Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Job » Chapter 17 » Verse 11

Job 17:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 My days H3117 are past, H5674 my purposes H2154 are broken off, H5423 even the thoughts H4180 of my heart. H3824

Cross Reference

Job 7:6 STRONG

My days H3117 are swifter H7043 than a weaver's shuttle, H708 and are spent H3615 without H657 hope. H8615

Job 9:25-26 STRONG

Now my days H3117 are swifter H7043 than a post: H7323 they flee away, H1272 they see H7200 no good. H2896 They are passed away H2498 as H5973 the swift H16 ships: H591 as the eagle H5404 that hasteth H2907 to the prey. H400

Proverbs 16:9 STRONG

A man's H120 heart H3820 deviseth H2803 his way: H1870 but the LORD H3068 directeth H3559 his steps. H6806

Proverbs 19:21 STRONG

There are many H7227 devices H4284 in a man's H376 heart; H3820 nevertheless the counsel H6098 of the LORD, H3068 that shall stand. H6965

Ecclesiastes 9:10 STRONG

Whatsoever thy hand H3027 findeth H4672 to do, H6213 do H6213 it with thy might; H3581 for there is no work, H4639 nor device, H2808 nor knowledge, H1847 nor wisdom, H2451 in the grave, H7585 whither thou goest. H1980

Isaiah 8:10 STRONG

Take H5779 counsel H6098 together, H5779 and it shall come to nought; H6565 speak H1696 the word, H1697 and it shall not stand: H6965 for God H410 is with us.

Isaiah 38:10 STRONG

I said H559 in the cutting off H1824 of my days, H3117 I shall go H3212 to the gates H8179 of the grave: H7585 I am deprived H6485 of the residue H3499 of my years. H8141

Lamentations 3:37 STRONG

Who is he that saith, H559 and it cometh to pass, when the Lord H136 commandeth H6680 it not?

Romans 1:13 STRONG

Now G1161 I would G2309 not G3756 have G50 you G5209 ignorant, G50 brethren, G80 that G3754 oftentimes G4178 I purposed G4388 to come G2064 unto G4314 you, G5209 (but G2532 was let G2967 hitherto,) G891 G1204 that G2443 I might have G2192 some G5100 fruit G2590 among G1722 you G5213 also, G2532 even as G2531 G2532 among G1722 other G3062 Gentiles. G1484

2 Corinthians 1:15-17 STRONG

And G2532 in this G5026 confidence G4006 I was minded G1014 to come G2064 unto G4314 you G5209 before, G4386 that G2443 ye might have G2192 a second G1208 benefit; G5485 And G2532 to pass G1330 by G1223 you G5216 into G1519 Macedonia, G3109 and G2532 to come G2064 again G3825 out of G575 Macedonia G3109 unto G4314 you, G5209 and G2532 of G5259 you G5216 to be brought on my way G4311 toward G1519 Judaea. G2449 When I G1011 therefore G3767 was G1011 thus G5124 minded, G1011 did I use G3385 G686 G5530 lightness? G1644 or G2228 the things that G3739 I purpose, G1011 do I purpose G1011 according G2596 to the flesh, G4561 that G2443 with G3844 me G1698 there should be G5600 yea G3483 yea, G3483 and G2532 nay G3756 nay? G3756

James 4:13-15 STRONG

Go to G33 now, G3568 ye that say, G3004 To day G4594 or G2532 to morrow G839 we will go G4198 into G1519 such G3592 a city, G4172 and G2532 continue G4160 G4160 there G1563 a G1520 year, G1763 and G2532 buy and sell, G1710 G1710 and G2532 get gain: G2770 G2770 Whereas G3748 ye know G1987 not G3756 what G3588 shall be on the morrow. G839 For G1063 what G4169 is your G5216 life? G2222 It is G2076 even G1063 a vapour, G822 that G4314 appeareth for G5316 a little time, G3641 and G1161 then G1899 vanisheth away. G853 For that G473 ye G5209 ought to say, G3004 If G1437 the Lord G2962 will, G2309 G2532 we shall live, G2198 G2198 and G2532 do G4160 G4160 this, G5124 or G2228 that. G1565

Commentary on Job 17 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Job 17:1-16. Job's Answer Continued.

1. breath … corrupt—result of elephantiasis. But Umbreit, "my strength (spirit) is spent."

extinct—Life is compared to an expiring light. "The light of my day is extinguished."

graves—plural, to heighten the force.

2. Umbreit, more emphatically, "had I only not to endure mockery, in the midst of their contentions I (mine eye) would remain quiet."

eye continue—Hebrew, "tarry all night"; a figure taken from sleep at night, to express undisturbed rest; opposed to (Job 16:20), when the eye of Job is represented as pouring out tears to God without rest.

3. Lay down now—namely, a pledge or security; that is, be my surety; do Thou attest my innocence, since my friends only mock me (Job 17:2). Both litigating parties had to lay down a sum as security before the trial.

put me in a surety—Provide a surety for me (in the trial) with Thee. A presage of the "surety" (Heb 7:22), or "one Mediator between God and man" (see on Job 16:21).

strike hands—"who else (save God Himself) could strike hands with me?" that is, be my security (Ps 119:122). The Hebrew strikes the hand of him for whom he goes security (Pr 6:1).

4. their heart—The intellect of his friends.

shalt … exalt—Rather imperative, "exalt them not"; allow them not to conquer [Umbreit], (Isa 6:9, 10).

5. The Hebrew for "flattery" is "smoothness"; then it came to mean a prey divided by lot, because a smooth stone was used in casting the lots (De 18:8), "a portion" (Ge 14:24). Therefore translate, "He that delivers up his friend as a prey (which the conduct of my friends implies that they would do), even the eyes," &c. [Noyes] (Job 11:20). Job says this as to the sinner's children, retorting upon their reproach as to the cutting off of his (Job 5:4; 15:30). This accords with the Old Testament dispensation of legal retribution (Ex 20:5).

6. He—God. The poet reverentially suppresses the name of God when speaking of calamities inflicted.

by-word—(De 28:37; Ps 69:11). My awful punishment makes my name execrated everywhere, as if I must have been superlatively bad to have earned it.

aforetime … tabret—as David was honored (1Sa 18:6). Rather from a different Hebrew root, "I am treated to my face as an object of disgust," literally, "an object to be spit upon in the face" (Nu 12:14). So Raca means (Mt 5:22) [Umbreit].

7. (Ps 6:7; 31:9; De 34:7).

members—literally, "figures"; all the individual members being peculiar forms of the body; opposed to "shadow," which looks like a figure without solidity.

8. astonied—at my unmerited sufferings.

against the hypocrite—The upright shall feel their sense of justice wounded ("will be indignant") because of the prosperity of the wicked. By "hypocrite" or "ungodly," he perhaps glances at his false friends.

9. The strength of religious principle is heightened by misfortune. The pious shall take fresh courage to persevere from the example of suffering Job. The image is from a warrior acquiring new courage in action (Isa 40:30, 31; Php 1:14).

10. return—If you have anything to advance really wise, though I doubt it, recommence your speech. For as yet I cannot find one wise man among you all.

11. Only do not vainly speak of the restoration of health to me; for "my days are past."

broken off—as the threads of the web cut off from the loom (Isa 38:12).

thoughts—literally, "possessions," that is, all the feelings and fair hopes which my heart once nourished. These belong to the heart, as "purposes" to the understanding; the two together here describe the entire inner man.

12. They—namely, "my friends."

change the night into day—that is, would try to persuade me of the change of my misery into joy, which is impossible [Umbreit] (Job 11:17); (but) the light of prosperity (could it be enjoyed) would be short because of the darkness of adversity. Or better for "short," the Hebrew "near"; "and the light of new prosperity should be near in the face of (before) the darkness of death"; that is, they would persuade me that light is near, even though darkness approaches.

13. Rather, "if I wait for this grave (Sheol, or the unseen world) as my house, and make my bed in the darkness (Job 17:14), and say to corruption," rather, "to the pit" or "grave," &c. (Job 17:15). Where then is my hope? [Umbreit]. The apodosis is at Job 17:15.

14. Thou art my father, &c.—expressing most intimate connection (Pr 7:4). His diseased state made him closely akin to the grave and worm.

15. Who shall see it fulfilled? namely, the "hope" (Job 11:18) which they held out to him of restoration.

16. They—namely, my hopes shall be buried with me.

bars—(Isa 38:10). Rather, the wastes or solitudes of the pit (sheol, the unseen world).

rest together—the rest of me and my hope is in, &c. Both expire together. The word "rest" implies that man's ceaseless hopes only rob him of rest.