Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 120 » Verse 6

Psalms 120:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 My soul H5315 hath long H7227 dwelt H7931 with him that hateth H8130 peace. H7965

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 20:30-33 STRONG

Then Saul's H7586 anger H639 was kindled H2734 against Jonathan, H3083 and he said H559 unto him, Thou son H1121 of the perverse H5753 rebellious H4780 woman, do not I know H3045 that thou hast chosen H977 the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 to thine own confusion, H1322 and unto the confusion H1322 of thy mother's H517 nakedness? H6172 For as long as H3117 the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 liveth H2425 upon the ground, H127 thou shalt not be established, H3559 nor thy kingdom. H4438 Wherefore now send H7971 and fetch H3947 him unto me, for he shall surely die. H1121 H4194 And Jonathan H3083 answered H6030 Saul H7586 his father, H1 and said H559 unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? H4191 what hath he done? H6213 And Saul H7586 cast H2904 a javelin H2595 at him to smite H5221 him: whereby Jonathan H3083 knew H3045 that it was determined H3617 of his father H1 to slay H4191 David. H1732

Psalms 57:4 STRONG

My soul H5315 is among H8432 lions: H3833 and I lie H7901 even among them that are set on fire, H3857 even the sons H1121 of men, H120 whose teeth H8127 are spears H2595 and arrows, H2671 and their tongue H3956 a sharp H2299 sword. H2719

Ezekiel 2:6 STRONG

And thou, son H1121 of man, H120 be not afraid H3372 of them, neither be afraid H3372 of their words, H1697 though briers H5621 and thorns H5544 be with thee, and thou dost dwell H3427 among scorpions: H6137 be not afraid H3372 of their words, H1697 nor be dismayed H2865 at their looks, H6440 though they be a rebellious H4805 house. H1004

Matthew 10:16 STRONG

Behold, G2400 I G1473 send G649 you G5209 forth G649 as G5613 sheep G4263 in G1722 the midst G3319 of wolves: G3074 be ye G1096 therefore G3767 wise G5429 as G5613 serpents, G3789 and G2532 harmless G185 as G5613 doves. G4058

Matthew 10:36 STRONG

And G2532 a man's G444 foes G2190 shall be they of his own G846 household. G3615

Titus 3:3 STRONG

For G1063 we ourselves G2249 also G2532 were G2258 sometimes G4218 foolish, G453 disobedient, G545 deceived, G4105 serving G1398 divers G4164 lusts G1939 and G2532 pleasures, G2237 living G1236 in G1722 malice G2549 and G2532 envy, G5355 hateful, G4767 and hating G3404 one another. G240

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 120

Commentary on Psalms 120 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Cry of Distress When Surrounded by Contentious Men

This first song of degrees attaches itself to Psalms 119:176. The writer of Ps 119, surrounded on all sides by apostasy and persecution, compares himself to a sheep that is easily lost, which the shepherd has to seek and bring home if it is not to perish; and the writer of Psalms 120:1-7 is also “as a sheep in the midst of wolves.” The period at which he lived is uncertain, and it is consequently also uncertain whether he had to endure such endless malignant attacks from foreign barbarians or from his own worldly-minded fellow-countrymen. E. Tilling has sought to establish a third possible occasion in his Disquisitio de ratione inscript. XV Pss. grad. (1765). He derives this and the following songs of degrees from the time immediately succeeding the Return from the Exile, when the secret and open hostility of the Samaritans and other neighbouring peoples ( Nehemiah 2:10, Nehemiah 2:19; Nehemiah 4:17, Nehemiah 6:1) sought to keep down the rise of the young colony.

Verses 1-4

According to the pointing ויּענני , the poet appears to base his present petition, which from Psalms 120:2 onwards is the substance of the whole Psalm, upon the fact of a previous answering of his prayers. For the petition in Psalms 120:2 manifestly arises out of his deplorable situation, which is described in Psalms 120:5. Nevertheless there are also other instances in which ויענני might have been expected, where the pointing is ויּענני ( Psalms 3:5; Jonah 2:3), so that consequently ויּענני may, without any prejudice to the pointing, be taken as a believing expression of the result (cf. the future of the consequence in Job 9:16) of the present cry for help. צרתה , according to the original signification, is a form of the definition of a state or condition, as in Psalms 3:3; 44:27; Psalms 63:8, Jonah 2:10, Hosea 8:7, and בּצּרתה לּי = בּצּר־לּי , Psalms 18:7, is based upon the customary expression צר לּי . In Psalms 120:2 follows the petition which the poet sends up to Jahve in the certainty of being answered. רמיּה beside לשׁון , although there is no masc . רמי (cf. however the Aramaic רמּי , רמּאי ), is taken as an adjective after the form טריּה , עניּה , which it is also perhaps in Micah 6:12. The parallelism would make לשׁון natural, like לשׁון מרמה in Psalms 52:6; the pointing, which nevertheless disregarded this, will therefore rest upon tradition. The apostrophe in Psalms 120:3 is addressed to the crafty tongue. לשׁון is certainly feminine as a rule; but whilst the tongue as such is feminine, the לשׁון רמיה of the address, as in Psalms 52:6, refers to him who has such a kind of tongue (cf. Hitzig on Proverbs 12:27), and thereby the לך is justified; whereas the rendering, “what does it bring to thee, and what does it profit thee?” or, “of what use to thee and what advancement to thee is the crafty tongue?” is indeed possible so far as concerns the syntax (Ges. §147, e ), but is unlikely as being ambiguous and confusing in expression. It is also to be inferred from the correspondence between מה־יּתּן לך וּמה־יּסיף לך and the formula of an oath כּה יעשׂה־לּך אלהים לכה יוסיף , 1 Samuel 3:17; 1 Samuel 20:13; 1 Samuel 25:22; 2 Samuel 3:35; Ruth 1:17, that God is to be thought of as the subject of יתן and יסיף : “what will,” or rather, in accordance with the otherwise precative use of the formula and with the petition that here precedes: “what shall He (is He to) give to thee ( נתן as in Hosea 9:14), and what shall He add to thee, thou crafty tongue?” The reciprocal relation of Psalms 120:4 to מה־יתן , and of. Psalms 120:4 with the superadding עם to מה־יסיף , shows that Psalms 120:4 is not now a characterizing of the tongue that continues the apostrophe to it, as Ewald supposes. Consequently Psalms 120:4 gives the answer to Psalms 120:3 with the twofold punishment which Jahve will cause the false tongue to feel. The question which the poet, sure of the answering of his cry for help, puts to the false tongue is designed to let the person addressed hear by a flight of sarcasm what he has to expect. The evil tongue is a sharp sword (Psalms 57:5), a pointed arrow (Jeremiah 9:7), and it is like a fire kindled of hell (James 3:6). The punishment, too, corresponds to this its nature and conduct (Psalms 64:4). The “mighty one” (lxx δυνατός ) is God Himself, as it is observed in B. Erachin 15 b with a reference to Isaiah 42:13 : “There is none mighty by the Holy One, blessed is He.” He requites the evil tongue like with like. Arrows and coals (Psalms 140:11) appear also in other instances among His means of punishment. It, which shot piercing arrows, is pierced by the sharpened arrows of an irresistibly mighty One; it, which set its neighbour in a fever of anguish, must endure the lasting, sure, and torturingly consuming heat of broom-coals. The lxx renders it in a general sense, σὺν τοῖς ἄνθραξι τοῖς ἐρημικοῖς ; Aquila, following Jewish tradition, ἀρκευθίναις ; but רתם , Arabic ratam , ratem , is the broom-shrub (e.g., uncommonly frequent in the Belkâ ).

Verses 5-7

Since arrows and broom-fire, with which the evil tongue is requited, even now proceed from the tongue itself, the poet goes on with the deep heaving אויה (only found here). גּוּר with the accusative of that beside which one sojourns, as in Psalms 5:5; Isaiah 33:14; Judges 5:17. The Moschi ( משׁך , the name of which the lxx takes as an appellative in the signification of long continuance; cf. the reverse instance in Isaiah 66:19 lxx) dwelt between the Black and the Caspian Seas, and it is impossible to dwell among them and the inhabitants of Kedar (vid., Psalms 83:7) at one and the same time. Accordingly both these names of peoples are to be understood emblematically, with Saadia, Calvin, Amyraldus, and others, of homines similes ejusmodi barbaris et truculentis nationibus .