Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 18 » Verse 12

Proverbs 18:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 Before H6440 destruction H7667 the heart H3820 of man H376 is haughty, H1361 and before H6440 honour H3519 is humility. H6038

Cross Reference

Proverbs 15:33 STRONG

The fear H3374 of the LORD H3068 is the instruction H4148 of wisdom; H2451 and before H6440 honour H3519 is humility. H6038

Proverbs 11:2 STRONG

When pride H2087 cometh, H935 then cometh H935 shame: H7036 but with the lowly H6800 is wisdom. H2451

Proverbs 16:18 STRONG

Pride H1347 goeth before H6440 destruction, H7667 and an haughty H1363 spirit H7307 before H6440 a fall. H3783

Proverbs 29:23 STRONG

A man's H120 pride H1346 shall bring him low: H8213 but honour H3519 shall uphold H8551 the humble H8217 in spirit. H7307

Ezekiel 28:2 STRONG

Son H1121 of man, H120 say H559 unto the prince H5057 of Tyrus, H6865 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because thine heart H3820 is lifted up, H1361 and thou hast said, H559 I am a God, H410 I sit H3427 in the seat H4186 of God, H430 in the midst H3820 of the seas; H3220 yet thou art a man, H120 and not God, H410 though thou set H5414 thine heart H3820 as the heart H3820 of God: H430

Ezekiel 28:9 STRONG

Wilt thou yet H559 say H559 before H6440 him that slayeth H2026 thee, I am God? H430 but thou shalt be a man, H120 and no God, H410 in the hand H3027 of him that slayeth H2490 thee.

Job 42:6-17 STRONG

Wherefore I abhor H3988 myself, and repent H5162 in dust H6083 and ashes. H665 And it was so, that after H310 the LORD H3068 had spoken H1696 these words H1697 unto Job, H347 the LORD H3068 said H559 to Eliphaz H464 the Temanite, H8489 My wrath H639 is kindled H2734 against thee, and against thy two H8147 friends: H7453 for ye have not spoken H1696 of me the thing that is right, H3559 as my servant H5650 Job H347 hath. Therefore take H3947 unto you now seven H7651 bullocks H6499 and seven H7651 rams, H352 and go H3212 to my servant H5650 Job, H347 and offer up H5927 for yourselves a burnt offering; H5930 and my servant H5650 Job H347 shall pray H6419 for you: for him H6440 will I accept: H5375 lest I deal H6213 with you after your folly, H5039 in that ye have not spoken H1696 of me the thing which is right, H3559 like my servant H5650 Job. H347 So Eliphaz H464 the Temanite H8489 and Bildad H1085 the Shuhite H7747 and Zophar H6691 the Naamathite H5284 went, H3212 and did H6213 according as the LORD H3068 commanded H1696 them: the LORD H3068 also accepted H5375 Job. H6440 H347 And the LORD H3068 turned H7725 the captivity H7622 H7622 of Job, H347 when he prayed H6419 for his friends: H7453 also the LORD H3068 gave H3254 Job H347 twice as much H4932 as he had before. Then came H935 there unto him all his brethren, H251 and all his sisters, H269 and all they that had been of his acquaintance H3045 before, H6440 and did eat H398 bread H3899 with him in his house: H1004 and they bemoaned H5110 him, and comforted H5162 him over all the evil H7451 that the LORD H3068 had brought H935 upon him: every man H376 also gave H5414 him a H259 piece of money, H7192 and every one H376 an earring H5141 of gold. H2091 So the LORD H3068 blessed H1288 the latter end H319 of Job H347 more than his beginning: H7225 for he had fourteen H702 H6240 thousand H505 sheep, H6629 and six H8337 thousand H505 camels, H1581 and a thousand H505 yoke H6776 of oxen, H1241 and a thousand H505 she asses. H860 He had also seven H7658 sons H1121 and three H7969 daughters. H1323 And he called H7121 the name H8034 of the first, H259 Jemima; H3224 and the name H8034 of the second, H8145 Kezia; H7103 and the name H8034 of the third, H7992 Kerenhappuch. H7163 And in all the land H776 were no women H802 found H4672 so fair H3303 as the daughters H1323 of Job: H347 and their father H1 gave H5414 them inheritance H5159 among H8432 their brethren. H251 After H310 this lived H2421 Job H347 an hundred H3967 and forty H705 years, H8141 and saw H7200 his sons, H1121 and his sons' H1121 sons, H1121 even four H702 generations. H1755 So Job H347 died, H4191 being old H2205 and full H7649 of days. H3117

Isaiah 6:5-13 STRONG

Then said H559 I, Woe H188 is me! for I am undone; H1820 because I am a man H376 of unclean H2931 lips, H8193 and I dwell H3427 in the midst H8432 of a people H5971 of unclean H2931 lips: H8193 for mine eyes H5869 have seen H7200 the King, H4428 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635 Then flew H5774 one H259 of the seraphims H8314 unto me, having a live coal H7531 in his hand, H3027 which he had taken H3947 with the tongs H4457 from off the altar: H4196 And he laid H5060 it upon my mouth, H6310 and said, H559 Lo, this hath touched H5060 thy lips; H8193 and thine iniquity H5771 is taken away, H5493 and thy sin H2403 purged. H3722 Also I heard H8085 the voice H6963 of the Lord, H136 saying, H559 Whom shall I send, H7971 and who will go H3212 for us? Then said H559 I, Here am I; send H7971 me. And he said, H559 Go, H3212 and tell H559 this people, H5971 Hear H8085 ye indeed, H8085 but understand H995 not; and see H7200 ye indeed, H7200 but perceive H3045 not. Make the heart H3820 of this people H5971 fat, H8080 and make their ears H241 heavy, H3513 and shut H8173 their eyes; H5869 lest they see H7200 with their eyes, H5869 and hear H8085 with their ears, H241 and understand H995 with their heart, H3824 and convert, H7725 and be healed. H7495 Then said H559 I, Lord, H136 how long? And he answered, H559 Until the cities H5892 be wasted H7582 without inhabitant, H3427 and the houses H1004 without man, H120 and the land H127 be utterly H8077 desolate, H7582 And the LORD H3068 have removed H7368 men H120 far away, H7368 and there be a great H7227 forsaking H5805 in the midst H7130 of the land. H776 But yet in it shall be a tenth, H6224 and it shall return, H7725 and shall be eaten: H1197 as a teil tree, H424 and as an oak, H437 whose substance H4678 is in them, when they cast H7995 their leaves: so the holy H6944 seed H2233 shall be the substance H4678 thereof.

Ezekiel 16:49-50 STRONG

Behold, this was the iniquity H5771 of thy sister H269 Sodom, H5467 pride, H1347 fulness H7653 of bread, H3899 and abundance H7962 of idleness H8252 was in her and in her daughters, H1323 neither did she strengthen H2388 the hand H3027 of the poor H6041 and needy. H34 And they were haughty, H1361 and committed H6213 abomination H8441 before H6440 me: therefore I took them away H5493 as I saw H7200 good.

Daniel 5:23-24 STRONG

But hast lifted up H7313 thyself against H5922 the Lord H4756 of heaven; H8065 and they have brought H858 the vessels H3984 of his house H1005 before H6925 thee, and thou, H607 and thy lords, H7261 thy wives, H7695 and thy concubines, H3904 have drunk H8355 wine H2562 in them; and thou hast praised H7624 the gods H426 of silver, H3702 and gold, H1722 of brass, H5174 iron, H6523 wood, H636 and stone, H69 which see H2370 not, H3809 nor H3809 hear, H8086 nor H3809 know: H3046 and the God H426 in whose hand H3028 thy breath H5396 is, and whose are all H3606 thy ways, H735 hast thou not H3809 glorified: H1922 Then H116 was the part H6447 of the hand H3028 sent H7972 from H4481 him; H6925 and this H1836 writing H3792 was written. H7560

Daniel 9:20 STRONG

And whiles I was speaking, H1696 and praying, H6419 and confessing H3034 my sin H2403 and the sin H2403 of my people H5971 Israel, H3478 and presenting H5307 my supplication H8467 before H6440 the LORD H3068 my God H430 for the holy H6944 mountain H2022 of my God; H430

Daniel 9:23 STRONG

At the beginning H8462 of thy supplications H8469 the commandment H1697 came forth, H3318 and I am come H935 to shew H5046 thee; for thou art greatly beloved: H2532 therefore understand H995 the matter, H1697 and consider H995 the vision. H4758

Luke 14:11 STRONG

For G3754 whosoever G3956 exalteth G5312 himself G1438 shall be abased; G5013 and G2532 he that humbleth G5013 himself G1438 shall be exalted. G5312

Acts 12:21-23 STRONG

And G1161 upon a set G5002 day G2250 Herod, G2264 arrayed G1746 in royal G937 apparel, G2066 sat G2523 upon G1909 his throne, G968 and G2532 made an oration G1215 unto G4314 them. G846 And G1161 the people G1218 gave a shout, G2019 saying, It is the voice G5456 of a god, G2316 and G2532 not G3756 of a man. G444 And G1161 immediately G3916 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 smote G3960 him, G846 because G473 G3739 he gave G1325 not G3756 God G2316 the glory: G1391 and G2532 he was G1096 eaten of worms, G4662 and gave up the ghost. G1634

1 Peter 5:5 STRONG

Likewise, G3668 ye younger, G3501 submit yourselves G5293 unto the elder. G4245 Yea, G1161 all G3956 of you be subject G5293 one to another, G240 and be clothed G1463 with humility: G5012 for G3754 God G2316 resisteth G498 the proud, G5244 and G1161 giveth G1325 grace G5485 to the humble. G5011

Commentary on Proverbs 18 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 18:1-24.

1. Through desire … seeketh—that is, seeks selfish gratification.

intermeddleth … wisdom—or, "rushes on" (Pr 17:14) against all wisdom, or what is valuable (Pr 2:7).

2. that his heart … itself—that is, takes pleasure in revealing his folly (Pr 12:23; 15:2).

3. So surely are sin and punishment connected (Pr 16:4).

wicked, for "wickedness," answers to

ignominy, or the state of such; and

contempt, the feeling of others to them; and to

reproach, a manifestation of contempt.

4. Wise speech is like an exhaustless stream of benefit.

5. accept the person—(Compare Ps 82:2). "It is not good" is to be supplied before "to overthrow."

6, 7. The quarrelsome bring trouble on themselves. Their rash language ensnares them (Pr 6:2).

8. (Compare Pr 16:28).

as wounds—not sustained by the Hebrew; better, as "sweet morsels," which men gladly swallow.

innermost … belly—the mind, or heart (compare Pr 20:27-30; Ps 22:14).

9. One by failing to get, the other by wasting wealth, grows poor.

waster—literally, "master of washing," a prodigal.

10. name of the Lord—manifested perfections (Ps 8:1; 20:2), as faithfulness, power, mercy, &c., on which men rely.

is safe—literally, "set on high, out of danger" (Ps 18:2; 91:4).

11. contrasts with Pr 18:10 (compare Pr 10:15). Such is a vain trust (compare Ps 73:6).

12. (Compare Pr 15:33; 16:18).

13. Hasty speech evinces self-conceit, and ensures shame (Pr 26:12).

14. infirmity—bodily sickness, or outward evil. The spirit, which sustains, being wounded, no support is left, except, as implied, in God.

15. (Compare Pr 1:5, 15, 31).

16. (Compare Pr 17:8, 23). Disapproval of the fact stated is implied.

17. One-sided statements are not reliable.

searcheth—thoroughly (Pr 17:9, 19).

18. The lot—whose disposal is of God (Pr 16:13), may, properly used, be a right mode of settling disputes.

19. No feuds so difficult of adjustment as those of relatives; hence great care should be used to avoid them.

20. (Compare Pr 12:14; 13:2). Men's words are the fruit, or, increase of his lips, and when good, benefit them.

satisfied with—(Compare Pr 1:31; 14:14).

21. Death and life—or, the greatest evil and good.

that love it—that is, the tongue, or its use for good or evil.

eat … fruit—(Compare Pr 18:19; Jas 1:19).

22. The old versions supply "good" before the "wife," as the last clause and Pr 19:14 imply (compare Pr 31:10).

23. the rich … roughly—He is tolerated because rich, implying that the estimate of men by wealth is wrong.

24. A man … friendly—better, "A man … (is) to, or, may triumph (Ps 108:9), or, shout for joy (Ps 5:11), that is, may congratulate himself." Indeed, there is a Friend who is better than a brother; such is the "Friend of sinners" [Mt 11:19; Lu 7:34], who may have been before the writer's mind.