Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 3 » Verse 15

Numbers 3:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 Number H6485 the children H1121 of Levi H3878 after the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 by their families: H4940 every male H2145 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward H4605 shalt thou number H6485 them.

Cross Reference

Numbers 26:62 STRONG

And those that were numbered H6485 of them were twenty H6242 and three H7969 thousand, H505 all males H2145 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward: H4605 for they were not numbered H6485 among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 because there was no inheritance H5159 given H5414 them among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Numbers 1:47 STRONG

But the Levites H3881 after the tribe H4294 of their fathers H1 were not numbered H6485 among H8432 them.

Numbers 3:22 STRONG

Those that were numbered H6485 of them, according to the number H4557 of all the males, H2145 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward, H4605 even those that were numbered H6485 of them were seven H7651 thousand H505 and five H2568 hundred. H3967

Numbers 3:28 STRONG

In the number H4557 of all the males, H2145 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward, H4605 were eight H8083 thousand H505 and six H8337 hundred, H3967 keeping H8104 the charge H4931 of the sanctuary. H6944

Numbers 3:34 STRONG

And those that were numbered H6485 of them, according to the number H4557 of all the males, H2145 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward, H4605 were six H8337 thousand H505 and two hundred. H3967

Numbers 3:39-40 STRONG

All that were numbered H6485 of the Levites, H3881 which Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 numbered H6485 at the commandment H6310 of the LORD, H3068 throughout their families, H4940 all the males H2145 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward, H4605 were twenty H6242 and two H8147 thousand. H505 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Number H6485 all the firstborn H1060 of the males H2145 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward, H4605 and take H5375 the number H4557 of their names. H8034

Numbers 3:43 STRONG

And all the firstborn H1060 males H2145 by the number H4557 of names, H8034 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward, H4605 of those that were numbered H6485 of them, were twenty H6242 and two H8147 thousand H505 two hundred H3967 and threescore and thirteen. H7657 H7969

Numbers 18:15-16 STRONG

Every thing that openeth H6363 the matrix H7358 in all flesh, H1320 which they bring H7126 unto the LORD, H3068 whether it be of men H120 or beasts, H929 shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn H1060 of man H120 shalt thou surely H6299 redeem, H6299 and the firstling H1060 of unclean H2931 beasts H929 shalt thou redeem. H6299 And those that are to be redeemed H6299 from a month H2320 old H1121 shalt thou redeem, H6299 according to thine estimation, H6187 for the money H3701 of five H2568 shekels, H8255 after the shekel H8255 of the sanctuary, H6944 which is twenty H6242 gerahs. H1626

Proverbs 8:17 STRONG

I love H157 them that love H157 me; and those that seek me early H7836 shall find H4672 me.

Jeremiah 2:2 STRONG

Go H1980 and cry H7121 in the ears H241 of Jerusalem, H3389 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 I remember H2142 thee, the kindness H2617 of thy youth, H5271 the love H160 of thine espousals, H3623 when thou wentest H3212 after H310 me in the wilderness, H4057 in a land H776 that was not sown. H2232

Jeremiah 31:3 STRONG

The LORD H3068 hath appeared H7200 of old H7350 unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved H157 thee with an everlasting H5769 love: H160 therefore with lovingkindness H2617 have I drawn H4900 thee.

Mark 10:14 STRONG

But G1161 when Jesus G2424 saw G1492 it, he was much displeased, G23 and G2532 said G2036 unto them, G846 Suffer G863 the little children G3813 to come G2064 unto G4314 me, G3165 and G2532 forbid G2967 them G846 not: G3361 for G1063 of such G5108 is G2076 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316

2 Timothy 3:15 STRONG

And G2532 that G3754 from G575 a child G1025 thou hast known G1492 the holy G2413 scriptures, G1121 which G3588 are able G1410 to make G4679 thee G4571 wise G4679 unto G1519 salvation G4991 through G1223 faith G4102 which G3588 is in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424

Commentary on Numbers 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 3:1-51. The Levites' Service.

1. These … are the generations of Aaron and Moses, &c.—This chapter contains an account of their families; and although that of Moses is not detailed like his brother's, his children are included under the general designation of the Amramites (Nu 3:27), a term which comprehends all the descendants of their common father Amram. The reason why the family of Moses was so undistinguished in this record is that they were in the private ranks of the Levites, the dignity of the priesthood being conferred exclusively on the posterity of Aaron; and hence, as the sacerdotal order is the subject of this chapter, Aaron, contrary to the usual style of the sacred history, is mentioned before Moses.

in the day that the Lord spake with Moses in mount Sinai—This is added, because at the date of the following record the family of Aaron was unbroken.

2-4. And these are the names of the sons of Aaron—All the sons of Aaron, four in number, were consecrated to minister in the priest's office. The two oldest enjoyed but a brief term of office (Le 10:1, 2; Nu 3:4; 26:61); but Eleazar and Ithamar, the other two, were dutiful, and performed the sacred service during the lifetime of their father, as his assistants, and under his superintendence.

5-10. Bring the tribe of Levi near—The Hebrew word "bring near" is a sacrificial term, denoting the presentation of an offering to God; and the use of the word, therefore, in connection with the Levites, signifies that they were devoted as an offering to the sanctuary, no longer to be employed in any common offices. They were subordinate to the priests, who alone enjoyed the privilege of entering the holy place; but they were employed in discharging many of the humbler duties which belonged to the sanctuary, as well as in various offices of great utility and importance to the religion and morals of the people.

9. they are wholly given unto him out of the children of Israel, &c.—The priests hold the place of God, and the Levites are the servants of God in the obedience they render to the priests.

11-13. I have taken the Levites, &c.—The consecration of this tribe did not originate in the legislative wisdom of Moses, but in the special appointment of God, who chose them as substitutes for the first-born. By an appointment made in memory of the last solemn judgment on Egypt (from which the Israelitish households were miraculously exempt) all the first-born were consecrated to God (Ex 13:12; 22:29), who thus, under peculiar circumstances, seemed to adopt the patriarchal usage of appointing the oldest to act as the priest of the family. But the privilege of redemption that was allowed the first-born opened the way for a change; and accordingly, on the full organization of the Mosaic economy, the administration of sacred things formerly committed to the first-born was transferred from them to the Levites, who received that honor partly as a tribute to Moses and Aaron, partly because this tribe had distinguished themselves by their zeal in the affair of the golden calf (Ex 32:29), and also because, being the smallest of the tribes, they could ill find suitable employment and support in the work. (See on De 33:8). The designation of a special class for the sacred offices of religion was a wise arrangement; for, on their settlement in Canaan, the people would be so occupied that they might not be at leisure to wait on the service of the sanctuary, and sacred things might, from various causes, fall into neglect. But the appointment of an entire tribe to the divine service ensured the regular performance of the rites of religion. The subsequent portion of the chapter relates to the formal substitution of this tribe.

I am the Lord—that is, I decree it to be so; and being possessed of sovereign authority, I expect full obedience.

14-31. Number the children of Levi—They were numbered as well as the other tribes; but the enumeration was made on a different principle—for while in the other tribes the number of males was calculated from twenty years and upward [Nu 1:3], in that of Levi they were counted "from a month old and upward." The reason for the distinction is obvious. In the other tribes the survey was made for purposes of war [Nu 1:3], from which the Levites were totally exempt. But the Levites were appointed to a work on which they entered as soon as they were capable of instruction. They are mentioned under the names of Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, sons of Levi, and chiefs or ancestral heads of three subdivisions into which this tribe was distributed. Their duties were to assist in the conveyance of the tabernacle when the people were removing the various encampments, and to form its guard while stationary—the Gershonites being stationed on the west, the Kohathites on the south, and the families of Merari on the north. The Kohathites had the principal place about the tabernacle, and charge of the most precious and sacred things—a distinction with which they were honored, probably, because the Aaronic family belonged to this division of the Levitical tribe. The Gershonites, being the oldest, had the next honorable post assigned them, while the burden of the drudgery was thrown on the division of Merari.

32. chief—rather, "chiefs" of the Levites. Three persons are mentioned as chiefs of these respective divisions [Nu 3:24, 30, 35]. And Eleazar presided over them; whence he is called "the second priest" (2Ki 25:18); and in the case of the high priest's absence from illness or other necessary occasions, he performed the duties (1Ki 4:4).

38. those that encamp, &c.—That being the entrance side, it was the post of honor, and consequently reserved to Moses and the priestly family. But the sons of Moses had no station here.

39. twenty and two thousand—The result of this census, though made on conditions most advantageous to Levi, proved it to be by far the smallest in Israel. The separate numbers stated in Nu 3:22, 28, 34, when added together, amount to twenty-two thousand three hundred. The omission of the three hundred is variously accounted for—by some, because they might be first-born who were already devoted to God and could not be counted as substitutes; and by others, because in Scripture style, the sum is reckoned in round numbers. The most probable conjecture is, that as Hebrew letters are employed for figures, one letter was, in the course of transcription, taken for another of like form but smaller value.

40-51. Number all the first-born of the males of the children of Israel, &c.—The principle on which the enumeration of the Levites had been made was now to be applied to the other tribes. The number of their male children, from a month old and upward, was to be reckoned, in order that a comparison might be instituted with that of the Levites, for the formal adoption of the latter as substitutes for the first-born. The Levites, amounting to twenty-two thousand, were given in exchange for an equal number of the first-born from the other tribes, leaving an excess of two hundred seventy-three; and as there were no substitutes for these, they were redeemed at the rate of five shekels for each (Nu 18:15, 16). Every Israelite would naturally wish that his son might be redeemed by a Levite without the payment of this tax, and yet some would have to incur the expense, for there were not Levites enough to make an equal exchange. Jewish writers say the matter was determined by lot, in this manner: Moses put into an urn twenty-two thousand pieces of parchment, on each of which he wrote "a son of Levi," and two hundred seventy-three more, containing the words, "five shekels." These being shaken, he ordered each of the first-born to put in his hand and take out a slip. If it contained the first inscription, the boy was redeemed by a Levite; if the latter, the parent had to pay. The ransom-money, which, reckoning the shekel at half a crown, would amount to 12s. 6d. each, was appropriated to the use of the sanctuary. The excess of the general over the Levitical first-born is so small, that the only way of accounting for it is, by supposing those first-born only were counted as were males remaining in their parents' household, or that those first-born only were numbered which had been born since the departure from Egypt, when God claimed all the first-born as his special property.

41. the cattle of the Levites—These, which they kept to graze on the glebes and meadows in the suburbs of their cities, to supply their families with dairy produce and animal food, were also taken as an equivalent for all the firstlings of the cattle which the Israelites at that time possessed. In consequence of this exchange the firstlings were not brought then, as afterwards, to the altar and the priests.