Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 16 » Verse 3

Luke 16:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 Then G1161 the steward G3623 said G2036 within G1722 himself, G1438 What G5101 shall I do? G4160 for G3754 my G3450 lord G2962 taketh away G851 from G575 me G1700 the stewardship: G3622 I cannot G3756 G2480 dig; G4626 to beg G1871 I am ashamed. G153

Cross Reference

Isaiah 10:3 STRONG

And what will ye do H6213 in the day H3117 of visitation, H6486 and in the desolation H7722 which shall come H935 from far? H4801 to whom will ye flee H5127 for help? H5833 and where will ye leave H5800 your glory? H3519

2 Thessalonians 3:11 STRONG

For G1063 we hear G191 that there are some G5100 which walk G4043 among G1722 you G5213 disorderly, G814 working G2038 not at all, G3367 but G235 are busybodies. G4020

Acts 9:6 STRONG

And G5037 he trembling G5141 and G2532 astonished G2284 said, G2036 Lord, G2962 what G5101 wilt thou have G2309 me G3165 to do? G4160 And G2532 the Lord G2962 said unto G4314 him, G846 Arise, G450 and G2532 go G1525 into G1519 the city, G4172 and G2532 it shall be told G2980 thee G4671 what G5101 thou G4571 must G1163 do. G4160

Acts 3:2 STRONG

And G2532 a certain G5100 man G435 lame G5225 G5560 from G1537 his G846 mother's G3384 womb G2836 was carried, G941 whom G3739 they laid G5087 daily G2250 G2596 at G4314 the gate G2374 of the temple G2411 which G3588 is called G3004 Beautiful, G5611 to ask G154 alms G1654 of G3844 them that entered G1531 into G1519 the temple; G2411

John 9:8 STRONG

The neighbours G1069 therefore, G3767 and G2532 they which before G4386 had seen G2334 him G846 that G3754 he was G2258 blind, G5185 said, G3004 Is G2076 not G3756 this G3778 he that sat G2521 and G2532 begged? G4319

Luke 18:4 STRONG

And G2532 he would G2309 not G3756 for G1909 a while: G5550 but G1161 afterward G5023 G3326 he said G2036 within G1722 himself, G1438 Though G1499 I fear G5399 not G3756 God, G2316 nor G2532 G3756 regard G1788 man; G444

Luke 16:22 STRONG

And G1161 it came to pass, G1096 that the beggar G4434 died, G599 and G2532 was carried G667 by G5259 the angels G32 into G1519 Abraham's G11 bosom: G2859 the rich man G4145 also G1161 G2532 died, G599 and G2532 was buried; G2290

Luke 16:20 STRONG

And G1161 there was G2258 a certain G5100 beggar G4434 named G3686 Lazarus, G2976 which G3739 was laid G906 at G4314 his G846 gate, G4440 full of sores, G1669

Luke 12:17 STRONG

And G2532 he thought G1260 within G1722 himself, G1438 saying, G3004 What G5101 shall I do, G4160 because G3754 I have G2192 no G3756 room where G4226 to bestow G4863 my G3450 fruits? G2590

Mark 10:46 STRONG

And G2532 they came G2064 to G1519 Jericho: G2410 and G2532 as he G846 went G1607 out of G575 Jericho G2410 with G2532 his G846 disciples G3101 and G2532 a great G2425 number of people, G3793 blind G5185 Bartimaeus, G924 the son G5207 of Timaeus, G5090 sat G2521 by G3844 the highway side G3598 begging. G4319

Hosea 9:5 STRONG

What will ye do H6213 in the solemn H4150 day, H3117 and in the day H3117 of the feast H2282 of the LORD? H3068

Jeremiah 5:31 STRONG

The prophets H5030 prophesy H5012 falsely, H8267 and the priests H3548 bear rule H7287 by their means; H3027 and my people H5971 love H157 to have it so: and what will ye do H6213 in the end H319 thereof?

Esther 6:6 STRONG

So Haman H2001 came in. H935 And the king H4428 said H559 unto him, What shall be done H6213 unto the man H376 whom the king H4428 delighteth H2654 to honour? H3366 Now Haman H2001 thought H559 in his heart, H3820 To whom would the king H4428 delight H2654 to do H6213 honour H3366 more H3148 than to myself?

Proverbs 29:21 STRONG

He that delicately bringeth up H6445 his servant H5650 from a child H5290 shall have him become his son H4497 at the length. H319

Proverbs 27:23-27 STRONG

Be thou diligent H3045 to know H3045 the state H6440 of thy flocks, H6629 and look H7896 well H3820 to thy herds. H5739 For riches H2633 are not for ever: H5769 and doth the crown H5145 endure to every H1755 generation? H1755 The hay H2682 appeareth, H1540 and the tender grass H1877 sheweth H7200 itself, and herbs H6212 of the mountains H2022 are gathered. H622 The lambs H3532 are for thy clothing, H3830 and the goats H6260 are the price H4242 of the field. H7704 And thou shalt have goats' H5795 milk H2461 enough H1767 for thy food, H3899 for the food H3899 of thy household, H1004 and for the maintenance H2416 for thy maidens. H5291

Proverbs 26:13-16 STRONG

The slothful H6102 man saith, H559 There is a lion H7826 in the way; H1870 a lion H738 is in the streets. H7339 As the door H1817 turneth H5437 upon his hinges, H6735 so doth the slothful H6102 upon his bed. H4296 The slothful H6102 hideth H2934 his hand H3027 in his bosom; H6747 it grieveth H3811 him to bring it again H7725 to his mouth. H6310 The sluggard H6102 is wiser H2450 in his own conceit H5869 than seven men H7651 that can render H7725 a reason. H2940

Proverbs 24:30-34 STRONG

I went H5674 by the field H7704 of the slothful, H376 H6102 and by the vineyard H3754 of the man H120 void H2638 of understanding; H3820 And, lo, it was all grown over H5927 with thorns, H7063 and nettles H2738 had covered H3680 the face H6440 thereof, and the stone H68 wall H1444 thereof was broken down. H2040 Then I saw, H2372 and considered it well: H7896 H3820 I looked H7200 upon it, and received H3947 instruction. H4148 Yet a little H4592 sleep, H8142 a little H4592 slumber, H8572 a little H4592 folding H2264 of the hands H3027 to sleep: H7901 So shall thy poverty H7389 come H935 as one that travelleth; H1980 and thy want H4270 as an armed H4043 man. H376

Proverbs 21:25-26 STRONG

The desire H8378 of the slothful H6102 killeth H4191 him; for his hands H3027 refuse H3985 to labour. H6213 He coveteth H183 greedily H8378 all the day H3117 long: but the righteous H6662 giveth H5414 and spareth H2820 not.

Proverbs 20:4 STRONG

The sluggard H6102 will not plow H2790 by reason of the cold; H2779 therefore shall he beg H7592 H7592 in harvest, H7105 and have nothing.

Proverbs 19:15 STRONG

Slothfulness H6103 casteth H5307 into a deep sleep; H8639 and an idle H7423 soul H5315 shall suffer hunger. H7456

Proverbs 18:9 STRONG

He also that is slothful H7503 in his work H4399 is brother H251 to him that is a great H1167 waster. H7843

Proverbs 15:19 STRONG

The way H1870 of the slothful H6102 man is as an hedge H4881 of thorns: H2312 but the way H734 of the righteous H3477 is made plain. H5549

Proverbs 13:4 STRONG

The soul H5315 of the sluggard H6102 desireth, H183 and hath nothing: but the soul H5315 of the diligent H2742 shall be made fat. H1878

Commentary on Luke 16 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 16:1-31. Parables of the Unjust Steward and of the Rich Man and Lazarus, or, the Right Use of Money.

1. steward—manager of his estate.

accused—informed upon.

had wasted—rather, "was wasting."

3. cannot dig … to beg, ashamed—therefore, when dismissed, shall be in utter want.

4. may receive me, &c.—Observe his one object—when cast out of one home to secure another. This is the key to the parable, on which there have been many differing views.

5-7. fifty … fourscore—deducting a half from the debt of the one, and a fifth from that of the other.

8. the lord—evidently the steward's lord, so called in Lu 16:3, 5.

commended, &c.—not for his "injustice," but "because he had done wisely," or prudently; with commendable foresight and skilful adaptation of means to end.

children of this world—so Lu 20:34; compare Ps 17:14 ("their portion in this life"); Php 3:19 ("mind earthly things"); Ps 4:6, 7.

their generation—or "for their generation"—that is, for the purposes of the "world" they are "of." The greater wisdom (or shrewdness) of the one, in adaptation of means to ends, and in energetic, determined prosecution of them, is none of it for God and eternity—a region they were never in, an atmosphere they never breathed, an undiscovered world, an unborn existence to them—but all for the purposes of their own grovelling and fleeting generation.

children of light—(so Joh 12:36; Eph 5:8; 1Th 5:5). Yet this is only "as night-birds see better in the dark than those of the day owls than eagles" [Cajetan and Trench]. But we may learn lessons from them, as our Lord now shows, and "be wise as serpents."

9. Make … friends of—Turn to your advantage; that is, as the steward did, "by showing mercy to the poor" (Da 4:27; compare Lu 12:33; 14:13, 14).

mammon of unrighteousness—treacherous, precarious. (See on Mt 6:24).

ye fail—in respect of life.

they may receive you—not generally, "ye may be received" (as Lu 6:38, "shall men give"), but "those ye have relieved may rise up as witnesses for you" at the great day. Then, like the steward, when turned out of one home shall ye secure another; but better than he, a heavenly for an earthly, an everlasting for a temporary habitation. Money is not here made the key to heaven, more than "the deeds done in the body" in general, according to which, as a test of character—but not by the merit of which—men are to be judged (2Co 5:10, and see Mt 25:34-40).

10. He, &c.—a maxim of great pregnancy and value; rising from the prudence which the steward had to the fidelity which he had not, the "harmlessness of the dove, to which the serpent" with all his "wisdom" is a total stranger. Fidelity depends not on the amount entrusted, but on the sense of responsibility. He that feels this in little will feel it in much, and conversely.

11, 12. unrighteous mammon—To the whole of this He applies the disparaging term "what is least," in contrast with "the true riches."

12. another man's … your own—an important turn to the subject. Here all we have is on trust as stewards, who have an account to render. Hereafter, what the faithful have will be their own property, being no longer on probation, but in secure, undisturbed, rightful, everlasting possession and enjoyment of all that is graciously bestowed on us. Thus money is neither to be idolized nor despised: we must sit loose to it and use it for God's glory.

13. can serve—be entirely at the command of; and this is true even where the services are not opposed.

hate … love—showing that the two here intended are in uncompromising hostility to each other: an awfully searching principle!

14-18. covetous … derided him—sneered at Him; their master sin being too plainly struck at for them to relish. But it was easier to run down than to refute such teaching.

15. justify yourselves—make a show of righteousness.

highly esteemed among men—generally carried away by plausible appearances. (See 1Sa 16:7; and Lu 14:11).

16. The law, &c.—(See Mt 11:13).

and every man presseth, &c.—Publicans and sinners, all indiscriminately, are eagerly pressing into it; and ye, interested adherents of the mere forms of an economy which is passing away, "discerning not the signs of this time," will allow the tide to go past you and be found a stranded monument of blindness and obstinacy.

17. it is easier, &c.—(See on Mt 5:17, 18)

18. putteth away his wife, &c.—(See on Mt 19:3-9). Far from intending to weaken the force of the law, in these allusions to a new economy, our Lord, in this unexpected way, sends home its high requirements with a pungency which the Pharisees would not fail to feel.

19. purple and fine linen, &c.—(Compare Es 8:15; Re 18:12); wanting nothing which taste and appetite craved and money could procure.

20, 21. laid—having to be carried and put down.

full of sores—open, running, "not closed, nor bound up, nor mollified with ointment" (Isa 1:6).

21. desiring to be fed with—but was not [Grotius, Bengel, Meyer, Trench, &c.]. The words may mean indeed "was fain to feed on," or "gladly fed on," as in Lu 15:16 [Alford, Webster and Wilkinson, &c.]. But the context rather favors the former.

licked, &c.—a touching act of brute pity, in the absence of human relief. It is a case of heartless indifference, amidst luxuries of every kind, to one of God's poorest and most afflicted ones, presented daily before the eye.

22. died—His burial was too unimportant to mention; while "the rich man died and was buried"—his carcass carried in pomp to its earthly resting-place.

in to Abraham's bosom—as if seen reclining next to Him at the heavenly feast (Mt 8:11).

23. in hell—not the final place of the lost (for which another word is used), but as we say "the unseen world." But as the object here is certainly to depict the whole torment of the one and the perfect bliss of the other, it comes in this case to much the same.

seeth Abraham—not God, to whom therefore he cannot cry [Bengel].

24. Father Abraham—a well-founded, but unavailing, claim of natural descent (Lu 3:8; Joh 8:37).

mercy on me—who never showed any (Jas 2:3).

send Lazarus—the pining victim of his merciless neglect.

that he may—take me hence? No; that he dares not to ask.

dip … tongue—that is the least conceivable and the most momentary abatement of his torment; that is all. But even this he is told is (1) unreasonable.

25, 26. Son—stinging acknowledgment of the claimed relationship.

thou … Lazarus, &c.—As it is a great law of God's kingdom, that the nature of our present desires shall rule that of our future bliss, so by that law, he whose "good things," craved and enjoyed, were all bounded by time, could look for none after his connection with time had come to an end (Lu 6:24). But by this law, he whose "evil things," all crowded into the present life, drove him to seek, and find, consolation in a life beyond the grave, is by death released from all evil and ushered into unmixed and uninterrupted good (Lu 6:21). (2) It is impossible.

26. besides all this—independently of this consideration.

a great gulf fixed—By an irrevocable decree there has been placed a vast impassable abyss between the two states, and the occupants of each.

27-31. Then he said—now abandoning all hope for himself.

send him to my father's house, &c.—no waking up of good in the heart of the lost, but bitter reproach against God and the old economy, as not warning him sufficiently [Trench]. The answer of Abraham is, They are sufficiently warned.

30. Nay—giving the lie to Abraham.

but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent—a principle of awful magnitude and importance. The greatest miracle will have no effect on those who are determined not to believe. A real Lazarus soon "rose from the dead," but the sight of him by crowds of people, inclined thereby to Christ, only crowned the unbelief and hastened the murderous plots of the Pharisees against the Lord of glory; nor has His own resurrection, far more overpowering, yet won over that "crooked and perverse nation."