Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 61 » Verse 2

Psalms 61:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 From the end H7097 of the earth H776 will I cry H7121 unto thee, when my heart H3820 is overwhelmed: H5848 lead H5148 me to the rock H6697 that is higher H7311 than I.

Cross Reference

Psalms 77:3 STRONG

I remembered H2142 God, H430 and was troubled: H1993 I complained, H7878 and my spirit H7307 was overwhelmed. H5848 Selah. H5542

Psalms 18:2 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is my rock, H5553 and my fortress, H4686 and my deliverer; H6403 my God, H410 my strength, H6697 in whom I will trust; H2620 my buckler, H4043 and the horn H7161 of my salvation, H3468 and my high tower. H4869

Deuteronomy 4:29 STRONG

But if from thence thou shalt seek H1245 the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 thou shalt find H4672 him, if thou seek H1875 him with all thy heart H3824 and with all thy soul. H5315

Psalms 62:6 STRONG

He only is my rock H6697 and my salvation: H3444 he is my defence; H4869 I shall not be moved. H4131

Psalms 62:2 STRONG

He only is my rock H6697 and my salvation; H3444 he is my defence; H4869 I shall not be greatly H7227 moved. H4131

Isaiah 32:2 STRONG

And a man H376 shall be as an hiding place H4224 from the wind, H7307 and a covert H5643 from the tempest; H2230 as rivers H6388 of water H4325 in a dry place, H6724 as the shadow H6738 of a great H3515 rock H5553 in a weary H5889 land. H776

Psalms 142:3 STRONG

When my spirit H7307 was overwhelmed H5848 within me, then thou knewest H3045 my path. H5410 In the way H734 wherein H2098 I walked H1980 have they privily laid H2934 a snare H6341 for me.

Psalms 27:5 STRONG

For in the time H3117 of trouble H7451 he shall hide H6845 me in his pavilion: H5520 in the secret H5643 of his tabernacle H168 shall he hide H5641 me; he shall set me up H7311 upon a rock. H6697

Psalms 18:46 STRONG

The LORD H3068 liveth; H2416 and blessed H1288 be my rock; H6697 and let the God H430 of my salvation H3468 be exalted. H7311

Psalms 42:6 STRONG

O my God, H430 my soul H5315 is cast down H7817 within me: therefore will I remember H2142 thee from the land H776 of Jordan, H3383 and of the Hermonites, H2769 from the hill H2022 Mizar. H4706

Psalms 40:2 STRONG

He brought me up H5927 also out of an horrible H7588 pit, H953 out of the miry H3121 clay, H2916 and set H6965 my feet H7272 upon a rock, H5553 and established H3559 my goings. H838

Luke 22:44 STRONG

And G2532 being G1096 in G1722 an agony G74 he prayed G4336 more earnestly: G1617 and G1161 his G846 sweat G2402 was G1096 as it were G5616 great drops G2361 of blood G129 falling down G2597 to G1909 the ground. G1093

Mark 14:33-34 STRONG

And G2532 he taketh G3880 with G3326 him G1438 Peter G4074 and G2532 James G2385 and G2532 John, G2491 and G2532 began G756 to be sore amazed, G1568 and G2532 to be very heavy; G85 And G2532 saith G3004 unto them, G846 My G3450 soul G5590 is G2076 exceeding sorrowful G4036 unto G2193 death: G2288 tarry ye G3306 here, G5602 and G2532 watch. G1127

Jonah 2:2-4 STRONG

And said, H559 I cried H7121 by reason of mine affliction H6869 unto the LORD, H3068 and he heard H6030 me; out of the belly H990 of hell H7585 cried H7768 I, and thou heardest H8085 my voice. H6963 For thou hadst cast H7993 me into the deep, H4688 in the midst H3824 of the seas; H3220 and the floods H5104 compassed H5437 me about: all thy billows H4867 and thy waves H1530 passed over H5674 me. Then I said, H559 I am cast out H1644 of thy sight; H5869 yet I will look H5027 again H3254 toward thy holy H6944 temple. H1964

Isaiah 54:11 STRONG

O thou afflicted, H6041 tossed with tempest, H5590 and not comforted, H5162 behold, I will lay H7257 thy stones H68 with fair colours, H6320 and lay thy foundations H3245 with sapphires. H5601

Psalms 143:4 STRONG

Therefore is my spirit H7307 overwhelmed H5848 within me; my heart H3820 within H8432 me is desolate. H8074

Psalms 139:9-10 STRONG

If I take H5375 the wings H3671 of the morning, H7837 and dwell H7931 in the uttermost parts H319 of the sea; H3220 Even there shall thy hand H3027 lead H5148 me, and thy right hand H3225 shall hold H270 me.

Psalms 55:5 STRONG

Fearfulness H3374 and trembling H7461 are come H935 upon me, and horror H6427 hath overwhelmed H3680 me.

Psalms 43:5 STRONG

Why art thou cast down, H7817 O my soul? H5315 and why art thou disquieted H1993 within me? hope H3176 in God: H430 for I shall yet praise H3034 him, who is the health H3444 of my countenance, H6440 and my God. H430

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 61

Commentary on Psalms 61 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Prayer and Thanksgiving of an Expelled King on His Way Back to the Throne

The Davidic Michtammı̂m are now ended, and there follows a short Davidic song על־נגינת . Does this expression mean “with the accompaniment of stringed instruments?” Not strictly, for this is expressed by the inscription בּנגינות (Psalms 4:1, cf. Isaiah 30:29, Isaiah 30:32). But the formula may signify “upon the music of stringed instruments,” i.e., upon stringed instruments. And this is more probable than that נגינת is the beginning of a standard song. The termination ath is not necessarily the construct state. It was the original feminine termination; and the prevailing one in Phoenician.

Some expositors, like Köster, Ewald, Hitzig, and Olshausen, feel themselves here also bound, by reason of the לדוד of the inscription, to seek a place for this Psalm as far down as the Babylonian exile and the times of the Ptolemies and the Seleucidae. Hupfeld deals somewhat more kindly with the לדוד in this instance, and Böttcher ( De Inferis , p. 204) refutes the hypotheses set up in its stead in order finally to decide in favour of the idea that the king of whom the Psalm speaks is Cyrus - which is only another worthless bubble. We abide by the proudly ignored לדוד , and have as our reward a much more simple interpretation of the Psalm, without being obliged with Ewald to touch it up by means of a verse of one's own invention interwoven between Psalms 61:5 and Psalms 61:6. It is a Psalm of the time of Absalom, composed in Mahanaim or elsewhere in Gilead, when the army of the king had smitten the rebels in the wood of Ephraim. It consists of two parts of eight lines.

Verses 1-4

Hurled out of the land of the Lord in the more limited sense

(Note: Just as in Numbers 32:29. the country east of Jordan is excluded from the name “the land of Canaan” in the stricter sense, so by the Jewish mind it was regarded from the earliest time to a certain extent as a foreign country ( חוצה לארץ ), although inhabited by the two tribes and a half; so that not only is it said of Moses that he died in a foreign land, but even of Saul that he is buried in a foreign land ( Numeri Rabba , ch. viii. and elsewhere).)

into the country on the other side of the Jordan, David felt only as though he were banished to the extreme corner of the earth (not: of the land, cf. Psalms 46:10; Deuteronomy 28:49, and frequently), far from the presence of God (Hengstenberg). It is the feeling of homelessness and of separation from the abode of God by reason of which the distance, in itself so insignificant (just as was the case with the exiles later on), became to him immeasurably great. For he still continually needed God's helpful intervention; the enveloping, the veiling, the faintness of his heart still continues ( עטף , Arab. ‛tf , according to its radical signification: to bend and lay anything round so that it lies or draws over something else and covers it, here of a self-enveloping); a rock of difficulties still ever lies before him which is too high for his natural strength, for his human ability, therefore insurmountable. But he is of good courage: God will lead him up with a sure step, so that, removed from all danger, he will have rocky ground under his feet. He is of good courage, for God has already proved Himself to be a place of refuge to him, to be a strong tower, defying all attack, which enclosed him, the persecuted one, so that the enemy can gain no advantage over him (cf. Proverbs 18:10). He is already on the way towards his own country, and in fact his most dearly loved and proper home: he will or he has to (in accordance with the will of God) dwell (cf. the cohortative in Isaiah 38:10; Jeremiah 4:21) in God's tabernacle (vid., on Psalms 15:1) throughout aeons (an utterance which reminds one of the synchronous Psalms 23:6). With גּוּר is combined the idea of the divine protection (cf. Arabic ǵâr ollah , the charge or protegé of God, and Beduinic ǵaur , the protecting hearth; ǵawir , according to its form = גּר , one who flees for refuge to the hearth). A bold figure of this protection follows: he has to, or will trust, i.e., find refuge, beneath the protection of God's wings. During the time the tabernacle was still being moved from place to place we hear no such mention of dwelling in God's tabernacle or house. It was David who coined this expression for loving fellowship with the God of revelation, simultaneously with his preparation of a settled dwelling-place for the sacred Ark. In the Psalms that belong to the time of his persecution by Saul such an expression is not yet to be found; for in Psalms 52:7, when it is desired that Doeg may have the opposite of an eternal dwelling-place, it is not the sacred tent that is meant. We see also from its second part that this Psalms 61:1-8 does not belong to the time of Saul; for David does not speak here as one who has drawn very near to his kingly office (cf. Psalms 40:8), but as one who is entering upon a new stage in it.

Verses 5-8

The second part begins with a confirmation of the gracious purpose of God expressed in Psalms 61:5. David believes that he shall experience what he gives expression to in Psalms 61:5; for God has already practically shown him that neither his life nor his kingship shall come to an end yet; He has answered the prayers of His chosen one, that, blended with vows, resulted from the lowly, God-resigned spirit which finds expression in 2 Samuel 15:25., and He has given or delivered up to him the land which is his by inheritance, when threatened by the rebels as robbers, - the land to which those who fear the covenant God have a just claim. It is clear enough that the receivers are “those who fear the name of Jahve;” the genitive relation describes the ירשּׁה as belonging to them in opposition to those who had usurped it. Or does ירשּׁה here perhaps mean the same as ארשׁת in Psalms 21:3? Certainly not. נתן ירשּׁה ל is a customary phrase, the meaning of which, “to give anything to any one as his inheritance or as his own property,” is to be retained (e.g., Deuteronomy 2:19). God has acknowledged David's cause; the land of Israel is again wrested from those to whom it does not belong; and now begins a new era in the reign of its rightful king. In view of this the king prays, in Psalms 61:7, Psalms 61:8, that God would add another goodly portion to the duration of his life. The words sound like intercession, but the praying one is the same person as in Psalms 61:2-5. The expression מלכּא משׁיחא (the King Messiah) of the Targum shows to whom the church referred the word “king” after the extinction of the Davidic dynasty. The exalted tone of the wish expressed in Psalms 61:7 (cf. Joel 2:2) favours this without absolutely requiring it (cf. עולמים , Psalms 61:5, Psalms 21:5, and the royal salutation, 1 Kings 1:31; Daniel 2:4, and frequently). There ought (as also e.g., in Psalms 9:8) not to be any question whether ישׁב in Psalms 61:8 signifies “to sit enthroned,” or “to sit” = “to abide;” when the person spoken of is a king it means “to remain enthroned,” for with him a being settled down and continuous enthronement are coincident. מן in Psalms 61:8 is imperat. apoc. for מגּה (after the form הס , נס , צו ). The poet prays God to appoint mercy and truth as guardian angels to the king (Psalms 40:12, Proverbs 20:28, where out of pause it is צּרוּ ; cf. on the other hand Psalms 78:7; Proverbs 2:11; Proverbs 5:2). Since the poet himself is the king for whom he prays, the transition to the first person in v. 9 is perfectly natural. כּן signifies, as it always does, so or thus = in accordance therewith, corresponding to the fulfilment of these my petitions, thankfully responding to it. לשׁלּמי is the infinitive of the aim or purpose. Singing praise and accompanying it with music, he will make his whole life one continuous paying of vows.