Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 70 » Verse 1

Psalms 70:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 [[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm of David, H1732 to bring to remembrance.]] H2142 Make haste, O God, H430 to deliver H5337 me; make haste H2363 to help H5833 me, O LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Psalms 40:13-17 STRONG

Be pleased, H7521 O LORD, H3068 to deliver H5337 me: O LORD, H3068 make haste H2363 to help H5833 me. Let them be ashamed H954 and confounded H2659 together H3162 that seek H1245 after my soul H5315 to destroy H5595 it; let them be driven H5472 backward H268 and put to shame H3637 that wish H2655 me evil. H7451 Let them be desolate H8074 for a reward H6118 of their shame H1322 that say H559 unto me, Aha, H1889 aha. H1889 Let all those that seek H1245 thee rejoice H7797 and be glad H8055 in thee: let such as love H157 thy salvation H8668 say H559 continually, H8548 The LORD H3068 be magnified. H1431 But I am poor H6041 and needy; H34 yet the Lord H136 thinketh H2803 upon me: thou art my help H5833 and my deliverer; H6403 make no tarrying, H309 O my God. H430

Psalms 38:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm H4210 of David, H1732 to bring to remembrance.]] H2142 O LORD, H3068 rebuke H3198 me not in thy wrath: H7110 neither chasten H3256 me in thy hot displeasure. H2534

2 Samuel 17:1-21 STRONG

Moreover Ahithophel H302 said H559 unto Absalom, H53 Let me now choose out H977 twelve H8147 H6240 thousand H505 men, H376 and I will arise H6965 and pursue H7291 after H310 David H1732 this night: H3915 And I will come H935 upon him while he is weary H3023 and weak H7504 handed, H3027 and will make him afraid: H2729 and all the people H5971 that are with him shall flee; H5127 and I will smite H5221 the king H4428 only: And I will bring back H7725 all the people H5971 unto thee: the man H376 whom thou seekest H1245 is as if all returned: H7725 so all the people H5971 shall be in peace. H7965 And the saying H1697 pleased H3474 Absalom H53 well, H5869 and all the elders H2205 of Israel. H3478 Then said H559 Absalom, H53 Call H7121 now Hushai H2365 the Archite H757 also, and let us hear H8085 likewise what he saith. H6310 And when Hushai H2365 was come H935 to Absalom, H53 Absalom H53 spake H559 unto him, saying, H559 Ahithophel H302 hath spoken H1696 after this manner: H1697 shall we do H6213 after his saying? H1697 if not; speak H1696 thou. And Hushai H2365 said H559 unto Absalom, H53 The counsel H6098 that Ahithophel H302 hath given H3289 is not good H2896 at this time. H6471 For, said H559 Hushai, H2365 thou knowest H3045 thy father H1 and his men, H582 that they be mighty men, H1368 and they be chafed H4751 in their minds, H5315 as a bear H1677 robbed H7909 of her whelps in the field: H7704 and thy father H1 is a man H376 of war, H4421 and will not lodge H3885 with the people. H5971 Behold, he is hid H2244 now in some H259 pit, H6354 or in some H259 other place: H4725 and it will come to pass, when some of them be overthrown H5307 at the first, H8462 that whosoever H8085 heareth H8085 it will say, H559 There is a slaughter H4046 among the people H5971 that follow H310 Absalom. H53 And he also that is valiant, H1121 H2428 whose heart H3820 is as the heart H3820 of a lion, H738 shall utterly H4549 melt: H4549 for all Israel H3478 knoweth H3045 that thy father H1 is a mighty man, H1368 and they which be with him are valiant H2428 men. H1121 Therefore I counsel H3289 that all Israel H3478 be generally H622 gathered H622 unto thee, from Dan H1835 even to Beersheba, H884 as the sand H2344 that is by the sea H3220 for multitude; H7230 and that thou go H1980 to battle H7128 in thine own person. H6440 So shall we come H935 upon him in some H259 place H4725 where he shall be found, H4672 and we will light H5168 upon him as the dew H2919 falleth H5307 on the ground: H127 and of him and of all the men H582 that are with him there shall not be left H3498 so much as H1571 one. H259 Moreover, if H518 he be gotten H622 into a city, H5892 then shall all Israel H3478 bring H5375 ropes H2256 to that city, H5892 and we will draw H5498 it into the river, H5158 until there be not one H1571 small stone H6872 found H4672 there. And Absalom H53 and all the men H376 of Israel H3478 said, H559 The counsel H6098 of Hushai H2365 the Archite H757 is better H2896 than the counsel H6098 of Ahithophel. H302 For the LORD H3068 had appointed H6680 to defeat H6565 the good H2896 counsel H6098 of Ahithophel, H302 to the intent H5668 that the LORD H3068 might bring H935 evil H7451 upon Absalom. H53 Then said H559 Hushai H2365 unto Zadok H6659 and to Abiathar H54 the priests, H3548 Thus and thus did Ahithophel H302 counsel H3289 Absalom H53 and the elders H2205 of Israel; H3478 and thus and thus have I counselled. H3289 Now therefore send H7971 quickly, H4120 and tell H5046 David, H1732 saying, H559 Lodge H3885 not this night H3915 in the plains H6160 H5679 of the wilderness, H4057 but speedily H5674 pass over; H5674 lest the king H4428 be swallowed up, H1104 and all the people H5971 that are with him. Now Jonathan H3083 and Ahimaaz H290 stayed H5975 by Enrogel; H5883 for they might H3201 not be seen H7200 to come H935 into the city: H5892 and a wench H8198 went H1980 and told H5046 them; and they went H3212 and told H5046 king H4428 David. H1732 Nevertheless a lad H5288 saw H7200 them, and told H5046 Absalom: H53 but they went H3212 both H8147 of them away quickly, H4120 and came H935 to a man's H376 house H1004 in Bahurim, H980 which had a well H875 in his court; H2691 whither H8033 they went down. H3381 And the woman H802 took H3947 and spread H6566 a covering H4539 over the well's H875 mouth, H6440 and spread H7849 ground corn H7383 thereon; and the thing H1697 was not known. H3045 And when Absalom's H53 servants H5650 came H935 to the woman H802 to the house, H1004 they said, H559 Where is Ahimaaz H290 and Jonathan? H3083 And the woman H802 said H559 unto them, They be gone over H5674 the brook H4323 of water. H4325 And when they had sought H1245 and could not find H4672 them, they returned H7725 to Jerusalem. H3389 And it came to pass, after H310 they were departed, H3212 that they came up H5927 out of the well, H875 and went H3212 and told H5046 king H4428 David, H1732 and said H559 unto David, H1732 Arise, H6965 and pass quickly H4120 over H5674 the water: H4325 for thus hath Ahithophel H302 counselled H3289 against you.

Psalms 69:18 STRONG

Draw nigh H7126 unto my soul, H5315 and redeem H1350 it: deliver H6299 me because of mine enemies. H341

Psalms 71:12 STRONG

O God, H430 be not far H7368 from me: O my God, H430 make haste H2363 H2439 for my help. H5833

Psalms 143:7 STRONG

Hear H6030 me speedily, H4118 O LORD: H3068 my spirit H7307 faileth: H3615 hide H5641 not thy face H6440 from me, lest I be like H4911 unto them that go down H3381 into the pit. H953

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 70

Commentary on Psalms 70 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Cry of a Persecuted One for Help

This short Psalm, placed after Ps 69 on account of the kindred nature of its contents (cf. more especially v. 6 with Psalms 69:30), is, with but few deviations, a repetition of Psalms 40:14. This portion of the second half of Ps 40 is detached from it and converted into the Elohimic style. Concerning להזכּיר , at the presentation of the memorial portion of the mincha , vid., Psalms 38:1. It is obvious that David himself is not the author of the Psalm in this stunted form. The לדוד is moreover justified, if he composed the original Psalm which is here modified and appropriated to a special liturgical use.

Verses 1-3

We see at once at the very beginning, in the omission of the רצה (Psalms 40:14), that what we have here before us is a fragment of Ps 40, and perhaps a fragment that only accidentally came to have an independent existence. The להצּילני , which was under the government of רצה , now belongs to הוּשׁה , and the construction is without example elsewhere. In Psalms 70:3 (= Psalms 40:15) יחד and לספּותהּ are given up entirely; the original is more full-toned and soaring. Instead of ישׁמּוּ , torpescant , Psalms 70:4 has ישׁוּבוּ , recedant (as in Ps 6:11, cf. Psalms 9:18), which is all the more flat for coming after יסגו אחור . In Psalms 70:4 , after ויאמרים the לי , which cannot here (cf. on the contrary, Psalms 35:21) be dispensed with, is wanting.

Verse 4-5

ויאמרו instead of יאמרו is unimportant. But since the divine name Jahve is now for once chosen side by side with Elohim , it certainly had a strong claim to be retained in Psalms 70:5 . Instead of תּשׁועתך we have ישׁועתך here; instead of עזרתי , here עזרי . And instead of אדני יחשׁב לי we have here אלהים חוּשׁה־לּי - the hope is turned into petition: make haste unto me , is an innovation in expression that is caused by the taking over of the לי .