Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Mark » Chapter 15 » Verse 44-46

Mark 15:44-46 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

44 And G1161 Pilate G4091 marvelled G2296 if G1487 he were G2348 already G2235 dead: G2348 and G2532 calling G4341 unto him the centurion, G2760 he asked G1905 him G846 whether G1487 he had been G599 any while G3819 dead. G599

45 And G2532 when he knew G1097 it of G575 the centurion, G2760 he gave G1433 the body G4983 to Joseph. G2501

46 And G2532 he bought G59 fine linen, G4616 and G2532 took him down, G2507 and wrapped G1750 him G846 in the linen, G4616 and G2532 laid G2698 him G846 in G1722 a sepulchre G3419 which G3739 was G2258 hewn G2998 out of G1537 a rock, G4073 and G2532 rolled G4351 a stone G3037 unto G1909 the door G2374 of the sepulchre. G3419

Commentary on Mark 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mr 15:1-20. Jesus Is Brought before PilateAt a Second Hearing, Pilate, after Seeking to Release Him, Delivers Him UpAfter Being Cruelly Entreated, He Is Led Away to Be Crucified. ( = Mt 26:1, 2, 11-31; Lu 23:1-6, 13-25; Joh 18:28-19:16).

See on Joh 18:28-19:16.

Mr 15:21-37. Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus. ( = Mt 27:32-50; Lu 23:26-46; Joh 19:17-30).

See on Joh 19:17-30.

Mr 15:38-47. Signs and Circumstances Following the Death of the Lord Jesus.He Is Taken Down from the Cross and BuriedThe Sepulchre Is Guarded. ( = Mt 27:51-66; Lu 23:45, 47-56; Joh 19:31-42).

See on Mt 27:51-56; and Joh 19:31-42.