Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Jeremiah » Chapter 49 » Verse 38

Jeremiah 49:38 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

38 And I will set H7760 my throne H3678 in Elam, H5867 and will destroy H6 from thence the king H4428 and the princes, H8269 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 43:10 STRONG

And say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Behold, I will send H7971 and take H3947 Nebuchadrezzar H5019 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 my servant, H5650 and will set H7760 his throne H3678 upon H4605 these stones H68 that I have hid; H2934 and he shall spread H5186 his royal pavilion H8237 over them.

Daniel 7:9-14 STRONG

I beheld H1934 H2370 till H5705 the thrones H3764 were cast down, H7412 and the Ancient H6268 of days H3118 did sit, H3488 whose garment H3831 was white H2358 as snow, H8517 and the hair H8177 of his head H7217 like the pure H5343 wool: H6015 his throne H3764 was like the fiery H5135 flame, H7631 and his wheels H1535 as burning H1815 fire. H5135 A fiery H5135 stream H5103 issued H5047 and came forth H5312 from H4481 before H6925 him: thousand H506 thousands H506 ministered H8120 unto him, and ten thousand H7240 times ten thousand H7240 stood H6966 before H6925 him: the judgment H1780 was set, H3488 and the books H5609 were opened. H6606 I beheld H1934 H2370 then H116 because H4481 of the voice H7032 of the great H7260 words H4406 which the horn H7162 spake: H4449 I beheld H1934 H2370 even till H5705 the beast H2423 was slain, H6992 and his body H1655 destroyed, H7 and given H3052 to the burning H3346 flame. H785 As concerning the rest H7606 of the beasts, H2423 they had their dominion H7985 taken away: H5709 yet their lives H2417 were prolonged H3052 for H5705 a season H2166 and time. H5732 I saw H1934 H2370 in the night H3916 visions, H2376 and, behold, H718 one like the Son H1247 of man H606 came H858 with H5974 the clouds H6050 of heaven, H8065 and came H4291 to H5705 the Ancient H6268 of days, H3118 and they brought him near H7127 before H6925 him. And there was given H3052 him dominion, H7985 and glory, H3367 and a kingdom, H4437 that all H3606 people, H5972 nations, H524 and languages, H3961 should serve H6399 him: his dominion H7985 is an everlasting H5957 dominion, H7985 which shall not H3809 pass away, H5709 and his kingdom H4437 that which shall not H3809 be destroyed. H2255

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 49

Commentary on Jeremiah 49 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Concerning Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar, Hazor, Elam

Concerning the Children of Ammon. - The Ammonites were, not merely as regards descent, but also as to their character and their relation to Israel, the twin-people with the Moabites. From them, too, as well as from the Moabites, Sihon the king of the Ammonites had wrenched a portion of their territory, which the Israelites received for a possession after Sihon had been subdued. This territory they sought every opportunity of retaking from the Israelites, whom they as constantly endeavoured to humiliate when they could. Besides their connection with Eglon the Moabite king (Judges 3:13), they oppressed Israel during the period of the judges for eighteen years, not only in Gilead, but also on this side of Jordan, since they fought against Ephraim, Benjamin, and Judah ( Judges 10:7., Jeremiah 11:12 -32). During Samuel's time, their king Nahash besieged Jabesh-gilead, and demanded the surrender of the city under shameful conditions, in consequence of which they were defeated by Saul (1 Sam 2). During the time of David they disgracefully treated his ambassadors, who had come to comfort King Hanun over the death of his father; they then united with the Syrians against Israel, but were defeated by Joab, and, after the taking of their capital, Rabbah, severely chastised (2 Samuel 10:1 to 2 Samuel 11:1, and 2 Samuel 12:26-31). Under the reign of Jehoshaphat, also, in company with the Moabites, they invaded Judah (2 Chron 20); and when, later, the Israelites were heavily oppressed by the Syrians under Hazael, the Ammonites practised cruelties on them in Gilead, for which the prophet Amos (Amos 1:13-15) threatens them with devastation of their country and foreign captivity. After the death of Jeroboam II, who had restored the borders of Israel as far as the Dead Sea (2 Kings 14:25), the Ammonites must have made fresh attempts to enlarge their territory during the interregnum that had begun in the kingdom of the ten tribes; for it is mentioned in 2 Chronicles 26:8 that they brought presents to King Uzziah, i.e., paid tribute, and had thus been rendered tributary to him: it is also stated in 2 Chronicles 27:5 that his son Jotham marched against them in order to enforce the payment of the tribute. But when, soon afterwards, Tiglath-pileser the Assyrian carried away the tribes of Israel on the east of the Jordan (2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chronicles 5:26), the Ammonites seized possession of the depopulated country of the tribes of Gad and Reuben, while they also seized Heshbon on the border of these two tribal territories. This unjust appropriation of Israelitish territory forms the starting-point of the prophecy now before us.

Ammon has taken possession of the inheritance of Gad, therefore must his cities be destroyed by war, that Israel may again obtain his own property (Jeremiah 49:1, Jeremiah 49:2). Ammon will sorrow deeply, for his god will go with his princes into captivity (Jeremiah 49:2-4). His trust in the wealth of his land will not help him, but his people will be frightened away through terror on every side, yet they will be restored in the future (Jeremiah 49:5, Jeremiah 49:6).

Verses 1-6

"Concerning the children of Ammon, thus saith Jahveh: Hath Israel no sons, or hath he no heir? Why doth their king inherit Gad, and his people dwell in his cities? Jeremiah 49:2. Therefore, behold, days are coming, saith Jahveh, when I will cause to be heard against Rabbah of the children of Ammon a war-cry; and it shall become a heap of ruins, and her daughters shall be burned with fire: and Israel shall heir those who heired him, saith Jahveh. Jeremiah 49:3. Howl, O Heshbon! for Ai is laid waste. Cry! ye daughters of Rabbah, gird yourselves with sackcloth; lament, and run up and down among the enclosures: for their king shall go into captivity, his priests and his princes together. Jeremiah 49:4. Why dost thou glory in the valleys? Thy valley flows away, O thou rebellious daughter, that trusted in her treasures, [saying], Who shall come to me? Jeremiah 49:5. Behold, I will bring a fear upon thee, saith the Lord Jahveh of hosts, from all that is round thee; and ye shall be driven each one before him, and there shall be none to gather together the fugitives. Jeremiah 49:6. But afterwards I will turn the captivity of the children of Ammon, saith Jahveh."