Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 4 » Verse 34

Leviticus 4:34 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

34 And the priest H3548 shall take H3947 of the blood H1818 of the sin offering H2403 with his finger, H676 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 of burnt offering, H5930 and shall pour out H8210 all the blood H1818 thereof at the bottom H3247 of the altar: H4196

Cross Reference

Leviticus 4:7 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall put H5414 some of the blood H1818 upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 of sweet H5561 incense H7004 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 which is in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation; H4150 and shall pour H8210 all the blood H1818 of the bullock H6499 at the bottom H3247 of the altar H4196 of the burnt offering, H5930 which is at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150

Leviticus 4:25 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall take H3947 of the blood H1818 of the sin offering H2403 with his finger, H676 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 of burnt offering, H5930 and shall pour out H8210 his blood H1818 at the bottom H3247 of the altar H4196 of burnt offering. H5930

Leviticus 4:30 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall take H3947 of the blood H1818 thereof with his finger, H676 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 of burnt offering, H5930 and shall pour out H8210 all the blood H1818 thereof at the bottom H3247 of the altar. H4196

Isaiah 42:21 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is well pleased H2654 for his righteousness' H6664 sake; he will magnify H1431 the law, H8451 and make it honourable. H142

John 17:19 STRONG

And G2532 for G5228 their G846 sakes G5228 I G1473 sanctify G37 myself, G1683 that G2443 they G846 also G2532 might G5600 be sanctified G37 through G1722 the truth. G225

Romans 8:1 STRONG

There is therefore G686 now G3568 no G3762 condemnation G2631 to them which are in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus, G2424 who walk G4043 not G3361 after G2596 the flesh, G4561 but G235 after G2596 the Spirit. G4151

Romans 8:3 STRONG

For G1063 what the law G3551 could not do, G102 in G1722 that G3739 it was weak G770 through G1223 the flesh, G4561 God G2316 sending G3992 his own G1438 Son G5207 in G1722 the likeness G3667 of sinful G266 flesh, G4561 and G2532 for G4012 sin, G266 condemned G2632 sin G266 in G1722 the flesh: G4561

Romans 10:4 STRONG

For G1063 Christ G5547 is the end G5056 of the law G3551 for G1519 righteousness G1343 to every one G3956 that believeth. G4100

2 Corinthians 5:21 STRONG

For G1063 he hath made G4160 him to be sin G266 for G5228 us, G2257 who G3588 knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that G2443 we G2249 might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in G1722 him. G846

Hebrews 2:10 STRONG

For G1063 it became G4241 him, G846 for G1223 whom G3739 are all things, G3956 and G2532 by G1223 whom G3739 are all things, G3956 in bringing G71 many G4183 sons G5207 unto G1519 glory, G1391 to make G5048 the captain G747 of their G846 salvation G4991 perfect G5048 through G1223 sufferings. G3804

Hebrews 10:29 STRONG

Of how much G4214 sorer G5501 punishment, G5098 suppose ye, G1380 shall he be thought worthy, G515 who G3588 hath trodden under foot G2662 the Son G5207 of God, G2316 and G2532 hath counted G2233 the blood G129 of the covenant, G1242 wherewith G3739 G1722 he was sanctified, G37 an unholy thing, G2839 and G2532 hath done despite G1796 unto the Spirit G4151 of grace? G5485

1 Peter 1:18-20 STRONG

Forasmuch as ye know G1492 that G3754 ye were G3084 not G3756 redeemed G3084 with corruptible things, G5349 as silver G694 and G2228 gold, G5553 from G1537 your G5216 vain G3152 conversation G391 received by tradition from your fathers; G3970 But G235 with the precious G5093 blood G129 of Christ, G5547 as G5613 of a lamb G286 without blemish G299 and G2532 without spot: G784 Who verily G3303 was foreordained G4267 before G4253 the foundation G2602 of the world, G2889 but G1161 was manifest G5319 in G1909 these last G2078 times G5550 for G1223 you, G5209

1 Peter 2:24 STRONG

Who G3739 his own self G846 bare G399 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 body G4983 on G1909 the tree, G3586 that G2443 we, G2198 being dead G581 to sins, G266 should live G2198 unto righteousness: G1343 by G3739 whose G846 stripes G3468 ye were healed. G2390

1 Peter 3:18 STRONG

For G3754 Christ G5547 also G2532 hath once G530 suffered G3958 for G4012 sins, G266 the just G1342 for G5228 the unjust, G94 that G2443 he might bring G4317 us G2248 to God, G2316 being put to death G2289 G3303 in the flesh, G4561 but G1161 quickened G2227 by the Spirit: G4151

Commentary on Leviticus 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 4:1, 2. Sin Offering of Ignorance.

2. If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the Lord—a soul—an individual. All sins may be considered, in a certain sense, as committed "through ignorance," error, or misapprehension of one's true interests. The sins, however, referred to in this law were unintentional violations of the ceremonial laws,—breaches made through haste, or inadvertency of some negative precepts, which, if done knowingly and wilfully, would have involved a capital punishment.

do against any of them—To bring out the meaning, it is necessary to supply, "he shall bring a sin offering."

Le 4:3-35. Sin Offering for the Priest.

3. If the priest that is anointed do sin—that is, the high priest, in whom, considering his character as typical mediator, and his exalted office, the people had the deepest interest; and whose transgression of any part of the divine law, therefore, whether done unconsciously or heedlessly, was a very serious offense, both as regarded himself individually, and the influence of his example. He is the person principally meant, though the common order of the priesthood was included.

according to the sin of the people—that is, bring guilt on the people. He was to take a young bullock (the age and sex being expressly mentioned), and having killed it according to the form prescribed for the burnt offerings, he was to take it into the holy place and sprinkle the atoning blood seven times before the veil, and tip with the crimson fluid the horns of the golden altar of incense, on his way to the court of the priests,—a solemn ceremonial appointed only for very grave and heinous offenses, and which betokened that his sin, though done in ignorance, had vitiated all his services; nor could any official duty he engaged in be beneficial either to himself or the people, unless it were atoned for by blood.

11. the skin of the bullock, and all his flesh—In ordinary circumstances, these were perquisites of the priests. But in the expiation necessary for a sin of the high priest, after the fat of the sacrifice was offered on the altar, the carcass was carried without the camp [Le 4:12], in order that the total combustion of it in the place of ashes might the more strikingly indicate the enormity of the transgression, and the horror with which he regarded it (compare Heb 13:12, 13).

13-21. if the whole congregation of Israel sin through ignorance—In consequence of some culpable neglect or misapprehension of the law, the people might contract national guilt, and then national expiation was necessary. The same sacrifice was to be offered as in the former case, but with this difference in the ceremonial, that the elders or heads of the tribes, as representing the people and being the principal aggressors in misleading the congregation, laid their hands on the head of the victim. The priest then took the blood into the holy place, where, after dipping his finger in it seven times, he sprinkled the drops seven times before the veil. This done, he returned to the court of the priests, and ascending the altar, put some portion upon its horns; then he poured it out at the foot of the altar. The fat was the only part of the animal which was offered on the altar; for the carcass, with its appurtenances and offals, was carried without the camp, into the place where the ashes were deposited, and there consumed with fire.

22-26. When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance against any of the commandments—Whatever was the form of government, the king, judge, or subordinate, was the party concerned in this law. The trespass of such a civil functionary being less serious in its character and consequences than that either of the high priest or the congregation, a sin offering of inferior value was required—"a kid of the goats"; and neither was the blood carried into the sanctuary, but applied only to the altar of burnt offering; nor was the carcass taken without the camp; it was eaten by the priests-in-waiting.

27-34. if any one of the common people sin through ignorance—In this case the expiatory offering appointed was a female kid, or a ewe-lamb without blemish; and the ceremonies were exactly the same as those observed in the case of the offending ruler [Le 4:22-26]. In these two latter instances, the blood of the sin offering was applied to the altar of burnt offering—the place where bloody sacrifices were appointed to be immolated. But the transgression of a high priest, or of the whole congregation, entailing a general taint on the ritual of the tabernacle, and vitiating its services, required a further expiation; and therefore, in these cases, the blood of the sin offering was applied to the altar of incense [Le 4:6, 17].

35. it shall be forgiven him—None of these sacrifices possessed any intrinsic value sufficient to free the conscience of the sinner from the pollution of guilt, or to obtain his pardon from God; but they gave a formal deliverance from a secular penalty (Heb 9:13, 14); and they were figurative representations of the full and perfect sin offering which was to be made by Christ.