Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Micah » Chapter 6 » Verse 7

Micah 6:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Will the LORD H3068 be pleased H7521 with thousands H505 of rams, H352 or with ten thousands H7233 of rivers H5158 of oil? H8081 shall I give H5414 my firstborn H1060 for my transgression, H6588 the fruit H6529 of my body H990 for the sin H2403 of my soul? H5315

Cross Reference

2 Kings 16:3 STRONG

But he walked H3212 in the way H1870 of the kings H4428 of Israel, H3478 yea, and made his son H1121 to pass through H5674 the fire, H784 according to the abominations H8441 of the heathen, H1471 whom the LORD H3068 cast out H3423 from before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Isaiah 40:16 STRONG

And Lebanon H3844 is not H369 sufficient H1767 to burn, H1197 nor the beasts H2416 thereof sufficient H1767 for a burnt offering. H5930

Psalms 50:9 STRONG

I will take H3947 no bullock H6499 out of thy house, H1004 nor he goats H6260 out of thy folds. H4356

1 Samuel 15:22 STRONG

And Samuel H8050 said, H559 Hath the LORD H3068 as great delight H2656 in burnt offerings H5930 and sacrifices, H2077 as in obeying H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD? H3068 Behold, to obey H8085 is better H2896 than sacrifice, H2077 and to hearken H7181 than the fat H2459 of rams. H352

Jeremiah 7:31 STRONG

And they have built H1129 the high places H1116 of Tophet, H8612 which is in the valley H1516 of the son H1121 of Hinnom, H2011 to burn H8313 their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 in the fire; H784 which I commanded H6680 them not, neither came H5927 it into my heart. H3820

Psalms 51:16 STRONG

For thou desirest H2654 not sacrifice; H2077 else would I give H5414 it: thou delightest H7521 not in burnt offering. H5930

2 Kings 23:10 STRONG

And he defiled H2930 Topheth, H8612 which is in the valley H1516 of the children H1121 H1121 of Hinnom, H2011 that no man H376 might make his son H1121 or his daughter H1323 to pass through H5674 the fire H784 to Molech. H4432

2 Kings 21:6 STRONG

And he made his son H1121 pass H5674 through the fire, H784 and observed times, H6049 and used enchantments, H5172 and dealt H6213 with familiar spirits H178 and wizards: H3049 he wrought H6213 much H7235 wickedness H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 to provoke him to anger. H3707

2 Kings 3:27 STRONG

Then he took H3947 his eldest H1060 son H1121 that should have reigned H4427 in his stead, and offered H5927 him for a burnt offering H5930 upon the wall. H2346 And there was great H1419 indignation H7110 against Israel: H3478 and they departed H5265 from him, and returned H7725 to their own land. H776

Leviticus 18:21 STRONG

And thou shalt not H5414 let any of thy seed H2233 pass H5674 through the fire to Molech, H4432 neither shalt thou profane H2490 the name H8034 of thy God: H430 I am the LORD. H3068

Philemon 1:12 STRONG

Whom G3739 I have sent again: G375 thou G4771 therefore G1161 receive G4355 him, G846 that is, G5123 mine own G1699 bowels: G4698

Judges 11:31 STRONG

Then it shall be, that whatsoever H3318 cometh forth H3318 of the doors H1817 of my house H1004 to meet H7125 me, when I return H7725 in peace H7965 from the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 shall surely be the LORD'S, H3068 and I will offer it up H5927 for a burnt offering. H5930

Amos 5:22 STRONG

Though ye offer H5927 me burnt offerings H5930 and your meat offerings, H4503 I will not accept H7521 them: neither will I regard H5027 the peace offerings H8002 of your fat beasts. H4806

Hosea 6:6 STRONG

For I desired H2654 mercy, H2617 and not sacrifice; H2077 and the knowledge H1847 of God H430 more than burnt offerings. H5930

Ezekiel 23:37 STRONG

That they have committed adultery, H5003 and blood H1818 is in their hands, H3027 and with their idols H1544 have they committed adultery, H5003 and have also caused their sons, H1121 whom they bare H3205 unto me, to pass for them through H5674 the fire, to devour H402 them.

Ezekiel 16:20-21 STRONG

Moreover thou hast taken H3947 thy sons H1121 and thy daughters, H1323 whom thou hast borne H3205 unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed H2076 unto them to be devoured. H398 Is this of thy whoredoms H8457 a small matter, H4592 That thou hast slain H7819 my children, H1121 and delivered H5414 them to cause them to pass through H5674 the fire for them?

Jeremiah 19:5 STRONG

They have built H1129 also the high places H1116 of Baal, H1168 to burn H8313 their sons H1121 with fire H784 for burnt offerings H5930 unto Baal, H1168 which I commanded H6680 not, nor spake H1696 it, neither came H5927 it into my mind: H3820

Jeremiah 7:21-22 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Put H5595 your burnt offerings H5930 unto your sacrifices, H2077 and eat H398 flesh. H1320 For I spake H1696 not unto your fathers, H1 nor commanded H6680 them in the day H3117 that I brought them out H3318 of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 concerning H1697 burnt offerings H5930 or sacrifices: H2077

Isaiah 1:11-15 STRONG

To what H4100 purpose is the multitude H7230 of your sacrifices H2077 unto me? saith H559 the LORD: H3068 I am full H7646 of the burnt offerings H5930 of rams, H352 and the fat H2459 of fed beasts; H4806 and I delight H2654 not in the blood H1818 of bullocks, H6499 or of lambs, H3532 or of he goats. H6260 When ye come H935 to appear H7200 before H6440 me, who hath required H1245 this at your hand, H3027 to tread H7429 my courts? H2691 Bring H935 no more H3254 vain H7723 oblations; H4503 incense H7004 is an abomination H8441 unto me; the new moons H2320 and sabbaths, H7676 the calling H7121 of assemblies, H4744 I cannot away with; H3201 it is iniquity, H205 even the solemn meeting. H6116 Your new moons H2320 and your appointed feasts H4150 my soul H5315 hateth: H8130 they are a trouble H2960 unto me; I am weary H3811 to bear H5375 them. And when ye spread forth H6566 your hands, H3709 I will hide H5956 mine eyes H5869 from you: yea, when ye make many H7235 prayers, H8605 I will not hear: H8085 your hands H3027 are full H4390 of blood. H1818

Psalms 10:8-13 STRONG

He sitteth H3427 in the lurking places H3993 of the villages: H2691 in the secret places H4565 doth he murder H2026 the innocent: H5355 his eyes H5869 are privily set H6845 against the poor. H2489 He lieth in wait H693 secretly H4565 as a lion H738 in his den: H5520 he lieth in wait H693 to catch H2414 the poor: H6041 he doth catch H2414 the poor, H6041 when he draweth H4900 him into his net. H7568 He croucheth, H1794 and humbleth H7817 himself, that the poor H2426 H2489 may fall H5307 by his strong ones. H6099 He hath said H559 in his heart, H3820 God H410 hath forgotten: H7911 he hideth H5641 his face; H6440 he will never H5331 see H7200 it. Arise, H6965 O LORD; H3068 O God, H410 lift up H5375 thine hand: H3027 forget H7911 not the humble. H6035 H6041 Wherefore doth the wicked H7563 contemn H5006 God? H430 he hath said H559 in his heart, H3820 Thou wilt not require H1875 it.

Job 29:6 STRONG

When I washed H7364 my steps H1978 with butter, H2529 and the rock H6697 poured me out H6694 rivers H6388 of oil; H8081

Judges 11:39 STRONG

And it came to pass at the end H7093 of two H8147 months, H2320 that she returned H7725 unto her father, H1 who did H6213 with her according to his vow H5088 which he had vowed: H5087 and she knew H3045 no man. H376 And it was a custom H2706 in Israel, H3478

Commentary on Micah 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mic 6:1-16. Appeal before All Creation to the Israelites to Testify, if They Can, if Jehovah Ever Did Aught but Acts of Kindness to Them from the Earliest Period: God Requires of Them Not So Much Sacrifices, as Real Piety and Justice: Their Impieties and Coming Punishment.

1. contend thou—Israel is called by Jehovah to plead with Him in controversy. Mic 5:11-13 suggested the transition from those happy times described in the fourth and fifth chapters, to the prophet's own degenerate times and people.

before the mountains—in their presence; personified as if witnesses (compare Mic 1:2; De 32:1; Isa 1:2). Not as the Margin, "with"; as God's controversy is with Israel, not with them.

2. Lord's controversy—How great is Jehovah's condescension, who, though the supreme Lord of all, yet wishes to prove to worms of the earth the equity of His dealings (Isa 5:3; 43:26).

3. my people—the greatest aggravation of their sin, that God always treated them, and still treats them, as His people.

what have I done unto thee?—save kindness, that thou revoltest from Me (Jer 2:5, 31).

wherein have I wearied thee?—What commandments have I enjoined that should have wearied thee as irksome (1Jo 5:3)?

4. For—On the contrary, so far from doing anything harsh, I did thee every kindness from the earliest years of thy nationality.

Miriam—mentioned, as being the prophetess who led the female chorus who sang the song of Moses (Ex 15:20). God sent Moses to give the best laws; Aaron to pray for the people; Miriam as an example to the women of Israel.

5. what Balak … consulted—how Balak plotted to destroy thee by getting Balaam to curse thee (Nu 22:5).

what Balaam … answered—how the avaricious prophet was constrained against his own will, to bless Israel whom he had desired to curse for the sake of Balak's reward (Nu 24:9-11) [Maurer]. Grotius explains it, "how Balaam answered, that the only way to injure thee was by tempting thee to idolatry and whoredom" (Nu 31:16). The mention of "Shittim" agrees with this: as it was the scene of Israel's sin (Nu 25:1-5; 2Pe 2:15; Re 2:14).

from Shittim unto Gilgal—not that Balaam accompanied Israel from Shittim to Gilgal: for he was slain in Midian (Nu 31:8). But the clause, "from Shittim," alone applies to Balaam. "Remember" God's kindnesses "from Shittim," the scene of Balaam's wicked counsel taking effect in Israel's sin, whereby Israel merited utter destruction but for God's sparing mercy, "to Gilgal," the place of Israel's first encampment in the promised land between Jericho and Jordan, where God renewed the covenant with Israel by circumcision (Jos 5:2-11).

know the righteousness—Recognize that, so far from God having treated thee harshly (Mic 6:3), His dealings have been kindness itself (so "righteous acts" for gracious, Jud 5:11; Ps 24:5, 112:9).

6. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord?—The people, convicted by the previous appeal of Jehovah to them, ask as if they knew not (compare Mic 6:8) what Jehovah requires of them to appease Him, adding that they are ready to offer an immense heap of sacrifices, and those the most costly, even to the fruit of their own body.

burnt offerings—(Le 1:1-17).

calves of a year old—which used to be offered for a priest (Le 9:2, 3).

7. rivers of oil—used in sacrifices (Le 2:1, 15). Will God be appeased by my offering so much oil that it shall flow in myriads of torrents?

my first-born—(2Ki 3:27). As the king of Moab did.

fruit of my body—my children, as an atonement (Ps 132:11). The Jews offered human sacrifices in the valley of Hinnom (Jer 19:5; 32:35; Eze 23:27).

8. He—Jehovah.

hath showed thee—long ago, so that thou needest not ask the question as if thou hadst never heard (Mic 6:6; compare De 10:12; 30:11-14).

what is good—"the good things to come" under Messiah, of which "the law had the shadow." The Mosaic sacrifices were but suggestive foreshadowings of His better sacrifice (Heb 9:23; 10:1). To have this "good" first "showed," or revealed by the Spirit, is the only basis for the superstructure of the moral requirements which follow. Thus the way was prepared for the Gospel. The banishment of the Jews from Palestine is designed to preclude the possibility of their looking to the Mosaic rites for redemption, and shuts them up to Messiah.

justly … mercy—preferred by God to sacrifices. For the latter being positive ordinances, are only means designed with a view to the former, which being moral duties are the ends, and of everlasting obligation (1Sa 15:22; Ho 6:6; 12:6; Am 5:22, 24). Two duties towards man are specified—justice, or strict equity; and mercy, or a kindly abatement of what we might justly demand, and a hearty desire to do good to others.

to walk humbly with thy God—passive and active obedience towards God. The three moral duties here are summed up by our Lord (Mt 23:23), "judgment, mercy, and faith" (in Lu 11:42, "the love of God"). Compare Jas 1:27. To walk with God implies constant prayer and watchfulness, familiar yet "humble" converse with God (Ge 5:24; 17:1).

9. unto the city—Jerusalem.

the man of wisdom—As in Pr 13:6, Hebrew, "sin" is used for "a man of sin," and in Ps 109:4, "prayer" for "a man of prayer"; so here "wisdom" for "the man of wisdom."

shall see thy name—shall regard Thee, in Thy revelations of Thyself. Compare the end of Mic 2:7. God's "name" expresses the sum-total of His revealed attributes. Contrast with this Isa 26:10, "will not behold the majesty of the Lord." Another reading is adopted by the Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate, "there is deliverance for those who fear Thy name." English Version is better suited to the connection; and the rarity of the Hebrew expression, as compared with the frequency of that in the other reading, makes it less likely to be an interpolation.

hear … the rod, &c.—Hear what punishment (compare Mic 6:13, &c.; Isa 9:3; 10:5, 24) awaits you, and from whom. I am but a man, and so ye may disregard me; but remember my message is not mine, but God's. Hear the rod when it is come, and you feel its smart. Hear what counsels, what cautions it speaks.

appointed it—(Jer 47:7).

10. Are there yet—notwithstanding all My warnings. Is there to be no end of acquiring treasures by wickedness? Jehovah is speaking (Mic 6:9).

scant measure … abominable—(Pr 11:1; Am 8:5).

11. Shall I count them pure—literally, "Shall I be pure with?" &c. With the pure God shows Himself pure; but with the froward God shows Himself froward (Ps 18:26). Men often are changeable in their judgments. But God, in the case of the impure who use "wicked balances," cannot be pure, that is, cannot deal with them as He would with the pure. Vatablus and Henderson make the "I" to be "any one"; "Can I (that is, one) be innocent with wicked balances?" But as "I," in Mic 6:13, refers to Jehovah, it must refer to Him also here.

the bag—in which weights used to be carried, as well as money (De 25:13; Pr 16:11).

12. For—rather, "Inasmuch as"; the conclusion "therefore," &c. following in Mic 6:13.

thereof—of Jerusalem.

13. make thee sick in smiting—(Le 26:16, to which perhaps the allusion here is, as in Mic 6:14; Ps 107:17, 18; Jer 13:13).

14. eat … not be satisfied—fulfiling the threat, Le 26:26.

thy casting down shall be in the midst of thee—Thou shalt be cast down, not merely on My borders, but in the midst of thee, thy metropolis and temple being overthrown [Tirinus]. Even though there should be no enemy, yet thou shalt be consumed with intestine evils [Calvin]. Maurer translates as from an Arabic root, "there shall be emptiness in thy belly." Similarly Grotius, "there shall be a sinking of thy belly (once filled with food), through hunger." This suits the parallelism to the first clause. But English Version maintains the parallelism sufficiently. The casting down in the midst of the land, including the failure of food, through the invasion thus answering to, "Thou shalt eat, and not be satisfied."

thou shalt take hold, but … not deliver—Thou shalt take hold (with thine arms), in order to save [Calvin] thy wives, children and goods. Maurer, from a different root, translates, "thou shalt remove them," in order to save them from the foe. But thou shalt fail in the attempt to deliver them (Jer 50:37).

that which thou deliverest—If haply thou dost rescue aught, it will be for a time: I will give it up to the foe's sword.

15. sow … not reap—fulfilling the threat (Le 26:16; De 28:38-40; Am 5:11).

16. statutes of Omri—the founder of Samaria and of Ahab's wicked house; and a supporter of Jeroboam's superstitions (1Ki 16:16-28). This verse is a recapitulation of what was more fully stated before, Judah's sin and consequent punishment. Judah, though at variance with Israel on all things else, imitated her impiety.

works of … Ahab—(1Ki 21:25, 26).

ye walk in their counsels—Though these superstitions were the fruit of their king's "counsels" as a master stroke of state policy, yet these pretexts were no excuse for setting at naught the counsels and will of God.

that I should make thee a desolation—Thy conduct is framed so, as if it was thy set purpose "that I should make thee a desolation."

inhabitants thereof—namely, of Jerusalem.

hissing—(La 2:15).

the reproach of my people—The very thing ye boast of, namely, that ye are "My people," will only increase the severity of your punishment. The greater My grace to you, the greater shall be your punishment for having despised it, Your being God's people in name, while walking in His love, was an honor; but now the name, without the reality, is only a "reproach" to you.