Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 9 » Verse 1

Proverbs 9:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Wisdom H2454 hath builded H1129 her house, H1004 she hath hewn out H2672 her seven H7651 pillars: H5982

Cross Reference

Ephesians 2:20-22 STRONG

And are built G2026 upon G1909 the foundation G2310 of the apostles G652 and G2532 prophets, G4396 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 himself G846 being G5607 the chief corner G204 stone; In G1722 whom G3739 all G3956 the building G3619 fitly framed together G4883 groweth G837 unto G1519 an holy G40 temple G3485 in G1722 the Lord: G2962 In G1722 whom G3739 ye G5210 also G2532 are builded together G4925 for G1519 an habitation G2732 of God G2316 through G1722 the Spirit. G4151

Matthew 16:18 STRONG

And G1161 I say G3004 also G2504 unto thee, G4671 That G3754 thou G4771 art G1488 Peter, G4074 and G2532 upon G1909 this G5026 rock G4073 I will build G3618 my G3450 church; G1577 and G2532 the gates G4439 of hell G86 shall G2729 not G3756 prevail against G2729 it. G846

1 Corinthians 3:9-15 STRONG

For G1063 we are G2070 labourers together G4904 with God: G2316 ye are G2075 God's G2316 husbandry, G1091 ye are God's G2316 building. G3619 According G2596 to the grace G5485 of God G2316 which G3588 is given G1325 unto me, G3427 as G5613 a wise G4680 masterbuilder, G753 I have laid G5087 the foundation, G2310 and G1161 another G243 buildeth G2026 thereon. But G1161 let G991 every man G1538 take heed G991 how G4459 he buildeth G2026 thereupon. For G1063 other G243 foundation G2310 can G1410 no man G3762 lay G5087 than G3844 that is laid, G2749 which G3739 is G2076 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 Now G1161 if any man G1536 build G2026 upon G1909 this G5126 foundation G2310 gold, G5557 silver, G696 precious G5093 stones, G3037 wood, G3586 hay, G5528 stubble; G2562 Every man's G1538 work G2041 shall be made G1096 manifest: G5318 for G1063 the day G2250 shall declare G1213 it, because G3754 it shall be revealed G601 by G1722 fire; G4442 and G2532 the fire G4442 shall try G1381 every man's G1538 work G2041 of what sort G3697 it is. G2076 If any man's G1536 work G2041 abide G3306 which G3739 he hath built G2026 thereupon, he shall receive G2983 a reward. G3408 If any man's G1536 work G2041 shall be burned, G2618 he shall suffer loss: G2210 but G1161 he himself G846 shall be saved; G4982 yet G1161 so G3779 as G5613 by G1223 fire. G4442

Galatians 2:9 STRONG

And G2532 when James, G2385 G2532 Cephas, G2786 and G2532 John, G2491 who G3588 seemed G1380 to be G1511 pillars, G4769 perceived G1097 the grace G5485 that was given G1325 unto me, G3427 they gave G1325 to me G1698 and G2532 Barnabas G921 the right hands G1188 of fellowship; G2842 that G2443 we G2249 should go unto G1519 the heathen, G1484 and G1161 they G846 unto G1519 the circumcision. G4061

1 Kings 7:2-3 STRONG

He built H1129 also the house H1004 of the forest H3293 of Lebanon; H3844 the length H753 thereof was an hundred H3967 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 thereof fifty H2572 cubits, H520 and the height H6967 thereof thirty H7970 cubits, H520 upon four H702 rows H2905 of cedar H730 pillars, H5982 with cedar H730 beams H3773 upon the pillars. H5982 And it was covered H5603 with cedar H730 above H4605 upon the beams, H6763 that lay on forty H705 five H2568 pillars, H5982 fifteen H6240 in a row. H2905

1 Kings 7:6 STRONG

And he made H6213 a porch H197 of pillars; H5982 the length H753 thereof was fifty H2572 cubits, H520 and the breadth H7341 thereof thirty H7970 cubits: H520 and the porch H197 was before H6440 them: and the other pillars H5982 and the thick beam H5646 were before them.

1 Kings 7:21 STRONG

And he set up H6965 the pillars H5982 in the porch H197 of the temple: H1964 and he set up H6965 the right H3233 pillar, H5982 and called H7121 the name H8034 thereof Jachin: H3199 and he set up H6965 the left H8042 pillar, H5982 and called H7121 the name H8034 thereof Boaz. H1162

1 Timothy 3:15 STRONG

But G1161 if G1437 I tarry long, G1019 that G2443 thou mayest know G1492 how G4459 thou oughtest G1163 to behave thyself G390 in G1722 the house G3624 of God, G2316 which G3748 is G2076 the church G1577 of the living G2198 God, G2316 the pillar G4769 and G2532 ground G1477 of the truth. G225

Hebrews 3:3-6 STRONG

For G1063 this G3778 man was counted worthy G515 of more G4119 glory G1391 than G3844 Moses, G3475 inasmuch as G2596 G3745 he who hath builded G2680 the house G3624 hath more G4119 honour G5092 than G2192 the house. G846 For G1063 every G3956 house G3624 is builded G2680 by G5259 some G5100 man; but G1161 he that built G2680 all things G3956 is God. G2316 And G2532 Moses G3475 verily G3303 was faithful G4103 in G1722 all G3650 his G846 house, G3624 as G5613 a servant, G2324 for G1519 a testimony G3142 of those things which were to be spoken after; G2980 But G1161 Christ G5547 as G5613 a son G5207 over G1909 his own G846 house; G3624 whose G3739 house G3624 are G2070 we, G2249 if G1437 G4007 we hold fast G2722 the confidence G3954 and G2532 the rejoicing G2745 of the hope G1680 firm G949 unto G3360 the end. G5056

1 Peter 2:5-6 STRONG

Ye G846 also, G2532 as G5613 lively G2198 stones, G3037 are built up G3618 a spiritual G4152 house, G3624 an holy G40 priesthood, G2406 to offer up G399 spiritual G4152 sacrifices, G2378 acceptable G2144 to God G2316 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 Wherefore G1352 also G2532 it is contained G4023 in G1722 the scripture, G1124 Behold, G2400 I lay G5087 in G1722 Sion G4622 a chief corner G204 stone, G3037 elect, G1588 precious: G1784 and G2532 he that believeth G4100 on G1909 him G846 shall G2617 not be G3364 confounded. G2617

Revelation 3:12 STRONG

Him G846 that overcometh G3528 will I make G4160 a pillar G4769 in G1722 the temple G3485 of my G3450 God, G2316 and G2532 he shall go G1831 no G3364 more G2089 out: G1854 and G2532 I will write G1125 upon G1909 him G846 the name G3686 of my G3450 God, G2316 and G2532 the name G3686 of the city G4172 of my G3450 God, G2316 which is G3588 new G2537 Jerusalem, G2419 which G3588 cometh down G2597 G2597 out of G1537 heaven G3772 from G575 my G3450 God: G2316 and G2532 I will write upon him my G3450 new G2537 name. G3686

Commentary on Proverbs 9 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 9:1-18. The commendation of wisdom is continued, under the figure of a liberal host, and its provisions under that of a feast (compare Lu 14:16-24). The character of those who are invited is followed by a contrasted description of the rejectors of good counsel; and with the invitations of wisdom are contrasted the allurement of the wicked woman.

1. house—(compare Pr 8:34).

her—or, "its" (the house).

seven pillars—the number seven for many, or a sufficiency (Pr 6:31).

2. mingled—to enhance the flavor (Pr 23:30; Isa 5:22).

furnished—literally, "set out," "arranged."

3. maidens—servants to invite (compare Ps 68:11; Isa 40:9).

highest places—ridges of heights, conspicuous places.

4-6. (Compare Pr 1:4; 6:32). Wisdom not only supplies right but forbids wrong principles.

7, 8. shame—(Compare Pr 3:35).

a blot—or, "stain on character." Both terms denote the evil done by others to one whose faithfulness secures a wise man's love.

9. The more a wise man learns, the more he loves wisdom.

10. (Compare Pr 1:7).

of the holy—literally, "holies," persons or things, or both. This knowledge gives right perception.

11. (Compare Pr 3:16-18; 4:10).

12. You are mainly concerned in your own conduct.

13. foolish woman—or literally, "woman of folly," specially manifested by such as are described.

clamorous—or, "noisy" (Pr 7:11).

knoweth nothing—literally, "knoweth not what," that is, is right and proper.

14. on a seat—literally, "throne," takes a prominent place, impudently and haughtily.

15, 16. to allure those who are right-minded, and who are addressed as in Pr 9:4, as

simple—that is, easily led (Pr 1:4) and unsettled, though willing to do right.

17. The language of a proverb, meaning that forbidden delights are sweet and pleasant, as fruits of risk and danger.

18. (Compare Pr 2:18, 19; 7:27).