Worthy.Bible » YLT » 2 Chronicles » Chapter 10 » Verse 13

2 Chronicles 10:13 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

13 And the king answereth them sharply, and king Rehoboam forsaketh the counsel of the aged men,

Cross Reference

Genesis 42:7 YLT

And Joseph seeth his brethren, and discerneth them, and maketh himself strange unto them, and speaketh with them sharp things, and saith unto them, `From whence have ye come?' and they say, `From the land of Canaan -- to buy food.'

Genesis 42:30 YLT

`The man, the lord of the land, hath spoken with us sharp things, and maketh us as spies of the land;

Exodus 10:28 YLT

and Pharaoh saith to him, `Go from me, take heed to thyself, add not to see my face, for in the day thou seest my face thou diest;'

1 Samuel 25:10-11 YLT

And Nabal answereth the servants of David and saith, `Who `is' David, and who the son of Jesse? to-day have servants been multiplied who are breaking away each from his master; and I have taken my bread, and my water, and my flesh, which I slaughtered for my shearers, and have given `it' to men whom I have not known whence they `are'!'

1 Kings 20:6-11 YLT

for if, at this time to-morrow, I send my servants unto thee then they have searched thy house, and the houses of thy servants, and it hath been, every desirable thing of thine eyes they place in their hand, and have taken away.' And the king of Israel calleth to all the elders of the land, and saith, `Know, I pray you, and see that evil this `one' is seeking, for he sent unto me for my wives, and for my sons, and for my silver, and for my gold, and I withheld not from him.' And all the elders and all the people say unto him, `Do not hearken, nor consent.' And he saith to the messengers of Ben-Hadad, `Say to my lord the king, All that thou didst send for unto thy servant at the first I do, and this thing I am not able to do;' and the messengers go and take him back word. And Ben-Hadad sendeth unto him, and saith, `Thus do the gods to me, and thus do they add, if the dust of Samaria suffice for handfuls for all the people who `are' at my feet.' And the king of Israel answereth and saith, `Speak ye: let not him who is girding on boast himself as him who is loosing `his armour'.'

2 Chronicles 10:8 YLT

And he forsaketh the counsel of the aged men that they counselled him, and consulteth with the lads who have grown up with him, those standing before him,

Proverbs 15:1 YLT

A soft answer turneth back fury, And a grievous word raiseth up anger.

Proverbs 19:27 YLT

Cease, my son, to hear instruction -- To err from sayings of knowledge.

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 10:1-15. Rehoboam Refusing the Old Men's Good Counsel.

1. Rehoboam went to Shechem—(See on 1Ki 12:1). This chapter is, with a few verbal alterations, the same as in 1Ki 12:1-19.

3. And they sent—rather, "for they had sent," &c. This is stated as the reason of Jeroboam's return from Egypt.

7. If thou be kind to this people, and please them, and speak good words to them—In the Book of Kings [1Ki 12:7], the words are, "If thou wilt be a servant unto this people, and wilt serve them." The meaning in both is the same, namely, If thou wilt make some reasonable concessions, redress their grievances, and restore their abridged liberties, thou wilt secure their strong and lasting attachment to thy person and government.

15-17. the king hearkened not unto the people, for the cause was of God—Rehoboam, in following an evil counsel, and the Hebrew people, in making a revolutionary movement, each acted as free agents, obeying their own will and passions. But God, who permitted the revolt of the northern tribes, intended it as a punishment of the house of David for Solomon's apostasy. That event demonstrates the immediate superintendence of His providence over the revolutions of kingdoms; and thus it affords an instance, similar to many other striking instances that are found in Scripture, of divine predictions, uttered long before, being accomplished by the operation of human passions, and in the natural course of events.