Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Judges » Chapter 10 » Verse 12

Judges 10:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 The Zidonians H6722 also, and the Amalekites, H6002 and the Maonites, H4584 did oppress H3905 you; and ye cried H6817 to me, and I delivered H3467 you out of their hand. H3027

Cross Reference

Judges 6:3 STRONG

And so it was, when Israel H3478 had sown, H2232 that the Midianites H4080 came up, H5927 and the Amalekites, H6002 and the children H1121 of the east, H6924 even they came up H5927 against them;

Judges 5:19-31 STRONG

The kings H4428 came H935 and fought, H3898 then fought H3898 the kings H4428 of Canaan H3667 in Taanach H8590 by the waters H4325 of Megiddo; H4023 they took H3947 no gain H1215 of money. H3701 They fought H3898 from heaven; H8064 the stars H3556 in their courses H4546 fought H3898 against Sisera. H5516 The river H5158 of Kishon H7028 swept them away, H1640 that ancient H6917 river, H5158 the river H5158 Kishon. H7028 O my soul, H5315 thou hast trodden down H1869 strength. H5797 Then were the horsehoofs H6119 H5483 broken H1986 by the means of the pransings, H1726 the pransings H1726 of their mighty ones. H47 Curse H779 ye Meroz, H4789 said H559 the angel H4397 of the LORD, H3068 curse H779 ye bitterly H779 the inhabitants H3427 thereof; because they came H935 not to the help H5833 of the LORD, H3068 to the help H5833 of the LORD H3068 against the mighty. H1368 Blessed H1288 above women H802 shall Jael H3278 the wife H802 of Heber H2268 the Kenite H7017 be, blessed H1288 shall she be above women H802 in the tent. H168 He asked H7592 water, H4325 and she gave H5414 him milk; H2461 she brought forth H7126 butter H2529 in a lordly H117 dish. H5602 She put H7971 her hand H3027 to the nail, H3489 and her right hand H3225 to the workmen's H6001 hammer; H1989 and with the hammer she smote H1986 Sisera, H5516 she smote off H4277 his head, H7218 when she had pierced H4272 and stricken through H2498 his temples. H7541 At her feet H7272 he bowed, H3766 he fell, H5307 he lay down: H7901 at her feet H7272 he bowed, H3766 he fell: H5307 where H834 he bowed, H3766 there he fell down H5307 dead. H7703 The mother H517 of Sisera H5516 looked H8259 out at a window, H2474 and cried H2980 through the lattice, H822 Why is his chariot H7393 so long H954 in coming? H935 why tarry H309 the wheels H6471 of his chariots? H4818 Her wise H2450 ladies H8282 answered H6030 her, yea, she returned H7725 answer H561 to herself, Have they not sped? H4672 have they not divided H2505 the prey; H7998 to every H7218 man H1397 a damsel H7356 or two; H7361 to Sisera H5516 a prey H7998 of divers colours, H6648 a prey H7998 of divers colours H6648 of needlework, H7553 of divers colours H6648 of needlework on both sides, H7553 meet for the necks H6677 of them that take the spoil? H7998 So let all thine enemies H341 perish, H6 O LORD: H3068 but let them that love H157 him be as the sun H8121 when he goeth forth H3318 in his might. H1369 And the land H776 had rest H8252 forty H705 years. H8141

2 Chronicles 26:6-7 STRONG

And he went forth H3318 and warred H3898 against the Philistines, H6430 and brake down H6555 the wall H2346 of Gath, H1661 and the wall H2346 of Jabneh, H2996 and the wall H2346 of Ashdod, H795 and built H1129 cities H5892 about Ashdod, H795 and among the Philistines. H6430 And God H430 helped H5826 him against the Philistines, H6430 and against the Arabians H6163 that dwelt H3427 in Gurbaal, H1485 and the Mehunims. H4586

Psalms 106:42-43 STRONG

Their enemies H341 also oppressed H3905 them, and they were brought into subjection H3665 under their hand. H3027 Many H7227 times H6471 did he deliver H5337 them; but they provoked H4784 him with their counsel, H6098 and were brought low H4355 for their iniquity. H5771

Commentary on Judges 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jud 10:1-5. Tola Judges Israel in Shamir.

1. after Abimelech there arose to defend Israel, Tola—that is, "to save." Deliverance was necessary as well from intestine usurpation as from foreign aggression.

the son of Puah—He was uncle to Abimelech by the father's side, and consequently brother of Gideon; yet the former was of the tribe of Issachar, while the latter was of Manasseh. They were, most probably, uterine brothers.

dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim—As a central place, he made it the seat of government.

3. Jair, a Gileadite—This judge was a different person from the conqueror of that northeastern territory, and founder of Havoth-jair, or "Jair's villages" (Nu 32:41; De 3:14; Jos 13:3; 1Ch 2:22).

4. he had thirty sons that rode on thirty ass colts—This is a characteristic trait of Eastern manners in those early times; and the grant of a village to each of his thirty sons was a striking proof of his extensive possessions. His having thirty sons is no conclusive evidence that he had more than one wife, much less that he had more than one at a time. There are instances, in this country, of men having as many children by two successive wives.

Jud 10:6-9. Israel Oppressed by the Philistines and Ammonites.

6. the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord—This apostasy seems to have exceeded every former one in the grossness and universality of the idolatry practised.

7. Philistines, and … the children of Ammon—The predatory incursions of these two hostile neighbors were made naturally on the parts of the land respectively contiguous to them. But the Ammonites, animated with the spirit of conquest, carried their arms across the Jordan; so that the central and southern provinces of Canaan were extensively desolated.

Jud 10:10-15. They Cry to God.

10. The children of Israel cried unto the Lord, saying, We have sinned against thee—The first step of repentance is confession of sin, and the best proof of its sincerity is given by the transgressor, when he mourns not only over the painful consequences which have resulted from his offenses to himself, but over the heinous evil committed against God.

11. the Lord said … Did I not deliver you from the Egyptians—The circumstances recorded in this and the following verses were not probably made through the high priest, whose duty it was to interpret the will of God.

12. Maonites—that is, "Midianites."

Jud 10:16-18. They Repent; God Pities Them.

16. they put away the strange gods … and served the Lord; and his soul was grieved for the misery of Israel—On their abandonment of idolatry and return to purity of worship, God graciously abridged the term of national affliction and restored times of peace.

17, 18. the children of Ammon were gathered together—From carrying on guerrilla warfare, the Ammonites proceeded to a continued campaign. Their settled aim was to wrest the whole of the trans-jordanic territory from its actual occupiers. In this great crisis, a general meeting of the Israelitish tribes was held at Mizpeh. This Mizpeh was in eastern Manasseh (Jos 11:3).