Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 16 » Verse 17

Job 16:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 Not for any injustice H2555 in mine hands: H3709 also my prayer H8605 is pure. H2134

Cross Reference

Job 8:5-6 STRONG

If thou wouldest seek H7836 unto God H410 betimes, H7836 and make thy supplication H2603 to the Almighty; H7706 If thou wert pure H2134 and upright; H3477 surely now he would awake H5782 for thee, and make the habitation H5116 of thy righteousness H6664 prosperous. H7999

Job 11:14 STRONG

If iniquity H205 be in thine hand, H3027 put it far away, H7368 and let not wickedness H5766 dwell H7931 in thy tabernacles. H168

Job 15:20 STRONG

The wicked H7563 man travaileth H2342 with pain all his days, H3117 and the number H4557 of years H8141 is hidden H6845 to the oppressor. H6184

Job 15:34 STRONG

For the congregation H5712 of hypocrites H2611 shall be desolate, H1565 and fire H784 shall consume H398 the tabernacles H168 of bribery. H7810

Job 21:27-28 STRONG

Behold, I know H3045 your thoughts, H4284 and the devices H4209 which ye wrongfully imagine H2554 against me. For ye say, H559 Where is the house H1004 of the prince? H5081 and where are the dwelling H4908 places H168 of the wicked? H7563

Job 22:5-9 STRONG

Is not thy wickedness H7451 great? H7227 and thine iniquities H5771 infinite? H7093 For thou hast taken a pledge H2254 from thy brother H251 for nought, H2600 and stripped H6584 the naked H6174 of their clothing. H899 Thou hast not given water H4325 to the weary H5889 to drink, H8248 and thou hast withholden H4513 bread H3899 from the hungry. H7457 But as for the mighty H2220 man, H376 he had the earth; H776 and the honourable man H5375 H6440 dwelt H3427 in it. Thou hast sent H7971 widows H490 away empty, H7387 and the arms H2220 of the fatherless H3490 have been broken. H1792

Job 27:6-7 STRONG

My righteousness H6666 I hold H2388 fast, and will not let it go: H7503 my heart H3824 shall not reproach H2778 me so long as I live. H3117 Let mine enemy H341 be as the wicked, H7563 and he that riseth up H6965 against me as the unrighteous. H5767

Job 29:12-17 STRONG

Because I delivered H4422 the poor H6041 that cried, H7768 and the fatherless, H3490 and him that had none to help H5826 him. The blessing H1293 of him that was ready to perish H6 came H935 upon me: and I caused the widow's H490 heart H3820 to sing for joy. H7442 I put H3847 on righteousness, H6664 and it clothed H3847 me: my judgment H4941 was as a robe H4598 and a diadem. H6797 I was eyes H5869 to the blind, H5787 and feet H7272 was I to the lame. H6455 I was a father H1 to the poor: H34 and the cause H7379 which I knew H3045 not I searched out. H2713 And I brake H7665 the jaws H4973 of the wicked, H5767 and plucked H7993 the spoil H2964 out of his teeth. H8127

Job 31:1-40 STRONG

I made H3772 a covenant H1285 with mine eyes; H5869 why then should I think H995 upon a maid? H1330 For what portion H2506 of God H433 is there from above? H4605 and what inheritance H5159 of the Almighty H7706 from on high? H4791 Is not destruction H343 to the wicked? H5767 and a strange H5235 punishment to the workers H6466 of iniquity? H205 Doth not he see H7200 my ways, H1870 and count H5608 all my steps? H6806 If I have walked H1980 with vanity, H7723 or if my foot H7272 hath hasted H2363 to deceit; H4820 Let me be weighed H8254 in an even H6664 balance, H3976 that God H433 may know H3045 mine integrity. H8538 If my step H838 hath turned out H5186 of the way, H1870 and mine heart H3820 walked H1980 after H310 mine eyes, H5869 and if any blot H3971 hath cleaved H1692 to mine hands; H3709 Then let me sow, H2232 and let another H312 eat; H398 yea, let my offspring H6631 be rooted out. H8327 If mine heart H3820 have been deceived H6601 by a woman, H802 or if I have laid wait H693 at my neighbour's H7453 door; H6607 Then let my wife H802 grind H2912 unto another, H312 and let others H312 bow down H3766 upon her. For this is an heinous crime; H2154 yea, it is an iniquity H5771 to be punished by the judges. H6414 For it is a fire H784 that consumeth H398 to destruction, H11 and would root out H8327 all mine increase. H8393 If I did despise H3988 the cause H4941 of my manservant H5650 or of my maidservant, H519 when they contended H7379 with me; What then shall I do H6213 when God H410 riseth up? H6965 and when he visiteth, H6485 what shall I answer H7725 him? Did not he that made H6213 me in the womb H990 make H6213 him? and did not one H259 fashion H3559 us in the womb? H7358 If I have withheld H4513 the poor H1800 from their desire, H2656 or have caused the eyes H5869 of the widow H490 to fail; H3615 Or have eaten H398 my morsel H6595 myself alone, and the fatherless H3490 hath not eaten H398 thereof; (For from my youth H5271 he was brought up H1431 with me, as with a father, H1 and I have guided H5148 her from my mother's H517 womb;) H990 If I have seen H7200 any perish H6 for want of clothing, H3830 or any poor H34 without covering; H3682 If his loins H2504 have not blessed H1288 me, and if he were not warmed H2552 with the fleece H1488 of my sheep; H3532 If I have lifted up H5130 my hand H3027 against the fatherless, H3490 when I saw H7200 my help H5833 in the gate: H8179 Then let mine arm H3802 fall H5307 from my shoulder blade, H7929 and mine arm H248 be broken H7665 from the bone. H7070 For destruction H343 from God H410 was a terror H6343 to me, and by reason of his highness H7613 I could H3201 not endure. If I have made H7760 gold H2091 my hope, H3689 or have said H559 to the fine gold, H3800 Thou art my confidence; H4009 If I rejoiced H8055 because my wealth H2428 was great, H7227 and because mine hand H3027 had gotten H4672 much; H3524 If I beheld H7200 the sun H216 when it shined, H1984 or the moon H3394 walking H1980 in brightness; H3368 And my heart H3820 hath been secretly H5643 enticed, H6601 or my mouth H6310 hath kissed H5401 my hand: H3027 This also were an iniquity H5771 to be punished by the judge: H6416 for I should have denied H3584 the God H410 that is above. H4605 If I rejoiced H8055 at the destruction H6365 of him that hated H8130 me, or lifted up H5782 myself when evil H7451 found H4672 him: Neither have I suffered H5414 my mouth H2441 to sin H2398 by wishing H7592 a curse H423 to his soul. H5315 If the men H4962 of my tabernacle H168 said H559 not, Oh that we had H5414 of his flesh! H1320 we cannot be satisfied. H7646 The stranger H1616 did not lodge H3885 in the street: H2351 but I opened H6605 my doors H1817 to the traveller. H734 If I covered H3680 my transgressions H6588 as Adam, H121 by hiding H2934 mine iniquity H5771 in my bosom: H2243 Did I fear H6206 a great H7227 multitude, H1995 or did the contempt H937 of families H4940 terrify H2865 me, that I kept silence, H1826 and went not out H3318 of the door? H6607 Oh that H5414 one would hear H8085 me! behold, my desire H8420 is, that the Almighty H7706 would answer H6030 me, and that mine adversary H376 H7379 had written H3789 a book. H5612 Surely I would take H5375 it upon my shoulder, H7926 and bind H6029 it as a crown H5850 to me. I would declare H5046 unto him the number H4557 of my steps; H6806 as a prince H5057 would I go near H7126 unto him. If my land H127 cry H2199 against me, or that the furrows H8525 likewise H3162 thereof complain; H1058 If I have eaten H398 the fruits H3581 thereof without money, H3701 or have caused the owners H1167 thereof to lose H5301 their life: H5315 Let thistles H2336 grow H3318 instead of wheat, H2406 and cockle H890 instead of barley. H8184 The words H1697 of Job H347 are ended. H8552

Psalms 7:3-5 STRONG

O LORD H3068 my God, H430 if I have done H6213 this; if there be H3426 iniquity H5766 in my hands; H3709 If I have rewarded H1580 evil H7451 unto him that was at peace H7999 with me; (yea, I have delivered H2502 him that without cause H7387 is mine enemy:) H6887 Let the enemy H341 persecute H7291 my soul, H5315 and take H5381 it; yea, let him tread down H7429 my life H2416 upon the earth, H776 and lay H7931 mine honour H3519 in the dust. H6083 Selah. H5542

Psalms 44:17-21 STRONG

All this is come H935 upon us; yet have we not forgotten H7911 thee, neither have we dealt falsely H8266 in thy covenant. H1285 Our heart H3820 is not turned H5472 back, H268 neither have our steps H838 declined H5186 from thy way; H734 Though thou hast sore broken H1794 us in the place H4725 of dragons, H8577 and covered H3680 us with the shadow of death. H6757 If we have forgotten H7911 the name H8034 of our God, H430 or stretched out H6566 our hands H3709 to a strange H2114 god; H410 Shall not God H430 search this out? H2713 for he knoweth H3045 the secrets H8587 of the heart. H3820

Psalms 66:18-19 STRONG

If I regard H7200 iniquity H205 in my heart, H3820 the Lord H136 will not hear H8085 me: But verily H403 God H430 hath heard H8085 me; he hath attended H7181 to the voice H6963 of my prayer. H8605

Proverbs 15:8 STRONG

The sacrifice H2077 of the wicked H7563 is an abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but the prayer H8605 of the upright H3477 is his delight. H7522

Isaiah 59:6 STRONG

Their webs H6980 shall not become garments, H899 neither shall they cover H3680 themselves with their works: H4639 their works H4639 are works H4639 of iniquity, H205 and the act H6467 of violence H2555 is in their hands. H3709

Jonah 3:8 STRONG

But let man H120 and beast H929 be covered H3680 with sackcloth, H8242 and cry H7121 mightily H2394 unto God: H430 yea, let them turn H7725 every one H376 from his evil H7451 way, H1870 and from the violence H2555 that is in their hands. H3709

1 Timothy 2:8 STRONG

I will G1014 therefore G3767 that men G435 pray G4336 every G1722 G3956 where, G5117 lifting up G1869 holy G3741 hands, G5495 without G5565 wrath G3709 and G2532 doubting. G1261

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Job 16

Commentary on Job 16 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

1 Then began Job, and said:

2 I have now heard such things in abundance,

Troublesome comforters are ye all!

3 Are windy words now at an end,

Or what goadeth thee that thou answerest?

4 I also would speak like you,

If only your soul were in my soul's stead.

I would weave words against you,

And shake my head at you;

5 I would encourage you with my mouth,

And the solace of my lips should soothe you.

The speech of Eliphaz, as of the other two, is meant to be comforting. It is, however, primarily an accusation; it wounds instead of soothing. Of this kind of speech, says Job, one has now heard רבּות , much, i.e., (in a pregnant sense) amply sufficient, although the word might signify elliptically (Psalms 106:43; comp. Nehemiah 9:28) many times (Jer. frequenter ); multa (as Job 23:14) is, however, equally suitable, and therefore is to be preferred as the more natural. Job 16:2 shows how כּאלּה is intended; they are altogether עמל מנחמי , consolatores onerosi (Jer.), such as, instead of alleviating, only cause עמל , molestiam (comp. on Job 13:4). In Job 16:3 Job returns their reproach of being windy, i.e., one without any purpose and substance, which they brought against him, Job 15:2.: have windy words an end, or ( לו vel = אם in a disjunctive question, Ges. §155, 2, b ) if not, what goads thee on to reply? מרץ has been already discussed on Job 6:25. The Targ. takes it in the sense of מלץ : what makes it sweet to thee, etc.; the Jewish interpreters give it, without any proof, the signification, to be strong; the lxx transl. παρενοχλήσει , which is not transparent. Hirz., Ew., Schlottm., and others, call in the help of the Arabic marida (Aramaic מרע ), to be sick, the IV. form of which signifies “to make sick,” not “to injure.”

(Note: The primary meaning of Arabic marida (root mr, stringere ) is maceratum esse , by pressing, rubbing, beating, to be tender, enervated (Germ. dialectic and popul. abmaracht ); comp. the nearest related maratsa , then maraza , marasa , maraa , and further, the development of the meaning of morbus and μαλαακία ; - originally and first, of bodily sickness, then also of diseased affections and conditions of spirit, as envy, hatred, malice, etc.; vid., Sur . 2, v. 9, and Beidhâwi thereon. - Fl.)

We keep to the primary meaning, to pierce, penetrate; Hiph. to goad, bring out, lacessere : what incites thee, that ( כי as Job 6:11, quod not quum ) thou repliest again? The collective thought of what follows is not that he also, if they were in his place, could do as they have done; that he, however, would not so act (thus e.g., Blumenfeld: with reasons for comfort I would overwhelm you, and sympathizingly shake my head over you, etc.). This rendering is destroyed by the shaking of the head, which is never a gesture of pure compassion, but always of malignant joy, Sir. 12:18; or of mockery at another's fall, Isaiah 37:22; and misfortune, Psalms 22:8; Jeremiah 18:16; Matthew 27:39. Hence Merc. considers the antithesis to begin with Job 16:5, where, however, there is nothing to indicate it: minime id facerem, quin potius vos confirmarem ore meo - rather: that he also could display the same miserable consolation; he represents to them a change of their respective positions, in order that, as in a mirror, they may recognise the hatefulness of their conduct. The negative antecedent clause si essem (with לוּ , according to Ges. §155, 2, f ) is surrounded by cohortatives, which (since the interrogative form of interpretation is inadmissible) signify not only loquerer , but loqui possem , or rather loqui vellem (comp. e.g., Psalms 51:18, dare vellem ). When he says: I would range together, etc. (Carey: I would combine), he gives them to understand that their speeches are more artificial than natural, more declamations than the outgushings of the heart; instead of מלּים , it is בּמלּים , since the object of the action is thought is as the means, as in Job 16:4 ראשׁי במּו , capite meo (for caput meum , Psalms 22:8), and בּפיהם , Job 16:10, for פּיּהם , comp. Jeremiah 18:16; Lamentations 1:17, Ges. §138† ; Ew. takes חהביר by comparison of the Arabic chbr , to know (the IV. form of which, achbara , however, signifies to cause to know, announce), in a sense that belongs neither to the Heb. nor to the Arab.: to affect wisdom. In Job 16:5 the chief stress is upon “with my mouth,” without the heart being there, so also on the word “my lips,” solace ( ניד ἅπ. λεγ. , recalling Isaiah 57:19, ניב שׂפתים , offspring or fruit of the lips) of my lips, i.e., dwelling only on the lips, and not coming from the heart. In '' אאמּצכם ( Piel, not Hiph. ) the Ssere is shortened to Chirek (Ges. §60, rem. 4). According to Job 16:6, כאבכם is to be supplied to יחשׂך . He also could offer such superficial condolence without the sympathy which places itself in the condition and mood of the sufferer, and desires to afford that relief which it cannot. And yet how urgently did he need right and effectual consolation! He is not able to console himself, as the next strophe says: neither by words nor by silence is his pain assuaged.

Verses 6-9

6 If I speak, my pain is not soothed;

And if I forbear, what alleviation do I experience?

7 Nevertheless now hath He exhausted me;

Thou hast desolated all my household,

8 And Thou filledst me with wrinkles - for a witness was it,

And my leanness rose up against me

Complaining to my face.

9 His wrath tore me, and made war upon me;

He hath gnashed upon me with His teeth,

As mine enemy He sharpeneth His eyes against me.

אם stands with the cohortative in the hypothetical antecedent clause Job 16:6 , and in 6 b the cohortative stands alone as Job 11:17; Psalms 73:16; Psalms 139:8, which is more usual, and more in accordance with the meaning which the cohortative has in itself, Nägelsbach, §89, 3. The interrogative, What goes from me? is equivalent to, what (= nothing) of pain forsakes me. The subject of the assertion which follows (Job 16:7) is not the pain - Aben-Ezra thinks even that this is addressed in v. 7 b - still less Eliphaz, whom some think, particularly on account of the sharp expressions which follow, must be understood, but God, whose wrath Job regards as the cause of his suffering, and feels as the most intolerable part of it. A strained connection is obtained by taking אך either in an affirmative sense (Ew.: surely), as Job 18:21, or in a restrictive sense: only (= entirely) He has now exhausted me (Hirz., Hahn, also Schlottm.: only I feel myself oppressed, at least to express this), by which interpretation the עתּה , which stands between אך and the verb, is in the way. We render it therefore in the adversative signification: nevertheless ( verum tamen ) now he seeks neither by speaking to alleviate his pain, nor by silence to control himself; God has placed him in a condition in which all his strength is exhausted. He is absolutely incapable of offering any resistance to his pain, and care has also been taken that no solacing word shall come to him from any quarter: Thou hast made all my society desolate (Carey: all my clan); עדה of the household, as in Job 15:34. Jerome: in nihilum redacti sunt omnes artus mei ( כל אברי , as explained by the Jewish expositors, e.g., Ralbag), as though the human organism could be called עדה . Hahn: Thou hast destroyed all my testimony, which must have been אדתי (from עוּד , whereas עדה , from ועד , has a changeable Ssere ). He means to say that he stands entirely alone, and neither sees nor hears anything consolatory, for he does not count his wife. He is therefore completely shut up to himself; God has shrivelled him up; and this suffering form to which God has reduced him, is become an evidence, i.e., for himself and for others, as the three friends, an accusation de facto , which puts him down as a sinner, although his self-consciousness testifies the opposite to him.

Job 16:8

The verb קמט (Aram. קמט ), which occurs only once beside (Job 22:16), has, like Arab. qmṭ (in Gecatilia's transl.), the primary meaning of binding and grasping firmly (lxx ἐπελάβου , Symm. κατέδησας , Targ. for לכד , תּמך , lengthened to a quadriliteral in Arab. qmṭr , cogn. קמץ ),

(Note: On the other hand, קטם , Arab. qṭm , abscindere , praemordere , has no connection with קמט , with which Kimchi and Reiske confuse it. This is readily seen from the opposite primary distinction of the two roots, קם and קט , of which the former expresses union, the latter separation.)

constringere , from which the significations comprehendere and corrugare have branched off; the signification, to wrinkle (make wrinkled), to shrivel up, is the most common, and the reference which follows, to his emaciation, and the lines which occur further on from the picture of one sick with elephantiasis, show that the poet here has this in his mind. Ewald's conjecture, which changes היה into היּה , Job 6:2; Job 30:13 = הוּה , as subject to ותקמטני (calamity seizes me as a witness), deprives the thought contained in לעד , which renders the inferential clause לעד היה prominent, of much of its force and emphasis. In Job 16:8 this thought is continued: כּחשׁ signifies here, according to Psalms 109:24 (which see), a wasting away; the verb-group כחשׁ , כחד , Arab. jḥd , kḥt , qḥṭ , etc., has the primary meaning of taking away and decrease: he becomes thin from whom the fat begins to fail; to disown is equivalent to holding back recognition and admission; the metaphor, water that deceives = dries up, is similar. His wasted, emaciated appearance, since God has thus shrivelled him up, came forth against him, told him to his face, i.e., accused him not merely behind his back, but boldly and directly, as a convicted criminal. God has changed himself in relation to him into an enraged enemy. Schlottm. wrongly translates: one tears and tortures me fiercely; Raschi erroneously understands Satan by צרי . In general, it is the wrath of God whence Job thinks his suffering proceeds. It was the wrath of God which tore him so (like Hosea 6:1, comp. Amos 1:11), and pursued him hostilely (as he says with the same word in Job 30:21); God has gnashed against him with His teeth; God drew or sharpened (Aq., Symm., Theod., ὤξυνεν לטשׁ like Psalms 7:13). His eyes or looks like swords (Targ. as a sharp knife, אזמל , σμίλη ) for him, i.e., to pierce him through. Observe the aorr. interchanging with perff. and imperff. He describes the final calamity which has made him such a piteous form with the mark of the criminal. His present suffering is only the continuation of the decree of wrath which is gone forth concerning him.

Verse 10-11

10 They have gaped against me with their mouth,

In contempt they smite my cheeks;

They conspire together against me.

11 God left me to the mercy of the ungodly,

And cast me into the hands of the evil-doer.

He does not mean the friends by those who mock and vex him with their contemptuous words, but the men around him who envied his prosperity and now rejoice at his misfortune; those to whom his uprightness was a burden, and who now consider themselves disencumbered of their liege lord, the over-righteous, censorious, godly man. The perfects here also have not a present signification; he depicts his suffering according to the change it has wrought since it came upon him. The verb פּער is used with the instrumental Beth instead of with the acc., as Job 29:23 (comp. on במלים , Job 16:4): they make an opening with their mouth (similar to Psalms 22:8, they make an opening with the lips, for diducunt labia ). Smiting on the cheeks is in itself an insult (Lamentations 3:30); the additional בּחרפּה will therefore refer to insulting words which accompany the act. The Hithpa. התמלּא , which occurs only here, signifies not only to gather together a מלא in general, Isaiah 31:4, but (after the Arab. tamâla'a ‛ala , to conspire against any one)

(Note: Wetzstein thinks the signification conspirare for יתמלאון poor in this connection, and prefers to translate: All together they eat themselves full upon me, התמלּא as reflexive of מלּא , Job 38:39, synon. of נשׂבע , as in “the Lovers of Amâsiâ ,” Ferhhât , after the death of his beloved, cries out: We are not separated! To-morrow (i.e., soon) the All-kind One will unite us in paradise, and we shall satisfy ourselves one with another (Arab. w-ntmll' mn b-'dnâ 'l-b'd ). One would, however, expect ממּנּי instead of עלי ; but perhaps we may refer to the interchange of התענג על , Job 22:26; Job 27:10, with התענג מן , Isaiah 66:11.)

to complete one's self, to strengthen one's self (for a like hostile purpose): Reiske correctly: sibi invicem mutuam et auxiliatricem operam contra me simul omnes ferunt.

(Note: The signification to help , which belongs to the I. form Arab. mala'a , proceeds from malâ'un , to have abundance, to be well off; prop. to be able to furnish any one with the means ( opes, copias ) for anything, and thereby to place him in a position to accomplish it. Comp. the Lat. ops, opem ferre, opitulari, opes, opulentus (Arab. malâ'un ). - Fl.)

The meaning of עויל is manifest from Job 21:11; from עוּל , to suckle, alere (Arab. ‛âl med . Wau , whence the inf. ‛aul , ‛uwûl , and ‛ijâle ), it signifies boys, knaves; and it is as unnecessary to suppose two forms, עויל and עויל , as two meanings, puer and pravus , since the language and particularly the book of Job has coined עוּל for the latter signification: it signifies in all three passages (here and Job 19:18; Job 21:11) boys, or the boyish, childish, knavish. The Arabic warratta leaves no doubt as to the derivation and meaning of ירטני ; it signifies to cast down to destruction ( warttah , a precipice, ruin, danger), and so here the fut. Kal ירטני for יירטני (Ges. §69, rem. 3), praecipitem me dabat (lxx ἔῤῥιψε , Symm. ἐνέβαλε ), as the praet. Kal, Numbers 22:32 : praeceps = exitiosa est via . The preformative Jod has Metheg in correct texts, so that we need not suppose, with Ralbag, a רטה , similar in meaning to ירט .

Verses 12-14

12 I was at ease, but He hath broken me in pieces;

And He hath taken me by the neck and shaken me to pieces,

And set me up for a mark for himself.

13 His arrows whistled about me;

He pierced my reins without sparing;

He poured out my gall upon the ground.

14 He brake through me breach upon breach,

He ran upon me like a mighty warrior.

He was prosperous and contented, when all at once God began to be enraged against him; the intensive form פּרפּר (Arab. farfara ) signifies to break up entirely, crush, crumble in pieces ( Hithpo. to become fragile, Isaiah 24:19); the corresponding intensive form פּצפּץ (from פּצץ , Arab. fḍḍ , cogn. נפץ ), to beat in pieces ( Polel of a hammer, Jeremiah 23:29), to dash to pieces: taking him by the neck, God raised him on high in order to dash him to the ground with all His might. מטּרה (from נטר , τηρεῖν , like σκοπός from σκέπτισθαι ) is the target, as in the similar passage, Lamentations 3:12, distinct from מפגּע , Job 7:20, object of attack and point of attack: God has set me up for a target for himself, in order as it were to try what He and His arrows can do. Accordingly רבּיו (from רבב = רבה , רמה , jacere ) signifies not: His archers (although this figure would be admissible after Job 10:17; Job 19:12, and the form after the analogy of רב , רע , etc., is naturally taken as a substantival adj.), but, especially since God appears directly as the actor: His arrows (= הצּיו , Job 6:4), from רב , formed after the analogy of בּז , מס , etc., according to which it is translated by lxx, Targ., Jer., while most of the Jewish expositors, referring to Jeremiah 50:29 (where we need not, with Böttch., point רבים , and here רביו ), interpret by מורי החצים . On all sides, whichever way he might turn himself, the arrows of God flew about him, mercilessly piercing his reins, so that his gall-bladder became empty (comp. Lamentations 2:11, and vid., Psychol . S. 268). It is difficult to conceive what is here said;

(Note: The emptying of the gall takes place if the gall-bladder or any of its ducts are torn; but how the gall itself (without assuming some morbid condition) can flow outwardly, even with a severe wound, is a difficult question, with which only those who have no appreciation of the standpoint of imagery and poetry will distress themselves. [On the ”spilling of the gall” or “bursting of the gall-bladder” among the Arabs, as the working of violent and painful emotions, vid., Zeitschr. der deutschen morgenländ . Gesellsch. Bd. xvi. S. 586, Z. 16ff. - Fl.])

it is, moreover, not meant to be understood strictly according to the sense: the divine arrows, which are only an image for divinely decreed sufferings, pressed into his inward parts, and wounded the noblest organs of his nature. In Job 16:14 follows another figure. He was as a wall which was again and again broken through by the missiles or battering-rams of God, and against which He ran after the manner of besiegers when storming. פּרץ is the proper word for such breaches and holes in a wall generally; here it is connected as obj. with its own verb, according to Ges. §138, rem. 1. The second פרץ ( פּרץ with Kametz ) has Ssade minusculum, for some reason unknown to us.

The next strophe says what change took place in his own conduct in consequence of this incomprehensible wrathful disposition of God which had vented itself on him.

Verses 15-17

15 I sewed sackcloth upon my skin,

And defiled my horn with dust.

16 My face is exceeding red with weeping,

And on mine eyelids is the shadow of death,

17 Although there is no wrong in my hand,

And my prayer is pure.

Coarse-haired cloth is the recognised clothing which the deeply sorrowful puts on, ἱμάτιον στενοχωρίας καὶ πένθους , as the Greek expositors remark. Job does not say of it that he put it on or slung it round him, but that he sewed it upon his naked body; and this is to be attributed to the hideous distortion of the body by elephantiasis, which will not admit of the use of the ordinary form of clothes. For the same reason he also uses, not עורי , but גּלדּי , which signifies either the scurfy scaly surface (as גּלד and הנליד in Talmudic of the scab of a healing wound, but also occurring e.g., of the bedaggled edge of clothes when it has become dry), or scornfully describes the skin as already almost dead; for the healthy skin is called עזר , גּלד , on the other hand, βύρσα (lxx), hide (esp. when removed from the body), Talm. e.g., sole-leather. We prefer the former interpretation (adopted by Raschi and others): The crust in which the terrible lepra has clothed his skin (vid., on Job 7:5; Job 30:18-19, Job 30:30) is intended. עללתּי in Job 16:15 is referred by Rosenm., Hirz., Ges., and others (as indeed by Saad. and Gecat., who transl. “I digged into”), to עלל (Arab. gll ), to enter, penetrate: “I stuck my horn in the dust;” but this signification of the Hebrew עלל is unknown, it signifies rather to inflict pain, or scorn (e.g., Lamentations 3:51, mine eye causeth pain to my soul), generally with ל , here with the accusative: I have misused, i.e., injured or defiled (as the Jewish expositors explain), my horn with dust. This is not equivalent to my head (as in the Syr. version), but he calls everything that was hitherto his power and pride קרני (lxx, Targ.); all this he has together at the same time injured, i.e., represented as come to destruction, by covering his head with dust and ashes.

Job 16:16