Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 25 » Verse 5

Numbers 25:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto the judges H8199 of Israel, H3478 Slay H2026 ye every H376 one H376 his men H582 that were joined H6775 unto Baalpeor. H1187

Cross Reference

Exodus 18:21 STRONG

Moreover thou shalt provide H2372 out of all the people H5971 able H2428 men, H582 such as fear H3373 God, H430 men H582 of truth, H571 hating H8130 covetousness; H1215 and place H7760 such over them, to be rulers H8269 of thousands, H505 and rulers H8269 of hundreds, H3967 rulers H8269 of fifties, H2572 and rulers H8269 of tens: H6235

Exodus 18:25-26 STRONG

And Moses H4872 chose H977 able H2428 men H582 out of all Israel, H3478 and made H5414 them heads H7218 over the people, H5971 rulers H8269 of thousands, H505 rulers H8269 of hundreds, H3967 rulers H8269 of fifties, H2572 and rulers H8269 of tens. H6235 And they judged H8199 the people H5971 at all seasons: H6256 the hard H7186 causes H1697 they brought H935 unto Moses, H4872 but every small H6996 matter H1697 H1992 they judged H8199 themselves.

Exodus 22:20 STRONG

He that sacrificeth H2076 unto any god, H430 save H1115 unto the LORD H3068 only, he shall be utterly destroyed. H2763

Exodus 32:27-28 STRONG

And he said H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 Put H7760 every man H376 his sword H2719 by his side, H3409 and go H5674 in and out H7725 from gate H8179 to gate H8179 throughout the camp, H4264 and slay H2026 every man H376 his brother, H251 and every man H376 his companion, H7453 and every man H376 his neighbour. H7138 And the children H1121 of Levi H3878 did H6213 according to the word H1697 of Moses: H4872 and there fell H5307 of the people H5971 that day H3117 about three H7969 thousand H505 men. H376

Deuteronomy 13:6 STRONG

If thy brother, H251 the son H1121 of thy mother, H517 or thy son, H1121 or thy daughter, H1323 or the wife H802 of thy bosom, H2436 or thy friend, H7453 which is as thine own soul, H5315 entice H5496 thee secretly, H5643 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 and serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 which thou hast not known, H3045 thou, nor thy fathers; H1

Deuteronomy 13:9 STRONG

But thou shalt surely H2026 kill H2026 him; thine hand H3027 shall be first H7223 upon him to put him to death, H4191 and afterwards H314 the hand H3027 of all the people. H5971

Deuteronomy 13:13 STRONG

Certain men, H582 the children H1121 of Belial, H1100 are gone out H3318 from among H7130 you, and have withdrawn H5080 the inhabitants H3427 of their city, H5892 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 and serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 which ye have not known; H3045

Deuteronomy 13:15 STRONG

Thou shalt surely H5221 smite H5221 the inhabitants H3427 of that city H5892 with the edge H6310 of the sword, H2719 destroying it utterly, H2763 and all that is therein, and the cattle H929 thereof, with the edge H6310 of the sword. H2719

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 STRONG

And hath gone H3212 and served H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, either the sun, H8121 or moon, H3394 or any of the host H6635 of heaven, H8064 which I have not commanded; H6680 And it be told H5046 thee, and thou hast heard H8085 of it, and enquired H1875 diligently, H3190 and, behold, it be true, H571 and the thing H1697 certain, H3559 that such abomination H8441 is wrought H6213 in Israel: H3478 Then shalt thou bring forth H3318 that man H376 or that woman, H802 which have committed H6213 that wicked H7451 thing, H1697 unto thy gates, H8179 even that man H376 or that woman, H802 and shalt stone H5619 them with stones, H68 till they die. H4191

1 Kings 18:40 STRONG

And Elijah H452 said H559 unto them, Take H8610 the prophets H5030 of Baal; H1168 let not one H376 of them escape. H4422 And they took H8610 them: and Elijah H452 brought them down H3381 to the brook H5158 Kishon, H7028 and slew H7819 them there.

Commentary on Numbers 25 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 25:1-18. The Israelites' Whoredom and Idolatry with Moab.

1. Israel abode in Shittim—a verdant meadow, so called from a grove of acacia trees which lined the eastern side of the Jordan. (See Nu 33:49).

3. Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor—Baal was a general name for "lord," and Peor for a "mount" in Moab. The real name of the idol was Chemosh, and his rites of worship were celebrated by the grossest obscenity. In participating in this festival, then, the Israelites committed the double offense of idolatry and licentiousness.

4. The Lord said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up—Israelite criminals, who were capitally punished, were first stoned or slain, and then gibbeted. The persons ordered here for execution were the principal delinquents in the Baal-peor outrage—the subordinate officers, rulers of tens or hundreds.

before the Lord—for vindicating the honor of the true God.

against the sun—that is, as a mark of public ignominy; but they were to be removed towards sunset (De 21:23).

5. judges of Israel—the seventy elders, who were commanded not only to superintend the execution within their respective jurisdictions, but to inflict the punishment with their own hands. (See on 1Sa 15:33).

6, 7. behold, one of the children of Israel … brought … a Midianitish woman—This flagitious act most probably occurred about the time when the order was given and before its execution.

who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle—Some of the rulers and well-disposed persons were deploring the dreadful wickedness of the people and supplicating the mercy of God to avert impending judgments.

8. the plague—some sudden and widespread mortality.

9. those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand—Only twenty-three thousand perished (1Co 10:8) from pestilence. Moses includes those who died by the execution of the judges [Nu 25:5].

11-13. Phinehas … hath turned my wrath away—This assurance was a signal mark of honor that the stain of blood, instead of defiling, confirmed him in office and that his posterity should continue as long as the national existence of Israel.

14. Zimri, … a prince … among the Simeonites—The slaughter of a man of such high rank is mentioned as a proof of the undaunted zeal of Phinehas, for there might be numerous avengers of his blood.

17. Vex the Midianites, and smite them—They seem to have been the most guilty parties. (Compare Nu 22:4; 31:8).

18. they vex you with their wiles—Instead of open war, they plot insidious ways of accomplishing your ruin by idolatry and corruption.

their sister—their countrywoman.