Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 13 » Verse 4

Psalms 13:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Lest mine enemy H341 say, H559 I have prevailed H3201 against him; and those that trouble H6862 me rejoice H1523 when I am moved. H4131

Cross Reference

Psalms 25:2 STRONG

O my God, H430 I trust H982 in thee: let me not be ashamed, H954 let not mine enemies H341 triumph H5970 over me.

Psalms 38:16 STRONG

For I said, H559 Hear me, lest otherwise they should rejoice H8055 over me: when my foot H7272 slippeth, H4131 they magnify H1431 themselves against me.

Jeremiah 1:19 STRONG

And they shall fight H3898 against thee; but they shall not prevail H3201 against thee; for I am with thee, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 to deliver H5337 thee.

Joshua 7:9 STRONG

For the Canaanites H3669 and all the inhabitants H3427 of the land H776 shall hear H8085 of it, and shall environ us round, H5437 and cut off H3772 our name H8034 from the earth: H776 and what wilt thou do H6213 unto thy great H1419 name? H8034

Psalms 9:19 STRONG

Arise, H6965 O LORD; H3068 let not man H582 prevail: H5810 let the heathen H1471 be judged H8199 in thy sight. H6440

Psalms 10:11 STRONG

He hath said H559 in his heart, H3820 God H410 hath forgotten: H7911 he hideth H5641 his face; H6440 he will never H5331 see H7200 it.

Psalms 35:19 STRONG

Let not them that are mine enemies H341 wrongfully H8267 rejoice H8055 over me: neither let them wink H7169 with the eye H5869 that hate H8130 me without a cause. H2600

Psalms 35:25 STRONG

Let them not say H559 in their hearts, H3820 Ah, H1889 so would we have it: H5315 let them not say, H559 We have swallowed him up. H1104

Psalms 55:22 STRONG

Cast H7993 thy burden H3053 upon the LORD, H3068 and he shall sustain H3557 thee: he shall never H5769 suffer H5414 the righteous H6662 to be moved. H4131

Psalms 62:2 STRONG

He only is my rock H6697 and my salvation; H3444 he is my defence; H4869 I shall not be greatly H7227 moved. H4131

Psalms 62:6 STRONG

He only is my rock H6697 and my salvation: H3444 he is my defence; H4869 I shall not be moved. H4131

Psalms 112:6 STRONG

Surely he shall not be moved H4131 for ever: H5769 the righteous H6662 shall be in everlasting H5769 remembrance. H2143

Psalms 121:1-3 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 I will lift up H5375 mine eyes H5869 unto the hills, H2022 from whence H370 cometh H935 my help. H5828 My help H5828 cometh from the LORD, H3068 which made H6213 heaven H8064 and earth. H776 He will not suffer H5414 thy foot H7272 to be moved: H4132 he that keepeth H8104 thee will not slumber. H5123

Proverbs 12:3 STRONG

A man H120 shall not be established H3559 by wickedness: H7562 but the root H8328 of the righteous H6662 shall not be moved. H4131

Lamentations 1:16 STRONG

For these things I weep; H1058 mine eye, H5869 mine eye H5869 runneth down H3381 with water, H4325 because the comforter H5162 that should relieve H7725 my soul H5315 is far H7368 from me: my children H1121 are desolate, H8074 because the enemy H341 prevailed. H1396

Ezekiel 35:12-15 STRONG

And thou shalt know H3045 that I am the LORD, H3068 and that I have heard H8085 all thy blasphemies H5007 which thou hast spoken H559 against the mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 They are laid desolate, H8074 H8077 they are given H5414 us to consume. H402 Thus with your mouth H6310 ye have boasted H1431 against me, and have multiplied H6280 your words H1697 against me: I have heard H8085 them. Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 When the whole earth H776 rejoiceth, H8055 I will make H6213 thee desolate. H8077 As thou didst rejoice H8057 at the inheritance H5159 of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 because it was desolate, H8074 so will I do H6213 unto thee: thou shalt be desolate, H8077 O mount H2022 Seir, H8165 and all Idumea, H123 even all of it: and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 13

Commentary on Psalms 13 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Suppliant Cry of One Who Is Utterly Undone

The ירוּם of the personal cry with which David opens Psalms 13:1-6 harmonizes with כּרם of the general lament which he introduces into Psalms 12:1-8; and for this reason the collector has coupled these two Psalms together. Hitzig assigns Psalms 13:1-6 to the time when Saul posted watchers to hunt David from place to place, and when, having been long and unceasingly persecuted, David dared to cherish a hope of escaping death only by indefatigable vigilance and endurance. Perhaps this view is correct. The Psalm consists of three strophes, or if it be preferred, three groups of decreasing magnitude. A long deep sigh is followed, as from a relieved breast, by an already much more gentle and half calm prayer; and this again by the believing joy which anticipates the certainty of being answered. This song as it were casts up constantly lessening waves, until it becomes still as the sea when smooth as a mirror, and the only motion discernible at last is that of the joyous ripple of calm repose.

Verse 1-2

(Heb.: 13:2-3) The complicated question: till when, how long...for ever (as in Psalms 74:10; Psalms 79:5; Psalms 89:47), is the expression of a complicated condition of soul, in which, as Luther briefly and forcibly describes it, amidst the feeling of anguish under divine wrath “hope itself despairs and despair nevertheless begins to hope.” The self-contradiction of the question is to be explained by the conflict which is going on within between the flesh and the spirit. The dejected heart thinks: God has forgotten me for ever. But the spirit, which thrusts away this thought, changes it into a question which sets upon it the mark of a mere appearance not a reality: how long shall it seem as though Thou forgettest me for ever? It is in the nature of the divine wrath, that the feeling of it is always accompanied by an impression that it will last for ever; and consequently it becomes a foretaste of hell itself. But faith holds fast the love that is behind the wrath; it sees in the display of anger only a self-masking of the loving countenance of the God of love, and longs for the time when this loving countenance shall be again unveiled to it. Thrice does David send forth this cry of faith out of the inmost depths of his spirit. To place or set up contrivances, plans, or proposals in his soul, viz., as to the means by which he may be able to escape from this painful condition, is equivalent to, to make the soul the place of such thoughts, or the place where such thoughts are fabricated (cf. Proverbs 26:24). One such עצה chases the other in his soul, because he recognises the vanity of one after another as soon as they spring up. With respect to the יומם which follows, we must think of these cares as taking possession of his soul in the night time; for the night leaves a man alone with his affliction and makes it doubly felt by him. It cannot be proved from Ezekiel 30:16 (cf. Zephaniah 2:4 בּצּהרים ), that יומם like יום (Jeremiah 7:25, short for יום יום ) may mean “daily” (Ew. §313, a ). יומם does not mean this here, but is the antithesis to לילה which is to be supplied in thought in Psalms 13:3 . By night he proposes plan after plan, each one as worthless as the other; and by day, or all the day through, when he sees his distress with open eyes, sorrow ( יגון ) is in his heart, as it were, as the feeling the night leaves behind it and as the direct reflex of his helpless and hopeless condition. He is persecuted, and his foe is in the ascendant. רוּם is both to be exalted and to rise, raise one's self, i.e., to rise to position and arrogantly to assume dignity to one's self ( sich brüsten ). The strophe closes with ‛ad - āna which is used for the fourth time.

Verse 3-4

(Heb.: 13:4-5) In contrast to God's seeming to have forgotten him and to wish neither to see nor know anything of his need, he prays: הבּיטה (cf. Isaiah 63:15). In contrast to his being in perplexity what course to take and unable to help himself, he prays: ענני , answer me, who cry for help, viz., by the fulfilment of my prayer as a real, actual answer. In contrast to the triumphing of his foe: האירה עיני , in order that the triumph of his enemy may not be made complete by his dying. To lighten the eyes that are dimmed with sorrow and ready to break, is equivalent to, to impart new life (Ezra 9:8), which is reflected in the fresh clear brightness of the eye (1 Samuel 14:27, 1 Samuel 14:29). The lightening light, to which האיר points, is the light of love beaming from the divine countenance, Psalms 31:17. Light, love, and life are closely allied notions in the Scriptures. He, upon whom God looks down in love, continues in life, new powers of life are imparted to him, it is not his lot to sleep the death, i.e., the sleep of death, Jeremiah 51:39, Jeremiah 51:57, cf. Psalms 76:6. המּות is the accusative of effect or sequence: to sleep so that the sleep becomes death (lxx εἰς θάνατον ), Ew. §281, e. Such is the light of life for which he prays, in order that his foe may not be able at last to say יכלתּיו (with accusative object, as in Jeremiah 38:5) = יכלתּי לו , Psalms 129:2, Genesis 32:26, I am able for him, a match for him, I am superior to him, have gained the mastery over him. כּי , on account of the future which follows, had better be taken as temporal ( quum ) than as expressing the reason ( quod ), cf. בּמוט רגלי , Psalms 38:17.

Verse 5-6

(Heb.: 13:6) Three lines of joyous anticipation now follow the five of lament and four of prayer. By יאני he sets himself in opposition to his foes. The latter desire his death, but he trusts in the mercy of God, who will turn and terminate his affliction. בּטח בּ denotes faith as clinging fast to God, just as חסה בּ denotes it as confidence which hides itself in Him. The voluntative יגל pre-supposes the sure realisation of the hope. The perfect in Psalms 13:6 is to be properly understood thus: the celebration follows the fact that inspires him to song. גּמל על to do good to any one, as in Psalms 116:7; Psalms 119:17, cf. the radically cognate ( על ) גּמר Psalms 57:3. With the two iambics gamal‛alaj the song sinks to rest. In the storm-tossed soul of the suppliant all has now become calm. Though it rage without as much now as ever - peace reigns in the depth of his heart.