Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 3 » Verse 17

Leviticus 3:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 It shall be a perpetual H5769 statute H2708 for your generations H1755 throughout all your dwellings, H4186 that ye eat H398 neither fat H2459 nor blood. H1818

Cross Reference

Genesis 9:4 STRONG

But H389 flesh H1320 with the life H5315 thereof, which is the blood H1818 thereof, shall ye not eat. H398

Deuteronomy 15:23 STRONG

Only thou shalt not eat H398 the blood H1818 thereof; thou shalt pour H8210 it upon the ground H776 as water. H4325

Deuteronomy 12:23 STRONG

Only be sure H2388 that thou eat H398 not the blood: H1818 for the blood H1818 is the life; H5315 and thou mayest not eat H398 the life H5315 with the flesh. H1320

Deuteronomy 12:16 STRONG

Only ye shall not eat H398 the blood; H1818 ye shall pour H8210 it upon the earth H776 as water. H4325

Leviticus 17:7 STRONG

And they shall no more offer H2076 their sacrifices H2077 unto devils, H8163 after H310 whom they have gone a whoring. H2181 This shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 unto them throughout their generations. H1755

Leviticus 6:18 STRONG

All the males H2145 among the children H1121 of Aaron H175 shall eat H398 of it. It shall be a statute H2706 for ever H5769 in your generations H1755 concerning the offerings H801 of the LORD H3068 made by fire: H801 every one that toucheth H5060 them shall be holy. H6942

Acts 15:29 STRONG

That ye abstain G567 from meats offered to idols, G1494 and G2532 from blood, G129 and G2532 from things strangled, G4156 and G2532 from fornication: G4202 from G1537 which G3739 if ye keep G1301 yourselves, G1438 ye shall do G4238 well. G2095 Fare ye well. G4517

Matthew 26:28 STRONG

For G1063 this G5124 is G2076 my G3450 blood G129 of the new G2537 testament, G1242 which G3588 is shed G1632 for G4012 many G4183 for G1519 the remission G859 of sins. G266

Leviticus 23:14 STRONG

And ye shall eat H398 neither bread, H3899 nor parched corn, H7039 nor green ears, H3759 until the selfsame H6106 H2088 day H3117 that H5704 ye have brought H935 an offering H7133 unto your God: H430 it shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 throughout your generations H1755 in all your dwellings. H4186

Leviticus 7:36 STRONG

Which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to be given H5414 them of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 in the day H3117 that he anointed H4886 them, by a statute H2708 for ever H5769 throughout their generations. H1755

Leviticus 3:16 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall burn H6999 them upon the altar: H4196 it is the food H3899 of the offering made by fire H801 for a sweet H5207 savour: H7381 all the fat H2459 is the LORD'S. H3068

Ephesians 1:7 STRONG

In G1722 whom G3739 we have G2192 redemption G629 through G1223 his G846 blood, G129 the forgiveness G859 of sins, G3900 according G2596 to the riches G4149 of his G846 grace; G5485

1 Timothy 4:4 STRONG

For G3754 every G3956 creature G2938 of God G2316 is good, G2570 and G2532 nothing G3762 to be refused, G579 if it be received G2983 with G3326 thanksgiving: G2169

Ephesians 5:26 STRONG

That G2443 he might sanctify G37 and cleanse it G2511 with the washing G3067 of water G5204 by G1722 the word, G4487

Leviticus 7:23 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 Ye shall eat H398 no manner of fat, H2459 of ox, H7794 or of sheep, H3775 or of goat. H5795

Acts 15:20-21 STRONG

But G235 that we write G1989 unto them, G846 that they abstain G567 from G575 pollutions G234 of idols, G1497 and G2532 from fornication, G4202 and G2532 from things strangled, G4156 and G2532 from blood. G129 For G1063 Moses G3475 of G1537 old G744 time G1074 hath G2192 in every G2596 city G4172 them that preach G2784 him, G846 being read G314 in G1722 the synagogues G4864 every G2596 G3956 sabbath day. G4521

Matthew 16:24 STRONG

Then G5119 said G2036 Jesus G2424 unto his G846 disciples, G3101 If any G1536 man will G2309 come G2064 after G3694 me, G3450 let him deny G533 himself, G1438 and G2532 take up G142 his G846 cross, G4716 and G2532 follow G190 me. G3427

Ezekiel 44:15 STRONG

But the priests H3548 the Levites, H3881 the sons H1121 of Zadok, H6659 that kept H8104 the charge H4931 of my sanctuary H4720 when the children H1121 of Israel H3478 went astray H8582 from me, they shall come near H7126 to me to minister H8334 unto me, and they shall stand H5975 before H6440 me to offer H7126 unto me the fat H2459 and the blood, H1818 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD: H3069

Ezekiel 44:7 STRONG

In that ye have brought H935 into my sanctuary strangers, H1121 H5236 uncircumcised H6189 in heart, H3820 and uncircumcised H6189 in flesh, H1320 to be in my sanctuary, H4720 to pollute H2490 it, even my house, H1004 when ye offer H7126 my bread, H3899 the fat H2459 and the blood, H1818 and they have broken H6565 my covenant H1285 because H413 of all your abominations. H8441

Ezekiel 33:25 STRONG

Wherefore say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Ye eat H398 with the blood, H1818 and lift up H5375 your eyes H5869 toward your idols, H1544 and shed H8210 blood: H1818 and shall ye possess H3423 the land? H776

Nehemiah 8:10 STRONG

Then he said H559 unto them, Go your way, H3212 eat H398 the fat, H4924 and drink H8354 the sweet, H4477 and send H7971 portions H4490 unto them for whom nothing is prepared: H3559 for this day H3117 is holy H6918 unto our Lord: H113 neither be ye sorry; H6087 for the joy H2304 of the LORD H3068 is your strength. H4581

1 Samuel 14:32-34 STRONG

And the people H5971 flew H5860 H6213 upon the spoil, H7998 and took H3947 sheep, H6629 and oxen, H1241 and calves, H1121 and slew H7819 them on the ground: H776 and the people H5971 did eat H398 them with the blood. H1818 Then they told H5046 Saul, H7586 saying, H559 Behold, the people H5971 sin H2398 against the LORD, H3068 in that they eat H398 with the blood. H1818 And he said, H559 Ye have transgressed: H898 roll H1556 a great H1419 stone H68 unto me this day. H3117 And Saul H7586 said, H559 Disperse H6327 yourselves among the people, H5971 and say H559 unto them, Bring me hither H5066 every man H376 his ox, H7794 and every man H376 his sheep, H7716 and slay H7819 them here, and eat; H398 and sin H2398 not against the LORD H3068 in eating H398 with the blood. H1818 And all the people H5971 brought H5066 every man H376 his ox H7794 with him H3027 that night, H3915 and slew H7819 them there.

Deuteronomy 32:14 STRONG

Butter H2529 of kine, H1241 and milk H2461 of sheep, H6629 with fat H2459 of lambs, H3733 and rams H352 of the breed H1121 of Bashan, H1316 and goats, H6260 with the fat H2459 of kidneys H3629 of wheat; H2406 and thou didst drink H8354 the pure H2561 blood H1818 of the grape. H6025

Numbers 19:21 STRONG

And it shall be a perpetual H5769 statute H2708 unto them, that he that sprinkleth H5137 the water H4325 of separation H5079 shall wash H3526 his clothes; H899 and he that toucheth H5060 the water H4325 of separation H5079 shall be unclean H2930 until even. H6153

Leviticus 17:10-16 STRONG

And whatsoever man H376 there be of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 or of the strangers H1616 that sojourn H1481 among H8432 you, that eateth H398 any manner of blood; H1818 I will even set H5414 my face H6440 against that soul H5315 that eateth H398 blood, H1818 and will cut him off H3772 from among H7130 his people. H5971 For the life H5315 of the flesh H1320 is in the blood: H1818 and I have given H5414 it to you upon the altar H4196 to make an atonement H3722 for your souls: H5315 for it is the blood H1818 that maketh an atonement H3722 for the soul. H5315 Therefore I said H559 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 No soul H5315 of you shall eat H398 blood, H1818 neither shall any stranger H1616 that sojourneth H1481 among H8432 you eat H398 blood. H1818 And whatsoever man H376 there be of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 or of the strangers H1616 that sojourn H1481 among H8432 you, which hunteth H6679 and catcheth H6718 any beast H2416 or fowl H5775 that may be eaten; H398 he shall even pour H8210 out the blood H1818 thereof, and cover H3680 it with dust. H6083 For it is the life H5315 of all flesh; H1320 the blood H1818 of it is for the life H5315 thereof: therefore I said H559 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 Ye shall eat H398 the blood H1818 of no manner of flesh: H1320 for the life H5315 of all flesh H1320 is the blood H1818 thereof: whosoever eateth H398 it shall be cut off. H3772 And every soul H5315 that eateth H398 that which died H5038 of itself, or that which was torn H2966 with beasts, whether it be one of your own country, H249 or a stranger, H1616 he shall both wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even: H6153 then shall he be clean. H2891 But if he wash H3526 them not, nor bathe H7364 his flesh; H1320 then he shall bear H5375 his iniquity. H5771

Leviticus 16:34 STRONG

And this shall be an everlasting H5769 statute H2708 unto you, to make an atonement H3722 for the children H1121 of Israel H3478 for all their sins H2403 once H259 a year. H8141 And he did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Leviticus 7:25-27 STRONG

For whosoever eateth H398 the fat H2459 of the beast, H929 of which men offer H7126 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD, H3068 even the soul H5315 that eateth H398 it shall be cut off H3772 from his people. H5971 Moreover ye shall eat H398 no manner of blood, H1818 whether it be of fowl H5775 or of beast, H929 in any of your dwellings. H4186 Whatsoever soul H5315 it be that eateth H398 any manner H3605 of blood, H1818 even that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from his people. H5971

Commentary on Leviticus 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 3:1-17. The Peace Offering of the Herd.

1. if his oblation be a sacrifice of peace offering—"Peace" being used in Scripture to denote prosperity and happiness generally, a peace offering was a voluntary tribute of gratitude for health or other benefits. In this view it was eucharistic, being a token of thanksgiving for benefits already received, or it was sometimes votive, presented in prayer for benefits wished for in the future.

of the herd—This kind of offering being of a festive character, either male or female, if without blemish, might be used, as both of them were equally good for food, and, if the circumstances of the offerer allowed it, it might be a calf.

2. he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering—Having performed this significant act, he killed it before the door of the tabernacle, and the priests sprinkled the blood round about upon the altar.

3. he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering—The peace offering differed from the oblations formerly mentioned in this respect: while the burnt offering was wholly consumed on the altar, and the freewill offering was partly consumed and partly assigned to the priests; in this offering the fat alone was burnt; only a small part was allotted to the priests while the rest was granted to the offerer and his friends, thus forming a sacred feast of which the Lord, His priests, and people conjointly partook, and which was symbolical of the spiritual feast, the sacred communion which, through Christ, the great peace offering, believers enjoy. (See further on Le 19:5-8; 22:21).

the fat that covereth the inwards—that is, the web work that presents itself first to the eye on opening the belly of a cow.

the fat … upon the inwards—adhering to the intestines, but easily removable from them; or, according to some, that which was next the ventricle.

4-11. the two kidneys … of the flock … the whole rump—There is, in Eastern countries, a species of sheep the tails of which are not less than four feet and a half in length. These tails are of a substance between fat and marrow. A sheep of this kind weighs sixty or seventy English pounds weight, of which the tail usually weighs fifteen pounds and upwards. This species is by far the most numerous in Arabia, Syria, and Palestine, and, forming probably a large portion in the flocks of the Israelites, it seems to have been the kind that usually bled on the Jewish altars. The extraordinary size and deliciousness of their tails give additional importance to this law. To command by an express law the tail of a certain sheep to be offered in sacrifice to God, might well surprise us; but the wonder ceases, when we are told of those broad-tailed Eastern sheep, and of the extreme delicacy of that part which was so particularly specified in the statute [Paxton].

12. if his offering be a goat—Whether this or any of the other two animals were chosen, the same general directions were to be followed in the ceremony of offering.

17. ye eat neither fat nor blood—The details given above distinctly define the fat in animals which was not to be eaten, so that all the rest, whatever adhered to other parts, or was intermixed with them, might be used. The prohibition of blood rested on a different foundation, being intended to preserve their reverence for the Messiah, who was to shed His blood as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world [Brown].