Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 22 » Verse 21

Leviticus 22:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 And whosoever H376 offereth H7126 a sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings H8002 unto the LORD H3068 to accomplish H6381 his vow, H5088 or a freewill offering H5071 in beeves H1241 or sheep, H6629 it shall be perfect H8549 to be accepted; H7522 there shall be no blemish H3971 therein.

Cross Reference

Numbers 15:3 STRONG

And will make H6213 an offering by fire H801 unto the LORD, H3068 a burnt offering, H5930 or a sacrifice H2077 in performing H6381 a vow, H5088 or in a freewill offering, H5071 or in your solemn feasts, H4150 to make H6213 a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD, H3068 of the herd, H1241 or of the flock: H6629

Numbers 15:8 STRONG

And when thou preparest H6213 a bullock H1121 H1241 for a burnt offering, H5930 or for a sacrifice H2077 in performing H6381 a vow, H5088 or peace offerings H8002 unto the LORD: H3068

Leviticus 3:6 STRONG

And if his offering H7133 for a sacrifice H2077 of peace offering H8002 unto the LORD H3068 be of the flock; H6629 male H2145 or female, H5347 he shall offer H7126 it without blemish. H8549

Leviticus 3:1 STRONG

And if his oblation H7133 be a sacrifice H2077 of peace offering, H8002 if he offer H7126 it of the herd; H1241 whether it be a male H2145 or female, H5347 he shall offer H7126 it without blemish H8549 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Deuteronomy 23:21-23 STRONG

When thou shalt vow H5087 a vow H5088 unto the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 thou shalt not slack H309 to pay H7999 it: for the LORD H3068 thy God H430 will surely H1875 require H1875 it of thee; and it would be sin H2399 in thee. But if thou shalt forbear H2308 to vow, H5087 it shall be no sin H2399 in thee. That which is gone out H4161 of thy lips H8193 thou shalt keep H8104 and perform; H6213 even a freewill offering, H5071 according as thou hast vowed H5087 unto the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which thou hast promised H1696 with thy mouth. H6310

Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 STRONG

When thou vowest H5087 a vow H5088 unto God, H430 defer H309 not to pay H7999 it; for he hath no pleasure H2656 in fools: H3684 pay H7999 that which thou hast vowed. H5087 Better H2896 is it that thou shouldest not vow, H5087 than that thou shouldest vow H5087 and not pay. H7999

Genesis 28:20 STRONG

And Jacob H3290 vowed H5087 a vow, H5088 saying, H559 If God H430 will be with me, and will keep me H8104 in this way H1870 that I go, H1980 and will give H5414 me bread H3899 to eat, H398 and raiment H899 to put on, H3847

Genesis 35:1-3 STRONG

And God H430 said H559 unto Jacob, H3290 Arise, H6965 go up H5927 to Bethel, H1008 and dwell H3427 there: and make H6213 there an altar H4196 unto God, H410 that appeared H7200 unto thee when thou fleddest H1272 from the face H6440 of Esau H6215 thy brother. H251 Then Jacob H3290 said H559 unto his household, H1004 and to all that were with him, Put away H5493 the strange H5236 gods H430 that are among you, H8432 and be clean, H2891 and change H2498 your garments: H8071 And let us arise, H6965 and go up H5927 to Bethel; H1008 and I will make H6213 there an altar H4196 unto God, H410 who answered H6030 me in the day H3117 of my distress, H6869 and was with me in the way H1870 which I went. H1980

Leviticus 7:11-38 STRONG

And this is the law H8451 of the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings, H8002 which he shall offer H7126 unto the LORD. H3068 If he offer H7126 it for a thanksgiving, H8426 then he shall offer H7126 with the sacrifice H2077 of thanksgiving H8426 unleavened H4682 cakes H2471 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 and unleavened H4682 wafers H7550 anointed H4886 with oil, H8081 and cakes H2471 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 of fine flour, H5560 fried. H7246 Besides the cakes, H2471 he shall offer H7126 for his offering H7133 leavened H2557 bread H3899 with the sacrifice H2077 of thanksgiving H8426 of his peace offerings. H8002 And of it he shall offer H7126 one H259 out of the whole oblation H7133 for an heave offering H8641 unto the LORD, H3068 and it shall be the priest's H3548 that sprinkleth H2236 the blood H1818 of the peace offerings. H8002 And the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 of his peace offerings H8002 for thanksgiving H8426 shall be eaten H398 the same day H3117 that it is offered; H7133 he shall not leave H3240 any of it until the morning. H1242 But if the sacrifice H2077 of his offering H7133 be a vow, H5088 or a voluntary offering, H5071 it shall be eaten H398 the same day H3117 that he offereth H7126 his sacrifice: H2077 and on the morrow H4283 also the remainder H3498 of it shall be eaten: H398 But the remainder H3498 of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 on the third H7992 day H3117 shall be burnt H8313 with fire. H784 And if any of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 of his peace offerings H8002 be eaten H398 at all H398 on the third H7992 day, H3117 it shall not be accepted, H7521 neither shall it be imputed H2803 unto him that offereth H7126 it: it shall be an abomination, H6292 and the soul H5315 that eateth H398 of it shall bear H5375 his iniquity. H5771 And the flesh H1320 that toucheth H5060 any unclean H2931 thing shall not be eaten; H398 it shall be burnt H8313 with fire: H784 and as for the flesh, H1320 all that be clean H2889 shall eat H398 thereof. But the soul H5315 that eateth H398 of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings, H8002 that pertain unto the LORD, H3068 having his uncleanness H2932 upon him, even that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from his people. H5971 Moreover the soul H5315 that shall touch H5060 any unclean H2932 thing, as the uncleanness H2932 of man, H120 or any unclean H2931 beast, H929 or any abominable H8263 unclean H2931 thing, and eat H398 of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings, H8002 which pertain unto the LORD, H3068 even that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from his people. H5971 And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 Ye shall eat H398 no manner of fat, H2459 of ox, H7794 or of sheep, H3775 or of goat. H5795 And the fat H2459 of the beast that dieth of itself, H5038 and the fat H2459 of that which is torn with beasts, H2966 may be used H6213 in any other use: H4399 but ye shall in no wise H398 eat H398 of it. For whosoever eateth H398 the fat H2459 of the beast, H929 of which men offer H7126 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD, H3068 even the soul H5315 that eateth H398 it shall be cut off H3772 from his people. H5971 Moreover ye shall eat H398 no manner of blood, H1818 whether it be of fowl H5775 or of beast, H929 in any of your dwellings. H4186 Whatsoever soul H5315 it be that eateth H398 any manner H3605 of blood, H1818 even that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from his people. H5971 And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 He that offereth H7126 the sacrifice H2077 of his peace offerings H8002 unto the LORD H3068 shall bring H935 his oblation H7133 unto the LORD H3068 of the sacrifice H2077 of his peace offerings. H8002 His own hands H3027 shall bring H935 the offerings H801 of the LORD H3068 made by fire, H801 the fat H2459 with the breast, H2373 it shall he bring, H935 that the breast H2373 may be waved H5130 for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 And the priest H3548 shall burn H6999 the fat H2459 upon the altar: H4196 but the breast H2373 shall be Aaron's H175 and his sons'. H1121 And the right H3225 shoulder H7785 shall ye give H5414 unto the priest H3548 for an heave offering H8641 of the sacrifices H2077 of your peace offerings. H8002 He among the sons H1121 of Aaron, H175 that offereth H7126 the blood H1818 of the peace offerings, H8002 and the fat, H2459 shall have the right H3225 shoulder H7785 for his part. H4490 For the wave H8573 breast H2373 and the heave H8641 shoulder H7785 have I taken H3947 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from off the sacrifices H2077 of their peace offerings, H8002 and have given H5414 them unto Aaron H175 the priest H3548 and unto his sons H1121 by a statute H2706 for ever H5769 from among the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 This is the portion of the anointing H4888 of Aaron, H175 and of the anointing H4888 of his sons, H1121 out of the offerings H801 of the LORD H3068 made by fire, H801 in the day H3117 when he presented H7126 them to minister unto the LORD H3068 in the priest's office; H3547 Which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to be given H5414 them of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 in the day H3117 that he anointed H4886 them, by a statute H2708 for ever H5769 throughout their generations. H1755 This is the law H8451 of the burnt offering, H5930 of the meat offering, H4503 and of the sin offering, H2403 and of the trespass offering, H817 and of the consecrations, H4394 and of the sacrifice H2077 of the peace offerings; H8002 Which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses H4872 in mount H2022 Sinai, H5514 in the day H3117 that he commanded H6680 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 to offer H7126 their oblations H7133 unto the LORD, H3068 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai. H5514

Psalms 50:14 STRONG

Offer H2076 unto God H430 thanksgiving; H8426 and pay H7999 thy vows H5088 unto the most High: H5945

Proverbs 7:14 STRONG

I have peace H8002 offerings H2077 with me; this day H3117 have I payed H7999 my vows. H5088

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Leviticus 22

Commentary on Leviticus 22 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-16

Reverence for Things Sanctified. - The law on this matter was, (1) that no priest who had become unclean was to touch or eat them (Leviticus 22:2-9), and (2) that no one was to eat them who was not a member of a priestly family (Leviticus 22:10-16).

Leviticus 22:2-3

Aaron and his sons were to keep away from the holy gifts of the children of Israel, which they consecrated to Jehovah, that they might not profane the holy name of Jehovah by defiling them הנּזר with מן to keep away, separate one's self from anything, i.e., not to regard or treat them as on a par with unconsecrated things. The words, “ which they sanctify to Me, ” are a supplementary apposition, added as a more precise definition of the “holy things of the children of Israel;” as the expression “holy things” was applied to the holy objects universally, including the furniture of the tabernacle. Here, however, the reference is solely to the holy offerings or gifts, which were not placed upon the altar, but presented to the Lord as heave-offerings and wave-offerings, and assigned by Him to the priests as the servants of His house, for their maintenance (Numbers 18:11-19, Numbers 18:26-29). None of the descendants of Aaron were to approach these gifts, which were set apart for them, - i.e., to touch them either for the purpose of eating, or making them ready for eating, - whilst any uncleanness was upon them, on pain of extermination.

Leviticus 22:4-5

No leper was to touch them (see Leviticus 13:2), or person with gonorrhaea (Leviticus 15:2), until he was clean; no one who had touched a person defiled by a corpse (Leviticus 19:28; Numbers 19:22), or whose seed had gone from him (Leviticus 15:16, Leviticus 15:18); and no one who had touched an unclean creeping animal, or an unclean man. טמאתו לכל , as in Leviticus 5:3, a closer definition of לו יטמא אשׁר , “who is unclean to him with regard to (on account of) any uncleanness which he may have.”

Leviticus 22:6-7

A soul which touches it, ” i.e., any son of Aaron, who had touched either an unclean person or thing, was to be unclean till the evening, and then bathe his body; after sunset, i.e., when the day was over, he became clean, and could eat of the sanctified things, for they were his food.

Leviticus 22:8-9

In this connection the command given to all the Israelites, not to eat anything that had fallen down dead or been torn in pieces (Leviticus 17:15-16), is repeated with special reference to the priests. (On. Leviticus 22:9, see Leviticus 8:35; Leviticus 18:30, and Leviticus 19:17). יחלּלהוּ , “because they have defiled it (the sanctified thing).”

Leviticus 22:10-16

No stranger was to eat a sanctified thing. זר is in general the non-priest, then any person who was not fully incorporated into a priestly family, e.g., a visitor or day-labourer (cf. Exodus 12:49), who were neither of them members of his family.

Leviticus 22:11

On the other hand, slaves bought for money, or born in the house, became members of his family and lived upon his bread; they were therefore allowed to eat of that which was sanctified along with him, since the slaves were, in fact, formally incorporated into the nation by circumcision (Genesis 17:12-13).

Leviticus 22:12-13

So again the daughter of a priest, if she became a widow, or was put away by her husband, and returned childless to her father's house, and became a member of his family again, just as in the days of her youth, might eat of the holy things. But if she had any children, then after the death of her husband, or after her divorce, she formed with them a family of her own, which could not be incorporated into the priesthood, of course always supposing that her husband was not a priest.

Leviticus 22:14-16

But if any one (i.e., a layman) should eat unawares of that which was sanctified, he was to bring it, i.e., an equivalent for it, with the addition of a fifth as a compensation for the priest; like a man who had sinned by unfaithfulness in relation to that which was sanctified (Leviticus 5:16). - In the concluding exhortation in Leviticus 22:15 and Leviticus 22:16, the subject to יחלּלוּ (profane) and השּׂאוּ (bear) is indefinite, and the passage to be rendered thus: “ They are not to profane the sanctified gifts of the children of Israel, what they heave for the Lord (namely, by letting laymen eat of them), and are to cause them ( the laymen ) who do this unawares to bear a trespass-sin (by imposing the compensation mentioned in Leviticus 22:14), if they eat their (the priests') sanctified gifts .” Understood in this way, both verses furnish a fitting conclusion to the section Leviticus 22:10-14. On the other hand, according to the traditional interpretation of these verses, the priesthood is regarded as the subject of the first verb, and a negative supplied before the second. Both of these are arbitrary and quite indefensible, because Leviticus 22:10-14 do not refer to the priests but to laymen, and in the latter case we should expect אליהם ישׂאוּ רלא (cf. Leviticus 22:9) instead of the unusual אותם השּׂאוּ .

Verses 17-20

Acceptable Sacrifices. - Leviticus 22:18-20. Every sacrifice offered to the Lord by an Israelite or foreigner, in consequence of a vow or as a freewill-offering (cf. Leviticus 7:16), was to be faultless and male, “for good pleasure to the offerer” (cf. Leviticus 1:3), i.e., to secure for him the good pleasure of God. An animal with a fault would not be acceptable.

Verse 21-22

Every peace-offering was also to be faultless, whether brought “to fulfil a special (important) vow” (cf. Numbers 15:3, Numbers 15:8 : פּלּא , from פּלא to be great, distinguished, wonderful), or as a freewill gift; that is to say, it was to be free from such faults as blindness, or a broken limb (from lameness therefore: Deuteronomy 15:21), or cutting (i.e., mutilation, answering to חרוּם Leviticus 21:18), or an abscess ( יבּלת , from יבל to flow, probably a flowing suppurating abscess).

Verse 23

As a voluntary peace-offering they might indeed offer an ox or sheep that was רקלוּט שׂרוּע , “stretched out and drawn together,” i.e., with the whole body or certain limbs either too large or too small;

(Note: In explanation of these words Knobel very properly remarks, that with the Greeks the sacrificial animal was required to be ἀφελής ( Pollux i. 1, 26), upon which Hesychius observes, μήτε πλεονάζων μήτε δέων τι τοῦ σώματος .)

but such an animal could not be acceptable as a votive offering.

Verse 24

Castrated animals were not to be sacrificed, nor in fact to be kept in the land at all. מעוּך compressus , θλιβίας , an animal with the stones crushed; כּתוּת contusus , θλασίας , with them beaten to pieces; נתוּק avulsus , σπάδων , with them twisted off; כּרוּי excisus , τομίας or ἐκτομίας , with them cut off. In all these different ways was the operation performed among the ancients (cf . Aristot. hist. an. ix. 37, 3; Colum . vi. 26, vii. 11; Pallad . vi. 7). “And in your land ye shall not make,” sc., וגו מעוּך , i.e., castrated animals, that is to say, “not castrate animals.” This explanation, which is the one given by Josephus ( Ant . iv. 8, 40) and all the Rabbins, is required by the expression “in your land,” which does not at all suit the interpretation adopted by Clericus and Knobel , who understand by עשׂה the preparation of sacrifices, for sacrifices were never prepared outside the land. The castration of animals is a mutilation of God's creation, and the prohibition of it was based upon the same principle as that of mixing heterogeneous things in Leviticus 19:19.

Verse 25-26

Again, the Israelites were not to accept any one of all these, i.e., the faulty animals described, as sacrifice from a foreigner. “ For their corruption is in them, ” i.e., something corrupt, a fault, adheres to them; so that such offerings could not procure good pleasure towards them. - In Leviticus 22:26-30 three laws are given of a similar character.

Verse 27

A young ox, sheep, or goat was to be seven days under its mother, and could only be sacrificed from the eighth day onwards, according to the rule laid down in Exodus 22:29 with regard to the first-born. The reason for this was, that the young animal had not attained to a mature and self-sustained life during the first week of its existence.

(Note: For this reason the following rule was also laid down by the Romans: Suis faetus sacrificio die quinto purus est, pecoris die octavo, bovis tricesimo (Plin. h. n. 8, 51).)

This maturity was not reached till after the lapse of a week, that period of time sanctified by the creation. There is no rule laid down in the law respecting the age up to which an animal was admissible in sacrifice. Bullocks , i.e., steers or young oxen of more than a year old, are frequently mentioned and prescribed for the festal sacrifices (for the young ox of less than a year old is called עגל ; Leviticus 9:3), viz., as burnt-offerings in Leviticus 23:18; Numbers 7:15, Numbers 7:21, Numbers 7:27, Numbers 7:33, Numbers 7:39.; Numbers 8:8; Numbers 15:24; Numbers 28:11, Numbers 28:19, Numbers 28:27; Numbers 29:2, Numbers 29:8, and as sin-offerings in Leviticus 4:3, Leviticus 4:14; Leviticus 16:3; - sheep (lambs) of one year old are also prescribed as burnt-offerings in Leviticus 9:3; Leviticus 12:6; Leviticus 23:12; Exodus 29:38; Numbers 6:14; Numbers 7:17, Numbers 7:21, Numbers 7:27, Numbers 7:33, Numbers 7:39., Numbers 28:3, Numbers 28:9, Numbers 28:19, Numbers 28:27; Numbers 29:2, Numbers 29:8, Numbers 29:13, Numbers 29:17., as peace-offerings in Numbers 7:17, Numbers 7:23; Numbers 29:35., and as trespass-offerings in Numbers 6:12; also a yearling ewe as a sin-offering in Leviticus 14:10 and Numbers 6:14, and a yearling goat in Numbers 15:27. They generally brought older oxen or bullocks for peace-offerings (Numbers 7:17; Numbers 23:29.), and sometimes as burnt-offerings. In Judges 6:25 an ox of seven years old is said to have been brought as a burnt-offering; and there can be no doubt that the goats and rams presented as sin-offerings and trespass-offerings were more than a year old.

Verses 28-30

The command not to kill an ox or sheep at the same time as its young is related to the law in Exodus 23:19 and Deuteronomy 22:6-7, and was intended to lay it down as a duty on the part of the Israelites to keep sacred the relation which God had established between parent and offspring. - In Leviticus 22:29, Leviticus 22:30, the command to eat the flesh of the animal on the day on which it was offered (Leviticus 7:15; Leviticus 19:5-6) is repeated with special reference to the praise-offering.

Verses 31-33

Concluding exhortation, as in Leviticus 18:29; Leviticus 19:37. (On Leviticus 22:32, cf. Leviticus 18:21 and Leviticus 11:44-45.)