Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 23 » Verse 6

Proverbs 23:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 Eat H3898 thou not the bread H3899 of him that hath an evil H7451 eye, H5869 neither desire H183 thou his dainty meats: H4303

Cross Reference

Psalms 141:4 STRONG

Incline H5186 not my heart H3820 to any evil H7451 thing, H1697 to practise H5953 wicked H7562 works H5949 with men H376 that work H6466 iniquity: H205 and let me not eat H3898 of their dainties. H4516

Deuteronomy 15:9 STRONG

Beware H8104 that there be not a thought H1697 in thy wicked H1100 heart, H3824 saying, H559 The seventh H7651 year, H8141 the year H8141 of release, H8059 is at hand; H7126 and thine eye H5869 be evil H7489 against thy poor H34 brother, H251 and thou givest H5414 him nought; and he cry H7121 unto the LORD H3068 against thee, and it be sin H2399 unto thee.

Proverbs 23:3 STRONG

Be not desirous H183 of his dainties: H4303 for they are deceitful H3577 meat. H3899

Proverbs 22:9 STRONG

He that hath a bountiful H2896 eye H5869 shall be blessed; H1288 for he giveth H5414 of his bread H3899 to the poor. H1800

Daniel 1:8-10 STRONG

But Daniel H1840 purposed H7760 in his heart H3820 that he would not defile H1351 himself with the portion H6598 of the king's H4428 meat, H6598 nor with the wine H3196 which he drank: H4960 therefore he requested H1245 of the prince H8269 of the eunuchs H5631 that he might not defile H1351 himself. Now God H430 had brought H5414 Daniel H1840 into favour H2617 and tender love H7356 with H6440 the prince H8269 of the eunuchs. H5631 And the prince H8269 of the eunuchs H5631 said H559 unto Daniel, H1840 I fear H3373 my lord H113 the king, H4428 who hath appointed H4487 your meat H3978 and your drink: H4960 for why should he see H7200 your faces H6440 worse liking H2196 than the children H3206 which are of your sort? H1524 then shall ye make me endanger H2325 my head H7218 to the king. H4428

Deuteronomy 28:56 STRONG

The tender H7390 and delicate H6028 woman among you, which would not adventure H5254 to set H3322 the sole H3709 of her foot H7272 upon the ground H776 for delicateness H6026 and tenderness, H7391 her eye H5869 shall be evil H3415 toward the husband H376 of her bosom, H2436 and toward her son, H1121 and toward her daughter, H1323

Proverbs 28:22 STRONG

He H376 that hasteth H926 to be rich H1952 hath an evil H7451 eye, H5869 and considereth H3045 not that poverty H2639 shall come H935 upon him.

Matthew 20:15 STRONG

G2228 Is it not G3756 lawful G1832 for me G3427 to do G4160 what G3739 I will G2309 with G1722 mine own? G1699 G1487 Is G2076 thine G4675 eye G3788 evil, G4190 because G3754 I G1473 am G1510 good? G18

Mark 7:22 STRONG

Thefts, G2829 covetousness, G4124 wickedness, G4189 deceit, G1388 lasciviousness, G766 an evil G4190 eye, G3788 blasphemy, G988 pride, G5243 foolishness: G877

Commentary on Proverbs 23 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 23:1-35.

1. Avoid the dangers of gluttony.

2. put a knife—an Eastern figure for putting restraint on the appetite.

3. are deceitful meat—though well tasted, injurious.

4, 5. (Compare 1Ti 6:9, 10).

thine own wisdom—which regards riches intrinsically as a blessing.

5. Wilt … eyes—As the eyes fly after or seek riches, they are not, that is, either become transitory or unsatisfying; fully expressed by their flying away.

6-8. Beware of deceitful men, whose courtesies even you will repent of having accepted.

evil eye—or purpose (Pr 22:9; De 15:9; Mt 6:23).

8. The morsel … words—that is, disgusted with his true character, all pleasant intercourse will be destroyed.

9. (Compare Pr 9:8). "Cast not your pearls before swine" (Mt 7:6).

10, 11. (Compare Pr 22:22, 23).

11. redeemer—or avenger (Le 25:25, 26; Nu 35:12), hence advocate (Job 19:25).

plead … thee—(Compare Job 31:21; Ps 35:1; 68:5).

12. Here begins another series of precepts.

13, 14. While there is little danger that the use of the "divine ordinance of the rod" will produce bodily harm, there is great hope of spiritual good.

15, 16. The pleasure afforded the teacher by the pupil's progress is a motive to diligence.

16. my reins—(Compare Ps 7:9).

17, 18. (Compare Margin). The prosperity of the wicked is short.

18. an end—or, "hereafter," another time, when apparent inequalities shall be adjusted (compare Ps 37:28-38).

19-21. guide … way—or direct thy thoughts to a right course of conduct (compare Pr 4:4; 9:6).

20. riotous … flesh—prodigal, or eating more than necessary. Instead of "their flesh" (compare Margin), better, "flesh to them," that is, used for pleasure.

21. drowsiness—the dreamy sleep of the slothful.

22. Hearken—that is, obey (Pr 1:8; Eph 6:1).

despise … old—Adults revere the parents whom, as children, they once obeyed.

23. Buy—literally, "get" (Pr 4:5).

truth—generally and specially as opposed to errors of all kinds.

24, 25. (Compare Pr 10:1; 17:21, 25).

26-35. A solemn warning against whoredom and drunkenness (Ho 4:11).

give me—This is the address of that divine wisdom so often presented (Pr 8:1; 9:3, &c.).



my ways—such as I teach you (Pr 3:17; 9:6).

27, 28. deep ditch—a narrow pit, out of which it is hard to climb.

lieth in wait—to ensnare men into the pit, as hunters entrap game (compare Pr 22:14).

28. increaseth … transgressors—(Pr 5:8-10). The vice alluded to is peculiarly hardening to the heart.

29, 30. This picture is often sadly realized now.

mixed wine—(Compare Pr 9:2; Isa 5:11).

31. when … red—the color denoting greater strength (compare Ge 49:11; De 32:14).

giveth … cup—literally, "gives its eye," that is, sparkles.

moveth … aright—Perhaps its foaming is meant.

32. The acute miseries resulting from drunkenness contrasted with the temptations.

33, 34. The moral effects: it inflames passion (Ge 19:31, 35), lays open the heart, produces insensibility to the greatest dangers, and debars from reformation, under the severest sufferings.

35. awake—that is, from drunkenness (Ge 9:24). This is the language rather of acts than of the tongue.