Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 105 » Verse 40

Psalms 105:40 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

40 The people asked, H7592 and he brought H935 quails, H7958 and satisfied H7646 them with the bread H3899 of heaven. H8064

Cross Reference

Psalms 78:18 STRONG

And they tempted H5254 God H410 in their heart H3824 by asking H7592 meat H400 for their lust. H5315

Exodus 16:12-35 STRONG

I have heard H8085 the murmurings H8519 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 speak H1696 unto them, saying, H559 At even H996 H6153 ye shall eat H398 flesh, H1320 and in the morning H1242 ye shall be filled H7646 with bread; H3899 and ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430 And it came to pass, that at even H6153 the quails H7958 came up, H5927 and covered H3680 the camp: H4264 and in the morning H1242 the dew H2919 lay H7902 round about H5439 the host. H4264 And when the dew H2919 that lay H7902 was gone up, H5927 behold, upon the face H6440 of the wilderness H4057 there lay a small H1851 round thing, H2636 as small H1851 as the hoar frost H3713 on the ground. H776 And when the children H1121 of Israel H3478 saw H7200 it, they said H559 one H376 to another, H251 It is manna: H4478 for they wist H3045 not what it was. And Moses H4872 said H559 unto them, This is the bread H3899 which the LORD H3068 hath given H5414 you to eat. H402 This is the thing H1697 which H834 the LORD H3068 hath commanded, H6680 Gather H3950 of it every man H376 according H6310 to his eating, H400 an omer H6016 for every man, H1538 according to the number H4557 of your persons; H5315 take H3947 ye every man H376 for them which are in his tents. H168 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did H6213 so, and gathered, H3950 some more, H7235 some less. H4591 And when they did mete H4058 it with an omer, H6016 he that gathered much H7235 had nothing over, H5736 and he that gathered little H4591 had no lack; H2637 they gathered H3950 every man H376 according H6310 to his eating. H400 And Moses H4872 said, H559 Let no man H376 leave H3498 of it till the morning. H1242 Notwithstanding they hearkened H8085 not unto Moses; H4872 but some H582 of them left H3498 of it until the morning, H1242 and it bred H7311 worms, H8438 and stank: H887 and Moses H4872 was wroth H7107 with them. And they gathered H3950 it every morning, H1242 every man H376 according H6310 to his eating: H400 and when the sun H8121 waxed hot, H2552 it melted. H4549 And it came to pass, that on the sixth H8345 day H3117 they gathered H3950 twice H4932 as much bread, H3899 two H8147 omers H6016 for one H259 man: and all the rulers H5387 of the congregation H5712 came H935 and told H5046 Moses. H4872 And he said H559 unto them, This is that which the LORD H3068 hath said, H1696 To morrow H4279 is the rest H7677 of the holy H6944 sabbath H7676 unto the LORD: H3068 bake H644 that which ye will bake H644 to day, and seethe H1310 that ye will seethe; H1310 and that which H3605 remaineth over H5736 lay up H3240 for you to be kept H4931 until the morning. H1242 And they laid it up H3240 till the morning, H1242 as Moses H4872 bade: H6680 and it did not stink, H887 neither was there any worm H7415 therein. And Moses H4872 said, H559 Eat H398 that to day; H3117 for to day H3117 is a sabbath H7676 unto the LORD: H3068 to day H3117 ye shall not find H4672 it in the field. H7704 Six H8337 days H3117 ye shall gather H3950 it; but on the seventh H7637 day, H3117 which is the sabbath, H7676 in it there shall be none. And it came to pass, that there went out H3318 some of the people H5971 on the seventh H7637 day H3117 for to gather, H3950 and they found H4672 none. And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 How long refuse H3985 ye to keep H8104 my commandments H4687 and my laws? H8451 See, H7200 for that the LORD H3068 hath given H5414 you the sabbath, H7676 therefore he giveth H5414 you on the sixth H8345 day H3117 the bread H3899 of two days; H3117 abide H3427 ye every man H376 in his place, let no man H376 go out H3318 of his place H4725 on the seventh H7637 day. H3117 So the people H5971 rested H7673 on the seventh H7637 day. H3117 And the house H1004 of Israel H3478 called H7121 the name H8034 thereof Manna: H4478 and it was like coriander H1407 seed, H2233 white; H3836 and the taste H2940 of it was like wafers H6838 made with honey. H1706 And Moses H4872 said, H559 This is the thing H1697 which the LORD H3068 commandeth, H6680 Fill H4393 an omer H6016 of it to be kept H4931 for your generations; H1755 that they may see H7200 the bread H3899 wherewith I have fed H398 you in the wilderness, H4057 when I brought you forth H3318 from the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto Aaron, H175 Take H3947 a H259 pot, H6803 and put H5414 an omer H6016 full H4393 of manna H4478 therein, and lay it up H3240 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 to be kept H4931 for your generations. H1755 As the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses, H4872 so Aaron H175 laid it up H3240 before H6440 the Testimony, H5715 to be kept. H4931 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did eat H398 manna H4478 forty H705 years, H8141 until they came H935 to a land H776 inhabited; H3427 they did eat H398 manna, H4478 until they came H935 unto the borders H7097 of the land H776 of Canaan. H3667

Numbers 11:4-9 STRONG

And the mixt multitude H628 that was among H7130 them fell a lusting: H183 H8378 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 also wept H1058 again, H7725 and said, H559 Who shall give us flesh H1320 to eat? H398 We remember H2142 the fish, H1710 which we did eat H398 in Egypt H4714 freely; H2600 the cucumbers, H7180 and the melons, H20 and the leeks, H2682 and the onions, H1211 and the garlick: H7762 But now our soul H5315 is dried away: H3002 there is nothing at all, beside H1115 this manna, H4478 before our eyes. H5869 And the manna H4478 was as coriander H1407 seed, H2233 and the colour H5869 thereof as the colour H5869 of bdellium. H916 And the people H5971 went about, H7751 and gathered H3950 it, and ground H2912 it in mills, H7347 or beat H1743 it in a mortar, H4085 and baked H1310 it in pans, H6517 and made H6213 cakes H5692 of it: and the taste H2940 of it was as the taste H2940 of fresh H3955 oil. H8081 And when the dew H2919 fell H3381 upon the camp H4264 in the night, H3915 the manna H4478 fell H3381 upon it.

Numbers 11:31-33 STRONG

And there went forth H5265 a wind H7307 from the LORD, H3068 and brought H1468 quails H7958 from the sea, H3220 and let them fall H5203 by the camp, H4264 as it were a day's H3117 journey H1870 on this side, H3541 and as it were a day's H3117 journey H1870 on the other side, H3541 round about H5439 the camp, H4264 and as it were two cubits H520 high upon the face H6440 of the earth. H776 And the people H5971 stood up H6965 all that day, H3117 and all that night, H3915 and all the next H4283 day, H3117 and they gathered H622 the quails: H7958 he that gathered least H4591 gathered H622 ten H6235 homers: H2563 and they spread H7849 them all abroad H7849 for themselves round about H5439 the camp. H4264 And while the flesh H1320 was yet H2962 between their teeth, H8127 ere it was chewed, H3772 the wrath H639 of the LORD H3068 was kindled H2734 against the people, H5971 and the LORD H3068 smote H5221 the people H5971 with a very H3966 great H7227 plague. H4347

Deuteronomy 8:3 STRONG

And he humbled H6031 thee, and suffered thee to hunger, H7456 and fed H398 thee with manna, H4478 which thou knewest H3045 not, neither did thy fathers H1 know; H3045 that he might make thee know H3045 that man H120 doth not live H2421 by bread H3899 only, H905 but by every word that proceedeth H4161 out of the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 doth man H120 live. H2421

Joshua 5:12 STRONG

And the manna H4478 ceased H7673 on the morrow H4283 after they had eaten H398 of the old corn H5669 of the land; H776 neither had the children H1121 of Israel H3478 manna H4478 any more; but they did eat H398 of the fruit H8393 of the land H776 of Canaan H3667 that year. H8141

Nehemiah 9:20 STRONG

Thou gavest H5414 also thy good H2896 spirit H7307 to instruct H7919 them, and withheldest H4513 not thy manna H4478 from their mouth, H6310 and gavest H5414 them water H4325 for their thirst. H6772

Psalms 78:23-28 STRONG

Though he had commanded H6680 the clouds H7834 from above, H4605 and opened H6605 the doors H1817 of heaven, H8064 And had rained down H4305 manna H4478 upon them to eat, H398 and had given H5414 them of the corn H1715 of heaven. H8064 Man H376 did eat H398 angels' H47 food: H3899 he sent H7971 them meat H6720 to the full. H7648 He caused an east wind H6921 to blow H5265 in the heaven: H8064 and by his power H5797 he brought in H5090 the south wind. H8486 He rained H4305 flesh H7607 also upon them as dust, H6083 and feathered H3671 fowls H5775 like as the sand H2344 of the sea: H3220 And he let it fall H5307 in the midst H7130 of their camp, H4264 round about H5439 their habitations. H4908

John 6:31-33 STRONG

Our G2257 fathers G3962 did eat G5315 manna G3131 in G1722 the desert; G2048 as G2531 it is G2076 written, G1125 He gave G1325 them G846 bread G740 from G1537 heaven G3772 to eat. G5315 Then G3767 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 Verily, G281 verily, G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Moses G3475 gave G1325 you G5213 not G3756 that bread G740 from G1537 heaven; G3772 but G235 my G3450 Father G3962 giveth G1325 you G5213 the true G228 bread G740 from G1537 heaven. G3772 For G1063 the bread G740 of God G2316 is he G2076 which G3588 cometh down G2597 from G1537 heaven, G3772 and G2532 giveth G1325 life G2222 unto the world. G2889

John 6:48-58 STRONG

I G1473 am G1510 that bread G740 of life. G2222 Your G5216 fathers G3962 did eat G5315 manna G3131 in G1722 the wilderness, G2048 and G2532 are dead. G599 This G3778 is G2076 the bread G740 which G3588 cometh down G2597 from G1537 heaven, G3772 that G3363 a man G5100 may eat G5315 thereof, G1537 G846 and G2532 not G3363 die. G599 I G1473 am G1510 the living G2198 bread G740 which G3588 came down G2597 from G1537 heaven: G3772 if G1437 any man G5100 eat G5315 of G1537 this G5127 bread, G740 he shall live G2198 for G1519 ever: G165 and G1161 G2532 the bread G740 that G3739 I G1473 will give G1325 is G2076 my G3450 flesh, G4561 which G3739 I G1473 will give G1325 for G5228 the life G2222 of the world. G2889 The Jews G2453 therefore G3767 strove G3164 among G4314 themselves, G240 saying, G3004 How G4459 can G1410 this man G3778 give G1325 us G2254 his flesh G4561 to eat? G5315 Then G3767 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 Verily, G281 verily, G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Except G3362 ye eat G5315 the flesh G4561 of the Son G5207 of man, G444 and G2532 drink G4095 his G846 blood, G129 ye have G2192 no G3756 life G2222 in G1722 you. G1438 Whoso eateth G5176 my G3450 flesh, G4561 and G2532 drinketh G4095 my G3450 blood, G129 hath G2192 eternal G166 life; G2222 and G2532 I G1473 will raise G450 him G846 up G450 at the last G2078 day. G2250 For G1063 my G3450 flesh G4561 is G2076 meat G1035 indeed, G230 and G2532 my G3450 blood G129 is G2076 drink G4213 indeed. G230 He that eateth G5176 my G3450 flesh, G4561 and G2532 drinketh G4095 my G3450 blood, G129 dwelleth G3306 in G1722 me, G1698 and I G2504 in G1722 him. G846 As G2531 the living G2198 Father G3962 hath sent G649 me, G3165 and I G2504 live G2198 by G1223 the Father: G3962 so G2532 he that eateth G5176 me, G3165 even he G2548 shall live G2198 by G1223 me. G1691 This G3778 is G2076 that bread G740 which G3588 came down G2597 from G1537 heaven: G3772 not G3756 as G2531 your G5216 fathers G3962 did eat G5315 manna, G3131 and G2532 are dead: G599 he that eateth G5176 of this G5126 bread G740 shall live G2198 for G1519 ever. G165

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 105

Commentary on Psalms 105 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Thanksgiving Hymn in Honour of God Who Is Attested in the Earliest History of Israel

We have here another Psalm closing with Hallelujah , which opens the series of the Hodu -Psalms. Such is the name we give only to Psalms which begin with הודו (Ps 105, Ps 107, Ps 118, Ps 136), just as we call those which begin with הללויה (Ps 106, Psalms 111:1, Psalms 117:1-2, Ps 135, Psalms 146:1) Hallelujah -Psalms ( alleluiatici ). The expression להלּל וּלהודות , which frequently occurs in the books of Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah, points to these two kinds of Psalms, or at least to their key-notes.

The festival song which David, according to 1 Chronicles 16:7, handed over to Asaph and his brethren for musical execution at the setting down of the Ark and the opening of divine service on Zion, is, so far as its first part is concerned (1 Chronicles 16:8-22), taken from our Psalm (Psalms 105:1), which is then followed by Psalms 96:1-13 as a second part, and is closed with Psalms 106:1, Psalms 106:47-48. Hitzig regards the festival song in the chronicler as the original, and the respective parallels in the Psalms as “layers or shoots.” “The chronicler,” says he, “there produces with labour, and therefore himself seeking foreign aid, a song for a past that is dead.” But the transition from Psalms 105:22 to Psalms 105:23 and from Psalms 105:33 to Psalms 105:34, so devoid of connection, the taking over of the verse out of Ps 106 referring to the Babylonian exile into Psalms 105:35, and even of the doxology of the Fourth Book, regarded as an integral part of the Psalm, into Psalms 105:36, refute that perversion of the right relation which has been attempted in the interest of the Maccabaean Psalms. That festival song in the chronicler, as has been shown again very recently by Riehm and Köhler, is a compilation of parts of songs already at hand, arranged for a definite purpose. Starting on the assumption that the Psalms as a whole are Davidic (just as all the Proverbs are Salomonic), because David called the poetry of the Psalms used in religious worship into existence, the attempt is made in that festival song to represent the opening of the worship on Zion, at that time in strains belonging to the Davidic Psalms.

So far as the subject-matter is concerned, Psalms 105 attaches itself to the Asaph Ps 78, which recapitulates the history of Israel. The recapitulation here, however, is made not with any didactic purpose, but with the purpose of forming a hymn, and does not come down beyond the time of Moses and Joshua. Its source is likewise the Tôra as it now lies before us. The poet epitomizes what the Tôra narrates, and clothes it in a poetic garb.

Verses 1-6

Invitation to the praise - praise that resounds far and wide among the peoples - of the God who has become manifest wondrously in the deeds and words connected with the history of the founding of Israel. הודה לה , as in Psalms 33:2; Psalms 75:2, of a praising and thankful confession offered to God; קרא בשׁם ה , to call with the name of Jahve, i.e., to call upon it, of an audible, solemn attestation of God in prayer and in discourse (Symmachus, κηρύσσετε ). The joy of heart

(Note: The Mugrash of ישׂמח with the following Legarme seems here to be of equal value with Zakeph , 1 Chronicles 16:10.)

that is desired is the condition of a joyous opening of the mouth and Israel's own stedfast turning towards Jahve, the condition of all salutary result; for it is only His “strength” that breaks through all dangers, and His “face” that lightens up all darkness. משׁפּטי־פּיו , as Psalms 105:7 teaches, are God's judicial utterances, which have been executed without any hindrance, more particularly in the case of the Egyptians, their Pharaoh, and their gods. The chronicler has פּיהוּ and זרע ישׂראל , which is so far unsuitable as one does not know whether עבדו is to be referred to “Israel” the patriarch, or to the “seed of Israel,” the nation; the latter reference would be deutero-Isaianic. In both texts the lxx reads עבדו (ye His servants).

Verses 7-11

The poet now begins himself to do that to which he encourages Israel. Jahve is Israel's God: His righteous rule extends over the whole earth, whilst His people experience His inviolable faithfulness to His covenant. יהוה in Psalms 105:7 is in apposition to הוּא , for the God who bears this name is as a matter of course the object of the song of praise. זכר is the perfect of practically pledges certainty (cf. Psalms 111:5, where we find instead the future of confident prospect). The chronicler has זכרוּ instead (lxx again something different: μνημονεύωμεν ); but the object is not the demanding but the promissory side of the covenant, so that consequently it is not Israel's remembering but God's that is spoken of. He remembers His covenant in all time to come, so that exile and want of independence as a state are only temporary, exceptional conditions. צוּה has its radical signification here, to establish, institute, Psalms 111:9. לאלף דּור (in which expression דור is a specifying accusative) is taken from Deuteronomy 7:9. And since דּבר is the covenant word of promise, it can be continued אשׁר כּרת ; and Haggai 2:5 (vid., Köhler thereon) shows that אשׁר is not joined to בריתו over Psalms 105:8 . וּשׁבוּעתו , however, is a second object to זכר (since דּבר with what belongs to it as an apposition is out of the question). It is the oath on Moriah (Genesis 22:16) that is meant, which applied to Abraham and his seed. לישׂחק (chronicler ליצחק ), as in Amos 7:9; Jeremiah 33:26. To זכר is appended ויּעמרדה ; the suffix, intended as neuter, points to what follows, viz., this, that Canaan shall be Israel's hereditary land. From Abraham and Isaac we come to Jacob-Israel, who as being the father of the twelve is the twelve-tribe nation itself that is coming into existence; hence the plural can alternate with the singular in Psalms 105:11. את־ארץ כּנען (chronicler, without the את ) is an accusative of the object, and חבל נחלתכם accusative of the predicate: the land of Canaan as the province of your own hereditary possession measured out with a measuring line (Psalms 78:55).

Verses 12-15

The poet now celebrates the divine preservation which had sway over the small beginnings of Israel, when it made the patriarchs proof against harm on their wanderings. “Men of number” are such as can be easily counted, vid., the confessions in Genesis 34:30; Deuteronomy 26:5; ויּתהלּכוּ places the claim upon the hospitality at one time of this people and at another time of that people in the connection with it of cause and effect. כּמעט , as a small number, only such a small number, signifies, as being virtually an adjective: inconsiderable, insignificant, worthless (Proverbs 10:20). בּהּ refers to Canaan. In Psalms 105:13 the way in which the words גּוי and עם alternate is instructive: the former signifies the nation, bound together by a common origin, language, country, and descent; the latter the people, bound together by unity of government.

(Note: For this reason a king says עמּי , not גּויי ; and גּוי only occurs twice with a suffix, which refers to Jahve (Psalms 106:5; Zephaniah 2:9); for this reason גּוי , frequently side by side with עם , is the nobler word, e.g., in Deuteronomy 32:21; Jeremiah 2:11; for this reason עם is frequently added to גּוי as a dignitative predicate, Exodus 33:13; Deuteronomy 4:6; and for this reason גּוים and עם ה are used antithetically.)

The apodosis does not begin until Psalms 105:14. It is different in connection with בּהיותכם in the text of the chronicler, and in this passage in the Psalter of the Syriac version, according to which Psalms 105:12 ought to be jointed to the preceding group. The variation ומממלכה instead of מממלכה is of no consequence; but לאישׁ (to any one whomsoever) instead of אדם , in connection with הניח , restores the current mode of expression (Ecclesiastes 5:11; 2 Samuel 16:11; Hosea 4:17) instead of one which is without support elsewhere, but which follows the model of נתן , נטשׁ , Genesis 31:28 (cf. supra p. 171); whilst on the other hand ובנביאי instead of ולנביאי substitutes an expression that cannot be supported for the current one (Genesis 19:9; Ruth 1:21). In Psalms 105:14 the poet has the three histories of the preservation of the wives of the patriarchs in his mind, viz., of Sarah in Egypt (Gen. 12), and of Sarah and of Rebekah both in Philistia (Psalms 20:1-9, Psalms 26:1-12, cf. especially Psalms 26:11). In the second instance God declares the patriarch to be a “prophet” (Psalms 20:7). The one mention has reference to this and the other to Gen. 17, where Abram is set apart to be the father of peoples and kings, and Sarai to be a princess. They are called משׁיהים (a passive form) as eing God-chosen princes, and נביאים (an intensive active form, from נבא , root נב , to divulge), not as being inspired ones (Hupfeld), but as being God's spokesmen (cf. Exodus 7:1. with Exodus 4:15.), therefore as being the recipients and mediators of a divine revelation.

Verses 16-24

“To call up a famine” is also a prose expression in 2 Kings 8:1. To break the staff of bread (i.e., the staff which bread is to man) is a very old metaphor, Leviticus 26:26. That the selling of Joseph was, providentially regarded, a “sending before,” he himself says in Genesis 45:5. Psalms 102:24 throws light upon the meaning of ענּה ב . The Kerî רגלו is just as much without any occasion to justify it as עינו in Ecclesiastes 4:8 (for עיניו ). The statement that iron came upon his soul is intended to say that he had to endure in iron fetters sufferings that threatened his life. Most expositors take בּרזל as equivalent to בּבּרזל , but Hitzig rightly takes נפשׁו as an object, following the Targum; for ברזל as a name of an iron fetter

(Note: Also in ancient Arabic firzil (after the Aramaic פרזלא ) directly signifies an iron fetter (and the large smith's shears for cutting the iron), whence the verb. denom . Arab. farzala , c. acc. pers., to put any one into iron chains. Iron is called בּרזל from בּרז , to pierce, like the Arabic ḥdı̂d , as being the material of which pointed tools are made.)

can change its gender, as do, e.g., צפון as a name of the north wind, and כבוד as a name of the soul. The imprisonment (so harsh at the commencement) lasted over ten years, until at last Joseph's word cam to pass, viz., the word concerning this exaltation which had been revealed to him in dreams (Genesis 42:9). According to Psalms 107:20, דברו appears to be the word of Jahve, but then one would expect from Psalms 105:19 a more parallel turn of expression. What is meant is Joseph's open-hearted word concerning his visions, and אמרת ה is the revelation of God conveying His promises, which came to him in the same form, which had to try, to prove, and to purify him ( צרף as in Psalms 17:3, and frequently), inasmuch as he was not to be raised to honour without having in a state of deep abasement proved a faithfulness that wavered not, and a confidence that knew no despair. The divine “word” is conceived of as a living effectual power, as in Psalms 119:50. The representation of the exaltation begins, according to Genesis 41:14, with שׁלח־מלך

(Note: Here שׁלח is united by Makkeph with the following word, to which it hurries on, whereas in Psalms 105:28 it has its own accent, a circumstance to which the Masora has directed attention in the apophthegm: שׁלוחי דמלכא זריזין שׁלוחי דחשׁוכא מתינין (the emissaries of the king are in haste, those of darkness are tardy); vid., Baer, Thorath Emeth , p. 22.)

and follows Genesis 41:39-41, Genesis 41:44, very closely as to the rest, according to which בּנפשׁו is a collateral definition to לאסּר (with an orthophonic Dag .) in the sense of בּרצונו : by his soul, i.e., by virtue of his will (vid., Psychology , S. 202; tr. p. 239). In consequence of this exaltation of Joseph, Jacob-Israel came then into Egypt, and sojourned there as in a protecting house of shelter (concerning גּוּר , vid., supra , p. 414). Egypt is called (Psalms 105:23, Psalms 105:27) the land of Chaam , as in Psalms 78:51; according to Plutarch, in the vernacular the black land, from the dark ashy grey colouring which the deposited mud of the Nile gives to the ground. There Israel became a powerful, numerous people (Exodus 1:7; Deuteronomy 26:5), greater than their oppressors.

Verses 25-38

Narration of the exodus out of Egypt after the plagues that went forth over that land. Psalms 105:25 tells how the Egyptians became their “oppressors.” It was indirectly God's work, inasmuch as He gave increasing might to His people, which excited their jealousy. The craft reached its highest pitch in the weakening of the Israelites that was aimed at by killing all the male children that were born. דּברי signifies facts, instances, as in Psalms 65:4; Psalms 145:5. Here, too, as in Ps 78, the miraculous judgments of the ten plagues to not stand in exactly historical order. The poet begins with the ninth, which was the most distinct self-representation of divine wrath, viz., the darkness (Exodus 10:21-29): shā'lach chō'shech . The former word ( שׁלח ) has an orthophonic Gaja by the final syllable, which warns the reader audibly to utter the guttural of the toneless final syllable, which might here be easily slurred over. The Hiph . החשׁיך has its causative signification here, as also in Jeremiah 13:16; the contracted mode of writing with i instead of ı̂ may be occasioned by the Waw convers. Psalms 105:28 cannot be referred to the Egyptians; for the expression would be a mistaken one for the final compliance, which was wrung from them, and the interrogative way of taking it: nonne rebellarunt , is forced: the cancelling of the לא , however (lxx and Syriac), makes the thought halting. Hitzig proposes ולא שׁמרו : they observed not His words; but this, too, sounds flat and awkward when said of the Egyptians. The subject will therefore be the same as the subject of שׂמוּ ; and of Moses and Aaron, in contrast to the behaviour at Mê - Merı̂bah (Numbers 20:24; Numbers 27:14; cf. 1 Kings 13:21, 1 Kings 13:26), it is said that this time they rebelled not against the words ( Kerî , without any ground: the word) of God, but executed the terrible commands accurately and willingly. From the ninth plague the poet in Psalms 105:29 passes over to the first (Exodus 7:14-25), viz., the red blood is appended to the black darkness. The second plague follows, viz., the frogs (Exodus 8:1-15); Psalms 105:20 looks as though it were stunted, but neither has the lxx read any ויבאו ( ויעלו ), Ex. 7:28. In Psalms 105:31 he next briefly touches upon the fourth plague, viz., the gad-fly, ערב , lxx κυνόμυια (Exodus 8:20-32, vid., on Psalms 78:45), and the third (Exodus 8:16-19), viz., the gnats, which are passed over in Ps 78. From the third plague the poet in Psalms 105:32, Psalms 105:33 takes a leap over to the seventh, viz., the hail (Ex 9:13-35). In Psalms 105:32 he has Exodus 9:24 before his mind, according to which masses of fire descended with the hail; and in Psalms 105:33 (as in Psalms 78:47) he fills in the details of Exodus 9:25. The seventh plague is followed by the eighth in Psalms 105:34, Psalms 105:35, viz., the locust (Ex 10:1-20), to which ילק (the grasshopper) is the parallel word here, just as חסיל (the cricket) is in Psalms 78:46. The expression of innumerableness is the same as in Psalms 104:25. The fifth plague, viz., the pestilence, murrain (Exodus 9:1-7), and the sixth, viz., שׁחין , boils (Exodus 9:8-12), are left unmentioned; and the tenth plague closes, viz., the smiting of the first-born (Exodus 11:1.), which Psalms 105:36 expresses in the Asaphic language of Psalms 78:51. Without any mention of the institution of the Passover, the tenth plague is followed by the departure with the vessels of silver and gold asked for from the Egyptians (Exodus 12:35; Exodus 11:2; Exodus 3:22). The Egyptians were glad to get rid of the people whose detention threatened them with total destruction (Exodus 12:33). The poet here draws from Isaiah 5:27; Isaiah 14:31; Isaiah 63:13, and Exodus 15:16. The suffix of שׁבטיו refers to the chief subject of the assertion, viz., to God, according to Psalms 122:4, although manifestly enough the reference to Israel is also possible (Numbers 24:2).

Verses 39-45

Now follows the miraculous guidance through the desert to the taking possession of Canaan. The fact that the cloud ( ענן , root ען , to meet, to present itself to view, whence the Arabic ‛ănăn , the visible outward side of the vault of heaven) by day, and becoming like fire by night, was their guide (Exodus 13:21), is left out of consideration in Psalms 105:39 . With למסך we are not to associate the idea of a covering against foes, Exodus 14:19., but of a covering from the smiting sun, for פּרשׁ (Exodus 40:19), as in Isaiah 4:5., points to the idea of a canopy. In connection with the sending of the quails the tempting character of the desire is only momentarily dwelt upon, the greater emphasis is laid on the omnipotence of the divine goodness which responded to it . שׁאלוּ is to be read instead of שׁאל , the w before w having been overlooked; and the Kerî writes and points שׂליו (like סתיו , עניו ) in order to secure the correct pronunciation, after the analogy of the plural termination יו -. The bread of heaven (Psalms 78:24.) is the manna. In Psalms 105:41 the giving of water out of the rock at Rephidim and at Kadesh are brought together; the expression corresponds better to the former instance (Exodus 17:6, cf. Numbers 20:11). הלכוּ refers to the waters, and נהר for כּנּהרות , Psalms 78:16, is, as in Psalms 22:14, an equation instead of a comparison. In this miraculous escort the patriarchal promise moves on towards its fulfilment; the holy word of promise, and the stedfast, proved faith of Abraham - these were the two motives. The second את is, like the first, a sign of the object, not a preposition (lxx, Targum), in connection with which Psalms 105:42 would be a continuation of Psalms 105:42 , dragging on without any parallelism. Joy and exulting are mentioned as the mood of the redeemed ones with reference to the festive joy displayed at the Red Sea and at Sinai. By Psalms 105:43 one is reminded of the same descriptions of the antitype in Isaiah, Isaiah 35:10; Isaiah 51:11; Isaiah 55:12, just as Psalms 105:41 recalls Isaiah 48:21. “The lands of the heathen” are the territories of the tribes of Canaan. עמל is equivalent to יגיע in Isaiah 45:14 : the cultivated ground, the habitable cities, and the accumulated treasures. Israel entered upon the inheritance of these peoples in every direction. As an independent people upon ground that is theirs by inheritance, keeping the revealed law of their God, was Israel to exhibit the pattern of a holy nation moulded after the divine will; and, as the beginning of the Psalm shows, to unite the peoples to themselves and their God, the God of redemption, by the proclamation of the redemption which has fallen to their own lot.