Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 41 » Verse 1-10

Jeremiah 41:1-10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Now it came to pass in the seventh H7637 month, H2320 that Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 the son H1121 of Elishama, H476 of the seed H2233 royal, H4410 and the princes H7227 of the king, H4428 even ten H6235 men H582 with him, came H935 unto Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam H296 to Mizpah; H4709 and there they did eat H398 bread H3899 together H3162 in Mizpah. H4708

2 Then arose H6965 Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah, H5418 and the ten H6235 men H582 that were with him, and smote H5221 Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan H8227 with the sword, H2719 and slew H4191 him, whom the king H4428 of Babylon H894 had made governor H6485 over the land. H776

3 Ishmael H3458 also slew H5221 all the Jews H3064 that were with him, even with Gedaliah, H1436 at Mizpah, H4709 and the Chaldeans H3778 that were found H4672 there, and the men H582 of war. H4421

4 And it came to pass the second H8145 day H3117 after he had slain H4191 Gedaliah, H1436 and no man H376 knew H3045 it,

5 That there came H935 certain H582 from Shechem, H7927 from Shiloh, H7887 and from Samaria, H8111 even fourscore H8084 men, H376 having their beards H2206 shaven, H1548 and their clothes H899 rent, H7167 and having cut H1413 themselves, with offerings H4503 and incense H3828 in their hand, H3027 to bring H935 them to the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

6 And Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 went forth H3318 from Mizpah H4709 to meet H7125 them, weeping H1058 all along H1980 as he went: H1980 and it came to pass, as he met H6298 them, he said H559 unto them, Come H935 to Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam. H296

7 And it was so, when they came H935 into the midst H8432 of the city, H5892 that Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 slew H7819 them, and cast them into the midst H8432 of the pit, H953 he, and the men H582 that were with him.

8 But ten H6235 men H582 were found H4672 among them that said H559 unto Ishmael, H3458 Slay H4191 us not: for we have H3426 treasures H4301 in the field, H7704 of wheat, H2406 and of barley, H8184 and of oil, H8081 and of honey. H1706 So he forbare, H2308 and slew H4191 them not among H8432 their brethren. H251

9 Now the pit H953 wherein Ishmael H3458 had cast H7993 all the dead bodies H6297 of the men, H582 whom he had slain H5221 because H3027 of Gedaliah, H1436 was it which Asa H609 the king H4428 had made H6213 for fear H6440 of Baasha H1201 king H4428 of Israel: H3478 and Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 filled H4390 it with them that were slain. H2491

10 Then Ishmael H3458 carried away captive H7617 all the residue H7611 of the people H5971 that were in Mizpah, H4709 even the king's H4428 daughters, H1323 and all the people H5971 that remained H7604 in Mizpah, H4709 whom Nebuzaradan H5018 the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 had committed H6485 to Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam: H296 and Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 carried them away captive, H7617 and departed H3212 to go over H5674 to the Ammonites. H1121 H5983

Commentary on Jeremiah 41 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jer 41:1-18. Ishmael Murders Gedaliah and Others, Then Flees to the Ammonites. Johanan Pursues Him, Recovers the Captives, and Purposes to Flee to Egypt for Fear of the Chaldeans.

1. seventh month—the second month after the burning of the city (Jer 52:12, 13).

and the princes—not the nominative. And the princes came, for the "princes" are not mentioned either in Jer 41:2 or in 2Ki 25:25: but, "Ishmael being of the seed royal and of the princes of the king" [Maurer]. But the ten men were the "princes of the king"; thus Maurer's objection has no weight: so English Version.

eat bread together—Ishmael murdered Gedaliah, by whom he was hospitably received, in violation of the sacred right of hospitality (Ps 41:9).

2. slew him whom the king of Babylon had made governor—This assigns a reason for their slaying him, as well as showing the magnitude of their crime (Da 2:21; Ro 13:1).

3. slew all the Jews—namely, the attendants and ministers of Gedaliah; or, the military alone, about his person; translate, "even (not 'and,' as English Version) the men of war." The main portion of the people with Gedaliah, including Jeremiah, Ishmael carried away captive (Jer 41:10, 16).

4. no man knew it—that is, outside Mizpah. Before tidings of the murder had gone abroad.

5. beards shaven, &c.—indicating their deep sorrow at the destruction of the temple and city.

cut themselves—a heathen custom, forbidden (Le 19:27, 28; De 14:1). These men were mostly from Samaria, where the ten tribes, previous to their deportation, had fallen into heathen practices.

offerings—unbloody. They do not bring sacrificial victims, but "incense," &c., to testify their piety.

house of … Lord—that is, the place where the house of the Lord had stood (2Ki 25:9). The place in which a temple had stood, even when it had been destroyed, was held sacred [Papinian]. Those "from Shiloh" would naturally seek the house of the Lord, since it was at Shiloh it originally was set up (Jos 18:1).

6. weeping—pretending to weep, as they did, for the ruin of the temple.

Come to Gedaliah—as if he was one of Gedaliah's retinue.

7. and cast them into … pit—He had not killed them in the pit (compare Jer 41:9); these words are therefore rightly supplied in English Version.

the pit—the pit or cistern made by Asa to guard against a want of water when Baasha was about to besiege the city (Jer 41:9; 1Ki 15:22). The trench or fosse round the city [Grotius]. Ishmael's motive for the murder seems to have been a suspicion that they were coming to live under Gedaliah.

8. treasures—It was customary to hide grain in cavities underground in troubled times. "We have treasures," which we will give, if our lives be spared.

slew … not—(Pr 13:8). Ishmael's avarice and needs overcame his cruelty.

9. because of Gedaliah—rather, "near Gedaliah," namely, those intercepted by Ishmael on their way from Samaria to Jerusalem and killed at Mizpah, where Gedaliah had lived. So 2Ch 17:15, "next"; Ne 3:2, Margin, literally, as here, "at his hand." "In the reign of Gedaliah" [Calvin]. However, English Version gives a good sense: Ishmael's reason for killing them was because of his supposing them to be connected with Gedaliah.

10. the king's daughters—(Jer 43:6). Zedekiah's. Ishmael must have got additional followers (whom the hope of gain attracted), besides those who originally set out with him (Jer 41:1), so as to have been able to carry off all the residue of the people. He probably meant to sell them as slaves to the Ammonites (see on Jer 40:14).

11. Johanan—the friend of Gedaliah who had warned him of Ishmael's treachery, but in vain (Jer 40:8, 13).

12. the … waters—(2Sa 2:13); a large reservoir or lake.

in Gibeon—on the road from Mizpah to Ammon: one of the sacerdotal cities of Benjamin, four miles northwest of Jerusalem, now Eljib.

13. glad—at the prospect of having a deliverer from their captivity.

14. cast about—came round.

16. men of war—"The men of war," stated in Jer 41:3 to have been slain by Ishmael, must refer to the military about Gedaliah's person; "the men of war" here to those not so.

eunuchs—The kings of Judah had adopted the bad practice of having harems and eunuchs from the surrounding heathen kingdoms.

17. dwelt—for a time, until they were ready for their journey to Egypt (Jer 42:1-22).

habitation to Chimham—his "caravanserai" close by Beth-lehem. David, in reward for Barzillai's loyalty, took Chimham his son under his patronage, and made over to him his own patrimony in the land of Beth-lehem. It was thence called the habitation of Chimham (Geruth-Chimham), though it reverted to David's heirs in the year of jubilee. "Caravanserais" (a compound Persian word, meaning "the house of a company of travellers") differ from our inns, in that there is no host to supply food, but each traveller must carry with him his own.

18. afraid—lest the Chaldeans should suspect all the Jews of being implicated in Ishmael's treason, as though the Jews sought to have a prince of the house of David (Jer 41:1). Their better way towards gaining God's favor would have been to have laid the blame on the real culprit, and to have cleared themselves. A tortuous policy is the parent of fear. Righteousness inspires with boldness (Ps 53:5; Pr 28:1).