Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 14 » Verse 45

Leviticus 14:45 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

45 And he shall break down H5422 the house, H1004 the stones H68 of it, and the timber H6086 thereof, and all the morter H6083 of the house; H1004 and he shall carry them forth H3318 out H2351 of the city H5892 into an unclean H2931 place. H4725

Cross Reference

1 Kings 9:6-9 STRONG

But if ye shall at all H7725 turn H7725 from following H310 me, ye or your children, H1121 and will not keep H8104 my commandments H4687 and my statutes H2708 which I have set H5414 before H6440 you, but go H1980 and serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worship H7812 them: Then will I cut off H3772 Israel H3478 out H6440 of the land H127 which I have given H5414 them; and this house, H1004 which I have hallowed H6942 for my name, H8034 will I cast out H7971 of my sight; H6440 and Israel H3478 shall be a proverb H4912 and a byword H8148 among all people: H5971 And at this house, H1004 which is high, H5945 every one that passeth H5674 by it shall be astonished, H8074 and shall hiss; H8319 and they shall say, H559 Why hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land, H776 and to this house? H1004 And they shall answer, H559 Because they forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 their God, H430 who brought forth H3318 their fathers H1 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and have taken hold H2388 upon other H312 gods, H430 and have worshipped H7812 them, and served H5647 them: therefore hath the LORD H3068 brought H935 upon them all this evil. H7451

2 Kings 10:27 STRONG

And they brake down H5422 the image H4676 of Baal, H1168 and brake down H5422 the house H1004 of Baal, H1168 and made H7760 it a draught house H4163 H4280 unto this day. H3117

2 Kings 17:20-23 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 rejected H3988 all the seed H2233 of Israel, H3478 and afflicted H6031 them, and delivered H5414 them into the hand H3027 of spoilers, H8154 until he had cast H7993 them out of his sight. H6440 For he rent H7167 Israel H3478 from the house H1004 of David; H1732 and they made Jeroboam H3379 the son H1121 of Nebat H5028 king: H4427 and Jeroboam H3379 drave H5080 H5077 Israel H3478 from following H310 the LORD, H3068 and made them sin H2398 a great H1419 sin. H2401 For the children H1121 of Israel H3478 walked H3212 in all the sins H2403 of Jeroboam H3379 which he did; H6213 they departed H5493 not from them; Until the LORD H3068 removed H5493 Israel H3478 out of his sight, H6440 as he had said H1696 by H3027 all his servants H5650 the prophets. H5030 So was Israel H3478 carried away H1540 out of their own land H127 to Assyria H804 unto this day. H3117

2 Kings 18:4 STRONG

He removed H5493 the high places, H1116 and brake H7665 the images, H4676 and cut down H3772 the groves, H842 and brake in pieces H3807 the brasen H5178 serpent H5175 that Moses H4872 had made: H6213 for unto those days H3117 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did burn incense H6999 to it: and he called H7121 it Nehushtan. H5180

2 Kings 25:4-12 STRONG

And the city H5892 was broken up, H1234 and all the men H582 of war H4421 fled by night H3915 by the way H1870 of the gate H8179 between two walls, H2346 which is by the king's H4428 garden: H1588 (now the Chaldees H3778 were against the city H5892 round about:) H5439 and the king went H3212 the way H1870 toward the plain. H6160 And the army H2428 of the Chaldees H3778 pursued H7291 after H310 the king, H4428 and overtook H5381 him in the plains H6160 of Jericho: H3405 and all his army H2428 were scattered H6327 from him. So they took H8610 the king, H4428 and brought him up H5927 to the king H4428 of Babylon H894 to Riblah; H7247 and they gave H1696 judgment H4941 upon him. And they slew H7819 the sons H1121 of Zedekiah H6667 before his eyes, H5869 and put out H5786 the eyes H5869 of Zedekiah, H6667 and bound H631 him with fetters H5178 of brass, H5178 and carried H935 him to Babylon. H894 And in the fifth H2549 month, H2320 on the seventh H7651 day of the month, H2320 which is the nineteenth H8672 H6240 H8141 year H8141 of king H4428 Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon, H894 came H935 Nebuzaradan, H5018 captain H7227 of the guard, H2876 a servant H5650 of the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 unto Jerusalem: H3389 And he burnt H8313 the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and the king's H4428 house, H1004 and all the houses H1004 of Jerusalem, H3389 and every great H1419 man's house H1004 burnt H8313 he with fire. H784 And all the army H2428 of the Chaldees, H3778 that were with the captain H7227 of the guard, H2876 brake down H5422 the walls H2346 of Jerusalem H3389 round about. H5439 Now the rest H3499 of the people H5971 that were left H7604 in the city, H5892 and the fugitives H5307 that fell away H5307 to the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 with the remnant H3499 of the multitude, H1995 did Nebuzaradan H5018 the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 carry away. H1540 But the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 left H7604 of the poor H1803 of the land H776 to be vinedressers H3755 and husbandmen. H3009 H1461

2 Kings 25:25-26 STRONG

But it came to pass in the seventh H7637 month, H2320 that Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah, H5418 the son H1121 of Elishama, H476 of the seed H2233 royal, H4410 came, H935 and ten H6235 men H582 with him, and smote H5221 Gedaliah, H1436 that he died, H4191 and the Jews H3064 and the Chaldees H3778 that were with him at Mizpah. H4709 And all the people, H5971 both small H6996 and great, H1419 and the captains H8269 of the armies, H2428 arose, H6965 and came H935 to Egypt: H4714 for they were afraid H3372 of H6440 the Chaldees. H3778

Jeremiah 52:13 STRONG

And burned H8313 the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and the king's H4428 house; H1004 and all the houses H1004 of Jerusalem, H3389 and all the houses H1004 of the great H1419 men, burned H8313 he with fire: H784

Ezekiel 5:4 STRONG

Then take of them again, H3947 and cast H7993 them into the midst H8432 of the fire, H784 and burn H8313 them in the fire; H784 for thereof shall a fire H784 come forth H3318 into all the house H1004 of Israel. H3478

Matthew 22:7 STRONG

But G1161 when the king G935 heard G191 thereof, he was wroth: G3710 and G2532 he sent forth G3992 his G846 armies, G4753 and destroyed G622 those G1565 murderers, G5406 and G2532 burned up G1714 their G846 city. G4172

Matthew 24:2 STRONG

And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 See ye G991 not G3756 all G3956 these things? G5023 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 There shall G863 not G3364 be left G863 here G5602 one stone G3037 upon G1909 another, G3037 that G3739 shall G2647 not G3364 be thrown down. G2647

Romans 11:7-11 STRONG

What G5101 then? G3767 Israel G2474 hath G2013 not G3756 obtained G2013 that G5127 which G3739 he seeketh for; G1934 but G1161 the election G1589 hath obtained it, G2013 and G1161 the rest G3062 were blinded G4456 (According as G2531 it is written, G1125 God G2316 hath given G1325 them G846 the spirit G4151 of slumber, G2659 eyes G3788 that they should G991 not G3361 see, G991 and G2532 ears G3775 that they should G191 not G3361 hear;) G191 unto G2193 this G4594 day. G2250 And G2532 David G1138 saith, G3004 Let G1096 their G846 table G5132 be made G1096 a snare, G1519 G3803 and G2532 a trap, G1519 G2339 and G2532 a stumblingblock, G1519 G4625 and G2532 a recompence G1519 G468 unto them: G846 Let G4654 their G846 eyes G3788 be darkened, G4654 that they may G991 not G3361 see, G991 and G2532 bow down G4781 their G846 back G3577 alway. G1275 I say G3004 then, G3767 G3361 Have they stumbled G4417 that G2443 they should fall? G4098 God forbid: G3361 G1096 but G235 rather through their G846 fall G3900 salvation G4991 is come unto the Gentiles, G1484 for to G1519 provoke G3863 them G846 to jealousy. G3863

Revelation 11:2 STRONG

But G2532 the court G833 which G3588 is without G1855 G2081 the temple G3485 leave G1544 out, G1854 and G2532 measure G3354 it G846 not; G3361 for G3754 it is given G1325 unto the Gentiles: G1484 and G2532 the holy G40 city G4172 shall they tread under foot G3961 forty G5062 and two G1417 months. G3376

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Leviticus 14

Commentary on Leviticus 14 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-32

Purification of the leper , after his recovery from his disease. As leprosy, regarded as a decomposition of the vital juices, and as putrefaction in a living body, was an image of death, and like this introduced the same dissolution and destruction of life into the corporeal sphere which sin introduced into the spiritual; and as the leper for this very reason as not only excluded from the fellowship of the sanctuary, but cut off from intercourse with the covenant nation which was called to sanctification: the man, when recovered from leprosy, was first of all to be received into the fellowship of the covenant nation by a significant rite of purification, and then again to be still further inducted into living fellowship with Jehovah in His sanctuary. Hence the purification prescribed was divided into two acts, separated from one another by an interval of seven days.

Leviticus 14:2-8

The first act (Leviticus 14:2-8) set forth the restoration of the man, who had been regarded as dead, into the fellowship of the living members of the covenant nation, and was therefore performed by the priest outside the camp.

Leviticus 14:2-4

On the day of his purification the priest was to examine the leper outside the camp; and if he found the leprosy cured and gone ( מן נרפּא , const. praegnans , healed away from, i.e., healed and gone away from), he was to send for (lit., order them to fetch or bring) two living ( חיּות , with all the fulness of their vital power) birds (without any precise direction as to the kind, not merely sparrows), and (a piece of) cedar-wood and coccus (probably scarlet wool, or a little piece of scarlet cloth), and hyssop (see at Exodus 12:22).

Leviticus 14:5-7

The priest was to have one of the birds killed into an earthen vessel upon fresh water (water drawn from a fountain or brook, Leviticus 15:13; Genesis 26:19), that is to say, slain in such a manner that its blood should flow into the fresh water which was in a vessel, and should mix with it. He was then to take the (other) live bird, together with the cedar-wood, scarlet, and hyssop, and dip them (these accompaniments) along with the bird into the blood of the one which had been killed over the water. With this the person cured of leprosy was to be sprinkled seven times (see Leviticus 4:6) and purified; after which the living bird was to be “let loose upon the face of the field,” i.e., to be allowed to fly away into the open country. The two birds were symbols of the person to be cleansed. The one let loose into the open country is regarded by all the commentators as a symbolical representation of the fact, that the former leper was now imbued with new vital energy, and released from the fetters of his disease, and could now return in liberty again into the fellowship of his countrymen. But if this is established, the other must also be a symbol of the leper; and just as in the second the essential point in the symbol was its escape to the open country, in the first the main point must have been its death. Not, however, in this sense, that it was a figurative representation of the previous condition of the leper; but that, although it was no true sacrifice, since there was no sprinkling of blood in connection with it, its bloody death was intended to show that the leper would necessarily have suffered death on account of his uncleanness, which reached to the very foundation of his life, if the mercy of God had not delivered him from this punishment of sin, and restored to him the full power and vigour of life again. The restitution of this full and vigorous life was secured to him symbolically, by his being sprinkled with the blood of the bird which was killed in is stead. But because his liability to death had assumed a bodily form in the uncleanness of leprosy, he was sprinkled not only with blood, but with the flowing water of purification into which the blood had flowed, and was thus purified from his mortal uncleanness. Whereas one of the birds, however, had to lay down its life, and shed its blood for the person to be cleansed, the other was made into a symbol of the person to be cleansed by being bathed in the mixture of blood and water; and its release, to return to its fellows and into its nest, represented his deliverance from the ban of death which rested upon leprosy, and his return to the fellowship of his own nation. This signification of the rite serves to explain not only the appointment of birds for the purpose, since free unfettered movement in all directions could not be more fittingly represented by anything than by birds, which are distinguished from all other animals by their freedom and rapidity of motion, but also the necessity for their being alive and clean, viz., to set forth the renewal of life and purification; also the addition of cedar-wood, scarlet wool, and hyssop, by which the life-giving power of the blood mixed with living (spring) water was to be still further strengthened. The cedar-wood, on account of its antiseptic qualities ( ἔχει ἄσηπτον ἡ κέδρος , Theodor. on Ezekiel 17:22), was a symbol of the continuance of life; the coccus colour, a symbol of freshness of life, or fulness of vital energy; and the hyssop ( βοτάνη ῥυπτική , herba humilis, medicinalis, purgandis pulmonibus apta: August . on Ps 51), a symbol of purification from the corruption of death. The sprinkling was performed seven times, because it referred to a readmission into the covenant, the stamp of which was seven; and it was made with a mixture of blood and fresh water, the blood signifying life, the water purification.

Leviticus 14:8

After this symbolical purification from the mortal ban of leprosy, the person cleansed had to purify himself bodily, by washing his clothes, shaving off all his hair - i.e., not merely the hair of his head and beard, but that of his whole body (cf. Leviticus 14:9), - and bathing in water; and he could then enter into the camp. But he had still to remain outside his tent for seven days, not only because he did not yet feel himself at home in the congregation, or because he was still to retain the consciousness that something else was wanting before he could be fully restored, but, as the Chaldee has explained it by adding the clause, et non accedat ad latus uxoris suae , that he might not defile himself again by conjugal rights, and so interrupt his preparation for readmission into fellowship with Jehovah.

Leviticus 14:9-12

The second act (Leviticus 14:9-20) effected his restoration to fellowship with Jehovah, and his admission to the sanctuary. It commenced on the seventh day after the first with a fresh purification; viz., shaving off all the hair from the head, the beard, the eyebrows - in fact, the whole body, - washing the clothes, and bathing the body. On the eighth day there followed a sacrificial expiation; and for this the person to be expiated was to bring two sheep without blemish, a ewe-lamb of a year old, three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil as a meat-offering, and a log (or one-twelfth of a hin, i.e., as much as six hens' eggs, or 15·62 Rhenish cubic inches) of oil; and the priest was to present him, together with these gifts, before Jehovah, i.e., before the altar of burnt-offering. The one lamb was then offered by the priest as a trespass-offering, together with the log of oil; and both of these were waves by him. By the waving, which did not take place on other occasions in connection with sin-offerings and trespass-offerings, the lamb and oil were transferred symbolically to the Lord; and by the fat that these sacrificial gifts represented the offerer, the person to be consecrated to the Lord by means of them was dedicated to His service again, just as the Levites were dedicated to the Lord by the ceremony of waving (Numbers 8:11, Numbers 8:15). But a trespass-offering was required as the consecration-offering, because the consecration itself served as a restoration to all the rights of the priestly covenant nation, which had been lost by the mortal ban of leprosy.

(Note: Others, e.g., Riehm and Oehler , regard this trespass-offering also as a kind of mulcta , or satisfaction rendered for the fact, that during the whole period of his sickness, and so long as he was excluded from the congregation, the leper had failed to perform his theocratical duties, and Jehovah had been injured in consequence. But if this was the idea upon which the trespass-offering was founded, the law would necessarily have required that trespass-offerings should be presented on the recovery of persons who had been affected with diseased secretions; for during the continuance of their disease, which often lasted a long time, even as much as 12 years (Luke 8:43), they were precluded from visiting the sanctuary or serving the Lord with sacrifices, because they were unclean, and therefore could not perform their theocratical duties.)

Leviticus 14:13-14

After the slaying of the lamb in the holy place, as the trespass-offering, like the sin-offering, was most holy and belonged to the priest (see at Leviticus 7:6), the priest put some of its blood upon the tip of the right ear, the right thumb, and the great toe of the right foot of the person to be consecrated, in order that the organ of hearing, with which he hearkened to the word of the Lord, and those used in acting and walking according to His commandments, might thereby be sanctified through the power of the atoning blood of the sacrifice; just as in the dedication of the priests (Leviticus 8:24).

Leviticus 14:15-18

The priest then poured some oil out of the log into the hollow of his left hand, and dipping the finger of his right hand in the oil, sprinkled it seven times before Jehovah, i.e., before the altar of burnt-offering, to consecrate the oil to God, and sanctify it for further use. With the rest of the oil he smeared the same organs of the person to be consecrated which he had already smeared with blood, placing it, in fact, “ upon the blood of the trespass-offering, ” i.e., upon the spots already touched with blood; he then poured the remainder upon the head of the person to be consecrated, and so made atonement for him before Jehovah. The priests were also anointed at their consecration, not only by the pouring of oil upon their head, but by the sprinkling of oil upon their garments (Leviticus 8:12, Leviticus 8:30). But in their case the anointing of their head preceded the consecration-offering, and holy anointing oil was used for the purpose. Here, on the contrary, it was ordinary oil, which the person to be consecrated had offered as a sacrificial gift; and this was first of all sanctified, therefore, by being sprinkled and poured upon the organs with which he was to serve the Lord, and then upon the head, which represented his personality. Just as the anointing oil, prepared according to divine directions, shadowed forth the power and gifts of the Spirit, with which God endowed the priests for their peculiar office in His kingdom; so the oil, which the leper about to be consecrated presented as a sacrifice out of his own resources, represented the spirit of life which he had received from God, and now possessed as his own. This property of his spirit was presented to the Lord by the priestly waving and sprinkling of the oil before Jehovah, to be pervaded and revived by His spirit of grace, and when so strengthened, to be not only applied to those organs of the person to be consecrated, with which he fulfilled the duties of his vocation as a member of the priestly nation of God, but also poured upon his head, to be fully appropriated to his person. And just as in the sacrifice the blood was the symbol of the soul, so in the anointing the oil was the symbol of the spirit. If, therefore, the soul was established in gracious fellowship with the Lord by being sprinkled with the atoning blood of sacrifice, the anointing with oil had reference to the spirit, which gives life to soul and body, and which was thereby endowed with the power of the Spirit of God. In this way the man cleansed from leprosy was reconciled to Jehovah, and reinstated in the covenant privileges and covenant grace.

Leviticus 14:19-20

It was not till all this had been done, that the priest could proceed to make expiation for him with the sin-offering, for which the ewe-lamb was brought, “on account of his uncleanness,” i.e., on account of the sin which still adhered to him as well as to all the other members of the covenant nation, and which had come outwardly to light in the uncleanness of his leprosy; after which he presented his burnt-offering and meat-offering, which embodied the sanctification of all his members to the service of the Lord, and the performance of works well-pleasing to Him. The sin-offering, burnt-offering, and meat-offering were therefore presented according to the general instructions, with this exception, that, as a representation of diligence in good works, a larger quantity of meal and oil was brought than the later law in Numbers 15:4 prescribed for the burnt-offering.

Leviticus 14:21-32

In cases of poverty on the part of the person to be consecrated, the burnt-offering and sin-offering were reduced to a pair of turtle-doves or young pigeons, and the meat-offering to a tenth of an ephah of meal and oil; but no diminution was allowed in the trespass-offering as the consecration-offering, since this was the conditio sine qua non of reinstatement in full covenant rights. On account of the importance of all the details of this law, every point is repeated a second time in Leviticus 14:21-32.

Verse 33-34

The law concerning the leprosy of houses was made known to Moses and Aaron, as intended for the time when Israel should have taken possession of Canaan and dwell in houses. As it was Jehovah who gave His people the land for a possession, so “putting the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of their possession” is also ascribed to Him (Leviticus 14:34), inasmuch as He held it over them, to remind the inhabitants of the house that they owed not only their bodies but also their dwelling-places to the Lord, and that they were to sanctify these to Him. By this expression, “ I put, ” the view which Knobel still regards as probable, viz., that the house-leprosy was only the transmission of human leprosy to the walls of the houses, is completely overthrown; not to mention the fact, that throughout the whole description there is not the slightest hint of any such transmission, but the inhabitants, on the contrary, are spoken of as clean, i.e., free from leprosy, and only those who went into the house, or slept in the house after it had been shut up as suspicious, are pronounced unclean (Leviticus 14:46, Leviticus 14:47), though even they are not said to have been affected with leprosy. The only thing that can be gathered from the signs mentioned in Leviticus 14:37 is, that the house-leprosy was an evil which calls to mind “the vegetable formations and braid-like structures that are found on mouldering walls and decaying walls, and which eat into them so as to produce a slight depression in the surface.”

(Note: Cf. Sommer (p. 220), who says, “The crust of many of these lichens is so marvellously thin, that they simply appear as coloured spots, for the most part circular, which gradually spread in a concentric form, and can be rubbed off like dust. Some species have a striking resemblance to eruptions upon the skin. There is one genus called spiloma (spots); and another very numerous genus bears the name of lepraria .”)

Verse 35-36

When the evil showed itself in a house, the owner was to send this message to the priest, “ A leprous evil has appeared in my house, ” and the priest, before entering to examine it, was to have the house cleared, lest everything in it should become unclean. Consequently, as what was in the house became unclean only when the priest had declared the house affected with leprosy, the reason for the defilement is not to be sought for in physical infection, but must have been of an ideal or symbolical kind.

Verses 37-42

If the leprous spot appeared in “ greenish or reddish depressions, which looked deeper than the wall, ” the priest was to shut up the house for seven days. If after that time he found that the mole had spread on the walls, he was to break out the stones upon which it appeared, and remove them to an unclean place outside the town, and to scrape the house all round inside, and throw the dust that was scraped off into an unclean place outside the town. He was then to put other stones in their place, and plaster the house with fresh mortar.

Verses 43-45

If the mole broke out again after this had taken place, it was a malicious leprosy, and the house was to be pulled down as unclean, whilst the stones, the wood, and the mortar were to be taken to an unclean place outside the town.

Verse 46-47

Whoever went into the house during the time that it was closed, became unclean till the evening and had to wash himself; but whoever slept or ate therein during this time, was to wash his clothes, and of course was unclean till the evening. אתו הסגּיר (Leviticus 14:46) may be a perfect tense, and a relative clause dependent upon ימי , or it may be an infinitive for הסגּיר as in Leviticus 14:43.

Verses 48-53

If the priest should find, however, that after the fresh plastering the mole had not appeared again, or spread (to other places), he was to pronounce the house clean, because the evil was cured, and (Leviticus 14:49-53) to perform the same rite of purification as was prescribed for the restoration of a man, who had been cured of leprosy, to the national community (Leviticus 14:4-7). The purpose was also the same, namely, to cleanse ( חטּא cleanse from sin) and make atonement for the house, i.e., to purify it from the uncleanness of sin which had appeared in the leprosy. For, although it is primarily in the human body that sin manifests itself, it spreads from man to the things which he touches, uses, inhabits, though without our being able to represent this spread as a physical contagion.

Verses 54-57

Leviticus 14:54-57 contain the concluding formula to ch. 13 and 14. The law of leprosy was given “to teach in the day of the unclean and the clean,” i.e., to give directions for the time when they would have to do with the clean and unclean.