Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 37 » Verse 20

Jeremiah 37:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 Therefore hear H8085 now, I pray thee, O my lord H113 the king: H4428 let my supplication, H8467 I pray thee, be accepted H5307 before H6440 thee; that thou cause me not to return H7725 to the house H1004 of Jonathan H3083 the scribe, H5608 lest I die H4191 there.

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 36:7 STRONG

It may be they will present H5307 their supplication H8467 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and will return H7725 every one H376 from his evil H7451 way: H1870 for great H1419 is the anger H639 and the fury H2534 that the LORD H3068 hath pronounced H1696 against this people. H5971

Jeremiah 26:15 STRONG

But know H3045 ye for certain, H3045 that if ye put me to death, H4191 ye shall surely bring H5414 innocent H5355 blood H1818 upon yourselves, and upon this city, H5892 and upon the inhabitants H3427 thereof: for of a truth H571 the LORD H3068 hath sent H7971 me unto you to speak H1696 all these words H1697 in your ears. H241

Jeremiah 38:6-9 STRONG

Then took H3947 they Jeremiah, H3414 and cast H7993 him into the dungeon H953 of Malchiah H4441 the son H1121 of Hammelech, H4428 that was in the court H2691 of the prison: H4307 and they let down H7971 Jeremiah H3414 with cords. H2256 And in the dungeon H953 there was no water, H4325 but mire: H2916 so Jeremiah H3414 sunk H2883 in the mire. H2916 Now when Ebedmelech H5663 the Ethiopian, H3569 one H376 of the eunuchs H5631 which was in the king's H4428 house, H1004 heard H8085 that they had put H5414 Jeremiah H3414 in the dungeon; H953 the king H4428 then sitting H3427 in the gate H8179 of Benjamin; H1144 Ebedmelech H5663 went forth H3318 out of the king's H4428 house, H1004 and spake H1696 to the king, H4428 saying, H559 My lord H113 the king, H4428 these men H582 have done evil H7489 in all that they have done H6213 to Jeremiah H3414 the prophet, H5030 whom they have cast H7993 into the dungeon; H953 and he is like to die H4191 for H6440 hunger H7458 in the place H8478 where he is: for there is no more bread H3899 in the city. H5892

Jeremiah 38:26 STRONG

Then thou shalt say H559 unto them, I presented H5307 my supplication H8467 before H6440 the king, H4428 that he would not cause me to return H7725 to Jonathan's H3083 house, H1004 to die H4191 there.

Acts 23:16-22 STRONG

And G1161 when Paul's G3972 sister's G79 son G5207 heard G191 of their lying in wait, G1749 he went G3854 and G2532 entered G1525 into G1519 the castle, G3925 and told G518 Paul. G3972 Then G1161 Paul G3972 called G4341 one G1520 of the centurions G1543 unto him, and said, G5346 Bring G520 this G5126 young man G3494 unto G4314 the chief captain: G5506 for G1063 he hath G2192 a certain thing G5100 to tell G518 him. G846 So G3767 G3303 he took G3880 him, G846 and brought G71 him to G4314 the chief captain, G5506 and G2532 said, G5346 Paul G3972 the prisoner G1198 called G4341 me G3165 unto him, and prayed me G2065 to bring G71 this G5126 young man G3494 unto G4314 thee, G4571 who hath G2192 something G5100 to say G2980 unto thee. G4671 Then G1161 the chief captain G5506 took G1949 him G846 by the hand, G5495 and G2532 went with him aside G402 privately, G2596 G2398 and asked G4441 him, What G5101 is G2076 that G3739 thou hast G2192 to tell G518 me? G3427 And G1161 he said, G2036 G3754 The Jews G2453 have agreed G4934 to desire G2065 thee G4571 that G3704 thou wouldest bring down G2609 Paul G3972 to morrow G839 into G1519 the council, G4892 as G5613 though they would G3195 enquire G4441 somewhat G5100 of G4012 him G846 more perfectly. G197 But G3767 do G3982 not G3361 thou G4771 yield G3982 unto them: G846 for G1063 there lie in wait for G1748 him G846 of G1537 them G846 more than G4119 forty G5062 men, G435 which G3748 have bound G332 themselves G1438 with an oath, G332 that they will G5315 neither G3383 eat G5315 nor G3383 drink G4095 till G2193 G3739 they have killed G337 him: G846 and G2532 now G3568 are they G1526 ready, G2092 looking for G4327 a promise G1860 from G575 thee. G4675 So G3303 G3767 the chief captain G5506 then let G630 the young man G3494 depart, G630 and charged G3853 him, See thou tell G1583 no man G3367 that G3754 thou hast shewed G1718 these things G5023 to G4314 me. G3165

Acts 25:10-11 STRONG

Then G1161 said G2036 Paul, G3972 I stand G1510 G2476 at G1909 Caesar's G2541 judgment seat, G968 where G3757 I G3165 ought G1163 to be judged: G2919 to the Jews G2453 have I done G91 no G3762 wrong, G91 as G5613 G2532 thou G4771 very well G2566 knowest. G1921 For G1063 if G1487 G3303 I be an offender, G91 or G2532 have committed G4238 any thing G5100 worthy G514 of death, G2288 I refuse G3868 not G3756 to die: G599 but G1161 if G1487 there be G2076 none G3762 of these things G3739 whereof these G3778 accuse G2723 me, G3450 no man G3762 may G1410 deliver G5483 me G3165 unto them. G846 I appeal unto G1941 Caesar. G2541

Acts 28:18-19 STRONG

Who, G3748 when they had examined G350 me, G3165 would G1014 have let me go, G630 because G1223 there was G5225 no G3367 cause G156 of death G2288 in G1722 me. G1698 But G1161 when the Jews G2453 spake against G483 it, I was constrained G315 to appeal G1941 unto Caesar; G2541 not G3756 that G5613 I had G2192 ought G5100 to accuse G2723 my G3450 nation G1484 of. G2723

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 37

Commentary on Jeremiah 37 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

The account of what befell Jeremiah and what he did during the last siege of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, until the taking of the city, is introduced, Jeremiah 37:1 and Jeremiah 37:2, with the general remark that Zedekiah - whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had made king in the land of Judah in place of Coniah (on which name see on Jeremiah 22:24) - when he became king, did not listen to the words of the Lord through Jeremiah, neither himself, nor his servants (officers), nor the people of the land (the population of Judah). Then follows, Jeremiah 37:3-10, a declaration of the prophet regarding the issue of the siege, which he sent to the king by the messengers who were to beseech him for his intercession with the Lord. Jeremiah 37:3-5. The occasion of this declaration was the following: Zedekiah sent to Jeremiah two of his chief officers, Jehucal the son of Shelemiah (see on Jeremiah 38:1), and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah, the priest (see Jeremiah 21:1 and Jeremiah 29:25), with this charge: "Pray now for us to Jahveh our God." This message was sent to Jeremiah while he still went in and out among the people, and had not yet been put in prison ( כּליא , Jeremiah 37:4 and Jeremiah 52:31, an unusual form for כּלא , Jeremiah 37:15 and Jeremiah 37:18, for which the Qeri would have us in both instances read כּלוּא ); the army of Pharaoh (Hophra, Jeremiah 44:30), too, had marched out of Egypt to oppose the Chaldeans; and the latter, when they heard the report of them ( שׁמעם , the news of their approach), had withdrawn from Jerusalem ( עלה מעל , see on Jeremiah 21:2), viz., in order to repulse the Egyptians. Both of these circumstances are mentioned for the purpose of giving a clear view of the state of things: ( a ) Jeremiah's freedom to go in and out, not to prepare us for his imprisonment afterwards, but to explain the reason why the king sent two chief officers of the realm to him, whereas, after his imprisonment, he caused him to be brought (cf. Jeremiah 37:17 with Jeremiah 38:14); and ( b ) the approach of the Egyptians joined with the raising of the siege, because this event seemed to afford some hope that the city would be saved. - This occurrence, consequently, falls within a later period than that mentioned in Jeremiah 21:1-14.

Verses 6-10

Then came the word of the Lord to this effect: Jeremiah 37:7. "Thus saith Jahveh, the God of Israel: Thus shall ye say to the king of Judah who hath sent you to me to ask at me, Behold, the army of Pharaoh, which marched out to your help, will return to Egypt, their own land. Jeremiah 37:8. And the Chaldeans shall return and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire. Jeremiah 37:9. Thus saith Jahveh: Do not deceive yourselves by thinking, The Chaldeans will quite withdraw from us; for they will not withdraw. Jeremiah 37:10. For, even though he had beaten the whole army of the Chaldeans who are fighting with you, and there remained of them only some who had been pierced through and through, yet they would rise up, every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire." In order to cut off every hope, the prophet announces that the Egyptians will bring no help, but withdraw to their own land before the Chaldeans who went out to meet them, without having accomplished their object; but then the Chaldeans will return, continue the siege, take the city and burn it. To assure them of this, he adds: "Ye must not deceive yourselves with the vain hope that the Chaldeans may possibly be defeated and driven back by the Egyptians. The destruction of Jerusalem is so certain that, even supposing you were actually to defeat and repulse the Chaldeans, and only some few grievously wounded ones remained in the tents, these would rise up and burn the city." In הלוך ילכוּ the inf. abs. is to be observed, as strengthening the idea contained in the verb: "to depart wholly or completely;" הלך is here to "depart, withdraw." אנשׁים in contrast with חיל are separate individuals. מדקּר , pierced through by sword or lance, i.e., grievously, mortally wounded.

Verse 11-12

The imprisonment of Jeremiah. - During the time when the Chaldeans, on account of the advancing army of pharaoh, had withdrawn from Jerusalem and raised the siege, "Jeremiah went out of the city to go to the land of Benjamin, in order to bring thence his portion among the people." והיה , in accordance with later usage, for ויהי , as in Jeremiah 3:9; cf. Ewald, §345, b . לחלק is explained in various ways. לחלק for להחליק can scarcely have any other meaning than to share, receive a share; and in connection with משּׁם , "to receive a portion thence," not, to receive an inheritance ( Syr., Chald., Vulg. ), for משּׁם does not suit this meaning. The lxx render τοῦ ἀγοράσαι ἐκεῖθεν , which Theodoret explains by πρίασθαι ἄρτους . All other explanations have still less in their favour. We must connect בּתוך העם with ' ללכת וגו , since it is unsuitable for לחלק משּׁם .

Verse 13

When he was entering the gate of Benjamin, where Jeriah the son of Shelemiah kept watch, the latter seized him, saying, "Thou desirest to go over to the Chaldeans" ( נפל אל־ , see on Jeremiah 21:9). The gate of Benjamin (Jeremiah 38:7; Jeremiah 14:10) was the north gate of the city, through which ran the road to Benjamin and Ephraim; hence it was also called the gate of Ephraim, 2 Kings 14:13; Nehemiah 8:16. בּעל , "holder of the oversight," he who kept the watch, or commander of the watch at the gate. "The accusation was founded on the well-known views and opinions of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 21:9); but it was mere sophistry, for the simple reason that the Chaldeans were no longer lying before the city" (Hitzig).

Verse 14-15

Jeremiah replied: "A lie [= not true; cf. 2 Kings 9:12] ; I am not going over to the Chaldeans. But he gave no heed to him; so Jeriah seized Jeremiah, and brought him to the princes. Jeremiah 37:15. And the princes were angry against Jeremiah, and smote him, and put him in prison, in the house of Jonathan the scribe; for they had made it the prison," - probably because it contained apartments suitable for the purpose. From Jeremiah 37:16 we perceive that they were subterranean prisons and vaults into which the prisoners were thrust; and from v. 28 and Jeremiah 38:26, it is clear that Jeremiah was in a confinement much more severe and dangerous to his life. There he sat many days, i.e., a pretty long time.

Verses 16-21

Examination of the prophet by the king, and alleviation of his confinement. - Jeremiah 37:16. "When Jeremiah had got into the dungeon and into the vaults, and had sat there many days, then Zedekiah the king sent and fetched him, and questioned him in his own house (palace) secretly," etc. Jeremiah 37:16 is by most interpreters joined with the foregoing, but the words כּי בּא do not properly permit of this. For if we take the verse as a further confirmation of ויּקצפוּ השׂרים , "the princes vented their wrath on Jeremiah, beat him," etc., "for Jeremiah came...," then it must be acknowledged that the account would be very long and lumbering. כּי בּא is too widely separated from יקצפוּ . But the passages, 1 Samuel 2:21, where כּי פּקד is supposed to stand for ויּפקד , and Isaiah 39:1, where ויּשׁמע is thought to have arisen out of כּי , 2 Kings 20:12, are not very strong proofs, since there, as here, no error in writing is marked. The Vulgate has itaque ingressus ; many therefore would change כּי into כּן ; but this also is quite arbitrary. Accordingly, with Rosenmüller, we connect Jeremiah 37:16 with the following, and take כּי as a temporal particle; in this, the most we miss is ו copulative, or ויהי . In the preceding sentence the prison of the prophet is somewhat minutely described, in order to prepare us for the request that follows in Jeremiah 37:20. Jeremiah was in a בּית־בּור , "house of a pit," cf. Exodus 12:29, i.e., a subterranean prison, and in החניּות . This word only occurs here; but in the kindred dialects it means vaults, stalls, shops; hence it possibly signifies here subterranean prison-cells, so that אל־החניּות more exactly determines what בּית־הבּור is. This meaning of the word is, at any rate, more certain than that given by Eb. Scheid in Rosenmüller, who renders חניות by flexa , curvata ; then, supplying ligna , he thinks of the stocks to which the prisoners were fastened. - The king questioned him בּסּתר , "in secret," namely, through fear of his ministers and court-officers, who were prejudiced against the prophet, perhaps also in the hope of receiving in a private interview a message from God of more favourable import. To the question of the king, "Is there any word from Jahveh?" Jeremiah replies in the affirmative; but the word of God is this, "Thou shalt be given into the hand of the king of Babylon," just as Jeremiah had previously announced to him; cf. Jeremiah 32:4; Jeremiah 34:3. - Jeremiah took this opportunity of complaining about his imprisonment, saying, Jeremiah 37:18, "In what have I sinned against thee, or against thy servants, or against this people, that ye have put me in prison? Jeremiah 37:19. And where are your prophets, who prophesied to you, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land?" Jeremiah appeals to his perfect innocence (Jeremiah 37:18), and to the confirmation of his prediction by its event. The interview with the king took place when the Chaldeans, after driving the Egyptians out of the country, had recommenced the siege of Jerusalem, and, as is evident from Jeremiah 37:21, were pressing the city very hard. The Kethib איו is to be read איּו , formed from איּה with the suffix וׁ ; the idea of the suffix has gradually become obscured, so that it stands here before a noun in the plural. The Qeri requires איּה . The question, Where are your prophets? means, Let these prophets come forward and vindicate their lying prophecies. Not what these men had prophesied, but what Jeremiah had declared had come to pass; his imprisonment, accordingly, was unjust. - Besides thus appealing to his innocence, Jeremiah, Jeremiah 37:20, entreats the king, "Let my supplication come before thee, and do not send me back into the house of Jonathan the scribe, that I may not die there." For ' תּפּל־נא ת see on Jeremiah 36:7. The king granted this request. "He commanded, and they put Jeremiah into the court of the watch [of the royal palace, see on Jeremiah 32:2], and gave him a loaf of bread daily out of the bakers' street, till all the bread in the city was consumed;" cf. Jeremiah 52:6. The king did not give him his liberty, because Jeremiah held to his views, that were so distasteful to the king (see on Jeremiah 32:3). "So Jeremiah remained in the court of the guard."