Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 3 » Verse 13

Leviticus 3:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 And he shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of it, and kill H7819 it before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 shall sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 thereof upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439

Cross Reference

Leviticus 3:8 STRONG

And he shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of his offering, H7133 and kill H7819 it before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and Aaron's H175 sons H1121 shall sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 thereof round about H5439 upon the altar. H4196

Leviticus 3:1-5 STRONG

And if his oblation H7133 be a sacrifice H2077 of peace offering, H8002 if he offer H7126 it of the herd; H1241 whether it be a male H2145 or female, H5347 he shall offer H7126 it without blemish H8549 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 And he shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of his offering, H7133 and kill H7819 it at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and Aaron's H175 sons H1121 the priests H3548 shall sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439 And he shall offer H7126 of the sacrifice H2077 of the peace offering H8002 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD; H3068 the fat H2459 that covereth H3680 the inwards, H7130 and all the fat H2459 that is upon the inwards, H7130 And the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and the fat H2459 that is on them, which is by the flanks, H3689 and the caul H3508 above the liver, H3516 with the kidneys, H3629 it shall he take away. H5493 And Aaron's H175 sons H1121 shall burn H6999 it on the altar H4196 upon the burnt sacrifice, H5930 which is upon the wood H6086 that is on the fire: H784 it is an offering made by fire, H801 of a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD. H3068

Isaiah 52:15 STRONG

So shall he sprinkle H5137 many H7227 nations; H1471 the kings H4428 shall shut H7092 their mouths H6310 at him: for that which had not been told H5608 them shall they see; H7200 and that which they had not heard H8085 shall they consider. H995

Isaiah 53:6 STRONG

All we like sheep H6629 have gone astray; H8582 we have turned H6437 every one H376 to his own way; H1870 and the LORD H3068 hath laid H6293 on him the iniquity H5771 of us all.

Isaiah 53:11-12 STRONG

He shall see H7200 of the travail H5999 of his soul, H5315 and shall be satisfied: H7646 by his knowledge H1847 shall my righteous H6662 servant H5650 justify H6663 many; H7227 for he shall bear H5445 their iniquities. H5771 Therefore will I divide H2505 him a portion with the great, H7227 and he shall divide H2505 the spoil H7998 with the strong; H6099 because he hath poured out H6168 his soul H5315 unto death: H4194 and he was numbered H4487 with the transgressors; H6586 and he bare H5375 the sin H2399 of many, H7227 and made intercession H6293 for the transgressors. H6586

Romans 5:6-11 STRONG

For G1063 when we G2257 were G5607 yet G2089 without strength, G772 in due G2596 time G2540 Christ G5547 died G599 for G5228 the ungodly. G765 For G1063 scarcely G3433 for G5228 a righteous man G1342 will G599 one G5100 die: G599 yet G1063 peradventure G5029 for G5228 a good man G18 some G5100 would G5111 even G2532 dare G5111 to die. G599 But G1161 God G2316 commendeth G4921 his G1438 love G26 toward G1519 us, G2248 in that, G3754 while we G2257 were G5607 yet G2089 sinners, G268 Christ G5547 died G599 for G5228 us. G2257 Much G4183 more G3123 then, G3767 being G1344 now G3568 justified G1344 by G1722 his G846 blood, G129 we shall be saved G4982 from G575 wrath G3709 through G1223 him. G846 For G1063 if, G1487 when we were G5607 enemies, G2190 we were reconciled G2644 to God G2316 by G1223 the death G2288 of his G846 Son, G5207 much G4183 more, G3123 being reconciled, G2644 we shall be saved G4982 by G1722 his G846 life. G2222 And G1161 not G3756 only G3440 so, but G235 we also G2532 joy G2744 in G1722 God G2316 through G1223 our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 by G1223 whom G3739 we have G2983 now G3568 received G2983 the atonement. G2643

Romans 5:15-21 STRONG

But G235 not G3756 as G5613 the offence, G3900 so G3779 also G2532 is the free gift. G5486 For G1063 if G1487 through the offence G3900 of one G1520 many G4183 be dead, G599 much G4183 more G3123 the grace G5485 of God, G2316 and G2532 the gift G1431 by G1722 grace, G5485 which is G3588 by one G1520 man, G444 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 hath abounded G4052 unto G1519 many. G4183 And G2532 not G3756 as G5613 it was by G1223 one G1520 that sinned, G264 so is the gift: G1434 for G1063 G3303 the judgment G2917 was by G1537 one G1520 to G1519 condemnation, G2631 but G1161 the free gift G5486 is of G1537 many G4183 offences G3900 unto G1519 justification. G1345 For G1063 if G1487 by one man's G1520 offence G3900 death G2288 reigned G936 by G1223 one; G1520 much G4183 more G3123 they which receive G2983 abundance G4050 of grace G5485 and G2532 of the gift G1431 of righteousness G1343 shall reign G936 in G1722 life G2222 by G1223 one, G1520 Jesus G2424 Christ.) G5547 Therefore G686 G3767 as G5613 by G1223 the offence G3900 of one G1520 judgment came upon G1519 all G3956 men G444 to G1519 condemnation; G2631 even G2532 so G3779 by G1223 the righteousness G1345 of one G1520 the free gift came upon G1519 all G3956 men G444 unto G1519 justification G1347 of life. G2222 For G1063 as G5618 by G1223 one G1520 man's G444 disobedience G3876 many G4183 were made G2525 sinners, G268 so G3779 G2532 by G1223 the obedience G5218 of one G1520 shall G2525 many G4183 be made G2525 righteous. G1342 Moreover G1161 the law G3551 entered, G3922 that G2443 the offence G3900 might abound. G4121 But G1161 where G3757 sin G266 abounded, G4121 grace G5485 did much more abound: G5248 That G2443 as G5618 sin G266 hath reigned G936 unto G1722 death, G2288 even G2532 so G3779 might G936 grace G5485 reign G936 through G1223 righteousness G1343 unto G1519 eternal G166 life G2222 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Lord. G2962

2 Corinthians 5:21 STRONG

For G1063 he hath made G4160 him to be sin G266 for G5228 us, G2257 who G3588 knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that G2443 we G2249 might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in G1722 him. G846

Hebrews 12:24 STRONG

And G2532 to Jesus G2424 the mediator G3316 of the new G3501 covenant, G1242 and G2532 to the blood G129 of sprinkling, G4473 that speaketh G2980 better things G2909 than G3844 that of Abel. G6

1 Peter 1:2 STRONG

Elect G1588 according G2596 to the foreknowledge G4268 of God G2316 the Father, G3962 through G1722 sanctification G38 of the Spirit, G4151 unto G1519 obedience G5218 and G2532 sprinkling G4473 of the blood G129 of Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547 Grace G5485 unto you, G5213 and G2532 peace, G1515 be multiplied. G4129

1 Peter 2:24 STRONG

Who G3739 his own self G846 bare G399 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 body G4983 on G1909 the tree, G3586 that G2443 we, G2198 being dead G581 to sins, G266 should live G2198 unto righteousness: G1343 by G3739 whose G846 stripes G3468 ye were healed. G2390

1 Peter 3:18 STRONG

For G3754 Christ G5547 also G2532 hath once G530 suffered G3958 for G4012 sins, G266 the just G1342 for G5228 the unjust, G94 that G2443 he might bring G4317 us G2248 to God, G2316 being put to death G2289 G3303 in the flesh, G4561 but G1161 quickened G2227 by the Spirit: G4151

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Leviticus 3

Commentary on Leviticus 3 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

The Peace-Offerings. - The third kind of sacrifice is called שׁלמים זבח , commonly rendered thank-offering, but more correctly a saving-offering ( Heilsopfer: Angl. peace-offering). Besides this fuller form, which is the one most commonly employed in Leviticus, we meet with the abbreviated forms זבחים and שׁלמים : e.g., זבח in Leviticus 7:16-17; Leviticus 23:37, more especially in combination with עלה , Leviticus 17:8 cf. Exodus 10:25; Exodus 18:12; Numbers 15:3, Numbers 15:5; Deuteronomy 12:27; Joshua 22:27; 1 Samuel 6:15; 1 Samuel 15:22; 2 Kings 5:17; 2 Kings 10:24; Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 6:20; Jeremiah 7:21; Jeremiah 17:26, etc., - and שׁלמים in Leviticus 9:22; Exodus 20:24; Exodus 32:6; Deuteronomy 27:7; Joshua 8:31; Judges 20:26; Judges 21:4; 1 Samuel 13:9; 2 Samuel 6:17-18; 2 Samuel 24:25; 1 Kings 3:15, etc. זבח is derived from זבח , which is not applied to slaughtering generally ( שׁחט ), but, with the exception of Deuteronomy 12:15, where the use of זבח for slaughtering is occasioned by the retrospective reference to Leviticus 17:3-4, is always used for slaying as a sacrifice, or sacrificing; and even in 1 Samuel 28:24; Ezekiel 34:3 and Ezekiel 39:17, it is only used in a figurative sense. The real meaning, therefore, is sacrificial slaughtering, or slaughtered sacrifice. It is sometimes used in a wider sense, and applied to every kind of bleeding sacrifice (1 Samuel 1:21; 1 Samuel 2:19), especially in connection with minchah (1 Samuel 2:29; Psalms 40:7; Isaiah 19:21; Daniel 9:27, etc.); but it is mostly used in a more restricted sense, and applied to the peace-offerings, or slain offerings, which culminated in a sacrificial meal, as distinguished from the burnt and sin-offerings, in which case it is synonymous with שׁלמים or שׁלמים זבח . The word shelamim , the singular of which ( Shelem ) is only met with in Amos 5:22, is applied exclusively to these sacrifices, and is derived from שׁלם to be whole, uninjured. It does not mean “compensation or restitution,” for which we find the nouns שׁלּם (Deuteronomy 32:35), שׁלּוּם (Hosea 9:7), and שׁלּוּמה (Psalms 91:8), formed from the Piel שׁלּם , but integritas completa, pacifica, beata , answering to the Sept . rendering σωτήριον . The plural denotes the entire round of blessings and powers, by which the salvation or integrity of man in his relation to God is established and secured. The object of the shelamim was invariably salvation: sometimes they were offered as an embodiment of thanksgiving for salvation already received, sometimes as a prayer for the salvation desired; so that they embraced both supplicatory offerings and thank-offerings, and were offered even in times of misfortune, or on the day on which supplication was offered for the help of God (Judges 20:26; Judges 21:4; 1 Samuel 13:9; 2 Samuel 24:25).

(Note: Cf. Hengstenberg, Dissertations . Outram's explanation is quite correct: Sacrificia salutaria in sacris litteris shelamim dicta, ut quae semper de rebus prosperis fieri solerent, impetratis utique aut impetrandis .)

The law distinguishes three different kinds: praise-offerings, vow-offerings, and freewill-offerings (Leviticus 7:12, Leviticus 7:16). They were all restricted to oxen, sheep, and goats, either male or female, pigeons not being allowed, as they were always accompanied with a common sacrificial meal, for which a pair of pigeons did not suffice.

Leviticus 3:1-2

In the act of sacrificing, the presentation of the animal before Jehovah, the laying on of hands, the slaughtering, and the sprinkling of the blood were the same as in the case of the burnt-offering (Leviticus 1:3-5). It was in the application of the flesh that the difference first appeared.

Leviticus 3:3-4

The person presenting the sacrifice was to offer as a firing for Jehovah, first , “the fat which covered the entrails” (Leviticus 1:9), i.e., the large net which stretches from the stomach over the bowels and completely envelopes the latter, and which is only met with in the case of men and the mammalia generally, and in the ruminant animals abounds with fat; secondly , “all the fat on the entrails,” i.e., the fat attached to the intestines, which could easily be peeled off; thirdly , “the two kidneys, and the fat upon them (and) that upon the loins ( הכּסלים ), i.e., upon the inner muscles of the loins, or in the region of the kidneys; and fourthly , “the net upon the liver.” The net ( היּתרת ) upon ( על Leviticus 3:4, Leviticus 3:10, Leviticus 3:15; Leviticus 4:9; Leviticus 7:4; Exodus 29:13), or from ( מן Leviticus 9:10), or of the liver (Leviticus 8:16, Leviticus 8:25; Leviticus 9:19; Exodus 29:22), cannot be the large lobe of the liver, ὁ λοβὸς τοῦ ἥπατος (lxx), because this is part of the liver itself, and does not lie על־כּבד over (upon) the liver; nor is it simply a portion of fat, but the small net (omentum minus), the liver-net, or stomach-net ( recticulum jecoris; Vulg., Luth., De Wette, and Knobel ), which commences at the division between the right and left lobes of the liver, and stretches on the one side across the stomach, and on the other to the region of the kidneys. Hence the clause, “on the kidneys (i.e., by them, as far as it reaches) shall he take it away.” This smaller net is delicate, but not so fat as the larger net; though it still forms part of the fat portions. The word יתרת , which only occurs in the passages quoted, is to be explained from the Arabic and Ethiopic (to stretch over, to stretch out), whence also the words יתר a cord (Judges 16:7; Psalms 11:2), and מיתר the bow-string (Psalms 21:13) or extended tent-ropes (Exodus 35:18), are derived. The four portions mentioned comprehended all the separable fat in the inside of the sacrificial animal. Hence they were also designated “all the fat” of the sacrifice (Leviticus 3:16; Leviticus 4:8, Leviticus 4:19, Leviticus 4:26, Leviticus 4:31, Leviticus 4:35; Leviticus 7:3), or briefly “the fat” ( החלב Leviticus 3:9; Leviticus 7:33; Leviticus 16:25; Leviticus 17:6; Numbers 18:17), “the fat portions” ( החלבים Leviticus 6:5; Leviticus 8:26; Leviticus 9:19-20, Leviticus 9:24; Leviticus 10:15).

Leviticus 3:5

This fat the priests were to burn upon the altar, over the burnt sacrifice, on the pieces of wood upon the fire. על־העלה does not mean “in the manner or style of the burnt-offering” ( Knobel ), but “upon (over) the burnt-offering.” For apart from the fact that על cannot be shown to have this meaning, the peace-offering was preceded as a rule by the burnt-offering. At any rate it was always preceded by the daily burnt-offering, which burned, if not all day, at all events the whole of the forenoon, until it was quite consumed; so that the fat portions of the peace-offerings were to be laid upon the burnt-offering which was burning already. That this is the meaning of על־העלה is placed beyond all doubt, both by Leviticus 6:5, where the priest is directed to burn wood every morning upon the fire of the altar, and then to place the burnt-offering upon it ( עליה ), and upon that to cause the fat portions of the peace-offerings to evaporate in smoke, and also by Leviticus 9:14, where Aaron is said first of all to have burned the flesh and head of the burnt-offering upon the altar, then to have washed the entrails and legs of the animal, and burned them on the altar, העלה על , i.e., upon (over) the portions of the burnt-offering that were burning already.

Verses 6-17

The same rules apply to the peace-offerings of sheep and goats, except that, in addition to the fat portions, which were to be burned upon the altar in the case of the oxen (Leviticus 3:3, Leviticus 3:4) and goats (Leviticus 3:14, Leviticus 3:15), the fat tail of the sheep was to be consumed as well. תמימה האליה : “ the fat tail whole ” (Leviticus 3:9), cauda ovilla vel arietina eaque crassa et adiposa; the same in Arabic ( Ges. thes. p. 102). The fat tails which the sheep have in Northern Africa and Egypt, also in Arabia, especially Southern Arabia, and Syria, often weigh 15 lbs. or more, and small carriages on wheels are sometimes placed under them to bear their weight (Sonnini, R. ii. p. 358; Bochart, Hieroz. i. pp. 556ff.). It consists of something between marrow and fat. Ordinary sheep are also found in Arabia and Syria; but in modern Palestine all the sheep are “of the broad-tailed species.” The broad part of the tail is an excresence of fat, from which the true tail hangs down (Robinson, Pal. ii. 166). “ Near the rump-bone shall he (the offerer) take it (the fat tail) away, ” i.e., separate it from the body. עצם , ἁπ. λεγ. , is, according to Saad ., os caudae s. coccygis , i.e., the rump or tail-bone, which passes over into the vertebrae of the tail (cf. Bochart , i. pp. 560-1). In Leviticus 3:11 and Leviticus 3:16 the fat portions which were burned are called “food of the firing for Jehovah,” or “food of the firing for a sweet savour,” i.e., food which served as a firing for Jehovah, or reached Jehovah by being burned; cf. Numbers 28:24, “food of the firing of a sweet savour for Jehovah.” Hence not only are the daily burnt-offerings and the burnt and sin-offerings of the different feasts called “food of Jehovah” (“My bread,” Numbers 28:2); but the sacrifices generally are described as “the food of God” (“the bread of their God,” Leviticus 21:6, Leviticus 21:8, Leviticus 21:17, Leviticus 21:21-22, and Leviticus 22:25), as food, that is, which Israel produced and caused to ascend to its God in fire as a sweet smelling savour. - Nothing is determined here with regard to the appropriation of the flesh of the peace-offerings, as their destination for a sacrificial meal was already known from traditional custom. The more minute directions for the meal itself are given in Lev 7:11-36, where the meaning of these sacrifices is more fully explained. - In Leviticus 3:17 (Leviticus 3:16) the general rule is added, “ all fat belongs to Jehovah, ” and the law, “ eat neither fat nor blood, ” is enforced as “ an eternal statute ” for the generations of Israel (see at Exodus 12:14, Exodus 12:24) in all their dwelling-places (see Exodus 10:23 and Exodus 12:20).