Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 112 » Verse 9

Psalms 112:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 He hath dispersed, H6340 he hath given H5414 to the poor; H34 his righteousness H6666 endureth H5975 for ever; H5703 his horn H7161 shall be exalted H7311 with honour. H3519

Cross Reference

Psalms 75:10 STRONG

All the horns H7161 of the wicked H7563 also will I cut off; H1438 but the horns H7161 of the righteous H6662 shall be exalted. H7311

Hebrews 13:16 STRONG

But G1161 to do good G2140 and G2532 to communicate G2842 forget G1950 not: G3361 for G1063 with such G5108 sacrifices G2378 God G2316 is well pleased. G2100

Hebrews 6:10 STRONG

For G1063 God G2316 is not G3756 unrighteous G94 to forget G1950 your G5216 work G2041 and G2532 labour G2873 of love, G26 which G3739 ye have shewed G1731 G1731 toward G1519 his G846 name, G3686 in that ye have ministered G1247 to the saints, G40 and G2532 do minister. G1247

Psalms 92:10 STRONG

But my horn H7161 shalt thou exalt H7311 like the horn of an unicorn: H7214 I shall be anointed H1101 with fresh H7488 oil. H8081

Luke 16:9 STRONG

And I G2504 say G3004 unto you, G5213 Make G4160 to yourselves G1438 friends G5384 of G1537 the mammon G3126 of unrighteousness; G93 that, G2443 when G3752 ye fail, G1587 they may receive G1209 you G5209 into G1519 everlasting G166 habitations. G4633

Luke 14:12-14 STRONG

Then G1161 said he G3004 also G2532 to him that bade G2564 him, G846 When G3752 thou makest G4160 a dinner G712 or G2228 a supper, G1173 call G5455 not G3361 thy G4675 friends, G5384 nor G3366 thy G4675 brethren, G80 neither G3366 thy G4675 kinsmen, G4773 nor G3366 thy rich G4145 neighbours; G1069 lest G3379 they G846 also G2532 bid G479 thee G4571 again, G479 and G2532 a recompence G468 be made G1096 thee. G4671 But G235 when G3752 thou makest G4160 a feast, G1403 call G2564 the poor, G4434 the maimed, G376 the lame, G5560 the blind: G5185 And G2532 thou shalt be G2071 blessed; G3107 for G3754 they cannot G3756 G2192 recompense G467 thee: G4671 for G1063 thou G4671 shalt be recompensed G467 at G1722 the resurrection G386 of the just. G1342

Luke 18:22 STRONG

Now G1161 when Jesus G2424 heard G191 these things, G5023 he said G2036 unto him, G846 Yet G2089 lackest G3007 thou G4671 one G1520 thing: sell G4453 all G3956 that G3745 thou hast, G2192 and G2532 distribute G1239 unto the poor, G4434 and G2532 thou shalt have G2192 treasure G2344 in G1722 heaven: G3772 and G2532 come, G1204 follow G190 me. G3427

John 13:29 STRONG

For G1063 some G5100 of them thought, G1380 because G1893 Judas G2455 had G2192 the bag, G1101 that G3754 Jesus G2424 had said G3004 unto him, G846 Buy G59 those things that G3739 we have G2192 need of G5532 against G1519 the feast; G1859 or, G2228 that G2443 he should give G1325 something G5100 to the poor. G4434

Acts 4:35 STRONG

And G2532 laid them down G5087 at G3844 the apostles' G652 feet: G4228 and G1161 distribution was made G1239 unto every man G1538 according G2530 as G302 he had G2192 need. G5100 G5532

Acts 20:35 STRONG

I have shewed G5263 you G5213 all things, G3956 how that G3754 so G3779 labouring G2872 ye ought G1163 to support G482 the weak, G770 and G5037 to remember G3421 the words G3056 of the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 how G3754 he G846 said, G2036 It is G2076 more G3123 blessed G3107 to give G1325 than G2228 to receive. G2983

Romans 12:13 STRONG

Distributing G2841 to the necessity G5532 of saints; G40 given G1377 to hospitality. G5381

2 Corinthians 8:9 STRONG

For G1063 ye know G1097 the grace G5485 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 that, G3754 though he was G5607 rich, G4145 yet for G1223 your G5209 sakes G1223 he became poor, G4433 that G2443 ye G5210 through his G1565 poverty G4432 might be rich. G4147

2 Corinthians 9:9-15 STRONG

(As G2531 it is written, G1125 He hath dispersed abroad; G4650 he hath given G1325 to the poor: G3993 his G846 righteousness G1343 remaineth G3306 for G1519 ever. G165 Now G1161 he that ministereth G2023 seed G4690 to the sower G4687 both G2532 minister G5524 bread G740 for G1519 your food, G1035 and G2532 multiply G4129 your G5216 seed sown, G4703 and G2532 increase G837 the fruits G1081 of your G5216 righteousness;) G1343 Being enriched G4148 in G1722 every thing G3956 to G1519 all G3956 bountifulness, G572 which G3748 causeth G2716 through G1223 us G2257 thanksgiving G2169 to God. G2316 For G3754 the administration G1248 of this G5026 service G3009 not G3756 only G3440 supplieth G2076 G4322 the want G5303 of the saints, G40 but G235 is abundant G4052 also G2532 by G1223 many G4183 thanksgivings G2169 unto God; G2316 Whiles by G1223 the experiment G1382 of this G5026 ministration G1248 they glorify G1392 God G2316 for G1909 your G5216 professed G3671 subjection G5292 unto G1519 the gospel G2098 of Christ, G5547 and G2532 for your liberal G572 distribution G2842 unto G1519 them, G846 and G2532 unto G1519 all G3956 men; And G2532 by their G846 prayer G1162 for G5228 you, G5216 which long after G1971 you G5209 for G1223 the exceeding G5235 grace G5485 of God G2316 in G1909 you. G5213 G1161 Thanks G5485 be unto God G2316 for G1909 his G846 unspeakable G411 gift. G1431

1 Timothy 6:18 STRONG

That they do good, G14 that they be rich G4147 in G1722 good G2570 works, G2041 ready to distribute, G1511 G2130 willing to communicate; G2843

James 2:15-16 STRONG

If G1437 G1161 a brother G80 or G2228 sister G79 be G5225 naked, G1131 and G2532 destitute G3007 G5600 of daily G2184 food, G5160 And G1161 one G5100 of G1537 you G5216 say G2036 unto them, G846 Depart G5217 in G1722 peace, G1515 be ye warmed G2328 and G2532 filled; G5526 notwithstanding G1161 ye give G1325 them G846 not G3361 those things which are needful G2006 to the body; G4983 what G5101 doth it profit? G3786

1 John 3:16-18 STRONG

Hereby G1722 G5129 perceive we G1097 the love G26 of God, because G3754 he G1565 laid down G5087 his G846 life G5590 for G5228 us: G2257 and G2532 we G2249 ought G3784 to lay down G5087 our lives G5590 for G5228 the brethren. G80 But G1161 whoso G3739 G302 hath G2192 this world's G2889 good, G979 and G2532 seeth G2334 his G846 brother G80 have G2192 need, G5532 and G2532 shutteth up G2808 his G846 bowels G4698 of compassion from G575 him, G846 how G4459 dwelleth G3306 the love G26 of God G2316 in G1722 him? G846 My G3450 little children, G5040 let us G25 not G3361 love G25 in word, G3056 neither G3366 in tongue; G1100 but G235 in deed G2041 and G2532 in truth. G225

Revelation 22:11 STRONG

He that is unjust, G91 let him be unjust G91 still: G2089 and G2532 he which is filthy, G4510 let him be filthy G4510 still: G2089 and G2532 he that is righteous, G1342 let him be righteous G1344 still: G2089 and G2532 he that is holy, G40 let him be holy G37 still. G2089

Deuteronomy 15:11 STRONG

For the poor H34 shall never cease H2308 out of H7130 the land: H776 therefore I command H6680 thee, saying, H559 Thou shalt open H6605 thine hand H3027 wide H6605 unto thy brother, H251 to thy poor, H6041 and to thy needy, H34 in thy land. H776

Luke 12:33 STRONG

Sell G4453 that ye G5216 have, G5224 and G2532 give G1325 alms; G1654 provide G4160 yourselves G1438 bags G905 which wax G3822 not G3361 old, G3822 a treasure G2344 in G1722 the heavens G3772 that faileth not, G413 where G3699 no G3756 thief G2812 approacheth, G1448 neither G3761 moth G4597 corrupteth. G1311

Luke 11:41 STRONG

But rather G4133 give G1325 alms G1654 of such things as ye have; G1751 and, G2532 behold, G2400 all things G3956 are G2076 clean G2513 unto you. G5213

Mark 14:7 STRONG

For G1063 ye have G2192 the poor G4434 with G3326 you G1438 always, G3842 and G2532 whensoever G3752 ye will G2309 ye may G1410 do G4160 them G846 good: G2095 but G1161 me G1691 ye have G2192 not G3756 always. G3842

Matthew 6:4 STRONG

That G3704 thine G4675 alms G1654 may be G5600 in G1722 secret: G2927 and G2532 thy G4675 Father G3962 which G3588 seeth G991 in G1722 secret G2927 himself G846 shall reward G591 thee G4671 openly. G1722 G5318

Isaiah 58:10 STRONG

And if thou draw out H6329 thy soul H5315 to the hungry, H7457 and satisfy H7646 the afflicted H6031 soul; H5315 then shall thy light H216 rise H2224 in obscurity, H2822 and thy darkness H653 be as the noonday: H6672

Isaiah 58:7 STRONG

Is it not to deal H6536 thy bread H3899 to the hungry, H7457 and that thou bring H935 the poor H6041 that are cast out H4788 to thy house? H1004 when thou seest H7200 the naked, H6174 that thou cover H3680 him; and that thou hide H5956 not thyself from thine own flesh? H1320

Isaiah 32:8 STRONG

But the liberal H5081 deviseth H3289 liberal things; H5081 and by liberal things H5081 shall he stand. H6965

Ecclesiastes 11:6 STRONG

In the morning H1242 sow H2232 thy seed, H2233 and in the evening H6153 withhold H3240 not thine hand: H3027 for thou knowest H3045 not whether H335 shall prosper, H3787 either this or that, or whether they both H8147 shall be alike H259 good. H2896

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 STRONG

Cast H7971 thy bread H3899 upon H6440 the waters: H4325 for thou shalt find H4672 it after many H7230 days. H3117 Give H5414 a portion H2506 to seven, H7651 and also to eight; H8083 for thou knowest H3045 not what evil H7451 shall be upon the earth. H776

Proverbs 19:17 STRONG

He that hath pity H2603 upon the poor H1800 lendeth H3867 unto the LORD; H3068 and that which he hath given H1576 will he pay him again. H7999

Proverbs 11:24-25 STRONG

There is H3426 that scattereth, H6340 and yet increaseth; H3254 and there is that withholdeth H2820 more than is meet, H3476 but it tendeth to poverty. H4270 The liberal H1293 soul H5315 shall be made fat: H1878 and he that watereth H7301 shall be watered H3384 also himself.

Psalms 112:3 STRONG

Wealth H1952 and riches H6239 shall be in his house: H1004 and his righteousness H6666 endureth H5975 for ever. H5703

1 Samuel 2:30 STRONG

Wherefore the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 saith, H5002 I said H559 indeed H559 that thy house, H1004 and the house H1004 of thy father, H1 should walk H1980 before H6440 me for H5704 ever: H5769 but now the LORD H3068 saith, H5002 Be it far from me; H2486 for them that honour H3513 me I will honour, H3513 and they that despise H959 me shall be lightly esteemed. H7043

1 Samuel 2:1 STRONG

And Hannah H2584 prayed, H6419 and said, H559 My heart H3820 rejoiceth H5970 in the LORD, H3068 mine horn H7161 is exalted H7311 in the LORD: H3068 my mouth H6310 is enlarged H7337 over mine enemies; H341 because I rejoice H8055 in thy salvation. H3444

Deuteronomy 24:13 STRONG

In any case H7725 thou shalt deliver H7725 him the pledge H5667 again H7725 when the sun H8121 goeth down, H935 that he may sleep H7901 in his own raiment, H8008 and bless H1288 thee: and it shall be righteousness H6666 unto thee before H6440 the LORD H3068 thy God. H430

Commentary on Psalms 112 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 112:1-10. This Psalm may be regarded as an exposition of Ps 111:10, presenting the happiness of those who fear and obey God, and contrasting the fate of the ungodly.

1. True fear produces obedience and this happiness.

2, 3. Temporal blessings follow the service of God, exceptions occurring only as they are seen by God to be inconsistent with those spiritual blessings which are better.

4. light—figurative for relief (Ps 27:1; 97:11).

the upright—are like God (Lu 6:36; Ps 111:4).

5-9. Generosity, sound judgment in business, and confidence in God, form a character which preserves from fear of evil and ensures success against enemies. While a man thus truly pious is liberal, he increases in substance.

6. not be moved—(compare Ps 13:4; 15:5).

8. heart is established—or, firm in right principles.

see his desire—(Ps 50:23; 54:7).

10. Disappointed in their malevolent wishes by the prosperity of the pious, the wicked are punished by the working of their evil passions, and come to naught.