Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 14 » Verse 8

Joshua 14:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Nevertheless my brethren H251 that went up H5927 with me made the heart H3820 of the people H5971 melt: H4529 but I wholly H4390 followed H310 the LORD H3068 my God. H430

Cross Reference

Numbers 14:24 STRONG

But my servant H5650 Caleb, H3612 because H6118 he had another H312 spirit H7307 with him, and hath followed H310 me fully, H4390 him will I bring H935 into the land H776 whereinto he went; H935 and his seed H2233 shall possess H3423 it.

Deuteronomy 1:36 STRONG

Save H2108 Caleb H3612 the son H1121 of Jephunneh; H3312 he shall see H7200 it, and to him will I give H5414 the land H776 that H834 he hath trodden upon, H1869 and to his children, H1121 because he hath wholly H4390 followed H310 the LORD. H3068

Numbers 13:31 STRONG

But the men H582 that went up H5927 with him said, H559 We be not able H3201 to go up H5927 against the people; H5971 for they are stronger H2389 than we.

Joshua 14:14 STRONG

Hebron H2275 therefore became the inheritance H5159 of Caleb H3612 the son H1121 of Jephunneh H3312 the Kenezite H7074 unto this day, H3117 because that he wholly H4390 followed H310 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478

Revelation 14:4 STRONG

These G3778 are they G1526 which G3739 were G3435 not G3756 defiled G3435 with G3326 women; G1135 for G1063 they are G1526 virgins. G3933 These G3778 are they G1526 which G3588 follow G190 the Lamb G721 whithersoever G3699 G302 he goeth. G5217 These G3778 were redeemed G59 from G575 among men, G444 being the firstfruits G536 unto God G2316 and G2532 to the Lamb. G721

Commentary on Joshua 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 14:1-5. The Nine Tribes and a Half to Have Their Inheritance by Lot.

1. these are the countries which the children of Israel inherited in the land of Canaan—This chapter forms the introduction to an account of the allocation of the land west of Jordan, or Canaan proper, to the nine tribes and a half. It was also made by lot in presence of a select number of superintendents, appointed according to divine directions given to Moses (see on Nu 34:16). In everything pertaining to civil government, and even the division of the land, Joshua was the acknowledged chief. But in a matter to be determined by lot, a solemn appeal was made to God, and hence Eleazar, as high priest, is named before Joshua.

4. The children of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim—As two and a half tribes were settled on the east Jordan, and the Levites had no inheritance assigned them in land, there would have been only eight and a half tribes to provide for. But Ephraim and Manasseh, the two sons of Joseph, had been constituted two tribes (Ge 48:5), and although Levi was excluded, the original number of the tribes of Israel was still preserved.

5. the children of Israel … divided the land—that is, they made the preliminary arrangements for the work. A considerable time was requisite for the survey and measurement.

Jos 14:6-15. Caleb by Privilege Requests and Obtains Hebron.

6-11. Then the children of Judah came unto Joshua in Gilgal: and Caleb … said—This incident is recorded here because it occurred while the preparations were being made for casting the lots, which, it appears, were begun in Gilgal. The claim of Caleb to the mountains of Hebron as his personal and family possessions was founded on a solemn promise of Moses, forty-five years before (Nu 14:24; De 1:36; Jos 14:10), to give him that land on account of his fidelity. Being one of the nominees appointed to preside over the division of the country, he might have been charged with using his powers as a commissioner to his own advantage, had he urged his request in private; and therefore he took some of his brethren along with him as witness of the justice and propriety of his conduct.

12. give me this mountain, whereof the Lord spake in that day—this highland region.

for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there—The report of the spies, who tried to kindle the flame of sedition and discontent, related chiefly to the people and condition of this mountain district, and hence it was promised as the reward of Caleb's truth, piety, and faithfulness.

13, 14. Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb Hebron for an inheritance—Joshua, who was fully cognizant of all the circumstances, not only admitted the claim, but in a public and earnest manner prayed for the divine blessing to succor the efforts of Caleb in driving out the idolatrous occupiers.

15. Kirjath-arba—that is, the city of Arba, a warrior among the native race remarkable for strength and stature.

the land had rest from war—Most of the kings having been slain and the natives dispirited, there was no general or systematic attempt to resist the progress and settlement of the Israelites.