Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Joshua » Chapter 17 » Verse 2

Joshua 17:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 There was also a lot for the rest H3498 of the children H1121 of Manasseh H4519 by their families; H4940 for the children H1121 of Abiezer, H44 and for the children H1121 of Helek, H2507 and for the children H1121 of Asriel, H844 and for the children H1121 of Shechem, H7928 and for the children H1121 of Hepher, H2660 and for the children H1121 of Shemida: H8061 these were the male H2145 children H1121 of Manasseh H4519 the son H1121 of Joseph H3130 by their families. H4940

Cross Reference

Numbers 26:29-32 STRONG

Of the sons H1121 of Manasseh: H4519 of Machir, H4353 the family H4940 of the Machirites: H4354 and Machir H4353 begat H3205 Gilead: H1568 of Gilead H1568 come the family H4940 of the Gileadites. H1569 These are the sons H1121 of Gilead: H1568 of Jeezer, H372 the family H4940 of the Jeezerites: H373 of Helek, H2507 the family H4940 of the Helekites: H2516 And of Asriel, H844 the family H4940 of the Asrielites: H845 and of Shechem, H7928 the family H4940 of the Shechemites: H7930 And of Shemida, H8061 the family H4940 of the Shemidaites: H8062 and of Hepher, H2660 the family H4940 of the Hepherites. H2662

1 Chronicles 7:18 STRONG

And his sister H269 Hammoleketh H4447 bare H3205 Ishod, H379 and Abiezer, H44 and Mahalah. H4244

Judges 6:11 STRONG

And there came H935 an angel H4397 of the LORD, H3068 and sat H3427 under an oak H424 which was in Ophrah, H6084 that pertained unto Joash H3101 the Abiezrite: H33 and his son H1121 Gideon H1439 threshed H2251 wheat H2406 by the winepress, H1660 to hide H5127 it from H6440 the Midianites. H4080

Judges 8:2 STRONG

And he said H559 unto them, What have I done H6213 now in comparison of you? Is not the gleaning H5955 of the grapes of Ephraim H669 better H2896 than the vintage H1210 of Abiezer? H44

Commentary on Joshua 17 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jos 17:1-6. Lot of Manasseh.

1-6. There was also a lot for the tribe of Manasseh—Ephraim was mentioned, as the more numerous and powerful branch of the family of Joseph (Ge 48:19, 20); but Manasseh still retained the right of primogeniture and had a separate inheritance assigned.

Machir—his descendants.

the father of Gilead—Though he had a son of that name (Nu 26:29; 27:1), yet, as is evident from the use of the Hebrew article, reference is made, not to the person, but the province of Gilead. "Father" here means lord or possessor of Gilead. This view is confirmed by the fact that it was not Machir, but his descendants, who subdued Gilead and Bashan (Nu 32:41; De 3:13-15). These Machirites had their portion on the east side of Jordan. The western portion of land, allotted to the tribe of Manasseh, was divided into ten portions because the male descendants who had sons consisted of five families, to which, consequently, five shares were given; and the sixth family, namely, the posterity of Hepher, being all women, the five daughters of Zelophehad were, on application to the valuators, endowed each with an inheritance in land (see on Nu 27:4).

Jos 17:7-11. This Coast.

7-11. the coast of Manasseh was from Asher to Michmethah—The southern boundary is here traced from the east. Asher (now Yasir), the starting point, was a town fifteen Roman miles east of Shechem, and anciently a place of importance.

9. the coast descended unto the river Kanah, southward of the river—The line which separated the possessions of the two brothers from each other ran to the south of the stream. Thus the river was in the territory of Manasseh; but the cities which were upon the river, though all were within the limits of Manasseh's possessions, were assigned partly to Ephraim, and partly to Manasseh; those on the south side being given to the former; those upon the north to the latter [Keil]. It appears (Jos 17:10) that Manasseh was still further interlaced with other neighboring tribes.

11. Beth-shean and her towns—Greek, "Scythopolis" (now Beisan), in the valley of the Jordan, towards the east end of the plain of Jezreel. "Beth-shean" means "house of rest," so called from its being the halting place for caravans travelling between Syria or Midian, and Egypt, and the great station for the commerce between these countries for many centuries.

Ibleam and her towns—in the neighborhood of Megiddo (2Ki 9:27).

the inhabitants of Dor and her towns—(now Tantoura), anciently a strong fortress; a wall of wild precipitous rock defended the shore fortifications against attack from the land side.

En-dor and her towns—situated on a rocky eminence, four Roman miles south of Tabor.

Taanach and … Megiddo—These were near to each other, and they are generally mentioned in Scripture together. They were both royal and strongly fortified places (see on Jud 1:27).

three countries—districts or provinces. It is computed that Manasseh possessed in Asher and Issachar portions of ground to the extent of more than two hundred square miles.

Jos 17:12, 13. Canaanites Not Driven Out.

12, 13. Yet the children of Manasseh could not drive out those cities—probably due to indolence, a love of ease. Perhaps a mistaken humanity, arising from a disregard or forgetfulness of the divine command, and a decreasing principle of faith and zeal in the service of God, were the causes of their failure.

Jos 17:14-18. The Children of Joseph Ask for Another Lot.

14-18. the children of Joseph spake unto Joshua—The two tribes join in laying a complaint before the leader, as to the narrow boundaries of their allotment and its insufficiency to be the residence of tribes so vastly increased. But Joshua's answer was full of wisdom as well as patriotism. Knowing their character, he treated them accordingly, and sarcastically turned all their arguments against themselves. Thus he rebuked their unbelief and cowardice.

15. mount Ephraim—called so here by anticipation. The Gilboa range between Beth-shean and the plain of Jezreel is meant, anciently covered with an extensive forest.

16. chariots of iron—unusually strengthened with that metal, and perhaps armed with projecting scythes.