before H6440 the ark H727 of the LORD. H3068 And they took H3947 Dagon, H1712 and set H7725 him in his place H4725 again. H7725

Isaiah 2:20 STRONG

In that day H3117 a man H120 shall cast H7993 his idols H457 of silver, H3701 and his idols H457 of gold, H2091 which they made each one for himself H6213 to worship, H7812 to the moles H2661 H6512 and to the bats; H5847

Isaiah 41:6-7 STRONG

They helped H5826 every one H376 his neighbour; H7453 and every one said H559 to his brother, H251 Be of good courage. H2388 So the carpenter H2796 encouraged H2388 the goldsmith, H6884 and he that smootheth H2505 with the hammer H6360 him that smote H1986 the anvil, H6471 saying, H559 It is ready H2896 for the sodering: H1694 and he fastened H2388 it with nails, H4548 that it should not be moved. H4131

Jeremiah 10:5 STRONG

They are upright H4749 as the palm tree, H8560 but speak H1696 not: they must needs H5375 be borne, H5375 because they cannot go. H6805 Be not afraid H3372 of them; for they cannot do evil, H7489 neither also is it in them to do good. H3190

Jeremiah 48:1-25 STRONG

Against Moab H4124 thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Woe H1945 unto Nebo! H5015 for it is spoiled: H7703 Kiriathaim H7156 is confounded H3001 and taken: H3920 Misgab H4869 is confounded H3001 and dismayed. H2865 There shall be no more praise H8416 of Moab: H4124 in Heshbon H2809 they have devised H2803 evil H7451 against it; come, H3212 and let us cut it off H3772 from being a nation. H1471 Also thou shalt be cut down, H1826 O Madmen; H4086 the sword H2719 shall pursue H3212 thee. H310 A voice H6963 of crying H6818 shall be from Horonaim, H2773 spoiling H7701 and great H1419 destruction. H7667 Moab H4124 is destroyed; H7665 her little ones H6810 have caused a cry H2201 to be heard. H8085 For in the going up H4608 of Luhith H3872 continual H1065 weeping H1065 shall go up; H5927 for in the going down H4174 of Horonaim H2773 the enemies H6862 have heard H8085 a cry H6818 of destruction. H7667 Flee, H5127 save H4422 your lives, H5315 and be H1961 like the heath H6176 in the wilderness. H4057 For because thou hast trusted H982 in thy works H4639 and in thy treasures, H214 thou shalt also be taken: H3920 and Chemosh H3645 shall go forth H3318 into captivity H1473 with his priests H3548 and his princes H8269 together. H3162 And the spoiler H7703 shall come H935 upon every city, H5892 and no city H5892 shall escape: H4422 the valley H6010 also shall perish, H6 and the plain H4334 shall be destroyed, H8045 as the LORD H3068 hath spoken. H559 Give H5414 wings H6731 unto Moab, H4124 that it may flee H5323 and get away: H3318 for the cities H5892 thereof shall be desolate, H8047 without any to dwell H3427 therein. H2004 Cursed H779 be he that doeth H6213 the work H4399 of the LORD H3068 deceitfully, H7423 and cursed H779 be he that keepeth back H4513 his sword H2719 from blood. H1818 Moab H4124 hath been at ease H7599 from his youth, H5271 and he hath settled H8252 on his lees, H8105 and hath not been emptied H7324 from vessel H3627 to vessel, H3627 neither hath he gone H1980 into captivity: H1473 therefore his taste H2940 remained H5975 in him, and his scent H7381 is not changed. H4171 Therefore, behold, the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that I will send H7971 unto him wanderers, H6808 that shall cause him to wander, H6808 and shall empty H7324 his vessels, H3627 and break H5310 their bottles. H5035 And Moab H4124 shall be ashamed H954 of Chemosh, H3645 as the house H1004 of Israel H3478 was ashamed H954 of Bethel H1008 their confidence. H4009 How say H559 ye, We are mighty H1368 and strong H2428 men H582 for the war? H4421 Moab H4124 is spoiled, H7703 and gone up H5927 out of her cities, H5892 and his chosen H4005 young men H970 are gone down H3381 to the slaughter, H2874 saith H5002 the King, H4428 whose name H8034 is the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635 The calamity H343 of Moab H4124 is near H7138 to come, H935 and his affliction H7451 hasteth H4116 fast. H3966 All ye that are about H5439 him, bemoan H5110 him; and all ye that know H3045 his name, H8034 say, H559 How is the strong H5797 staff H4294 broken, H7665 and the beautiful H8597 rod! H4731 Thou daughter H1323 that dost inhabit H3427 Dibon, H1769 come down H3381 from thy glory, H3519 and sit H3427 in thirst; H6772 for the spoiler H7703 of Moab H4124 shall come H5927 upon thee, and he shall destroy H7843 thy strong holds. H4013 O inhabitant H3427 of Aroer, H6177 stand H5975 by the way, H1870 and espy; H6822 ask H7592 him that fleeth, H5127 and her that escapeth, H4422 and say, H559 What is done? H1961 Moab H4124 is confounded; H3001 for it is broken down: H2865 howl H3213 and cry; H2199 tell H5046 ye it in Arnon, H769 that Moab H4124 is spoiled, H7703 And judgment H4941 is come H935 upon the plain H4334 country; H776 upon Holon, H2473 and upon Jahazah, H3096 and upon Mephaath, H4158 And upon Dibon, H1769 and upon Nebo, H5015 and upon Bethdiblathaim, H1015 And upon Kiriathaim, H7156 and upon Bethgamul, H1014 and upon Bethmeon, H1010 And upon Kerioth, H7152 and upon Bozrah, H1224 and upon all the cities H5892 of the land H776 of Moab, H4124 far H7350 or near. H7138 The horn H7161 of Moab H4124 is cut off, H1438 and his arm H2220 is broken, H7665 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 51:47 STRONG

Therefore, behold, the days H3117 come, H935 that I will do judgment H6485 upon the graven images H6456 of Babylon: H894 and her whole land H776 shall be confounded, H954 and all her slain H2491 shall fall H5307 in the midst H8432 of her.

Jeremiah 51:52 STRONG

Wherefore, behold, the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that I will do judgment H6485 upon her graven images: H6456 and through all her land H776 the wounded H2491 shall groan. H602

Commentary on Isaiah 46 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 46:1-13. Babylon's Idols Could Not Save Themselves, Much Less Her. But God Can and Will Save Israel: Cyrus Is His Instrument.

1. Bel—the same as the Phœnician Baal, that is, lord, the chief god of Babylon; to it was dedicated the celebrated tower of Babylon, in the center of one of the two parts into which the city was divided, the palace being in the center of the other. Identical with the sun, worshipped on turrets, housetops, and other high places, so as to be nearer the heavenly hosts (Saba) (Jer 19:13; 32:29; Zep 1:5). Gesenius identifies Bel with the planet Jupiter, which, with the planet Venus (under the name Astarte or Astaroth), was worshipped in the East as the god of fortune, the most propitious star to be born under (see on Isa 65:11). According to the Apocryphal book, Bel and the Dragon, Bel was cast down by Cyrus.

boweth … stoopeth—falleth prostrate (Isa 10:4; 1Sa 5:3, 4; Ps 20:8).

Nebo—the planet Mercury or Hermes, in astrology. The scribe of heaven, answering to the Egyptian Anubis. The extensive worship of it is shown by the many proper names compounded of it: Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuzar-adan, Nabonassar, &c.

were upon—that is, were a burden (supplied from the following clause) upon. It was customary to transport the gods of the vanquished to the land of the conquerors, who thought thereby the more effectually to keep down the subject people (1Sa 5:1, &c.; Jer 48:7; 49:3; Da 11:8).

carriages—in the Old English sense of the things carried, the images borne by you: the lading (Ac 21:15), "carriages," not the vehicles, but the baggage. Or, the images which used to be carried by you formerly in your solemn processions [Maurer].

were heavy loaden—rather, are put as a load on the beasts of burden [Maurer]. Horsley translates, "They who should have been your carriers (as Jehovah is to His people, Isa 46:3, 4) are become burdens" (see on Isa 46:4).

2. deliver—from the enemies' hands.

burden—their images laid on the beasts (Isa 46:1).

themselves—the gods, here also distinguished from their images.

3. in contrast to what precedes: Babylon's idols, so far from bearing its people safely are themselves borne off, a burden to the laden beast; but Jehovah bears His people in safety even from the womb to old age (Isa 63:9; De 32:11; Ps 71:6, 18). God compares Himself to a nurse tenderly carrying a child; contrast Moses' language (Nu 11:12).

4. old age—As "your"—"you"—"you," are not in the Hebrew, the sentiment is more general than English Version, though of course it includes the Jews from the infancy to the more advanced age of their history (Isa 47:6).

I am he—that is, the same (Ps 102:27; Joh 8:24; Heb 13:8).

I will bear … carry—Not only do I not need to be borne and carried Myself, as the idols (Isa 46:1).

5. (Isa 40:18, 25).

6. (Isa 40:19, 20; 41:7.) They lavish gold out of their purses and spare no expense for their idol. Their profuseness shames the niggardliness of professors who worship God with what cost them nothing. Sin is always a costly service.

7. cry … can … not … save—(Isa 45:20, with which contrast Isa 45:19).

8. show yourselves men—Renounce the childishness of idolatry as shown in what precedes (1Co 14:20; 16:13; Eph 4:14). In order to be manly we must be godly; for man was made "in the image of God," and only rises to his true dignity when joined to God; virtue is derived from the Latin vir, "a man."

bring … to mind—rather, "lay it to heart."

transgressors—addressed to the idolaters among the Jews.

9. former—namely, proofs of the sole Godship of Jehovah, from predictions fulfilled, and interpositions of God in behalf of Israel (Isa 45:5).

10. (Isa 45:21; 41:22, 23; 44:26).

yet—not in the Hebrew. Translate, "What had not been done" [Horsley].

do all my pleasure—(Isa 53:10; Ro 9:19).

11. ravenous bird—Cyrus so called on account of the rapidity of his marches from the distant regions of Persia to pounce on his prey (see on Isa 41:2; Isa 41:25; Jer 49:22; Eze 17:3). The standard of Cyrus, too, was a golden eagle on a spear (see the heathen historian, Xenophon, 7, where almost the same word is used, aetos, as here, ayit).

executeth my counsel—(Isa 44:28; 45:13). Babylon represents, mystically, the apostate faction: the destruction of its idols symbolizes the future general extirpation of all idolatry and unbelief.

purposed … also do it—(Isa 43:13).

12. stout-hearted—stubborn in resisting God (Ps 76:5; Ac 7:51).

far from righteousness—(Isa 59:9; Hab 2:4).

13. near—antithetical to "far" (Isa 46:12; Isa 51:5; 56:1; 61:10, 11; Ro 10:6-8).

righteousness—answering to "salvation" in the parallel clause; therefore it means here, "my righteous deliverance"; righteous, because proving the truth of God's promises, and so contrived as to not compromise, but vindicate, His righteousness (Isa 42:21; Ro 3:26).

Zion … my glory—rather, "I will give salvation in Zion; to Israel (I will give) my glory" [Horsley]. (Isa 63:11; Ps 14:7; Lu 2:32).