Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 15 » Verse 20

Leviticus 15:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 And every thing that she lieth H7901 upon in her separation H5079 shall be unclean: H2930 every thing also that she sitteth H3427 upon shall be unclean. H2930

Cross Reference

Leviticus 15:4-9 STRONG

Every bed, H4904 whereon he lieth H7901 that hath the issue, H2100 is unclean: H2930 and every thing, H3627 whereon he sitteth, H3427 shall be unclean. H2930 And whosoever H376 toucheth H5060 his bed H4904 shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And he that sitteth H3427 on any thing H3627 whereon he sat H3427 that hath the issue H2100 shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And he that toucheth H5060 the flesh H1320 of him that hath the issue H2100 shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And if he that hath the issue H2100 spit H7556 upon him that is clean; H2889 then he shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And what saddle H4817 soever he rideth H7392 upon that hath the issue H2100 shall be unclean. H2930

Proverbs 2:16-19 STRONG

To deliver H5337 thee from the strange H2114 woman, H802 even from the stranger H5237 which flattereth H2505 with her words; H561 Which forsaketh H5800 the guide H441 of her youth, H5271 and forgetteth H7911 the covenant H1285 of her God. H430 For her house H1004 inclineth H7743 unto death, H4194 and her paths H4570 unto the dead. H7496 None that go H935 unto her return again, H7725 neither take they hold H5381 of the paths H734 of life. H2416

Proverbs 5:3-13 STRONG

For the lips H8193 of a strange woman H2114 drop H5197 as an honeycomb, H5317 and her mouth H2441 is smoother H2509 than oil: H8081 But her end H319 is bitter H4751 as wormwood, H3939 sharp H2299 as a twoedged H6310 sword. H2719 Her feet H7272 go down H3381 to death; H4194 her steps H6806 take hold H8551 on hell. H7585 Lest thou shouldest ponder H6424 the path H734 of life, H2416 her ways H4570 are moveable, H5128 that thou canst not know H3045 them. Hear H8085 me now therefore, O ye children, H1121 and depart H5493 not from the words H561 of my mouth. H6310 Remove H7368 thy way H1870 far H7368 from her, and come not nigh H7126 the door H6607 of her house: H1004 Lest thou give H5414 thine honour H1935 unto others, H312 and thy years H8141 unto the cruel: H394 Lest strangers H2114 be filled H7646 with thy wealth; H3581 and thy labours H6089 be in the house H1004 of a stranger; H5237 And thou mourn H5098 at the last, H319 when thy flesh H1320 and thy body H7607 are consumed, H3615 And say, H559 How have I hated H8130 instruction, H4148 and my heart H3820 despised H5006 reproof; H8433 And have not obeyed H8085 the voice H6963 of my teachers, H3384 nor inclined H5186 mine ear H241 to them that instructed H3925 me!

Proverbs 6:24 STRONG

To keep H8104 thee from the evil H7451 woman, H802 from the flattery H2513 of the tongue H3956 of a strange woman. H5237

Proverbs 6:35 STRONG

He will not regard H5375 H6440 any ransom; H3724 neither will he rest content, H14 though thou givest many H7235 gifts. H7810

Proverbs 7:10-27 STRONG

And, behold, there met H7125 him a woman H802 with the attire H7897 of an harlot, H2181 and subtil H5341 of heart. H3820 (She is loud H1993 and stubborn; H5637 her feet H7272 abide H7931 not in her house: H1004 Now H6471 is she without, H2351 now H6471 in the streets, H7339 and lieth in wait H693 at H681 every corner.) H6438 So she caught H2388 him, and kissed H5401 him, and with an impudent H5810 face H6440 said H559 unto him, I have peace H8002 offerings H2077 with me; this day H3117 have I payed H7999 my vows. H5088 Therefore came I forth H3318 to meet H7125 thee, diligently to seek H7836 thy face, H6440 and I have found H4672 thee. I have decked H7234 my bed H6210 with coverings H4765 of tapestry, with carved H2405 works, with fine linen H330 of Egypt. H4714 I have perfumed H5130 my bed H4904 with myrrh, H4753 aloes, H174 and cinnamon. H7076 Come, H3212 let us take our fill H7301 of love H1730 until the morning: H1242 let us solace H5965 ourselves with loves. H159 For the goodman H376 is not at home, H1004 he is gone H1980 a long H7350 journey: H1870 He hath taken H3947 a bag H6872 of money H3701 with him, H3027 and will come H935 home H1004 at the day H3117 appointed. H3677 With her much H7230 fair speech H3948 she caused him to yield, H5186 with the flattering H2506 of her lips H8193 she forced H5080 him. He goeth H1980 after H310 her straightway, H6597 as an ox H7794 goeth H935 to the slaughter, H2874 or as a fool H191 to the correction H4148 of the stocks; H5914 Till a dart H2671 strike H6398 through his liver; H3516 as a bird H6833 hasteth H4116 to the snare, H6341 and knoweth H3045 not that it is for his life. H5315 Hearken H8085 unto me now therefore, O ye children, H1121 and attend H7181 to the words H561 of my mouth. H6310 Let not thine heart H3820 decline H7847 to her ways, H1870 go not astray H8582 in her paths. H5410 For she hath cast down H5307 many H7227 wounded: H2491 yea, many strong H6099 men have been slain H2026 by her. Her house H1004 is the way H1870 to hell, H7585 going down H3381 to the chambers H2315 of death. H4194

Proverbs 9:13-18 STRONG

A foolish H3687 woman H802 is clamorous: H1993 she is simple, H6615 and H1077 knoweth H3045 nothing. H4100 For she sitteth H3427 at the door H6607 of her house, H1004 on a seat H3678 in the high places H4791 of the city, H7176 To call H7121 passengers H5674 H1870 who go right H3474 on their ways: H734 Whoso is simple, H6612 let him turn in H5493 hither: and as for him that wanteth H2638 understanding, H3820 she saith H559 to him, Stolen H1589 waters H4325 are sweet, H4985 and bread H3899 eaten in secret H5643 is pleasant. H5276 But he knoweth H3045 not that the dead H7496 are there; and that her guests H7121 are in the depths H6012 of hell. H7585

Proverbs 22:27 STRONG

If thou hast nothing to pay, H7999 why should he take away H3947 thy bed H4904 from under thee?

Ecclesiastes 7:26 STRONG

And I find H4672 more bitter H4751 than death H4194 the woman, H802 whose heart H3820 is snares H4685 and nets, H2764 and her hands H3027 as bands: H612 whoso pleaseth H2896 H6440 God H430 shall escape H4422 from her; but the sinner H2398 shall be taken H3920 by her.

1 Corinthians 15:33 STRONG

Be G4105 not G3361 deceived: G4105 evil G2556 communications G3657 corrupt G5351 good G5543 manners. G2239

Commentary on Leviticus 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 15:1-18. Uncleanness of Men.

2. When any man hath a running issue—This chapter describes other forms of uncleanness, the nature of which is sufficiently intelligible in the text without any explanatory comment. Being the effects of licentiousness, they properly come within the notice of the legislator, and the very stringent rules here prescribed, both for the separation of the person diseased and for avoiding contamination from anything connected with him, were well calculated not only to prevent contagion, but to discourage the excesses of licentious indulgence.

9. what saddle … he rideth upon that hath the issue shall be unclean—(See on Ge 31:34).

12. the vessel of earth, that he toucheth which hath the issue, shall be broken—It is thought that the pottery of the Israelites, like the earthenware jars in which the Egyptians kept their water, was unglazed and consequently porous, and that it was its porousness which, rendering it extremely liable to imbibe small particles of impure matter, was the reason why the vessel touched by an unclean person was ordered to be broken.

13, 14. then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing—Like a leprous person he underwent a week's probation, to make sure he was completely healed. Then with the sacrifices prescribed, the priest made an atonement for him, that is, offered the oblations necessary for the removal of his ceremonial defilement, as well as the typical pardon of his sins.

Le 15:19-33. Uncleanness of Women.

19. if a woman have an issue—Though this, like the leprosy, might be a natural affection, it was anciently considered contagious and entailed a ceremonial defilement which typified a moral impurity. This ceremonial defilement had to be removed by an appointed method of ceremonial expiation, and the neglect of it subjected any one to the guilt of defiling the tabernacle, and to death as the penalty of profane temerity.

31-33. Thus shall ye separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness—The divine wisdom was manifested in inspiring the Israelites with a profound reverence for holy things; and nothing was more suited to this purpose than to debar from the tabernacle all who were polluted by any kind of uncleanness, ceremonial as well as natural, mental as well as physical. The better to mark out that people as His family, His servants and priests, dwelling in the camp as in a holy place, consecrated by His presence and His tabernacle, He required of them complete purity, and did not allow them to come before Him when defiled, even by involuntary or secret impurities, as a want of respect due to His majesty. And when we bear in mind that God was training a people to live in His presence in some measure as priests devoted to His service, we shall not consider these rules for the maintenance of personal purity either too stringent or too minute (1Th 4:4).