Worthy.Bible » YLT » Jeremiah » Chapter 17 » Verse 25

Jeremiah 17:25 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

25 Then entered by the gates of this city have kings and princes, Sitting on the throne of David, Riding in a chariot, and on horses, They, and their princes, the man of Judah, And inhabitants of Jerusalem, And this city hath remained to the age.

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 22:4 YLT

For, if ye certainly do this thing, Then come in by the gates of this house Have kings sitting for David on his throne, Riding on chariot, and on horses, He, and his servants, and his people.

Isaiah 9:7 YLT

To the increase of the princely power, And of peace, there is no end, On the throne of David, and on his kingdom, To establish it, and to support it, In judgment and in righteousness, Henceforth, even unto the age, The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts doth this.

Hebrews 12:22 YLT

But, ye came to Mount Zion, and to a city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of messengers,

Jeremiah 33:21 YLT

Also My covenant is broken with David My servant, So that he hath not a son reigning on his throne, And with the Levites the priests, My ministers.

Jeremiah 33:17 YLT

For thus said Jehovah: `Not cut off to David is one sitting on the throne of the house of Israel,

Jeremiah 33:15 YLT

In those days, and at that time, I cause to shoot up to David a shoot of righteousness, And he hath done judgment and righteousness in the earth.

2 Samuel 7:16 YLT

and stedfast `is' thy house and thy kingdom unto the age before thee, thy throne is established unto the age.'

Jeremiah 22:30 YLT

Thus said Jehovah: Write ye this man childless, A man -- he doth not prosper in his days, For none of his seed doth prosper, Sitting on the throne of David, And ruling again in Judah!

Luke 1:32-33 YLT

he shall be great, and Son of the Highest he shall be called, and the Lord God shall give him the throne of David his father, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob to the ages; and of his reign there shall be no end.'

Exodus 12:14 YLT

`And this day hath become to you a memorial, and ye have kept it a feast to Jehovah to your generations; -- a statute age-during; ye keep it a feast.

Jeremiah 13:13 YLT

And thou hast said unto them, `Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am filling all the inhabitants of this land, And the kings who sit for David on his throne, And the priests, and the prophets, And all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, `With' drunkenness,

Psalms 132:11-14 YLT

Jehovah hath sworn truth to David, He turneth not back from it: Of the fruit of thy body, I set on the throne for thee. If thy sons keep My covenant, And My testimonies that I teach them, Their sons also for ever and ever, Do sit on the throne for thee. For Jehovah hath fixed on Zion, He hath desired `it' for a seat to Himself, This `is' My rest for ever and ever, Here do I sit, for I have desired it.

Psalms 89:29-37 YLT

And I have set his seed for ever, And his throne as the days of the heavens. If his sons forsake My law, And in My judgments do not walk; If My statutes they pollute, And My commands do not keep, I have looked after with a rod their transgression, And with strokes their iniquity, And My kindness I break not from him, Nor do I deal falsely in My faithfulness. I profane not My covenant, And that which is going forth from My lips I change not. Once I have sworn by My holiness, I lie not to David, His seed is to the age, And his throne `is' as the sun before Me, As the moon it is established -- to the age, And the witness in the sky is stedfast. Selah.

1 Kings 9:4-5 YLT

`And thou -- if thou dost walk before Me as David thy father walked, in simplicity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee -- My statutes and My judgments thou dost keep -- then I have established the throne of thy kingdom over Israel -- to the age, as I spake unto David thy father, saying, There is not cut off to thee a man from `being' on the throne of Israel.

2 Samuel 8:4 YLT

and David captureth from him a thousand and seven hundred horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen, and David destroyeth utterly the whole of the charioteers, only he leaveth of them a hundred charioteers.

1 Samuel 8:11 YLT

and saith, `This is the custom of the king who doth reign over you: Your sons he doth take, and hath appointed for himself among his chariots, and among his horsemen, and they have run before his chariots;

Deuteronomy 17:16 YLT

`Only, he doth not multiply to himself horses, nor cause the people to turn back to Egypt, so as to multiply horses, seeing Jehovah hath said to you, Ye do not add to turn back in this way any more.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Jeremiah 17

Commentary on Jeremiah 17 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-4

Judah's sin is ineffaceably stamped upon the hearts of the people and on their altars. These four verses are closely connected with the preceding, and show why it is necessary that Judah be cast forth amidst the heathen, by reason of its being perfectly stepped in idolatry. Jeremiah 17:1. "The sin of Judah is written with an iron pen, with the point of a diamond graven on the table of their hearts and on the horns of your altars. Jeremiah 17:2 . As they remember their children, so do they their altars and their Astartes by the green tree upon the high hills. Jeremiah 17:3 . My mountain in the field, thy substance, all thy treasures give I for a prey, thy high places for sin in all thy borders. Jeremiah 17:4 . And thou shalt discontinue, and that of thine own self, from thine inheritance that I gave thee, and I cause thee to serve thine enemies in a land which thou knowest not; for a fire have ye kindled in mine anger, for ever it burneth."