Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 36 » Verse 2

Jeremiah 36:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 Take H3947 thee a roll H4039 of a book, H5612 and write H3789 therein all the words H1697 that I have spoken H1696 unto thee against Israel, H3478 and against Judah, H3063 and against all the nations, H1471 from the day H3117 I spake H1696 unto thee, from the days H3117 of Josiah, H2977 even unto this day. H3117

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 30:2 STRONG

Thus speaketh H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 Write H3789 thee all the words H1697 that I have spoken H1696 unto thee in a book. H5612

Jeremiah 25:3 STRONG

From the thirteenth H7969 H6240 year H8141 of Josiah H2977 the son H1121 of Amon H526 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 even unto this day, H3117 that is the three H7969 and twentieth H6242 year, H8141 the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 hath come unto me, and I have spoken H1696 unto you, rising early H7925 and speaking; H1696 but ye have not hearkened. H8085

Jeremiah 1:10 STRONG

See, H7200 I have this day H3117 set H6485 thee over the nations H1471 and over the kingdoms, H4467 to root out, H5428 and to pull down, H5422 and to destroy, H6 and to throw down, H2040 to build, H1129 and to plant. H5193

Exodus 17:14 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Write H3789 this for a memorial H2146 in a book, H5612 and rehearse H7760 it in the ears H241 of Joshua: H3091 for I will utterly H4229 put out H4229 the remembrance H2143 of Amalek H6002 from under heaven. H8064

Psalms 40:7 STRONG

Then said H559 I, Lo, I come: H935 in the volume H4039 of the book H5612 it is written H3789 of me,

Ezekiel 2:9 STRONG

And when I looked, H7200 behold, an hand H3027 was sent H7971 unto me; and, lo, a roll H4039 of a book H5612 was therein;

Jeremiah 51:60 STRONG

So Jeremiah H3414 wrote H3789 in a H259 book H5612 all the evil H7451 that should come H935 upon Babylon, H894 even all these words H1697 that are written H3789 against Babylon. H894

Jeremiah 36:23 STRONG

And it came to pass, that when Jehudi H3065 had read H7121 three H7969 or four H702 leaves, H1817 he cut H7167 it with the penknife, H8593 H5608 and cast H7993 it into the fire H784 that was on the hearth, H254 until all the roll H4039 was consumed H8552 in the fire H784 that was on the hearth. H254

Jeremiah 36:6 STRONG

Therefore go H935 thou, and read H7121 in the roll, H4039 which thou hast written H3789 from my mouth, H6310 the words H1697 of the LORD H3068 in the ears H241 of the people H5971 in the LORD'S H3068 house H1004 upon the fasting H6685 day: H3117 and also thou shalt read H7121 them in the ears H241 of all Judah H3063 that come out H935 of their cities. H5892

Jeremiah 25:9-29 STRONG

Behold, I will send H7971 and take H3947 all the families H4940 of the north, H6828 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and Nebuchadrezzar H5019 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 my servant, H5650 and will bring H935 them against this land, H776 and against the inhabitants H3427 thereof, and against all these nations H1471 round about, H5439 and will utterly destroy H2763 them, and make H7760 them an astonishment, H8047 and an hissing, H8322 and perpetual H5769 desolations. H2723 Moreover I will take H6 from them the voice H6963 of mirth, H8342 and the voice H6963 of gladness, H8057 the voice H6963 of the bridegroom, H2860 and the voice H6963 of the bride, H3618 the sound H6963 of the millstones, H7347 and the light H216 of the candle. H5216 And this whole land H776 shall be a desolation, H2723 and an astonishment; H8047 and these nations H1471 shall serve H5647 the king H4428 of Babylon H894 seventy H7657 years. H8141 And it shall come to pass, when seventy H7657 years H8141 are accomplished, H4390 that I will punish H6485 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and that nation, H1471 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 for their iniquity, H5771 and the land H776 of the Chaldeans, H3778 and will make H7760 it perpetual H5769 desolations. H8077 And I will bring H935 upon that land H776 all my words H1697 which I have pronounced H1696 against it, even all that is written H3789 in this book, H5612 which Jeremiah H3414 hath prophesied H5012 against all the nations. H1471 For many H7227 nations H1471 and great H1419 kings H4428 shall serve H5647 themselves of them also: and I will recompense H7999 them according to their deeds, H6467 and according to the works H4639 of their own hands. H3027 For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 unto me; Take H3947 the wine H3196 cup H3563 of this fury H2534 at my hand, H3027 and cause all the nations, H1471 to whom I send H7971 thee, to drink H8248 it. And they shall drink, H8354 and be moved, H1607 and be mad, H1984 because H6440 of the sword H2719 that I will send H7971 among them. Then took H3947 I the cup H3563 at the LORD'S H3068 hand, H3027 and made all the nations H1471 to drink, H8248 unto whom the LORD H3068 had sent H7971 me: To wit, Jerusalem, H3389 and the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and the kings H4428 thereof, and the princes H8269 thereof, to make H5414 them a desolation, H2723 an astonishment, H8047 an hissing, H8322 and a curse; H7045 as it is this day; H3117 Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 and his servants, H5650 and his princes, H8269 and all his people; H5971 And all the mingled H6153 people, and all the kings H4428 of the land H776 of Uz, H5780 and all the kings H4428 of the land H776 of the Philistines, H6430 and Ashkelon, H831 and Azzah, H5804 and Ekron, H6138 and the remnant H7611 of Ashdod, H795 Edom, H123 and Moab, H4124 and the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 And all the kings H4428 of Tyrus, H6865 and all the kings H4428 of Zidon, H6721 and the kings H4428 of the isles H339 which are beyond H5676 the sea, H3220 Dedan, H1719 and Tema, H8485 and Buz, H938 and all that are in the utmost H7112 corners, H6285 And all the kings H4428 of Arabia, H6152 and all the kings H4428 of the mingled people H6153 that dwell H7931 in the desert, H4057 And all the kings H4428 of Zimri, H2174 and all the kings H4428 of Elam, H5867 and all the kings H4428 of the Medes, H4074 And all the kings H4428 of the north, H6828 far H7350 and near, H7138 one H376 with another, H251 and all the kingdoms H4467 of the world, H776 which are upon the face H6440 of the earth: H127 and the king H4428 of Sheshach H8347 shall drink H8354 after H310 them. Therefore thou shalt say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Drink H8354 ye, and be drunken, H7937 and spue, H7006 and fall, H5307 and rise H6965 no more, because H6440 of the sword H2719 which I will send H7971 among you. And it shall be, if they refuse H3985 to take H3947 the cup H3563 at thine hand H3027 to drink, H8354 then shalt thou say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Ye shall certainly H8354 drink. H8354 For, lo, I begin H2490 to bring evil H7489 on the city H5892 which is called H7121 by my name, H8034 and should ye be utterly H5352 unpunished? H5352 Ye shall not be unpunished: H5352 for I will call H7121 for a sword H2719 upon all the inhabitants H3427 of the earth, H776 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Jeremiah 23:13-14 STRONG

And I have seen H7200 folly H8604 in the prophets H5030 of Samaria; H8111 they prophesied H5012 in Baal, H1168 and caused my people H5971 Israel H3478 to err. H8582 I have seen H7200 also in the prophets H5030 of Jerusalem H3389 an horrible thing: H8186 they commit adultery, H5003 and walk H1980 in lies: H8267 they strengthen H2388 also the hands H3027 of evildoers, H7489 that none H376 doth return H7725 from his wickedness: H7451 they are all of them unto me as Sodom, H5467 and the inhabitants H3427 thereof as Gomorrah. H6017

Jeremiah 3:3-10 STRONG

Therefore the showers H7241 have been withholden, H4513 and there hath been no latter rain; H4456 and thou hadst a whore's H2181 H802 forehead, H4696 thou refusedst H3985 to be ashamed. H3637 Wilt thou not from this time cry H7121 unto me, My father, H1 thou art the guide H441 of my youth? H5271 Will he reserve H5201 his anger for ever? H5769 will he keep H8104 it to the end? H5331 Behold, thou hast spoken H1696 and done H6213 evil things H7451 as thou couldest. H3201 The LORD H3068 said H559 also unto me in the days H3117 of Josiah H2977 the king, H4428 Hast thou seen H7200 that which backsliding H4878 Israel H3478 hath done? H6213 she is gone up H1980 upon every high H1364 mountain H2022 and under H8478 every green H7488 tree, H6086 and there hath played the harlot. H2181 And I said H559 after H310 she had done H6213 all these things, Turn H7725 thou unto me. But she returned H7725 not. And her treacherous H901 sister H269 Judah H3063 saw H7200 it. And I saw, H7200 when for all the causes H182 whereby backsliding H4878 Israel H3478 committed adultery H5003 I had put her away, H7971 and given H5414 her a bill H5612 of divorce; H3748 yet her treacherous H898 sister H269 Judah H3063 feared H3372 not, but went H3212 and played the harlot H2181 also. And it came to pass through the lightness H6963 of her whoredom, H2184 that she defiled H2610 the land, H776 and committed adultery H5003 with stones H68 and with stocks. H6086 And yet for all this her treacherous H901 sister H269 Judah H3063 hath not turned H7725 unto me with her whole heart, H3820 but feignedly, H8267 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 1:5 STRONG

Before H2962 I formed H3335 thee in the belly H990 I knew H3045 thee; and before thou camest forth H3318 out of the womb H7358 I sanctified H6942 thee, and I ordained H5414 thee a prophet H5030 unto the nations. H1471

Jeremiah 1:2-3 STRONG

To whom the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came in the days H3117 of Josiah H2977 the son H1121 of Amon H526 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 in the thirteenth H7969 H6240 year H8141 of his reign. H4427 It came also in the days H3117 of Jehoiakim H3079 the son H1121 of Josiah H2977 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 unto the end H8552 of the eleventh H6249 H6240 year H8141 of Zedekiah H6667 the son H1121 of Josiah H2977 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 unto the carrying away H1540 of Jerusalem H3389 captive H1540 in the fifth H2549 month. H2320

Isaiah 8:1 STRONG

Moreover the LORD H3068 said H559 unto me, Take H3947 thee a great H1419 roll, H1549 and write H3789 in it with a man's H582 pen H2747 concerning Mahershalalhashbaz. H4122

Ezra 6:2 STRONG

And there was found H7912 at Achmetha, H307 in the palace H1001 that is in the province H4083 of the Medes, H4076 a H2298 roll, H4040 and therein H1459 was a record H1799 thus H3652 written: H3790

Deuteronomy 31:24 STRONG

And it came to pass, when Moses H4872 had made an end H3615 of writing H3789 the words H1697 of this law H8451 in a book, H5612 until they were finished, H8552

Revelation 5:1-9 STRONG

And G2532 I saw G1492 in G1909 the right hand G1188 of him that sat G2521 on G1909 the throne G2362 a book G975 written G1125 within G2081 and G2532 on the backside, G3693 sealed G2696 with seven G2033 seals. G4973 And G2532 I saw G1492 a strong G2478 angel G32 proclaiming G2784 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 Who G5101 is G2076 worthy G514 to open G455 the book, G975 and G2532 to loose G3089 the seals G4973 thereof? G846 And G2532 no man G3762 in G1722 heaven, G3772 nor G3761 in G1909 earth, G1093 neither G3761 under G5270 the earth, G1093 was able G1410 to open G455 the book, G975 neither G3761 to look G991 thereon. G846 And G2532 I G1473 wept G2799 much, G4183 because G3754 no man G3762 was found G2147 worthy G514 to open G455 and G2532 to read G314 the book, G975 neither G3777 to look G991 thereon. G846 And G2532 one G1520 of G1537 the elders G4245 saith G3004 unto me, G3427 Weep G2799 not: G3361 behold, G2400 the Lion G3023 of G5607 G1537 the tribe G5443 of Juda, G2455 the Root G4491 of David, G1138 hath prevailed G3528 to open G455 the book, G975 and G2532 to loose G3089 the seven G2033 seals G4973 thereof. G846 And G2532 I beheld, G1492 and, G2532 lo, G2400 in G1722 the midst G3319 of the throne G2362 and G2532 of the four G5064 beasts, G2226 and G2532 in G1722 the midst G3319 of the elders, G4245 stood G2476 a Lamb G721 as G5613 it had been slain, G4969 having G2192 seven G2033 horns G2768 and G2532 seven G2033 eyes, G3788 which G3739 are G1526 the seven G2033 Spirits G4151 of God G2316 sent forth G649 into G1519 all G3956 the earth. G1093 And G2532 he came G2064 and G2532 took G2983 the book G975 out of G1537 the right hand G1188 of him that sat G2521 upon G1909 the throne. G2362 And G2532 when G3753 he had taken G2983 the book, G975 the four G5064 beasts G2226 and G2532 four G5064 and twenty G1501 elders G4245 fell down G4098 before G1799 the Lamb, G721 having G2192 every one of them G1538 harps, G2788 and G2532 golden G5552 vials G5357 full G1073 of odours, G2368 which G3739 are G1526 the prayers G4335 of saints. G40 And G2532 they sung G103 a new G2537 song, G5603 saying, G3004 Thou art G1488 worthy G514 to take G2983 the book, G975 and G2532 to open G455 the seals G4973 thereof: G846 for G3754 thou wast slain, G4969 and G2532 hast redeemed G59 us G2248 to God G2316 by G1722 thy G4675 blood G129 out of G1537 every G3956 kindred, G5443 and G2532 tongue, G1100 and G2532 people, G2992 and G2532 nation; G1484

Zechariah 5:1-4 STRONG

Then I turned, H7725 and lifted up H5375 mine eyes, H5869 and looked, H7200 and behold a flying H5774 roll. H4039 And he said H559 unto me, What seest H7200 thou? And I answered, H559 I see H7200 a flying H5774 roll; H4039 the length H753 thereof is twenty H6242 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 thereof ten H6235 cubits. H520 Then said H559 he unto me, This is the curse H423 that goeth forth H3318 over the face H6440 of the whole earth: H776 for every one that stealeth H1589 shall be cut off H5352 as on this side according H3644 to it; and every one that sweareth H7650 shall be cut off H5352 as on that side according H3644 to it. I will bring it forth, H3318 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and it shall enter H935 into the house H1004 of the thief, H1590 and into the house H1004 of him that sweareth H7650 falsely H8267 by my name: H8034 and it shall remain H3885 in the midst H8432 of his house, H1004 and shall consume H3615 it with the timber H6086 thereof and the stones H68 thereof.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 answered H6030 me, and said, H559 Write H3789 the vision, H2377 and make it plain H874 upon tables, H3871 that he may run H7323 that readeth H7121 it. For the vision H2377 is yet for an appointed time, H4150 but at the end H7093 it shall speak, H6315 and not lie: H3576 though it tarry, H4102 wait H2442 for it; because it will surely H935 come, H935 it will not tarry. H309

Hosea 8:12 STRONG

I have written H3789 to him the great things H7230 H7239 of my law, H8451 but they were counted H2803 as a strange thing. H2114

Ezekiel 3:1-3 STRONG

Moreover he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 eat H398 that thou findest; H4672 eat H398 this roll, H4039 and go H3212 speak H1696 unto the house H1004 of Israel. H3478 So I opened H6605 my mouth, H6310 and he caused me to eat H398 that roll. H4039 And he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 cause thy belly H990 to eat, H398 and fill H4390 thy bowels H4578 with this roll H4039 that I give H5414 thee. Then did I eat H398 it; and it was in my mouth H6310 as honey H1706 for sweetness. H4966

Jeremiah 47:1-7 STRONG

The word H1697 of the LORD H3068 that came to Jeremiah H3414 the prophet H5030 against the Philistines, H6430 before that Pharaoh H6547 smote H5221 Gaza. H5804 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Behold, waters H4325 rise up H5927 out of the north, H6828 and shall be an overflowing H7857 flood, H5158 and shall overflow H7857 the land, H776 and all that is therein; H4393 the city, H5892 and them that dwell H3427 therein: then the men H120 shall cry, H2199 and all the inhabitants H3427 of the land H776 shall howl. H3213 At the noise H6963 of the stamping H8161 of the hoofs H6541 of his strong H47 horses, at the rushing H7494 of his chariots, H7393 and at the rumbling H1995 of his wheels, H1534 the fathers H1 shall not look back H6437 to their children H1121 for feebleness H7510 of hands; H3027 Because of the day H3117 that cometh H935 to spoil H7703 all the Philistines, H6430 and to cut off H3772 from Tyrus H6865 and Zidon H6721 every helper H5826 that remaineth: H8300 for the LORD H3068 will spoil H7703 the Philistines, H6430 the remnant H7611 of the country H339 of Caphtor. H3731 Baldness H7144 is come H935 upon Gaza; H5804 Ashkelon H831 is cut off H1820 with the remnant H7611 of their valley: H6010 how long wilt thou cut H1413 thyself? O H1945 thou sword H2719 of the LORD, H3068 how long will it be ere H3808 thou be quiet? H8252 put up H622 thyself into thy scabbard, H8593 rest, H7280 and be still. H1826 How can it be quiet, H8252 seeing the LORD H3068 hath given it a charge H6680 against Ashkelon, H831 and against the sea H3220 shore? H2348 there hath he appointed H3259 it.

Jeremiah 45:1 STRONG

The word H1697 that Jeremiah H3414 the prophet H5030 spake H1696 unto Baruch H1263 the son H1121 of Neriah, H5374 when he had written H3789 these words H1697 in a book H5612 at the mouth H6310 of Jeremiah, H3414 in the fourth H7243 year H8141 of Jehoiakim H3079 the son H1121 of Josiah H2977 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 saying, H559

Jeremiah 36:29 STRONG

And thou shalt say H559 to Jehoiakim H3079 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Thou hast burned H8313 this roll, H4039 saying, H559 Why hast thou written H3789 therein, saying, H559 The king H4428 of Babylon H894 shall certainly H935 come H935 and destroy H7843 this land, H776 and shall cause to cease H7673 from thence man H120 and beast? H929

Jeremiah 32:30-35 STRONG

For the children H1121 of Israel H3478 and the children H1121 of Judah H3063 have only done H6213 evil H7451 before H5869 me from their youth: H5271 for the children H1121 of Israel H3478 have only provoked me to anger H3707 with the work H4639 of their hands, H3027 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 For this city H5892 hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger H639 and of my fury H2534 from the day H3117 that they built H1129 it even unto this day; H3117 that I should remove H5493 it from before my face, H6440 Because of all the evil H7451 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 and of the children H1121 of Judah, H3063 which they have done H6213 to provoke me to anger, H3707 they, their kings, H4428 their princes, H8269 their priests, H3548 and their prophets, H5030 and the men H376 of Judah, H3063 and the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem. H3389 And they have turned H6437 unto me the back, H6203 and not the face: H6440 though I taught H3925 them, rising up early H7925 and teaching H3925 them, yet they have not hearkened H8085 to receive H3947 instruction. H4148 But they set H7760 their abominations H8251 in the house, H1004 which is called H7121 by my name, H8034 to defile H2930 it. And they built H1129 the high places H1116 of Baal, H1168 which are in the valley H1516 of the son H1121 of Hinnom, H2011 to cause their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 to pass H5674 through the fire unto Molech; H4432 which I commanded H6680 them not, neither came H5927 it into my mind, H3820 that they should do H6213 this abomination, H8441 to cause Judah H3063 to sin. H2398

Jeremiah 2:4 STRONG

Hear H8085 ye the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 O house H1004 of Jacob, H3290 and all the families H4940 of the house H1004 of Israel: H3478

Isaiah 30:8-9 STRONG

Now go, H935 write H3789 it before them in a table, H3871 and note H2710 it in a book, H5612 that it may be for the time H3117 to come H314 for H5704 ever H5703 and ever: H5769 That this is a rebellious H4805 people, H5971 lying H3586 children, H1121 children H1121 that will H14 not hear H8085 the law H8451 of the LORD: H3068

Job 31:35 STRONG

Oh that H5414 one would hear H8085 me! behold, my desire H8420 is, that the Almighty H7706 would answer H6030 me, and that mine adversary H376 H7379 had written H3789 a book. H5612

2 Kings 17:18-20 STRONG

Therefore the LORD H3068 was very H3966 angry H599 with Israel, H3478 and removed H5493 them out of his sight: H6440 there was none left H7604 but the tribe H7626 of Judah H3063 only. Also Judah H3063 kept H8104 not the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 their God, H430 but walked H3212 in the statutes H2708 of Israel H3478 which they made. H6213 And the LORD H3068 rejected H3988 all the seed H2233 of Israel, H3478 and afflicted H6031 them, and delivered H5414 them into the hand H3027 of spoilers, H8154 until he had cast H7993 them out of his sight. H6440

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 36

Commentary on Jeremiah 36 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

In the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, bidding him commit to writing all the addresses he had previously delivered, that Judah might, if it were possible, still regard the threatenings and return (Jeremiah 36:1-3). In accordance with this command, he got all the words of the Lord written down in a book by his attendant Baruch, with the further instruction that this should be read on the fast-day in the temple to the people who came out of the country into Jerusalem (Jeremiah 36:4-8). When, after this, in the ninth month of the fifth year of Jehoiakim, a fast was appointed, Baruch read the prophecies to the assembled people in the chamber of Gemariah in the temple. Michaiah the son of Gemariah mentioned the matter to the princes who were assembled in the royal palace; these then sent for Baruch with the roll, and made him read it to them. But they were so frightened by what was read to them that they deemed it necessary to inform the king regarding it (Jeremiah 36:9-19). At their advice, the king had the roll brought and some of it read before him; but scarcely had some few columns been read, when he cut the roll into pieces and threw them into the pan of coals burning in the room, at the same time commanding that Baruch and Jeremiah should be brought to him; but God hid them (Jeremiah 36:20-26). After this roll had been burnt, the Lord commanded the prophet to get all his words written on a new roll, and to predict an ignominious fate for King Jehoiakim; whereupon Jeremiah once more dictated his addresses to Baruch (Jeremiah 36:27-32).

Since Jeremiah, according to Jeremiah 36:3, Jeremiah 36:6, Jeremiah 36:7, is to get his addresses written down that Baruch may be able to read them publicly on the fast-day, now at hand, because he himself was prevented from getting to the temple, the intention of the divine command was not to make the prophet put down in writing and gather together all the addresses he had hitherto given, but the writing down is merely to serve as a means of once more presenting to the people the whole contents of his prophecies, in order to induce them, wherever it was possible, to return to the Lord. In the fourth year of Jehoiakim, Nebuchadnezzar, after vanquishing the Egyptians at the Euphrates, advanced against Judah, took Jerusalem, and made Jehoiakim tributary. In the same year, too, Jeremiah had delivered the prophecy regarding the giving up of Judah and all nations for seventy years into the power of the king of Babylon (Jer 25); this was before he had been bidden write down all his addresses. For, that he did not receive this command till towards the end of the fourth year, may be gathered with certainty from the fact that the public reading of the addresses, after they were written down, was to take place on the fast-day, which, according to Jeremiah 36:9, was not held till the ninth month of the fifth year. The only doubtful point is, whether they were written down and read before or after the first capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. Most modern commentators take the former view; e.g., Hitzig says, briefly and decidedly, "According to Jeremiah 36:29, the Chaldeans had not as yet appeared in the country." But this is not mentioned in Jeremiah 36:29. The threatening in this verse, "The king of Babylon shall come and destroy this land, and exterminate men and beasts from it," does not prove that the king of Babylon had not yet come to Judah, but merely that the country had not yet been destroyed, and men and cattle exterminated from it. When Jerusalem was first taken, Nebuchadnezzar contented himself with subjecting Jehoiakim under his supreme authority and requiring the payment of tribute, as well as carrying away some of the vessels of the temple and some hostages. The devastation of Judah and the extirpation of men and beasts did not commence till the second subjugation of Jerusalem under Jehoiakim, and was completed when the city was utterly destroyed, in Zedekiah's time, on its third subjugation. The settlement of the question that has been raised depends on the determination of the object for which the special fast-day in the fifth year was appointed, whether for averting the threatened invasion by the Chaldeans, or as a memorial of the first capture of Jerusalem. This question we have already so far decided in the Commentary on Daniel , at Jeremiah 1:1, where it is stated that the fast was held in remembrance of that day in the year when Jerusalem was taken for the first time by Nebuchadnezzar; we have also remarked in the same place, that Jehoiakim either appointed or permitted this special fast "for the purpose of rousing the popular feeling against the Chaldeans, to whom they were in subjection, - to evoke in the people a religious enthusiasm in favour of resistance; for Jehoiakim keenly felt the subjugation by the Chaldeans, and from the first thought of revolt." However, every form of resistance to the king of Babylon could only issue in the ruin of Judah. Accordingly, Jeremiah made Baruch read his prophecies publicly to the people assembled in the temple on that day, "by way of counterpoise to the king's desire;" the prophet also bade him announce to the king that the king of Babylon would come, i.e., return, to destroy the land, and to root out of it both men and beasts. These circumstances give the first complete explanation of the terror of the princes when they listened to the reading of the book (Jeremiah 36:16), as well as of the wrath of the king, exhibited by his cutting the book in pieces and throwing it into the fire: he saw that the addresses of the prophet were more calculated to damp those religious aspirations of the people on which he based his hopes, than to rouse the nation against continued submission to the Chaldeans. Not till now, too, when the object of the appointment of the fast-day was perceived, did the command given by God to the prophet to write down his prophecies appear in its proper light. Shortly before, and in the most earnest manner, Jeremiah had reminded the people of their opposition to the word of God preached by him for twenty-three years, and had announced to them, as a punishment, the seventy years' subjugation to the Chaldeans and the desolation of the country; yet this announcement of the fearful chastisement had made no deeper or more lasting impression on the people. Hence, so long as the threatened judgment was still in the distance, not much could be expected to result from the reading of his addresses in the temple on the fast-day, so that the command of God to do so should appear quite justified. But the matter took a considerably different from when Nebuchadnezzar had actually taken Jerusalem and Jehoiakim had submitted. The commencement of the judgments which had been threatened by God was the proper moment for laying before the hearts of the people, once more, the intense earnestness of the divine message, and for urging them to deeper penitence. Just at this point the reading of the whole contents of the prophecies delivered by Jeremiah appears like a final attempt to preserve the people, on whom judgment has fallen, from complete destruction.

Verse 2-3

The word of the Lord to Jeremiah was to this effect: "Take thee a book-roll, and write on it ( אליה for עליה ) all the words that I have spoken unto thee concerning Israel and Judah, and concerning all the nations, from the day I spake unto thee, from the days of Josiah till this day. Jeremiah 36:3. Perhaps the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I meditate doing to them, that they may return every one from his evil way, and that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin." ישׁמעוּ here means, to hear correctly and lay to heart; cf. Jeremiah 26:3. Hitzig views the command as meaning, not that Jeremiah is now for the first time to write down his addresses (which would be an impossibility for the most faithful memory), but that he is merely to write them down together in one book, out of the several scattered leaves and scraps. Graf has already refuted this view, though more fully than was necessary. It is not a copying, word for word, of every separate address that is meant, but merely a writing down of the essential contents of all his oral discourses. This is quite clear, not merely from what is stated in Jeremiah 36:3 as the object of this command, but also from the character of these collected addresses, as they are preserved to us. That the expression "all the words" is not to be understood in the most rigid sense, follows from the very fact that, when Jeremiah anew wrote down his prophecies, Jeremiah 36:32, he further added "many similar words" to what had been contained in the first book-roll, which was burned by Jehoiakim. But Jeremiah might perhaps be able to retain in his memory the substance of all the addresses he had delivered during the twenty-three years, since all of them treated of the same subjects - reproof of prevailing sins, threat of punishment, and promises.

Verses 4-7

Jeremiah carries out the divine command by making Baruch write down on a book-roll all the words of the Lord, out of his mouth (' מפּי , i.e., at the dictation of Jeremiah); and since he himself is prevented from getting to the house of the Lord, he bids him read the words he had written down in the ears of the people in the temple on the fast-day, at the same time expressing the hope, Jeremiah 36:7 : "Perhaps their supplication will fall down before the Lord, and they will return each one from his wicked way; for great is the wrath and the anger which the Lord hath expressed concerning this people." Baruch, who is mentioned so early as Jeremiah 32:12. as the attendant of the prophet, was, according to the passage now before us, his amanuensis, and executed his commissions. אני עצוּר , according to Jeremiah 33:1 and Jeremiah 39:15, might mean, "I am in prison;" but this does not accord with the request of the princes, Jeremiah 36:19, that Jeremiah should hide himself. Moreover, עצוּר does not mean "seized, captus ," but "stopped, restrained, hindered;" see on Nehemiah 6:10. The cause of hindrance is not mentioned, as being away from the purpose of the narrative. "To read in the roll in the ears of the people," i.e., to read to the people out of the book. בּיום צום does not mean "on any fast-day whatever," but, "on the fast-day." The article is omitted because there was no need for defining the fast-day more exactly. The special fast-day mentioned in Jeremiah 36:9 is intended. ' תּפּל תּחנּתם וגו , "their supplication will fall down before the Lord," i.e., reach unto God, as if it were laid before His feet. נפל is transferred from the posture of the suppliant - his falling down before God - to his supplication. Hence, in Hiphil, to make the supplication fall down before the Lord is equivalent to laying the request at His feet; Jeremiah 38:26; Jeremiah 42:9; Daniel 9:18, Daniel 9:20. If the supplication actually comes before God, it is also heard and finds success. This success is pointed out in ' וישׁבוּ וגו , "that they may repent." If man, in a repentant spirit, supplicates God for grace, God grants him power for conversion. But the return of the people from their wicked way is indispensable, because the wrath which God has expressed concerning it is great, i.e., because God has threatened a heavy judgment of wrath.

Verse 8

Baruch executes his commission.

Jeremiah 36:9-19

The reading of the book in the temple. - Jeremiah 36:9. In the fifth year of Jehoiakim, in the ninth month, "they proclaimed a fast before the Lord - all the people in Jerusalem, and all the people who had come out of the cities of the Judah to Jerusalem." קתא צום , to call, declare, appoint a fast ; cf. 1 Kings 21:9, 1 Kings 21:12; 2 Chronicles 20:3. From the tenor of the words, the people who lived in Jerusalem and those who had come thither out of the country might seem to have called the fast. But this is impossible; for the people from the cities of Judah evidently came to Jerusalem only in consequence of the fast being appointed. Hence Graf is of opinion that קתא צום seems here used in a general way of the keeping of such a fast. This view is not confirmed by any parallel instances. The expression is inexact, and the inexactness has arisen from the effort to attain greater conciseness of expression. The meaning is this: a fast was proclaimed, and all the people in Jerusalem and out of the cities of Judah came to worship the Lord in the temple. It remains doubtful with whom the appointment originated, - whether with the king, or with the high priest and the priesthood. The ninth month corresponds to our December, and consequently came round with the cold season; cf. Jeremiah 36:22. The fast-day was a special one; for in the law only the day of atonement, in the seventh month, was prescribed as a fast-day. On the object of this measure, see supra , p. 316f.

Jeremiah 36:10

On this day Baruch read the addresses of Jeremiah out of the book to the people who had come to the temple, in the "chamber of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, the scribe, in the upper forecourt, at the entrance of the new gate of the house of the Lord." Gemariah the son of Shaphan was one of the king's private scribes, a secretary of state. For, according to Jeremiah 36:12, he belonged to the princes, and was probably a brother of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, who had already shown himself, before this, a protector of the prophet (Jeremiah 26:24). The chamber which he had in the temple was situated in the upper forecourt, at the entrance of the new gate, whose position we cannot exactly determine (see on Jeremiah 26:10), but which led from the outer to the inner court of the priests, which rose higher than the others.

Jeremiah 36:11-13

Micaiah, a son of Gemariah, was also listening to the reading; and he it was who brought the news into the palace. He made of the room, i.e., the office, of Elishama, the secretary of state, where the princes, viz., Elishama, Delaiah the son of Shemaiah, Elnathan the son of Achbor (cf. Jeremiah 26:22), Gemariah the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah, had just met for a consultation; and he mentioned to them what he had heard.

Jeremiah 36:14

On this information the princes sent Jehudi (perhaps one of the under-officers of the secretary of state) to Baruch, to bring him, with the book from which he had read. From the designation, "Jehudi son of Nethaniah, son of Shelemiah, son of Cushi," Hitzig and Graf conclude that the first and last are not proper names, but appellatives, "the Jew" and "the Cushite," and account for the use of them on the ground that, through the application of the law given in Deuteronomy 23:7-8 to Cushites as well as Egyptians, the ancestor was a Cushite, and only his great-grandson became a Jew, or Jewish citizen, and was called "Jehudi." But this view is opposed (1) by the fact that the names of the father and the grandfather are true proper names, and these, moreover, contain the name Jah ( Jahveh ), - hence are genuine proper names of Israelites; moreover, (2) even in olden times Jehudith occurs as a woman's name, Genesis 26:34. According to this, Jehudi is a true proper name, and at the most, Cushi is but a surname of the great-grandfather, given him because of his descent from the Cushites. Further, the law, Deuteronomy 23:7, applies only to the posterity of the Edomites and Egyptians, that these should not be received into the congregation of the Lord till the third generation; this ordinance was based on grounds which did not permit of its application to other nations. These might be naturalized even in the first generation on undergoing circumcision, with the exception of Canaanites, Ammonites, and Moabites, who were not to be admitted into the Israelitish community even in the tenth generation, Deuteronomy 23:3.

Jeremiah 36:15-16

When Baruch came, the princes, in token of friendly and respectful treatment, bade him sit down and read to them out of the book he had brought with him. Jeremiah 36:16. But when they heard all the words read, "they were afraid one at another;" i.e., by looks, gestures, and words, they gave mutual expression of their fear, partly because of the contents of what had been read. Although they were generally acquainted with the sense and the spirit of Jeremiah's addresses, yet what had now been read made a powerful impression on them; for Baruch plainly had read, both to the people in the temple and to the princes, not the whole book, but only the main portions, containing the sternest denunciations of sin and the strongest threats of punishment. The statement, "he read in (out of) the book the words of Jeremiah" (Jeremiah 36:10), does not mean that he read the whole book; this would only have wearied the people and weakened the impression made. But they were partly also terrified, perhaps, by the boldness of a declaration which so decidedly opposed the desires and hopes of the king; for the thought of the event mentioned in Jeremiah 26:20. would at once suggest to them the danger that might arise to the live of Jeremiah and Baruch from the despotic character of the king. They said therefore to Baruch, "We must tell the king all these things." For it was clear that the matter could not long remain concealed from the king, after the public reading in the temple. Hence they dared not, agreeably to their official relation to the king, hide from him what had taken place.

Jeremiah 36:17-18

Meanwhile, in order to inform themselves more exactly regarding what had happened, they ask Baruch, "Tell us, how hast thou written all these words at his mouth?" Thereupon Baruch replied, "He used to call aloud these words to me," i.e., he used to dictate them to me by word of mouth, "and I wrote them in the book with ink." The imperfect expresses the repeated or continued doing of anything; hence יקרא here means to dictate, which requires considerable time. In the following circumstantial clause is found the participle ואני כתב , while I was writing; and so I myself was doing nothing else all the time than writing down what was dictated. Some commentators have found a stumbling-block in מפּיו in the question of the princes (Jeremiah 36:17); the lxx and Ewald omit this word, inasmuch as Baruch does not explain till afterwards that he had written down the words from the mouth of Jeremiah. Others, like Venema, take מפּיו as a question = המפּיו . Both explanations are arbitrary and unnecessary. The princes knew quite well that the substance of the book was from the mouth of Jeremiah, i.e., contained his addresses; but Baruch, too, might have composed the book from the oral discourses of the prophet without being commissioned by him, without his knowledge also, and against his will. Accordingly, to attain certainty as to the share of the prophet in this matter, they ask him, and Baruch answers that Jeremiah had dictated it to him.

Jeremiah 36:19

Thereupon the princes advised Baruch to hide himself and Jeremiah; for they know beforehand that Jehoiakim would put to death the witnesses of the truth.

Verses 20-26

The reading of the book before the king . - Jeremiah 36:20. The princes betook themselves to the king חצרה , into the inner fore-court (leaving the book-roll in the chamber of the secretary of state), and gave him an account of the matter. חצר is the inner court of the palace, in which the royal dwelling-apartments are situated. הפקיד , to entrust a thing or person to any one (Jeremiah 40:7), hence to deposit, preserve, Isaiah 10:28.

Jeremiah 36:21-22

Thereupon the king makes Jehudi fetch the book, and causes it to be read before himself and the assembled princes. עמד מעל , to stand over, since the one who is standing before his master, while the latter is sitting, overtops him; cf. Genesis 18:8. The king was sitting, as is stated in Jeremiah 36:22 by way of preparation for what follows, in the winter-house, i.e., in that portion of the palace which was erected for a winter residence, in the ninth month, i.e., during the winter, and the pot of coals was burning before him. The rooms of eastern houses have no stoves, but in the middle of the floor there is a depression, in which is placed a sort of basin with burning coals, for the purpose of heating the apartment: cf. Keil's Bibl. Archäol . ii. §95, S. 7. For the expression ואת־האח , "and as for the fire-pot, it was burning before him," cf. Ewald, §277, d .

Jeremiah 36:23

Now, "when Jehudi had read three or four columns, he the king cut it the book-roll with a pen-knife and threw the pieces into the fire, in the pot of coals, till the whole roll was consumed on the fire in the pot of coals." דּלתות , properly "doors," are not leaves, but divisions of a book. The opinion of Hitzig, that leaves are to be understood, and that the Megillah , therefore, was not a roll, properly speaking, but a book with leaves, cannot be substantiated. In the synagogues, the Jews even at the present day, according to the ancient custom, use real rolls, which are rolled up on a stick. On these the Scripture text is written, though not in lines which occupy the whole breadth of the roll; the whole space is divided into parts. " Scribebatur ," says Buxtorf in Institutione epistolari Hebr. p. 4, " volumen lineis, non per longitudinem totius chartae aut pergamenti deductis, sed in plures areas divisis, quomodo sunt latera paginarum in libris complicatis. Istae propterea voce metaphoricâ vocantur דּלתות januae valvae, quod figuram januae referent." The subject of יקרעה is not Jehudi, as Hitzig thinks, but the king, and the word does not signify "he cut it out," but "he cut it in pieces" (the suffix refers to המּגלּה ). We are not, with many expositors, to view the conduct of the king in such a way as to think that, whenever Jehudi had read some portions, he cut these off and threw them into the fire, so that the book was, with these interruptions, read through to the end, and at the same time gradually destroyed. Such conduct Graf justly characterizes as trifling and silly, and not in harmony with the anger of a king having a violent disposition. But we cannot see how the imperfect יקרע (in Nägelsbach's opinion) proves that Jehudi read the whole, when the text states that only three or four columns were read. The meaning, peculiar to the imperfect, of the continuation or repetition of an act, is fully made out by supposing that the king cut down the roll bit by bit, and threw the pieces into the fire one after the other. Neither does the expression עד־תּם כּל־המּגלּה imply that the whole book was read; for תּמם does not denote the completion of the reading, but the completion of the burning: hence the words are to be translated, "till the whole roll had completely got upon the fire," i.e., was completely burnt; cf. תּם אל־ , Genesis 47:18. The inf. absol. והשׁלך is a continuation of the finite verb, as frequently occurs, e.g., in Jeremiah 14:5; Jeremiah 32:44.

Jeremiah 36:24-25

In order to characterize the conduct of the king, the writer remarks, "Yet the king and his servants who heard all these words (which Jehudi had read) were not afraid, nor did they rend their garments (in token of deep sorrow); and even when Elnathan, Delaiah, and Gemariah addressed the king, requesting him not to burn the roll, he did not listen to them." So hardened was the king, that he and his servants neither were terrified by the threatenings of the prophet, nor felt deep sorrow, as Josiah did in a similar case (2 Kings 22:11, cf. 1 Kings 21:27), nor did they listen to the earnest representations of the princes. עבדיו are the court-attendants of the king in contrast with the princes, who, according to Jeremiah 36:16, had been alarmed by what they heard read, and wished, by entreaties, to keep the king from the commission of such a wicked act as the destruction of the book. Ewald, on the contrary, has identified עבדיו with the princes, and thereby marred the whole account, while he reproaches the princes with "acting as the wretched instruments of what they knew to be the sentiments prevailing at court."

Jeremiah 36:26

Not content with destroying the book, Jehoiakim also wished to get Baruch and Jeremiah out of the way; for he ordered the king's son Jerahmeël and two other men to go for Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet; "but the Lord hid them," i.e., graciously kept them out of the sight of the spies. בּן־המּלך is not the son of Jehoiakim, - if so, we would find simply את־בּנו ; but a royal prince is meant, cf. Jeremiah 38:6; 1 Kings 22:26; 2 Kings 11:1-2; Zephaniah 1:8.

Verses 22-32

The punishment which is to come on Jehoiakim for his wicked act. - Jeremiah 36:27. After the burning of the roll by the king, Jeremiah received from the Lord the command to get all that had been on the former roll written on another, and to announce the following to Jehoiakim the king: Jeremiah 36:29. "Thus saith Jahveh: Thou hast burned this roll, whilst thou sayest, Why hast thou written thereon, The king of Babylon shall surely come and destroy this land, and root out man and beast from it? Jeremiah 36:30. Therefore thus saith Jahveh regarding Jehoiakim the king of Judah: He shall not have one who sits upon the throne of David, and his corpse shall be cast forth to the heat by day and to the frost by night. Jeremiah 36:31. And I shall punish him, his servants, and his seed for their iniquity, and bring on them and on all the inhabitants of Judah and all the men of Judah all the evil which I have spoken to them; but they did not hear." On the meaning of Jeremiah 36:29 see p. 316, supra . The threatening expressed in Jeremiah 36:30. is really only a repetition of what is given in Jeremiah 22:18-19, and has already been explained there. "There shall not be to him one who sits upon the throne of David," i.e., he is not to have a son that shall occupy the throne of David after him. This does not contradict the fact that, after his death, his son Jehoiachin ascended the throne. For this ascension could not be called a sitting on the throne, a reign, inasmuch as he was immediately besieged in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, and compelled to surrender after three months, then go into exile to Babylon. On Jeremiah 36:31 cf. Jeremiah 35:17; Jeremiah 19:15.

Jeremiah 36:22-32

Thereupon Jeremiah made his attendant Baruch write all the words of the former roll on a new one, "out of his mouth," i.e., at his dictation; and to these he added many other words like them. כּהמּה , i.e., of like import with those on the previous roll. Hence we perceive that on the first roll there were written down not all the several addresses fully, but only the most important parts of his oral announcements.