Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 90 » Verse 4

Psalms 90:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 For a thousand H505 years H8141 in thy sight H5869 are but as H3117 yesterday H865 when it is past, H5674 and as a watch H821 in the night. H3915

Cross Reference

2 Peter 3:8 STRONG

But, G1161 beloved, G27 be G2990 not G3361 G5209 ignorant G2990 of this one G1520 thing, G5124 that G3754 one G3391 day G2250 is with G3844 the Lord G2962 as G5613 a thousand G5507 years, G2094 and G2532 a thousand G5507 years G2094 as G5613 one G3391 day. G2250

Psalms 39:5 STRONG

Behold, thou hast made H5414 my days H3117 as an handbreadth; H2947 and mine age H2465 is as nothing before thee: verily every H3605 man H120 at his best state H5324 is altogether H3605 vanity. H1892 Selah. H5542

Judges 7:19 STRONG

So Gideon, H1439 and the hundred H3967 men H376 that were with him, came H935 unto the outside H7097 of the camp H4264 in the beginning H7218 of the middle H8484 watch; H821 and they had but H389 newly H6965 set H6965 the watch: H8104 and they blew H8628 the trumpets, H7782 and brake H5310 the pitchers H3537 that were in their hands. H3027

Matthew 14:25 STRONG

And G1161 in the fourth G5067 watch G5438 of the night G3571 Jesus G2424 went G565 unto G4314 them, G846 walking G4043 on G1909 the sea. G2281

Matthew 24:43 STRONG

But G1161 know G1097 this, G1565 that G3754 if G1487 the goodman of the house G3617 had known G1492 in what G4169 watch G5438 the thief G2812 would come, G2064 he would G302 have watched, G1127 and G2532 would G302 not G3756 have suffered G1439 his G846 house G3614 to be broken up. G1358

Luke 12:38 STRONG

And G2532 if G1437 he shall come G2064 in G1722 the second G1208 watch, G5438 or G2532 come G2064 in G1722 the third G5154 watch, G5438 and G2532 find G2147 them so, G3779 blessed G3107 are G1526 those G1565 servants. G1401

Commentary on Psalms 90 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 90:1-17. Contrasting man's frailty with God's eternity, the writer mourns over it as the punishment of sin, and prays for a return of the divine favor. A Prayer [mainly such] of Moses the man of God—(De 33:1; Jos 14:6); as such he wrote this (see on Ps 18:1, title, and Ps 36:1, title).

1. dwelling-place—home (compare Eze 11:16), as a refuge (De 33:27).

2. brought forth [and] formed—both express the idea of production by birth.

3. to destruction—literally, "even to dust" (Ge 3:19), which is partly quoted in the last clause.

4. Even were our days now a thousand years, as Adam's, our life would be but a moment in God's sight (2Pe 3:8).

a watch—or, third part of a night (compare Ex 14:24).

5, 6. Life is like grass, which, though changing under the influence of the night's dew, and flourishing in the morning, is soon cut down and withereth (Ps 103:15; 1Pe 1:24).

7, 8. For—A reason, this is the infliction of God's wrath.

troubled—literally, "confounded by terror" (Ps 2:5). Death is by sin (Ro 5:12). Though "secret," the light of God's countenance, as a candle, will bring sin to view (Pr 20:27; 1Co 4:5).

9. are passed—literally, "turn," as to depart (Jer 6:4).

spend—literally, "consume."

as a tale—literally, "a thought," or, "a sigh" (Eze 2:10).

10. Moses' life was an exception (De 34:7).

it is … cut off—or, "driven," as is said of the quails in using the same word (Nu 11:31). In view of this certain and speedy end, life is full of sorrow.

11. The whole verse may be read as a question implying the negative, "No one knows what Thy anger can do, and what Thy wrath is, estimated by a true piety."

12. This he prays we may know or understand, so as properly to number or appreciate the shortness of our days, that we may be wise.

13. (Compare Ps 13:2).

let it repent—a strong figure, as in Ex 32:12, imploring a change in His dealings.

14. early—promptly.

15. As have been our sorrows, so let our joys be great and long.

16. thy work—or, providential acts.

thy glory—(Ps 8:5; 45:3), the honor accruing from Thy work of mercy to us.

17. let the beauty—or sum of His gracious acts, in their harmony, be illustrated in us, and favor our enterprise.